
301 lines
10 KiB

#include <utility>
#include "SpecBase.hpp"
#include "DNAMP2/DNAMP2.hpp"
namespace Retro
static LogVisor::LogModule Log("Retro::SpecMP2");
extern HECL::Database::DataSpecEntry SpecEntMP2;
struct SpecMP2 : SpecBase
bool checkStandaloneID(const char* id) const
if (!memcmp(id, "G2M", 3))
return true;
return false;
std::vector<const NOD::DiscBase::IPartition::Node*> m_nonPaks;
std::vector<DNAMP2::PAKBridge> m_paks;
std::map<std::string, DNAMP2::PAKBridge*, CaseInsensitiveCompare> m_orderedPaks;
HECL::ProjectPath m_workPath;
HECL::ProjectPath m_cookPath;
PAKRouter<DNAMP2::PAKBridge> m_pakRouter;
SpecMP2(HECL::Database::Project& project)
: SpecBase(project),
m_workPath(project.getProjectRootPath(), _S("MP2")),
m_cookPath(project.getProjectCookedPath(SpecEntMP2), _S("MP2")),
m_pakRouter(*this, m_workPath, m_cookPath) {}
void buildPaks(NOD::DiscBase::IPartition::Node& root,
const std::vector<HECL::SystemString>& args,
ExtractReport& rep)
for (const NOD::DiscBase::IPartition::Node& child : root)
bool isPak = false;
const std::string& name = child.getName();
std::string lowerName = name;
std::transform(lowerName.begin(), lowerName.end(), lowerName.begin(), tolower);
if (name.size() > 4)
std::string::iterator extit = lowerName.end() - 4;
if (!std::string(extit, lowerName.end()).compare(".pak"))
/* This is a pak */
isPak = true;
std::string lowerBase(lowerName.begin(), extit);
/* Needs filter */
bool good = true;
if (args.size())
good = false;
if (!, 7, "metroid"))
HECL::SystemChar idxChar = lowerName[7];
for (const HECL::SystemString& arg : args)
if (arg.size() == 1 && iswdigit(arg[0]))
if (arg[0] == idxChar)
good = true;
good = true;
if (!good)
for (const HECL::SystemString& arg : args)
std::string lowerArg = HECL::WideToUTF8(arg);
std::string lowerArg = arg;
std::transform(lowerArg.begin(), lowerArg.end(), lowerArg.begin(), tolower);
if (!, lowerBase.size(), lowerBase))
good = true;
m_paks.emplace_back(m_project, child, good);
if (!isPak)
/* Sort PAKs alphabetically */
for (DNAMP2::PAKBridge& dpak : m_paks)
m_orderedPaks[dpak.getName()] = &dpak;
/* Assemble extract report */
for (const std::pair<std::string, DNAMP2::PAKBridge*>& item : m_orderedPaks)
if (!item.second->m_doExtract)
ExtractReport& childRep = rep.childOpts.back();
HECL::SystemStringView nameView(item.first); = nameView;
childRep.desc = item.second->getLevelString();
bool checkFromStandaloneDisc(NOD::DiscBase& disc,
const HECL::SystemString& regstr,
const std::vector<HECL::SystemString>& args,
std::vector<ExtractReport>& reps)
NOD::DiscGCN::IPartition* partition = disc.getDataPartition();
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> dolBuf = partition->getDOLBuf();
const char* buildInfo = (char*)memmem(dolBuf.get(), partition->getDOLSize(), "MetroidBuildInfo", 16) + 19;
if (!buildInfo)
return false;
/* Root Report */
ExtractReport& rep = reps.back(); = _S("MP2");
rep.desc = _S("Metroid Prime 2 ") + regstr;
std::string buildStr(buildInfo);
HECL::SystemStringView buildView(buildStr);
rep.desc += _S(" (") + buildView + _S(")");
/* Iterate PAKs and build level options */
NOD::DiscBase::IPartition::Node& root = partition->getFSTRoot();
buildPaks(root, args, rep);
return true;
bool checkFromTrilogyDisc(NOD::DiscBase& disc,
const HECL::SystemString& regstr,
const std::vector<HECL::SystemString>& args,
std::vector<ExtractReport>& reps)
std::vector<HECL::SystemString> mp2args;
bool doExtract = false;
if (args.size())
/* Needs filter */
for (const HECL::SystemString& arg : args)
HECL::SystemString lowerArg = arg;
if (!, 3, _S("mp2")))
doExtract = true;
size_t slashPos = arg.find(_S('/'));
if (slashPos == HECL::SystemString::npos)
slashPos = arg.find(_S('\\'));
if (slashPos != HECL::SystemString::npos)
mp2args.emplace_back(HECL::SystemString(arg.begin() + slashPos + 1, arg.end()));
doExtract = true;
if (!doExtract)
return false;
NOD::DiscGCN::IPartition* partition = disc.getDataPartition();
NOD::DiscBase::IPartition::Node& root = partition->getFSTRoot();
NOD::DiscBase::IPartition::Node::DirectoryIterator dolIt = root.find("rs5mp2_p.dol");
if (dolIt == root.end())
return false;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> dolBuf = dolIt->getBuf();
const char* buildInfo = (char*)memmem(dolBuf.get(), dolIt->size(), "MetroidBuildInfo", 16) + 19;
/* Root Report */
ExtractReport& rep = reps.back(); = _S("MP2");
rep.desc = _S("Metroid Prime 2 ") + regstr;
if (buildInfo)
std::string buildStr(buildInfo);
HECL::SystemStringView buildView(buildStr);
rep.desc += _S(" (") + buildView + _S(")");
/* Iterate PAKs and build level options */
NOD::DiscBase::IPartition::Node::DirectoryIterator mp2It = root.find("MP2");
if (mp2It == root.end())
return false;
buildPaks(*mp2It, mp2args, rep);
return true;
bool extractFromDisc(NOD::DiscBase&, bool force, FExtractProgress progress)
NOD::ExtractionContext ctx = {true, force, nullptr};
progress(_S("Indexing PAKs"), _S(""), 2, 0.0);, [&progress](float factor)
progress(_S("Indexing PAKs"), _S(""), 2, factor);
progress(_S("Indexing PAKs"), _S(""), 2, 1.0);
progress(_S("MP2 Root"), _S(""), 3, 0.0);
int prog = 0;
ctx.progressCB = [&](const std::string& name) {
HECL::SystemStringView nameView(name);
progress(_S("MP2 Root"), nameView.sys_str().c_str(), 3, prog / (float)m_nonPaks.size());
for (const NOD::DiscBase::IPartition::Node* node : m_nonPaks)
node->extractToDirectory(m_workPath.getAbsolutePath(), ctx);
progress(_S("MP2 Root"), _S(""), 3, 1.0);
const HECL::ProjectPath& cookPath = m_project.getProjectCookedPath(SpecEntMP2);
int compIdx = 4;
prog = 0;
for (std::pair<std::string, DNAMP2::PAKBridge*> pair : m_orderedPaks)
DNAMP2::PAKBridge& pak = *pair.second;
if (!pak.m_doExtract)
const std::string& name = pak.getName();
HECL::SystemStringView sysName(name);
progress(sysName.sys_str().c_str(), _S(""), compIdx, 0.0);
m_pakRouter.extractResources(pak, force,
[&progress, &sysName, &compIdx](const HECL::SystemChar* substr, float factor)
progress(sysName.sys_str().c_str(), substr, compIdx, factor);
progress(sysName.sys_str().c_str(), _S(""), compIdx++, 1.0);
return true;
bool checkFromProject()
return false;
bool readFromProject()
return false;
bool visitGameObjects(std::function<bool(const HECL::Database::ObjectBase&)>)
return false;
struct LevelSpec : public ILevelSpec
bool visitLevelObjects(std::function<bool(const HECL::Database::ObjectBase&)>)
return false;
struct AreaSpec : public IAreaSpec
bool visitAreaObjects(std::function<bool(const HECL::Database::ObjectBase&)>)
return false;
bool visitAreas(std::function<bool(const IAreaSpec&)>)
return false;
bool visitLevels(std::function<bool(const ILevelSpec&)>)
return false;
HECL::Database::DataSpecEntry SpecEntMP2
_S("Data specification for original Metroid Prime 2 engine"),
[](HECL::Database::Project& project, HECL::Database::DataSpecTool)
-> HECL::Database::IDataSpec* {return new struct SpecMP2(project);}