
115 lines
3.7 KiB

#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
namespace metaforce {
class CInputStream;
class CStringExtras {
static std::string ConvertToANSI(std::u16string_view sv);
static std::u16string ConvertToUNICODE(std::string_view sv);
// Metaforce addition: UTF-8/16 compatible versions of the above
static std::string ConvertToUTF8(std::u16string_view sv);
static std::u16string ConvertToUTF16(std::string_view sv);
// Checks if the provided views into string data can be considered equal or not based on
// whether or not all their characters are equal to one another in a character insensitive manner.
// NOTE: This differs slightly from the actual version of this function within the game executable
// in order to better accomodate string views and potentially non-null-terminated string data.
// In the game executable, the function essentially behaves like strcasecmp in that it returns
// an int indicating whether or not the first argument is less than, equal to,
// or greater than the second argument. Given no usages in the code depend on the less than or
// greater than cases, but rather just care about whether or not the strings are equal to one
// another, this is a safe change to make.
static bool CompareCaseInsensitive(std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
return std::equal(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(), b.end(),
[](char lhs, char rhs) { return std::tolower(lhs) == std::tolower(rhs); });
static int IndexOfSubstring(std::string_view haystack, std::string_view needle) {
std::string str(haystack);
std::transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(),
[](char c) { return std::tolower(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)); });
const std::string::size_type s = str.find(needle);
if (s == std::string::npos) {
return -1;
return s;
static inline void ToLower(std::string& str) { std::transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(), ::tolower); }
static std::string ReadString(CInputStream& in);
static inline bool ParseBool(std::string_view boolean, bool* valid) {
std::string val(boolean);
// compare must be case insensitive
// This is the cleanest solution since I only need to do it once
// Check for true first
if (val == "true" || val == "1" || val == "yes" || val == "on") {
if (valid)
*valid = true;
return true;
// Now false
if (val == "false" || val == "0" || val == "no" || val == "off") {
if (valid)
*valid = true;
return false;
// Well that could've gone better
if (valid)
*valid = false;
return false;
static inline std::vector<std::string>& Split(std::string_view s, char delim, std::vector<std::string>& elems) {
std::string tmps(s);
std::stringstream ss(tmps);
std::string item;
while (std::getline(ss, item, delim)) {
return elems;
static inline std::vector<std::string> Split(std::string_view s, char delim) {
std::vector<std::string> elems;
Split(s, delim, elems);
return elems;
static inline std::string LeftTrim(const std::string &s)
size_t start = s.find_first_not_of(" \n\r\t\f\v");
return (start == std::string::npos) ? "" : s.substr(start);
static inline std::string RightTrim(const std::string &s)
size_t end = s.find_last_not_of(" \n\r\t\f\v");
return (end == std::string::npos) ? "" : s.substr(0, end + 1);
static inline std::string Trim(const std::string &s) {
return RightTrim(LeftTrim(s));
} // namespace metaforce