
98 lines
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HMDL Export Blender Addon
By Jack Andersen <>
This file defines the `hmdl_skin` class to iteratively construct
a Skinning Info Section for HMDL files. Used by draw-format
generators to select an optimal skin entry for a draw primitive,
or have a new one established.
import struct
import bpy
class hmdl_skin:
# Set up with HMDL containing ARMATURE `object`
def __init__(self, max_bone_count, vertex_groups):
self.max_bone_count = max_bone_count
self.mesh_vertex_groups = vertex_groups
self.bone_arrays = []
# Augment bone array with loop vert and return weight array
# Returns 'None' if bone overflow
def augment_bone_array_with_lv(self, mesh_data, bone_array, loop_vert):
vertex = mesh_data.vertices[loop_vert[0].loop.vertex_index]
# Loop-vert weight array
weight_array = []
for i in range(len(bone_array)):
# Tentative bone additions
new_bones = []
# Determine which bones (vertex groups) belong to loop_vert
for group_elem in vertex.groups:
vertex_group = self.mesh_vertex_groups[]
if not in bone_array:
# Detect bone overflow
if len(bone_array) + len(new_bones) >= self.max_bone_count:
return None
# Add to array otherwise
# Record bone weight
# Record bone weight
weight_array[bone_array.index(] = group_elem.weight
# If we get here, no overflows; augment bone array and return weight array
return weight_array
# Augment triangle-strip bone array to rigging info
def augment_skin(self, bone_array):
if bone_array not in self.bone_arrays:
return (len(self.bone_arrays)-1)
return self.bone_arrays.index(bone_array)
# Generate Rigging Info structure (call after all index-buffers generated)
def generate_rigging_info(self, bone_dict, endian_char):
skin_entries = []
for bone_array in self.bone_arrays:
skin_bytes = bytearray()
skin_bytes += struct.pack(endian_char + 'I', len(bone_array))
for bone in bone_array:
skin_bytes += struct.pack(endian_char + 'I', bone_dict[bone])
# Generate skinning data
info_bytes = bytearray()
info_bytes += struct.pack(endian_char + 'I', len(skin_entries))
cur_offset = len(skin_entries) * 4 + 4
for entry in skin_entries:
info_bytes += struct.pack(endian_char + 'I', cur_offset)
cur_offset += len(entry)
for entry in skin_entries:
info_bytes += entry
return info_bytes