mirror of https://github.com/AxioDL/metaforce.git
408 lines
13 KiB
408 lines
13 KiB
#include "common.hpp"
#include "../gpu.hpp"
#include "colored_quad/shader.hpp"
#include "movie_player/shader.hpp"
#include "stream/shader.hpp"
#include "textured_quad/shader.hpp"
#include <condition_variable>
#include <deque>
#include <logvisor/logvisor.hpp>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace aurora::gfx {
static logvisor::Module Log("aurora::gfx");
using gpu::g_device;
using gpu::g_queue;
struct ShaderState {
movie_player::State moviePlayer;
colored_quad::State coloredQuad;
textured_quad::State texturedQuad;
stream::State stream;
struct ShaderDrawCommand {
ShaderType type;
union {
movie_player::DrawData moviePlayer;
colored_quad::DrawData coloredQuad;
textured_quad::DrawData texturedQuad;
stream::DrawData stream;
struct PipelineCreateCommand {
ShaderType type;
union {
movie_player::PipelineConfig moviePlayer;
colored_quad::PipelineConfig coloredQuad;
textured_quad::PipelineConfig texturedQuad;
stream::PipelineConfig stream;
enum class CommandType {
struct Command {
CommandType type;
union Data {
struct SetViewportCommand {
zeus::CRectangle rect;
float znear;
float zfar;
} setViewport;
struct SetScissorCommand {
uint32_t x;
uint32_t y;
uint32_t w;
uint32_t h;
} setScissor;
ShaderDrawCommand draw;
} data;
using NewPipelineCallback = std::function<wgpu::RenderPipeline()>;
static std::mutex g_pipelineMutex;
static std::thread g_pipelineThread;
static std::atomic_bool g_pipelineThreadEnd;
static std::condition_variable g_pipelineCv;
static std::unordered_map<PipelineRef, wgpu::RenderPipeline> g_pipelines;
static std::deque<std::pair<PipelineRef, NewPipelineCallback>> g_queuedPipelines;
static std::unordered_map<BindGroupRef, wgpu::BindGroup> g_cachedBindGroups;
static std::unordered_map<SamplerRef, wgpu::Sampler> g_cachedSamplers;
std::atomic_uint32_t queuedPipelines;
std::atomic_uint32_t createdPipelines;
static ByteBuffer g_verts;
static ByteBuffer g_uniforms;
static ByteBuffer g_indices;
wgpu::Buffer g_vertexBuffer;
wgpu::Buffer g_uniformBuffer;
wgpu::Buffer g_indexBuffer;
static ShaderState g_state;
static PipelineRef g_currentPipeline;
static std::vector<Command> g_commands;
static PipelineRef find_pipeline(PipelineCreateCommand command, NewPipelineCallback&& cb) {
const auto hash = xxh3_hash(command);
bool found = false;
std::scoped_lock guard{g_pipelineMutex};
found = g_pipelines.find(hash) != g_pipelines.end();
if (!found) {
const auto ref =
std::find_if(g_queuedPipelines.begin(), g_queuedPipelines.end(), [=](auto v) { return v.first == hash; });
if (ref != g_queuedPipelines.end()) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
g_queuedPipelines.emplace_back(std::pair{hash, std::move(cb)});
if (!found) {
return hash;
static void push_draw_command(ShaderDrawCommand data) { g_commands.push_back({CommandType::Draw, {.draw = data}}); }
bool get_dxt_compression_supported() noexcept { return g_device.HasFeature(wgpu::FeatureName::TextureCompressionBC); }
void set_viewport(const zeus::CRectangle& rect, float znear, float zfar) noexcept {
g_commands.push_back({CommandType::SetViewport, {.setViewport = {rect, znear, zfar}}});
void set_scissor(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h) noexcept {
g_commands.push_back({CommandType::SetScissor, {.setScissor = {x, y, w, h}}});
void resolve_color(const ClipRect& rect, uint32_t bind, bool clear_depth) noexcept {
void resolve_depth(const ClipRect& rect, uint32_t bind) noexcept {
void add_material_set(/* TODO */) noexcept {}
void add_model(/* TODO */) noexcept {}
void queue_aabb(const zeus::CAABox& aabb, const zeus::CColor& color, bool z_only) noexcept {
void queue_fog_volume_plane(const ArrayRef<zeus::CVector4f>& verts, uint8_t pass) {
void queue_fog_volume_filter(const zeus::CColor& color, bool two_way) noexcept {
void queue_textured_quad_verts(CameraFilterType filter_type, const TextureHandle& texture, ZComp z_comparison,
bool z_test, const zeus::CColor& color, const ArrayRef<zeus::CVector3f>& pos,
const ArrayRef<zeus::CVector2f>& uvs, float lod) noexcept {
auto data = textured_quad::make_draw_data_verts(g_state.texturedQuad, filter_type, texture, z_comparison, z_test,
color, pos, uvs, lod);
push_draw_command({.type = ShaderType::TexturedQuad, .texturedQuad = data});
void queue_textured_quad(CameraFilterType filter_type, const TextureHandle& texture, ZComp z_comparison, bool z_test,
const zeus::CColor& color, float uv_scale, const zeus::CRectangle& rect, float z,
float lod) noexcept {
auto data = textured_quad::make_draw_data(g_state.texturedQuad, filter_type, texture, z_comparison, z_test, color,
uv_scale, rect, z, lod);
push_draw_command({.type = ShaderType::TexturedQuad, .texturedQuad = data});
template <>
PipelineRef pipeline_ref(textured_quad::PipelineConfig config) {
return find_pipeline({.type = ShaderType::TexturedQuad, .texturedQuad = config},
[=]() { return create_pipeline(g_state.texturedQuad, config); });
void queue_colored_quad_verts(CameraFilterType filter_type, ZComp z_comparison, bool z_test, const zeus::CColor& color,
const ArrayRef<zeus::CVector3f>& pos) noexcept {
auto data = colored_quad::make_draw_data_verts(g_state.coloredQuad, filter_type, z_comparison, z_test, color, pos);
push_draw_command({.type = ShaderType::ColoredQuad, .coloredQuad = data});
void queue_colored_quad(CameraFilterType filter_type, ZComp z_comparison, bool z_test, const zeus::CColor& color,
const zeus::CRectangle& rect, float z) noexcept {
auto data = colored_quad::make_draw_data(g_state.coloredQuad, filter_type, z_comparison, z_test, color, rect, z);
push_draw_command({.type = ShaderType::ColoredQuad, .coloredQuad = data});
template <>
PipelineRef pipeline_ref(colored_quad::PipelineConfig config) {
return find_pipeline({.type = ShaderType::ColoredQuad, .coloredQuad = config},
[=]() { return create_pipeline(g_state.coloredQuad, config); });
void queue_movie_player(const TextureHandle& tex_y, const TextureHandle& tex_u, const TextureHandle& tex_v,
float h_pad, float v_pad) noexcept {
auto data = movie_player::make_draw_data(g_state.moviePlayer, tex_y, tex_u, tex_v, h_pad, v_pad);
push_draw_command({.type = ShaderType::MoviePlayer, .moviePlayer = data});
template <>
PipelineRef pipeline_ref(movie_player::PipelineConfig config) {
return find_pipeline({.type = ShaderType::MoviePlayer, .moviePlayer = config},
[=]() { return create_pipeline(g_state.moviePlayer, config); });
template <>
const stream::State& get_state() {
return g_state.stream;
template <>
void push_draw_command(stream::DrawData data) {
push_draw_command({.type = ShaderType::Stream, .stream = data});
template <>
PipelineRef pipeline_ref(stream::PipelineConfig config) {
return find_pipeline({.type = ShaderType::Stream, .stream = config},
[=]() { return create_pipeline(g_state.stream, config); });
static void pipeline_worker() {
bool hasMore = false;
while (true) {
std::pair<PipelineRef, NewPipelineCallback> cb;
std::unique_lock lock{g_pipelineMutex};
if (!hasMore) {
g_pipelineCv.wait(lock, [] { return !g_queuedPipelines.empty() || g_pipelineThreadEnd; });
if (g_pipelineThreadEnd) {
cb = std::move(g_queuedPipelines.front());
auto result = cb.second();
// std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds{1500});
std::scoped_lock lock{g_pipelineMutex};
if (g_pipelines.contains(cb.first)) {
Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, FMT_STRING("Duplicate pipeline {}"), cb.first);
g_pipelines[cb.first] = result;
hasMore = !g_queuedPipelines.empty();
void initialize() {
g_pipelineThread = std::thread(pipeline_worker);
const auto uniformDescriptor = wgpu::BufferDescriptor{
.label = "Shared Uniform Buffer",
.usage = wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform | wgpu::BufferUsage::CopyDst,
.size = 134217728, // 128mb
g_uniformBuffer = g_device.CreateBuffer(&uniformDescriptor);
const auto vertexDescriptor = wgpu::BufferDescriptor{
.label = "Shared Vertex Buffer",
.usage = wgpu::BufferUsage::Vertex | wgpu::BufferUsage::CopyDst,
.size = 16777216, // 16mb
g_vertexBuffer = g_device.CreateBuffer(&vertexDescriptor);
const auto vertexDescriptor = wgpu::BufferDescriptor{
.label = "Shared Index Buffer",
.usage = wgpu::BufferUsage::Vertex | wgpu::BufferUsage::CopyDst,
.size = 4194304, // 4mb
g_indexBuffer = g_device.CreateBuffer(&vertexDescriptor);
g_state.moviePlayer = movie_player::construct_state();
g_state.coloredQuad = colored_quad::construct_state();
g_state.texturedQuad = textured_quad::construct_state();
g_state.stream = stream::construct_state();
void shutdown() {
g_pipelineThreadEnd = true;
g_vertexBuffer = {};
g_uniformBuffer = {};
g_indexBuffer = {};
g_state = {};
void render(const wgpu::RenderPassEncoder& pass) {
if (g_verts.size() > 0) {
g_queue.WriteBuffer(g_vertexBuffer, 0, g_verts.data(), g_verts.size());
if (g_uniforms.size() > 0) {
g_queue.WriteBuffer(g_uniformBuffer, 0, g_uniforms.data(), g_uniforms.size());
if (g_indices.size() > 0) {
g_queue.WriteBuffer(g_indexBuffer, 0, g_indices.data(), g_indices.size());
g_currentPipeline = UINT64_MAX;
for (const auto& cmd : g_commands) {
switch (cmd.type) {
case CommandType::SetViewport: {
const auto& vp = cmd.data.setViewport;
pass.SetViewport(vp.rect.position.x(), vp.rect.position.y(), vp.rect.size.x(), vp.rect.size.y(), vp.znear,
} break;
case CommandType::SetScissor: {
const auto& sc = cmd.data.setScissor;
pass.SetScissorRect(sc.x, sc.y, sc.w, sc.h);
} break;
case CommandType::Draw: {
const auto& draw = cmd.data.draw;
switch (draw.type) {
case ShaderType::Aabb:
case ShaderType::ColoredQuad:
colored_quad::render(g_state.coloredQuad, draw.coloredQuad, pass);
case ShaderType::TexturedQuad:
textured_quad::render(g_state.texturedQuad, draw.texturedQuad, pass);
case ShaderType::MoviePlayer:
movie_player::render(g_state.moviePlayer, draw.moviePlayer, pass);
case ShaderType::Stream:
stream::render(g_state.stream, draw.stream, pass);
} break;
bool bind_pipeline(PipelineRef ref, const wgpu::RenderPassEncoder& pass) {
if (ref == g_currentPipeline) {
return true;
std::lock_guard guard{g_pipelineMutex};
if (!g_pipelines.contains(ref)) {
return false;
g_currentPipeline = ref;
return true;
static inline Range push(ByteBuffer& target, const uint8_t* data, size_t length, size_t alignment) {
size_t padding = 0;
if (alignment != 0) {
padding = alignment - length % alignment;
auto begin = target.size();
target.append(data, length);
if (padding > 0) {
return {begin, begin + length};
Range push_verts(const uint8_t* data, size_t length) { return push(g_verts, data, length, 0 /* TODO? */); }
Range push_indices(const uint8_t* data, size_t length) { return push(g_indices, data, length, 0 /* TODO? */); }
Range push_uniform(const uint8_t* data, size_t length) {
wgpu::SupportedLimits limits;
return push(g_uniforms, data, length, limits.limits.minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment);
BindGroupRef bind_group_ref(const wgpu::BindGroupDescriptor& descriptor) {
const auto id =
xxh3_hash(descriptor.entries, descriptor.entryCount * sizeof(wgpu::BindGroupEntry), xxh3_hash(descriptor));
if (!g_cachedBindGroups.contains(id)) {
g_cachedBindGroups[id] = g_device.CreateBindGroup(&descriptor);
return id;
const wgpu::BindGroup& find_bind_group(BindGroupRef id) {
if (!g_cachedBindGroups.contains(id)) {
Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, FMT_STRING("get_bind_group: failed to locate {}"), id);
return g_cachedBindGroups[id];
const wgpu::Sampler& sampler_ref(const wgpu::SamplerDescriptor& descriptor) {
const auto id = xxh3_hash(descriptor);
if (!g_cachedSamplers.contains(id)) {
g_cachedSamplers[id] = g_device.CreateSampler(&descriptor);
return g_cachedSamplers[id];
uint32_t align_uniform(uint32_t value) {
wgpu::SupportedLimits limits;
g_device.GetLimits(&limits); // TODO cache
const auto uniform_alignment = limits.limits.minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment;
return ALIGN(value, uniform_alignment);
} // namespace aurora::gfx