
280 lines
11 KiB

#include "CPhazonSuitFilter.hpp"
#include "TShader.hpp"
#include "Graphics/CTexture.hpp"
namespace urde
static const char* VS =
"#include <metal_stdlib>\n"
"using namespace metal;\n"
"struct VertData\n"
" float4 posIn [[ attribute(0) ]];\n"
" float4 screenUvIn [[ attribute(1) ]];\n"
" float4 indUvIn [[ attribute(2) ]];\n"
" float4 maskUvIn [[ attribute(3) ]];\n"
"struct PhazonSuitUniform\n"
" float4 color;\n"
" float4 indScaleOff;\n"
"struct VertToFrag\n"
" float4 position [[ position ]];\n"
" float4 color;\n"
" float4 indScaleOff;\n"
" float2 screenUv;\n"
" float2 indUv;\n"
" float2 maskUv;\n"
"vertex VertToFrag vmain(VertData v [[ stage_in ]], constant PhazonSuitUniform& psu [[ buffer(2) ]])\n"
" VertToFrag vtf;\n"
" vtf.color = psu.color;\n"
" vtf.indScaleOff = psu.indScaleOff;\n"
" vtf.screenUv = v.screenUvIn.xy;\n"
" vtf.screenUv.y = 1.0 - vtf.screenUv.y;\n"
" vtf.indUv = v.indUvIn.xy;\n"
" vtf.maskUv = v.maskUvIn.xy;\n"
" vtf.maskUv.y = 1.0 - vtf.maskUv.y;\n"
" vtf.position = float4(, 1.0);\n"
" return vtf;\n"
static const char* IndFS =
"#include <metal_stdlib>\n"
"using namespace metal;\n"
"struct VertToFrag\n"
" float4 position [[ position ]];\n"
" float4 color;\n"
" float4 indScaleOff;\n"
" float2 screenUv;\n"
" float2 indUv;\n"
" float2 maskUv;\n"
"fragment float4 fmain(VertToFrag vtf [[ stage_in ]],\n"
" sampler samp [[ sampler(0) ]],\n"
" texture2d<float> screenTex [[ texture(0) ]],\n"
" texture2d<float> indTex [[ texture(1) ]],\n"
" texture2d<float> maskTex [[ texture(2) ]],\n"
" texture2d<float> maskTexBlur [[ texture(3) ]])\n"
" float2 indUv = (indTex.sample(samp, vtf.indUv).ra - float2(0.5, 0.5)) * \n"
" vtf.indScaleOff.xy +;\n"
" float maskBlurAlpha = saturate((maskTexBlur.sample(samp, vtf.maskUv).a - maskTex.sample(samp, vtf.maskUv).a) * 2.0);\n"
" return float4((vtf.color * screenTex.sample(samp, indUv + vtf.screenUv) * maskBlurAlpha).rgb, vtf.color.a);\n"
static const char* FS =
"#include <metal_stdlib>\n"
"using namespace metal;\n"
"struct VertToFrag\n"
" float4 color;\n"
" float4 indScaleOff;\n"
" float2 screenUv;\n"
" float2 indUv;\n"
" float2 maskUv;\n"
"fragment float4 fmain(VertToFrag vtf [[ stage_in ]],\n"
" sampler clampSamp [[ sampler(2) ]],\n"
" texture2d<float> screenTex [[ texture(0) ]],\n"
" texture2d<float> maskTex [[ texture(1) ]],\n"
" texture2d<float> maskTexBlur [[ texture(2) ]])\n"
" float maskBlurAlpha = saturate((maskTexBlur.sample(clampSamp, vtf.maskUv).a - maskTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.maskUv).a) * 2.0);\n"
" return float4((vtf.color * screenTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.screenUv) * maskBlurAlpha).rgb, vtf.color.a);\n"
static const char* BlurVS =
"#include <metal_stdlib>\n"
"using namespace metal;\n"
"struct VertData\n"
" float4 posIn [[ attribute(0) ]];\n"
" float4 uvIn [[ attribute(1) ]];\n"
"struct PhazonSuitBlurUniform\n"
" float4 blurDir;\n"
"struct VertToFrag\n"
" float4 position [[ position ]];\n"
" float2 uv;\n"
" float2 blurDir;\n"
"vertex VertToFrag vmain(VertData v [[ stage_in ]], constant PhazonSuitBlurUniform& psu [[ buffer(2) ]])\n"
" VertToFrag vtf;\n"
" vtf.uv = v.uvIn.xy;\n"
" vtf.uv.y = 1.0 - vtf.uv.y;\n"
" vtf.blurDir = psu.blurDir.xy;\n"
" vtf.position = float4(, 1.0);\n"
" return vtf;\n"
static const char* BlurFS =
"#include <metal_stdlib>\n"
"using namespace metal;\n"
"struct VertToFrag\n"
" float4 position [[ position ]];\n"
" float2 uv;\n"
" float2 blurDir;\n"
"fragment float4 fmain(VertToFrag vtf [[ stage_in ]],\n"
" sampler clampSamp [[ sampler(2) ]],\n"
" texture2d<float> maskTex [[ texture(0) ]])\n"
" //this will be our alpha sum\n"
" float sum = 0.0;\n"
" //apply blurring, using a 23-tap filter with predefined gaussian weights\n"
" sum += maskTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.uv + -11.0 * vtf.blurDir).a * 0.007249;\n"
" sum += maskTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.uv + -10.0 * vtf.blurDir).a * 0.011032;\n"
" sum += maskTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.uv + -9.0 * vtf.blurDir).a * 0.016133;\n"
" sum += maskTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.uv + -8.0 * vtf.blurDir).a * 0.022665;\n"
" sum += maskTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.uv + -7.0 * vtf.blurDir).a * 0.030595;\n"
" sum += maskTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.uv + -6.0 * vtf.blurDir).a * 0.039680;\n"
" sum += maskTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.uv + -5.0 * vtf.blurDir).a * 0.049444;\n"
" sum += maskTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.uv + -4.0 * vtf.blurDir).a * 0.059195;\n"
" sum += maskTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.uv + -3.0 * vtf.blurDir).a * 0.068091;\n"
" sum += maskTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.uv + -2.0 * vtf.blurDir).a * 0.075252;\n"
" sum += maskTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.uv + -1.0 * vtf.blurDir).a * 0.079905;\n"
" sum += maskTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.uv).a * 0.081519;\n"
" sum += maskTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.uv + 1.0 * vtf.blurDir).a * 0.079905;\n"
" sum += maskTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.uv + 2.0 * vtf.blurDir).a * 0.075252;\n"
" sum += maskTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.uv + 3.0 * vtf.blurDir).a * 0.068091;\n"
" sum += maskTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.uv + 4.0 * vtf.blurDir).a * 0.059195;\n"
" sum += maskTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.uv + 5.0 * vtf.blurDir).a * 0.049444;\n"
" sum += maskTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.uv + 6.0 * vtf.blurDir).a * 0.039680;\n"
" sum += maskTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.uv + 7.0 * vtf.blurDir).a * 0.030595;\n"
" sum += maskTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.uv + 8.0 * vtf.blurDir).a * 0.022665;\n"
" sum += maskTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.uv + 9.0 * vtf.blurDir).a * 0.016133;\n"
" sum += maskTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.uv + 10.0 * vtf.blurDir).a * 0.011032;\n"
" sum += maskTex.sample(clampSamp, vtf.uv + 11.0 * vtf.blurDir).a * 0.007249;\n"
" return float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, sum);\n"
static boo::ObjToken<boo::IVertexFormat> s_VtxFmt;
static boo::ObjToken<boo::IVertexFormat> s_BlurVtxFmt;
static boo::ObjToken<boo::IShaderPipeline> s_IndPipeline;
static boo::ObjToken<boo::IShaderPipeline> s_Pipeline;
static boo::ObjToken<boo::IShaderPipeline> s_BlurPipeline;
struct CPhazonSuitFilterMetalDataBindingFactory : TShader<CPhazonSuitFilter>::IDataBindingFactory
boo::ObjToken<boo::IShaderDataBinding> BuildShaderDataBinding(boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Context& ctx,
CPhazonSuitFilter& filter)
boo::MetalDataFactory::Context& cctx = static_cast<boo::MetalDataFactory::Context&>(ctx);
boo::ObjToken<boo::IGraphicsBuffer> bufs[] = {filter.m_uniBufBlurX.get()};
boo::PipelineStage stages[] = {boo::PipelineStage::Vertex};
boo::ObjToken<boo::ITexture> texs[4];
int texBindIdxs[4];
texs[0] = CGraphics::g_SpareTexture.get();
texBindIdxs[0] = 1;
filter.m_dataBindBlurX = cctx.newShaderDataBinding(s_BlurPipeline,
s_BlurVtxFmt, filter.m_blurVbo.get(), nullptr, nullptr,
1, bufs, stages, nullptr, nullptr, 1, texs, texBindIdxs, nullptr);
bufs[0] = filter.m_uniBufBlurY.get();
texs[0] = CGraphics::g_SpareTexture.get();
texBindIdxs[0] = 2;
filter.m_dataBindBlurY = cctx.newShaderDataBinding(s_BlurPipeline,
s_BlurVtxFmt, filter.m_blurVbo.get(), nullptr, nullptr,
1, bufs, stages, nullptr, nullptr, 1, texs, texBindIdxs, nullptr);
bufs[0] = filter.m_uniBuf.get();
size_t texCount;
if (filter.m_indTex)
texs[0] = CGraphics::g_SpareTexture.get();
texBindIdxs[0] = 0;
texs[1] = filter.m_indTex->GetBooTexture();
texBindIdxs[1] = 0;
texs[2] = CGraphics::g_SpareTexture.get();
texBindIdxs[2] = 1;
texs[3] = CGraphics::g_SpareTexture.get();
texBindIdxs[3] = 2;
texCount = 4;
texs[0] = CGraphics::g_SpareTexture.get();
texBindIdxs[0] = 0;
texs[1] = CGraphics::g_SpareTexture.get();
texBindIdxs[1] = 1;
texs[2] = CGraphics::g_SpareTexture.get();
texBindIdxs[2] = 2;
texCount = 3;
return cctx.newShaderDataBinding(filter.m_indTex ? s_IndPipeline : s_Pipeline,
s_VtxFmt, filter.m_vbo.get(), nullptr, nullptr,
1, bufs, stages, nullptr, nullptr, texCount, texs, texBindIdxs, nullptr);
CPhazonSuitFilter::Initialize(boo::MetalDataFactory::Context& ctx)
const boo::VertexElementDescriptor VtxVmt[] =
{nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::Position4},
{nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::UV4, 0},
{nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::UV4, 1},
{nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::UV4, 2}
s_VtxFmt = ctx.newVertexFormat(4, VtxVmt);
const boo::VertexElementDescriptor BlurVtxVmt[] =
{nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::Position4},
{nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::UV4}
s_BlurVtxFmt = ctx.newVertexFormat(2, BlurVtxVmt);
s_IndPipeline = ctx.newShaderPipeline(VS, IndFS, nullptr, nullptr, s_VtxFmt,
boo::BlendFactor::One, boo::Primitive::TriStrips,
boo::ZTest::None, false, true, false, boo::CullMode::None);
s_Pipeline = ctx.newShaderPipeline(VS, FS, nullptr, nullptr, s_VtxFmt,
boo::BlendFactor::One, boo::Primitive::TriStrips,
boo::ZTest::None, false, true, false, boo::CullMode::None);
s_BlurPipeline = ctx.newShaderPipeline(BlurVS, BlurFS, nullptr, nullptr, s_BlurVtxFmt,
boo::BlendFactor::Zero, boo::Primitive::TriStrips,
boo::ZTest::None, false, false, true, boo::CullMode::None);
return new CPhazonSuitFilterMetalDataBindingFactory;
template <>
void CPhazonSuitFilter::Shutdown<boo::MetalDataFactory>()