
368 lines
10 KiB

#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <athena/DNAYaml.hpp>
#include <athena/Global.hpp>
#include <athena/Types.hpp>
namespace hecl {
namespace DNACVAR {
enum class EType : atUint8 { Boolean, Signed, Unsigned, Real, Literal, Vec2f, Vec2d, Vec3f, Vec3d, Vec4f, Vec4d };
enum class EFlags {
None = 0,
System = (1 << 0),
Game = (1 << 1),
Editor = (1 << 2),
Gui = (1 << 3),
Cheat = (1 << 4),
Hidden = (1 << 5),
ReadOnly = (1 << 6),
Archive = (1 << 7),
InternalArchivable = (1 << 8),
Modified = (1 << 9),
ModifyRestart = (1 << 10), //!< If this bit is set, any modification will inform the user that a restart is required
Color = (1 << 11), //!< If this bit is set, Vec3f and Vec4f will be displayed in the console with a colored square
NoDeveloper = (1 << 12), //!< Not even developer mode can modify this
Any = -1
class CVar : public athena::io::DNA<athena::Endian::Big> {
String<-1> m_name;
String<-1> m_value;
struct CVarContainer : public athena::io::DNA<athena::Endian::Big> {
Value<atUint32> magic = 'CVAR';
Value<atUint32> cvarCount;
Vector<CVar, AT_DNA_COUNT(cvarCount)> cvars;
} // namespace DNACVAR
class CVarManager;
class ICVarValueReference;
class CVar : protected DNACVAR::CVar {
friend class CVarManager;
Delete _d;
typedef std::function<void(CVar*)> ListenerFunc;
using EType = DNACVAR::EType;
using EFlags = DNACVAR::EFlags;
CVar(std::string_view name, std::string_view value, std::string_view help, EFlags flags);
CVar(std::string_view name, const atVec2f& value, std::string_view help, EFlags flags);
CVar(std::string_view name, const atVec2d& value, std::string_view help, EFlags flags);
CVar(std::string_view name, const atVec3f& value, std::string_view help, EFlags flags);
CVar(std::string_view name, const atVec3d& value, std::string_view help, EFlags flags);
CVar(std::string_view name, const atVec4f& value, std::string_view help, EFlags flags);
CVar(std::string_view name, const atVec4d& value, std::string_view help, EFlags flags);
CVar(std::string_view name, double value, std::string_view help, EFlags flags);
CVar(std::string_view name, bool value, std::string_view help, EFlags flags);
CVar(std::string_view name, int32_t value, std::string_view help, EFlags flags);
CVar(std::string_view name, uint32_t value, std::string_view help, EFlags flags);
std::string_view name() const { return m_name; }
std::string_view rawHelp() const { return m_help; }
std::string_view defaultValue() const { return m_defaultValue; }
std::string help() const;
std::string value() const { return m_value; }
template <typename T>
inline bool toValue(T& value) const;
atVec2f toVec2f(bool* isValid = nullptr) const;
atVec2d toVec2d(bool* isValid = nullptr) const;
atVec3f toVec3f(bool* isValid = nullptr) const;
atVec3d toVec3d(bool* isValid = nullptr) const;
atVec4f toVec4f(bool* isValid = nullptr) const;
atVec4d toVec4d(bool* isValid = nullptr) const;
double toReal(bool* isValid = nullptr) const;
bool toBoolean(bool* isValid = nullptr) const;
int32_t toSigned(bool* isValid = nullptr) const;
uint32_t toUnsigned(bool* isValid = nullptr) const;
std::wstring toWideLiteral(bool* isValid = nullptr) const;
std::string toLiteral(bool* isValid = nullptr) const;
template <typename T>
inline bool fromValue(T value) {
return false;
bool fromVec2f(const atVec2f& val);
bool fromVec2d(const atVec2d& val);
bool fromVec3f(const atVec3f& val);
bool fromVec3d(const atVec3d& val);
bool fromVec4f(const atVec4f& val);
bool fromVec4d(const atVec4d& val);
bool fromReal(double val);
bool fromBoolean(bool val);
bool fromInteger(int32_t val);
bool fromInteger(uint32_t val);
bool fromLiteral(std::string_view val);
bool fromLiteral(std::wstring_view val);
bool fromLiteralToType(std::string_view val);
bool fromLiteralToType(std::wstring_view val);
bool isVec2f() const { return m_type == EType::Vec2f; }
bool isVec2d() const { return m_type == EType::Vec2d; }
bool isVec3f() const { return m_type == EType::Vec3f; }
bool isVec3d() const { return m_type == EType::Vec3d; }
bool isVec4f() const { return m_type == EType::Vec4f; }
bool isVec4d() const { return m_type == EType::Vec4d; }
bool isFloat() const { return m_type == EType::Real; }
bool isBoolean() const { return m_type == EType::Boolean; }
bool isInteger() const { return m_type == EType::Signed || m_type == EType::Unsigned; }
bool isLiteral() const { return m_type == EType::Literal; }
bool isModified() const;
bool modificationRequiresRestart() const;
bool isReadOnly() const;
bool isCheat() const;
bool isHidden() const;
bool isArchive() const;
bool isInternalArchivable() const;
bool isNoDeveloper() const;
bool isColor() const;
bool wasDeserialized() const;
bool hasDefaultValue() const;
EType type() const { return m_type; }
EFlags flags() const { return (m_unlocked ? m_oldFlags : m_flags); }
* \brief Unlocks the CVar for writing if it is ReadOnly.
* <b>Handle with care!!!</b> if you use unlock(), make sure
* you lock the cvar using lock()
* \see lock
void unlock();
* \brief Locks the CVar to prevent writing if it is ReadOnly.
* Unlike its partner function unlock, lock is harmless
* \see unlock
void lock();
void addListener(ListenerFunc func) { m_listeners.push_back(std::move(func)); }
void addVariableReference(ICVarValueReference* v) { m_valueReferences.push_back(v); }
void removeVariableReference(ICVarValueReference* v) {
auto it = std::find(m_valueReferences.begin(), m_valueReferences.end(), v);
if (it != m_valueReferences.end()) {
bool isValidInput(std::string_view input) const;
bool isValidInput(std::wstring_view input) const;
CVar(std::string_view name, std::string_view help, EType type) : m_help(help), m_type(type) { m_name = name; }
void dispatch();
void clearModified();
void setModified();
std::string m_help;
EType m_type;
std::string m_defaultValue;
EFlags m_flags = EFlags::None;
EFlags m_oldFlags = EFlags::None;
bool m_unlocked = false;
bool m_wasDeserialized = false;
std::vector<ListenerFunc> m_listeners;
std::vector<ICVarValueReference*> m_valueReferences;
bool safeToModify(EType type) const;
void init(EFlags flags, bool removeColor = true);
template <>
inline bool CVar::toValue(atVec2f& value) const {
bool isValid = false;
value = toVec2f(&isValid);
return isValid;
template <>
inline bool CVar::toValue(atVec2d& value) const {
bool isValid = false;
value = toVec2d(&isValid);
return isValid;
template <>
inline bool CVar::toValue(atVec3f& value) const {
bool isValid = false;
value = toVec3f(&isValid);
return isValid;
template <>
inline bool CVar::toValue(atVec3d& value) const {
bool isValid = false;
value = toVec3d(&isValid);
return isValid;
template <>
inline bool CVar::toValue(atVec4f& value) const {
bool isValid = false;
value = toVec4f(&isValid);
return isValid;
template <>
inline bool CVar::toValue(atVec4d& value) const {
bool isValid = false;
value = toVec4d(&isValid);
return isValid;
template <>
inline bool CVar::toValue(double& value) const {
bool isValid = false;
value = toReal(&isValid);
return isValid;
template <>
inline bool CVar::toValue(float& value) const {
bool isValid = false;
value = static_cast<float>(toReal(&isValid));
return isValid;
template <>
inline bool CVar::toValue(bool& value) const {
bool isValid = false;
value = toBoolean(&isValid);
return isValid;
template <>
inline bool CVar::toValue(int32_t& value) const {
bool isValid = false;
value = toSigned(&isValid);
return isValid;
template <>
inline bool CVar::toValue(uint32_t& value) const {
bool isValid = false;
value = toUnsigned(&isValid);
return isValid;
template <>
inline bool CVar::toValue(std::wstring& value) const {
bool isValid = false;
value = toWideLiteral(&isValid);
return isValid;
template <>
inline bool CVar::toValue(std::string& value) const {
bool isValid = false;
value = toLiteral(&isValid);
return isValid;
template <>
inline bool CVar::fromValue(const atVec2f& val) {
return fromVec2f(val);
template <>
inline bool CVar::fromValue(const atVec2d& val) {
return fromVec2d(val);
template <>
inline bool CVar::fromValue(const atVec3f& val) {
return fromVec3f(val);
template <>
inline bool CVar::fromValue(const atVec3d& val) {
return fromVec3d(val);
template <>
inline bool CVar::fromValue(const atVec4f& val) {
return fromVec4f(val);
template <>
inline bool CVar::fromValue(const atVec4d& val) {
return fromVec4d(val);
template <>
inline bool CVar::fromValue(float val) {
return fromReal(val);
template <>
inline bool CVar::fromValue(double val) {
return fromReal(val);
template <>
inline bool CVar::fromValue(bool val) {
return fromBoolean(val);
template <>
inline bool CVar::fromValue(int32_t val) {
return fromInteger(val);
template <>
inline bool CVar::fromValue(uint32_t val) {
return fromInteger(val);
template <>
inline bool CVar::fromValue(std::string_view val) {
return fromLiteral(val);
template <>
inline bool CVar::fromValue(std::wstring_view val) {
return fromLiteral(val);
class CVarUnlocker {
CVar* m_cvar;
CVarUnlocker(CVar* cvar) : m_cvar(cvar) {
if (m_cvar)
~CVarUnlocker() {
if (m_cvar)
class ICVarValueReference {
CVar* m_cvar = nullptr;
ICVarValueReference() = default;
explicit ICVarValueReference(CVar* cv) : m_cvar(cv) {
if (m_cvar != nullptr) {
virtual ~ICVarValueReference() {
if (m_cvar != nullptr) {
m_cvar = nullptr;
virtual void updateValue() = 0;
template <typename T>
class CVarValueReference : public ICVarValueReference {
T* m_valueRef = nullptr;
CVarValueReference() = default;
explicit CVarValueReference(T* t, CVar* cv) : ICVarValueReference(cv) {
m_valueRef = t;
if (m_valueRef && m_cvar) {
void updateValue() override {
if (m_valueRef != nullptr && m_cvar->isModified()) {
} // namespace hecl