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#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "HECL.hpp"
namespace HECLDatabase
class IProject;
* @brief Generic Database Object Class
* This abstract base-class is a typeless object node for entities in an
* underlying database.
class IDataObject
* @brief Data-key of object
* @return Primary key
virtual int64_t id() const=0;
* @brief FourCC type of object
* @return FourCC type
virtual const HECL::FourCC& type() const=0;
* @brief Data-hash of object
* @return Object hash truncated to system's size-type
virtual const HECL::ObjectHash& hash() const=0;
* @brief Original path of object
* @return Name
virtual const std::string& path() const=0;
* @brief An iterable collection of objects tracked within the database
class IDataDependencyGroup
* @brief Count of objects in the group
* @return object count
virtual size_t length() const=0;
* @brief Alias of length()
* @return object count
inline size_t size() const {return length();}
* @brief Retrieve object at specified internal index within the group
* @param idx internal index of object to fetch (range [0,length()-1])
* @return object or nullptr
virtual const IDataObject* at(size_t idx) const=0;
inline const IDataObject* operator[](size_t idx) {return at(idx);}
virtual std::vector<IDataObject*>::const_iterator begin() const=0;
virtual std::vector<IDataObject*>::const_iterator end() const=0;
* @brief Base object to subclass for integrating with key project operations
* All project objects are provided with IDataObject pointers to their database
* entries. Subclasses register themselves with a type registry so instances
* are automatically constructed when performing operations like cooking and packaging.
class CProjectObject
friend class CProject;
* @brief Byte-order of target system
enum DataEndianness
DE_BIG, /**< Big-endian (PowerPC) */
DE_LITTLE /**< Little-endian (Intel) */
* @brief Data-formats of target system
enum DataPlatform
DP_GENERIC, /**< Scanline textures and 3-way shader bundle (GLSL, HLSL, SPIR-V) */
DP_REVOLUTION, /**< Tiled textures and GX register buffers */
DP_CAFE /**< Swizzled textures and R700 shader objects */
typedef std::function<void(const void* data, size_t len)> TDataAppender;
* @brief Optional private method implemented by CProjectObject subclasses to cook objects
* @param dataAppender subclass calls this function zero or more times to provide cooked-data linearly
* @param endianness byte-order to target
* @param platform data-formats to target
* @return true if cook succeeded
* This method is called during IProject::cookPath().
* Part of the cooking process may include embedding database-refs to dependencies.
* This method should store the 64-bit value provided by IDataObject::id() when doing this.
virtual bool _cookObject(TDataAppender dataAppender,
DataEndianness endianness, DataPlatform platform)
{(void)dataAppender;(void)endianness;(void)platform;return true;}
typedef std::function<void(CProjectObject*)> TDepAdder;
* @brief Optional private method implemented by CProjectObject subclasses to resolve dependencies
* @param depAdder subclass calls this function zero or more times to register each dependency
* This method is called during IProject::packagePath().
* Dependencies registered via this method will eventually have this method called on themselves
* as well. This is a non-recursive operation, no need for subclasses to implement recursion-control.
virtual void _gatherDeps(TDepAdder depAdder)
std::string m_path;
IDataObject* m_mainObj;
IDataObject* m_cookedObj;
static bool ClaimPath(const std::string&, const std::string&) {return false;}
virtual ~CProjectObject();
struct ConstructionInfo
IDataObject* mainObj;
IDataObject* cookedObj;
const std::string& path;
CProjectObject(const ConstructionInfo& info)
: m_path(info.path), m_mainObj(info.mainObj), m_cookedObj(info.cookedObj) {}
* @brief Main project interface
* Projects are intermediate working directories used for staging
* resources in their ideal editor-formats. This interface exposes all
* primary operations to perform on a given project.
class IProject
virtual ~IProject() {}
* @brief Internal packagePath() exception
* Due to the recursive nature of packagePath(), there are potential
* pitfalls like infinite-recursion. HECL throws this whenever there
* are uncooked dependencies or if the maximum dependency-recursion
* limit is exceeded.
class PackageException : public std::runtime_error {};
* @brief A rough description of how 'expensive' a given cook operation is
* This is used to provide pretty colors during the cook operation
enum Cost
* @brief Register an optional callback to report log-messages using
* @param logger logger-callback
* If this method is never called, all project operations will run silently.
virtual void registerLogger(HECL::TLogger logger)=0;
* @brief Get the path of the project's root-directory
* @param absolute return as absolute-path
* @return project root path
* Self explanatory
virtual std::string getProjectRootPath(bool absolute=false) const=0;
* @brief Determine if an arbitrary absolute or relative path lies within project
* @param subpath directory or file to validate
* @return true if valid
virtual bool validateSubPath(const std::string& subpath) const=0;
* @brief Add a given file or file-pattern to the database
* @param path file or pattern within project
* @return true on success
* This method blocks while object hashing takes place
virtual bool addPath(const std::string& path)=0;
* @brief Remove a given file or file-pattern from the database
* @param path file or pattern within project
* @param recursive traverse into matched subdirectories
* @return true on success
* This method will not delete actual working files from the project
* directory. It will delete associated cooked objects though.
virtual bool removePath(const std::string& path, bool recursive=false)=0;
* @brief Register a working sub-directory as a Dependency Group
* @param path directory to register as Dependency Group
* @return true on success
* Dependency Groups are used at runtime to stage burst load-transactions.
* They may only be added to directories and will automatically claim
* subdirectories as well.
* Cooked objects in dependency groups will be packaged contiguously
* and automatically duplicated if shared with other dependency groups.
* This contiguous storage makes for optimal loading from slow block-devices
* like optical drives.
virtual bool addGroup(const std::string& path)=0;
* @brief Unregister a working sub-directory as a dependency group
* @param path directory to unregister as Dependency Group
* @return true on success
virtual bool removeGroup(const std::string& path)=0;
* @brief Begin cook process for specified directory
* @param path directory of intermediates to cook
* @param feedbackCb a callback to run reporting cook-progress
* @param recursive traverse subdirectories to cook as well
* @return true on success
* Object cooking is generally an expensive process for large projects.
* This method blocks execution during the procedure, with periodic
* feedback delivered via feedbackCb.
virtual bool cookPath(const std::string& path,
std::function<void(std::string&, Cost, unsigned)> feedbackCb,
bool recursive=false)=0;
* @brief Interrupts a cook in progress (call from SIGINT handler)
* Database corruption is bad! sqlite is pretty robust at avoiding data corruption,
* but HECL spreads its data objects through the filesystem; this ensures that
* those objects are cleanly finalized or discarded before stopping.
* Note that this method returns immediately; the resumed cookPath()
* call will return as quickly as possible.
virtual void interruptCook()=0;
* @brief Delete cooked objects for directory
* @param path directory of intermediates to clean
* @param recursive traverse subdirectories to clean as well
* @return true on success
* Developers understand how useful 'clean' is. While ideally not required,
* it's useful for verifying that a rebuild from ground-up is doable.
virtual bool cleanPath(const std::string& path, bool recursive=false)=0;
* @brief Package cooked objects for directory
* @param path directory of intermediates to package
* @param recursive traverse subdirectories to package as well
* @return true on success
* Once all dependent resources are cooked, this method archives specified
* intermediates into a packed database file located alongside the specified
* directory. This is a similar process to 'linking' in software development.
* Part of this process involves calling CProjectObject::_gatherDeps() to calculate
* object dependencies. This makes package-assembly simple, as dependencies will
* automatically be added as needed. The frontend needn't be concerned about
* gathering leaf-objects buried in corners of the working directory.
virtual bool packagePath(const std::string& path, bool recursive=false)=0;
* @brief Creates a new (empty) project using specified root directory
* @param rootPath Path to project root-directory (may be relative)
* @return New project object
* This is the preferred way to open an existing or create a new HECL project.
* All necessary database index files and object directories will be established
* within the specified directory path.
IProject* NewProject(const std::string& rootPath);
* @brief Base object to subclass for integrating with key runtime operations
* All runtime objects are provided with IDataObject pointers to their database
* entries. Subclasses register themselves with a type registry so instances
* are automatically constructed when performing operations like runtime-integration.
class CRuntimeObject
unsigned m_refCount = 0;
bool m_loaded = false;
* @brief Optional subclass method called on background thread or in response to interrupt when data is ready
* @param data fully-loaded data buffer
* @param len length of buffer
* @return true when data is successfully integrated into the runtime
virtual bool _objectFinishedLoading(const void* data, size_t len)
{(void)data;(void)len;return true;}
* @brief Optional subclass method called in response to reference-count dropping to 0
virtual void _objectWillUnload() {}
IDataObject* m_obj;
struct ConstructionInfo
IDataObject* obj;
CRuntimeObject(const ConstructionInfo& info)
: m_obj(info.obj) {}
* @brief Determine if object is fully loaded and constructed
* @return true if so
inline bool isLoaded() const {return m_loaded;}
* @brief Increment object's reference count
* @return true if already loaded (ready to use) false if load is staged (poll with isLoaded())
* CRuntimeObject instances initially have an internal reference-count of 0.
* By calling this method from 0, an asynchronous load operation takes place.
* Synchronous loads are discouraged by HECL in order to avoid stalling game
* systems. Please poll with isLoaded() to keep things running smoothly!
bool incRef();
* @brief Decrement object's reference count
* If the internal reference-count reaches 0, the object's unload procedure takes place
void decRef();
* @brief Runtime data-management interface
* Interface for controlling runtime data-operations like object lookup
* and burst load-transactions. The runtime's implementation automatically
* constructs CRuntimeObject instances as needed.
class IRuntime
virtual ~IRuntime() {}
* @brief Lookup singular object by database ID
* @param id database ID of object
* @return runtime object
virtual CRuntimeObject* lookupObjectById(size_t id);
* @brief Iterable group view providing a load interface for Dependency Groups
* HECL uses a background thread or other asynchronous loading mechanism to
* efficiently load and construct IRuntimeObject instances.
* The iterator interface may be used immediately to access contained objects.
class IStagedGroup
* @brief Poll to see if transaction complete
* @return true if complete
virtual bool isDone() const=0;
virtual std::vector<CRuntimeObject*>::iterator begin() const=0;
virtual std::vector<CRuntimeObject*>::iterator end() const=0;
* @brief Begin asynchronously loading a dependency group by id
* @param groupId the id of the dependency group within the database
* @return Staged group interface scheduled to load ASAP
virtual IStagedGroup* loadDependencyGroup(int64_t groupId);
* @brief Unload a previously-loaded dependency group or cancel a load in-progress
* @param group Staged Group obtained via loadDependencyGroup()
virtual void unloadDependencyGroup(IStagedGroup* group);
* @brief Statically-constructed structure registering a FourCC with project
* and runtime factories. This is used for constructing key operational subclasses
* for cooking/packaging during development and runtime-integrating during gameplay.
struct RegistryEntry
typedef std::function<bool(const std::string& path, const std::string& subpath)> TPathClaimer;
typedef std::function<CProjectObject*(const CProjectObject::ConstructionInfo&)> TProjectFactory;
typedef std::function<CRuntimeObject*(const CRuntimeObject::ConstructionInfo&)> TRuntimeFactory;
const HECL::FourCC& fcc;
TPathClaimer pathClaimer;
TProjectFactory projectFactory;
TRuntimeFactory runtimeFactory;
static RegistryEntry::TPathClaimer NULL_PATH_CLAIMER =
[](const std::string&, const std::string&) -> bool {return false;};
static RegistryEntry::TProjectFactory NULL_PROJECT_FACTORY =
[](const HECLDatabase::CProjectObject::ConstructionInfo&)
-> HECLDatabase::CProjectObject* {return nullptr;};
static RegistryEntry::TRuntimeFactory NULL_RUNTIME_FACTORY =
[](const HECLDatabase::CRuntimeObject::ConstructionInfo&)
-> HECLDatabase::CRuntimeObject* {return nullptr;};
#if !defined(HECL_STRIP_PROJECT) && !defined(HECL_STRIP_RUNTIME)
#define REGISTRY_ENTRY(fourcc, projectClass, runtimeClass) {fourcc, \
[](const std::string& path, const std::string& subpath) -> \
bool {return projectClass::ClaimPath(path, subpath);}, \
[](const HECLDatabase::CProjectObject::ConstructionInfo& info) -> \
HECLDatabase::CProjectObject* {return new projectClass(info);}, \
[](const HECLDatabase::CRuntimeObject::ConstructionInfo& info) -> \
HECLDatabase::CRuntimeObject* {return new runtimeClass(info);}}
#elif !defined(HECL_STRIP_PROJECT)
#define REGISTRY_ENTRY(fourcc, projectClass, runtimeClass) {fourcc, \
[](const std::string& path, const std::string& subpath) -> \
bool {return projectClass::ClaimPath(path, subpath);}, \
[](const HECLDatabase::CProjectObject::ConstructionInfo& info) -> \
HECLDatabase::CProjectObject* {return new projectClass(info);}}
#define REGISTRY_SENTINEL() {HECL::FourCC(), \
#elif !defined(HECL_STRIP_RUNTIME)
#define REGISTRY_ENTRY(fourcc, projectClass, runtimeClass) {fourcc, \
[](const HECLDatabase::CRuntimeObject::ConstructionInfo& info) -> \
HECLDatabase::CRuntimeObject* {return new runtimeClass(info);}}
* @brief Statically-constructed table of registered types
* Table is defined in dataspec/dataspec.cpp of HECL's codebase.
* Developers are encouraged to modify/extend the default data model as
* required by their project.
* The REGISTRY_ENTRY macro is a helper for defining entries.
* The REGISTRY_SENTINEL must be inserted at the end of the table.
extern const RegistryEntry DATASPEC_TYPE_REGISTRY[];