mirror of https://github.com/AxioDL/metaforce.git
176 lines
5.5 KiB
176 lines
5.5 KiB
#pragma once
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include "Runtime/CStaticInterference.hpp"
#include "Runtime/IOStreams.hpp"
#include "Runtime/RetroTypes.hpp"
#include "Runtime/rstl.hpp"
#include "Runtime/World/CHealthInfo.hpp"
namespace metaforce {
class CPlayerState {
friend class CWorldTransManager;
enum class EItemType : s32 {
Invalid = -1,
PowerBeam = 0,
IceBeam = 1,
WaveBeam = 2,
PlasmaBeam = 3,
Missiles = 4,
ScanVisor = 5,
MorphBallBombs = 6,
PowerBombs = 7,
Flamethrower = 8,
ThermalVisor = 9,
ChargeBeam = 10,
SuperMissile = 11,
GrappleBeam = 12,
XRayVisor = 13,
IceSpreader = 14,
SpaceJumpBoots = 15,
MorphBall = 16,
CombatVisor = 17,
BoostBall = 18,
SpiderBall = 19,
PowerSuit = 20,
GravitySuit = 21,
VariaSuit = 22,
PhazonSuit = 23,
EnergyTanks = 24,
UnknownItem1 = 25,
HealthRefill = 26,
UnknownItem2 = 27,
Wavebuster = 28,
Truth = 29,
Strength = 30,
Elder = 31,
Wild = 32,
Lifegiver = 33,
Warrior = 34,
Chozo = 35,
Nature = 36,
Sun = 37,
World = 38,
Spirit = 39,
Newborn = 40,
/* This must remain at the end of the list */
enum class EPlayerVisor : u32 {
/* This must remain at the end of the list */
enum class EPlayerSuit : s32 {
Invalid = -1,
enum class EBeamId : s32 { Invalid = -1, Power, Ice, Wave, Plasma, Phazon, Phazon2 = 27 };
struct CPowerUp {
u32 x0_amount = 0;
u32 x4_capacity = 0;
constexpr CPowerUp() = default;
constexpr CPowerUp(u32 amount, u32 capacity) : x0_amount(amount), x4_capacity(capacity) {}
bool x0_24_alive : 1 = true;
bool x0_25_firingComboBeam : 1 = false;
bool x0_26_fusion : 1 = false;
u32 x4_enabledItems = 0;
EBeamId x8_currentBeam = EBeamId::Power;
CHealthInfo xc_health = {99.f, 50.f};
EPlayerVisor x14_currentVisor = EPlayerVisor::Combat;
EPlayerVisor x18_transitioningVisor = x14_currentVisor;
float x1c_visorTransitionFactor = 0.2f;
EPlayerSuit x20_currentSuit = EPlayerSuit::Power;
rstl::reserved_vector<CPowerUp, 41> x24_powerups;
std::vector<std::pair<CAssetId, float>> x170_scanTimes;
std::pair<u32, u32> x180_scanCompletionRate = {};
CStaticInterference x188_staticIntf{5};
bool m_canTakeDamage = true;
u32 GetMissileCostForAltAttack() const;
float GetComboFireAmmoPeriod() const;
static constexpr float GetMissileComboChargeFactor() { return 1.8f; }
u32 CalculateItemCollectionRate() const;
CHealthInfo& GetHealthInfo();
const CHealthInfo& GetHealthInfo() const;
u32 GetPickupTotal() const { return 99; }
void SetIsFusionEnabled(bool val) { x0_26_fusion = val; }
bool IsFusionEnabled() const { return x0_26_fusion; }
EPlayerSuit GetCurrentSuit() const;
EPlayerSuit GetCurrentSuitRaw() const { return x20_currentSuit; }
EBeamId GetCurrentBeam() const { return x8_currentBeam; }
void SetCurrentBeam(EBeamId beam) { x8_currentBeam = beam; }
bool CanVisorSeeFog(const CStateManager& stateMgr) const;
EPlayerVisor GetCurrentVisor() const { return x14_currentVisor; }
EPlayerVisor GetTransitioningVisor() const { return x18_transitioningVisor; }
EPlayerVisor GetActiveVisor(const CStateManager& stateMgr) const;
void UpdateStaticInterference(CStateManager& stateMgr, float dt);
void IncreaseScanTime(u32 time, float val);
void SetScanTime(CAssetId res, float time);
float GetScanTime(CAssetId time) const;
bool GetIsVisorTransitioning() const;
float GetVisorTransitionFactor() const;
void UpdateVisorTransition(float dt);
void StartTransitionToVisor(EPlayerVisor visor);
void ResetVisor();
bool ItemEnabled(EItemType type) const;
void DisableItem(EItemType type);
void EnableItem(EItemType type);
bool HasPowerUp(EItemType type) const;
u32 GetItemCapacity(EItemType type) const;
u32 GetItemAmount(EItemType type) const;
void DecrPickup(EItemType type, u32 amount);
void IncrPickup(EItemType type, u32 amount);
void ResetAndIncrPickUp(EItemType type, u32 amount);
static float GetEnergyTankCapacity() { return 100.f; }
static float GetBaseHealthCapacity() { return 99.f; }
float CalculateHealth();
void ReInitializePowerUp(EItemType type, u32 capacity);
void AddPowerUp(EItemType type, u32 capacity);
u32 GetLogScans() const { return x180_scanCompletionRate.first; }
u32 GetTotalLogScans() const { return x180_scanCompletionRate.second; }
void SetScanCompletionRate(const std::pair<u32, u32>& p) { x180_scanCompletionRate = p; }
bool IsPlayerAlive() const { return x0_24_alive; }
void SetPlayerAlive(bool alive) { x0_24_alive = alive; }
bool IsFiringComboBeam() const { return x0_25_firingComboBeam; }
void SetFiringComboBeam(bool f) { x0_25_firingComboBeam = f; }
void InitializeScanTimes();
CStaticInterference& GetStaticInterference() { return x188_staticIntf; }
const std::vector<std::pair<CAssetId, float>>& GetScanTimes() const { return x170_scanTimes; }
explicit CPlayerState(CBitStreamReader& stream);
void PutTo(CBitStreamWriter& stream);
static u32 GetPowerUpMaxValue(EItemType type);
static EItemType ItemNameToType(std::string_view name);
static std::string_view ItemTypeToName(EItemType type);
bool CanTakeDamage() const { return m_canTakeDamage; }
void SetCanTakeDamage(bool c) { m_canTakeDamage = c; }
} // namespace metaforce