
325 lines
12 KiB

#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "DataSpec/DNACommon/CMDL.hpp"
#include "DataSpec/DNAMP1/CMDLMaterials.hpp"
#include "Runtime/CFactoryMgr.hpp"
#include "Runtime/CToken.hpp"
#include "Runtime/RetroTypes.hpp"
#include "Runtime/Graphics/CTexture.hpp"
#include "Runtime/Graphics/Shaders/CModelShaders.hpp"
#include "hecl/HMDLMeta.hpp"
#include "zeus/CAABox.hpp"
#include "zeus/CColor.hpp"
namespace urde {
class CLight;
class CModel;
class CPoseAsTransforms;
class CSkinRules;
class IObjectStore;
struct CModelFlags {
u8 x0_blendMode = 0; /* 2: add color, >6: additive, >4: blend, else opaque */
u8 x1_matSetIdx = 0;
EPostType m_postType = EPostType::Normal;
EExtendedShader m_extendedShader = EExtendedShader::Lighting;
bool m_noCull = false;
bool m_noZWrite = false;
bool m_depthGreater = false;
u16 x2_flags = 0; /* Flags */
zeus::CColor x4_color; /* Set into kcolor slot specified by material */
zeus::CColor addColor = zeus::skClear;
zeus::CAABox mbShadowBox;
constexpr CModelFlags() = default;
constexpr CModelFlags(u8 blendMode, u8 shadIdx, u16 flags, const zeus::CColor& col)
: x0_blendMode(blendMode), x1_matSetIdx(shadIdx), x2_flags(flags), x4_color(col) {
/* Blend mode will override this if the surface's original material is opaque */
m_noZWrite = (x2_flags & 0x2) == 0;
m_depthGreater = (x2_flags & 0x8) != 0;
/* Flags
0x1: depth equal
0x2: depth update
0x4: render without texture lock
0x8: depth greater
0x10: depth non-inclusive
bool operator==(const CModelFlags& other) const {
return x0_blendMode == other.x0_blendMode && x1_matSetIdx == other.x1_matSetIdx && x2_flags == other.x2_flags &&
x4_color == other.x4_color;
bool operator!=(const CModelFlags& other) const { return !operator==(other); }
/* urde addition: doesn't require hacky stashing of
* pointers within loaded CMDL buffer */
struct CBooSurface {
DataSpec::DNACMDL::SurfaceHeader_2 m_data;
size_t selfIdx;
class CBooModel* m_parent = nullptr;
CBooSurface* m_next = nullptr;
zeus::CAABox GetBounds() const {
if (!m_data.aabbSz)
return zeus::CAABox(m_data.centroid, m_data.centroid);
return zeus::CAABox(m_data.aabb[0], m_data.aabb[1]);
using MaterialSet = DataSpec::DNAMP1::HMDLMaterialSet;
struct GeometryUniformLayout {
mutable std::vector<hsh::dynamic_owner<hsh::uniform_buffer_typeless>> m_sharedBuffer;
size_t m_geomBufferSize = 0;
size_t m_skinBankCount = 0;
size_t m_weightVecCount = 0;
std::vector<size_t> m_skinOffs;
std::vector<size_t> m_skinSizes;
std::vector<size_t> m_uvOffs;
std::vector<size_t> m_uvSizes;
GeometryUniformLayout(const CModel* model, const MaterialSet* matSet);
void Update(const CModelFlags& flags, const CSkinRules* cskr, const CPoseAsTransforms* pose,
const MaterialSet* matSet, hsh::dynamic_owner<hsh::uniform_buffer_typeless>& buf,
const CBooModel* parent) const;
hsh::dynamic_owner<hsh::uniform_buffer_typeless> AllocateVertUniformBuffer() const;
void ReserveSharedBuffers(size_t size);
hsh::dynamic_owner<hsh::uniform_buffer_typeless>& GetSharedBuffer(size_t idx) const;
struct SShader {
std::unordered_map<CAssetId, TCachedToken<CTexture>> x0_textures;
MaterialSet m_matSet;
std::optional<GeometryUniformLayout> m_geomLayout;
int m_matSetIdx;
explicit SShader(int idx) : m_matSetIdx(idx) {
void InitializeLayout(const CModel* model) { m_geomLayout.emplace(model, &m_matSet); }
void UnlockTextures();
struct VertexFormat {
uint8_t NSkinSlots;
uint8_t NCol;
uint8_t NUv;
uint8_t NWeight;
explicit VertexFormat(const hecl::HMDLMeta& meta)
: NSkinSlots(meta.weightCount * 4), NCol(meta.colorCount), NUv(meta.uvCount), NWeight(meta.weightCount) {}
class CBooModel {
friend class CBooRenderer;
friend class CGameArea;
friend class CMetroidModelInstance;
friend class CModel;
friend class CSkinnedModel;
friend struct GeometryUniformLayout;
friend class CModelShaders;
enum class ESurfaceSelection { UnsortedOnly, SortedOnly, All };
CBooModel* m_next = nullptr;
CBooModel* m_prev = nullptr;
size_t m_uniUpdateCount = 0;
TToken<CModel> m_modelTok;
CModel* m_model;
std::vector<CBooSurface>* x0_surfaces;
const MaterialSet* x4_matSet;
const GeometryUniformLayout* m_geomLayout;
VertexFormat m_vtxFmt;
int m_matSetIdx = -1;
std::unordered_map<CAssetId, TCachedToken<CTexture>> x1c_textures;
zeus::CAABox x20_aabb;
CBooSurface* x38_firstUnsortedSurface = nullptr;
CBooSurface* x3c_firstSortedSurface = nullptr;
bool x40_24_texturesLoaded : 1 = false;
bool x40_25_modelVisible : 1 = false;
u8 x41_mask;
u32 x44_areaInstanceIdx = UINT32_MAX;
struct UVAnimationBuffer {
static void ProcessAnimation(u8*& bufOut, const MaterialSet::Material::PASS& anim);
static void PadOutBuffer(u8*& bufStart, u8*& bufOut);
static void Update(u8*& bufOut, const MaterialSet* matSet, const CModelFlags& flags, const CBooModel* parent);
CModelShaders::LightingUniform m_lightingData;
/* urde addition: boo! */
size_t m_uniformDataSize = 0;
struct ModelInstance {
hsh::dynamic_owner<hsh::uniform_buffer_typeless> m_geomUniformBuffer;
hsh::dynamic_owner<hsh::uniform_buffer_typeless> m_uniformBuffer;
std::vector<std::vector<hsh::binding>> m_shaderDataBindings;
hsh::dynamic_owner<hsh::vertex_buffer_typeless> m_dynamicVbo;
hsh::vertex_buffer_typeless GetBooVBO(const CBooModel& model);
std::vector<ModelInstance> m_instances;
ModelInstance m_ballShadowInstance;
hsh::vertex_buffer_typeless m_staticVbo;
hsh::index_buffer<u32> m_staticIbo;
hsh::texture2d m_lastDrawnShadowMap;
hsh::texture2d m_lastDrawnOneTexture;
hsh::texturecube m_lastDrawnReflectionCube;
ModelInstance* PushNewModelInstance(int sharedLayoutBuf = -1);
void DrawAlphaSurfaces(const CModelFlags& flags) const;
void DrawNormalSurfaces(const CModelFlags& flags) const;
void DrawSurfaces(const CModelFlags& flags) const;
void DrawSurface(const CBooSurface& surf, const CModelFlags& flags) const;
void WarmupDrawSurfaces() const;
void WarmupDrawSurface(const CBooSurface& surf) const;
static inline zeus::CVector3f g_PlayerPosition;
static inline float g_ModSeconds = 0.0f;
static inline float g_TransformedTime = 0.0f;
static inline float g_TransformedTime2 = 0.0f;
static inline CBooModel* g_LastModelCached = nullptr;
static inline bool g_DummyTextures = false;
static inline bool g_RenderModelBlack = false;
CBooModel(TToken<CModel>& token, CModel* parent, std::vector<CBooSurface>* surfaces, SShader& shader,
hsh::vertex_buffer_typeless vbo,
hsh::index_buffer<u32> ibo,
const zeus::CAABox& aabb, u8 renderMask, int numInsts);
static void MakeTexturesFromMats(const MaterialSet& matSet,
std::unordered_map<CAssetId, TCachedToken<CTexture>>& toksOut,
IObjectStore& store);
void MakeTexturesFromMats(std::unordered_map<CAssetId, TCachedToken<CTexture>>& toksOut, IObjectStore& store);
bool IsOpaque() const { return x3c_firstSortedSurface == nullptr; }
void ActivateLights(const std::vector<CLight>& lights);
void SetAmbientColor(const zeus::CColor& color) { m_lightingData.ambient = color; }
void DisableAllLights();
void RemapMaterialData(SShader& shader);
bool TryLockTextures();
void UnlockTextures();
void SyncLoadTextures();
void Touch(int shaderIdx);
void VerifyCurrentShader(int shaderIdx);
hsh::dynamic_owner<hsh::vertex_buffer_typeless>* UpdateUniformData(const CModelFlags& flags, const CSkinRules* cskr,
const CPoseAsTransforms* pose, int sharedLayoutBuf = -1);
void DrawAlpha(const CModelFlags& flags, const CSkinRules* cskr, const CPoseAsTransforms* pose);
void DrawNormal(const CModelFlags& flags, const CSkinRules* cskr, const CPoseAsTransforms* pose);
void Draw(const CModelFlags& flags, const CSkinRules* cskr, const CPoseAsTransforms* pose);
void DrawFlat(ESurfaceSelection sel, EExtendedShader extendedIdx) const;
void LockParent() { m_modelTok.Lock(); }
void UnlockParent() { m_modelTok.Unlock(); }
const MaterialSet::Material& GetMaterialByIndex(int idx) const { return x4_matSet->; }
void ClearUniformCounter() { m_uniUpdateCount = 0; }
static void ClearModelUniformCounters();
static inline bool g_DrawingOccluders = false;
static void SetDrawingOccluders(bool occ) { g_DrawingOccluders = occ; }
static void SetNewPlayerPositionAndTime(const zeus::CVector3f& pos);
static inline zeus::CVector3f g_ReflectViewPos;
static void KillCachedViewDepState();
static void EnsureViewDepStateCached(const CBooModel& model, const CBooSurface* surf, zeus::CMatrix4f* mtxsOut,
float& alphaOut);
static hsh::texture2d g_shadowMap;
static zeus::CTransform g_shadowTexXf;
static void EnableShadowMaps(hsh::texture2d map, const zeus::CTransform& texXf);
static void DisableShadowMaps();
static hsh::texture2d g_disintegrateTexture;
static void SetDisintegrateTexture(hsh::texture2d map) { g_disintegrateTexture = map; }
static hsh::texturecube g_reflectionCube;
static void SetReflectionCube(hsh::texturecube map) { g_reflectionCube = map; }
static void SetDummyTextures(bool b) { g_DummyTextures = b; }
static void SetRenderModelBlack(bool b) { g_RenderModelBlack = b; }
static void Shutdown();
const zeus::CAABox& GetAABB() const { return x20_aabb; }
class CModel {
friend class CBooModel;
friend struct GeometryUniformLayout;
// std::unique_ptr<u8[]> x0_data;
// u32 x4_dataLen;
TToken<CModel> m_selfToken; /* DO NOT LOCK! */
zeus::CAABox m_aabb;
u32 m_flags;
std::vector<CBooSurface> x8_surfaces;
std::vector<SShader> x18_matSets;
std::unique_ptr<CBooModel> x28_modelInst;
// CModel* x30_next = nullptr;
// CModel* x34_prev = nullptr;
int x38_lastFrame;
/* urde addition: boo2! */
hsh::owner<hsh::vertex_buffer_typeless> m_staticVbo;
hecl::HMDLMeta m_hmdlMeta;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> m_dynamicVertexData;
hsh::owner<hsh::index_buffer<u32>> m_ibo;
using MaterialSet = DataSpec::DNAMP1::HMDLMaterialSet;
CModel(std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& in, u32 dataLen, IObjectStore* store, CObjectReference* selfRef);
void DrawSortedParts(const CModelFlags& flags) const;
void DrawUnsortedParts(const CModelFlags& flags) const;
void Draw(const CModelFlags& flags) const;
bool IsLoaded(int shaderIdx) const;
void Touch(int shaderIdx) { x28_modelInst->Touch(shaderIdx); }
const zeus::CAABox& GetAABB() const { return m_aabb; }
CBooModel& GetInstance() { return *x28_modelInst; }
const CBooModel& GetInstance() const { return *x28_modelInst; }
std::unique_ptr<CBooModel> MakeNewInstance(int shaderIdx, int subInsts, bool lockParent = true);
void UpdateLastFrame() const { const_cast<CModel&>(*this).x38_lastFrame = CGraphics::GetFrameCounter(); }
u32 GetNumMaterialSets() const { return x18_matSets.size(); }
size_t GetPoolVertexOffset(size_t idx) const;
zeus::CVector3f GetPoolVertex(size_t idx) const;
size_t GetPoolNormalOffset(size_t idx) const;
zeus::CVector3f GetPoolNormal(size_t idx) const;
void ApplyVerticesCPU(hsh::owner<hsh::vertex_buffer_typeless>& vertBuf,
const std::vector<std::pair<zeus::CVector3f, zeus::CVector3f>>& vn) const;
void RestoreVerticesCPU(hsh::owner<hsh::vertex_buffer_typeless>& vertBuf) const;
void _WarmupShaders();
static void WarmupShaders(const SObjectTag& cmdlTag);
const uint8_t* GetDynamicVertexData() const { return m_dynamicVertexData.get(); }
const hecl::HMDLMeta& GetHMDLMeta() const { return m_hmdlMeta; }
CFactoryFnReturn FModelFactory(const urde::SObjectTag& tag, std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& in, u32 len,
const urde::CVParamTransfer& vparms, CObjectReference* selfRef);
} // namespace urde