Data interchange, editor suite, and runtime re-implementations for games by Retro Studios
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Jack Andersen 4946174f55 Windows build fix 2016-03-12 19:08:39 -10:00
DataSpec Various widget constructor stubs and factories 2016-03-11 18:58:56 -10:00
Editor More stubs for GuiSys 2016-03-09 17:47:37 -10:00
Runtime Windows build fix 2016-03-12 19:08:39 -10:00
hecl@a243ad7583 Update hecl 2016-03-08 11:19:46 -10:00
nod@473607ebe7 CMoviePlayer initial implementation 2016-03-06 17:12:32 -10:00
specter@ce321d80fe More GuiSys stubs 2016-03-10 14:23:16 -10:00
.gitignore Updates for Menu 2016-01-15 13:35:59 -10:00
.gitmodules Submodule refactor 2016-03-04 09:25:39 -10:00
CMakeLists.txt Windows fixes 2016-03-04 17:34:27 -10:00
LICENSE CMoviePlayer initial implementation 2016-03-06 17:12:32 -10:00 Update 2016-03-11 14:50:32 -10:00 Update splash screen 2015-12-13 11:01:32 -10:00


Status: Extract Only


Precompiled builds of the command-line extraction utility (hecl) with embedded dataspec libraries are available at This will give you intermediate dumps of original formats as blender and yaml representations.

Everything else is much too experimental to make portable/stable release builds (for now)

Platform Support

  • Windows 7+ (64-bit support only)
  • Mac OS X 10.9+
  • Linux
    • Arch is known to function with glx vendor setup instructions (main development/testing OS)
    • [WIP] Vulkan loader detection is also integrated into the cmake for Linux
  • [Coming Soon] FreeBSD
    • Much multimedia functionality is in place, but not fully tested

Build Prerequisites:

Build Directions (Release)


git clone
mkdir urde-build
cd urde
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd ../urde-build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../urde

Visual Studio

Using Git Shell with GitHub for Windows

git clone
mkdir urde-build
cd urde
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd ../urde-build

Windows 7/8 users should then run:

cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../urde

Windows 10 users should then run:

cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=10.0 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../urde

Then open urde.sln


git clone
mkdir urde-build
cd urde
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd ../urde-build
cmake -G Xcode -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLLVM_ROOT_DIR=<path-to-llvm-dev-lib-package> ../urde

Then open urde.xcodeproj