mirror of https://github.com/AxioDL/metaforce.git
194 lines
6.7 KiB
194 lines
6.7 KiB
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "Runtime/CBasics.hpp"
#include "Runtime/CGameOptions.hpp"
#include "Runtime/CPlayerState.hpp"
#include "Runtime/CScriptMailbox.hpp"
#include "Runtime/AutoMapper/CMapWorldInfo.hpp"
#include "Runtime/World/CWorld.hpp"
#include "Runtime/World/CWorldTransManager.hpp"
namespace metaforce {
class CSaveWorldMemory;
// TODO: copied from DataSpec, should be reimplemented
class WordBitmap {
std::vector<atUint32> m_words;
size_t m_bitCount = 0;
void read(athena::io::IStreamReader& reader, size_t bitCount);
void write(athena::io::IStreamWriter& writer) const;
void reserve(size_t bitCount) { m_words.reserve((bitCount + 31) / 32); }
void binarySize(size_t& __isz) const;
size_t getBitCount() const { return m_bitCount; }
bool getBit(size_t idx) const {
size_t wordIdx = idx / 32;
if (wordIdx >= m_words.size())
return false;
size_t wordCur = idx % 32;
return (m_words[wordIdx] >> wordCur) & 0x1;
void setBit(size_t idx) {
size_t wordIdx = idx / 32;
while (wordIdx >= m_words.size())
size_t wordCur = idx % 32;
m_words[wordIdx] |= (1 << wordCur);
m_bitCount = std::max(m_bitCount, idx + 1);
void unsetBit(size_t idx) {
size_t wordIdx = idx / 32;
while (wordIdx >= m_words.size())
size_t wordCur = idx % 32;
m_words[wordIdx] &= ~(1 << wordCur);
m_bitCount = std::max(m_bitCount, idx + 1);
void clear() {
m_bitCount = 0;
class Iterator {
friend class WordBitmap;
const WordBitmap& m_bmp;
size_t m_idx = 0;
Iterator(const WordBitmap& bmp, size_t idx) : m_bmp(bmp), m_idx(idx) {}
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
using value_type = bool;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = bool*;
using reference = bool&;
Iterator& operator++() {
return *this;
bool operator*() const { return m_bmp.getBit(m_idx); }
bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const { return m_idx != other.m_idx; }
Iterator begin() const { return Iterator(*this, 0); }
Iterator end() const { return Iterator(*this, m_bitCount); }
class CScriptLayerManager {
friend class CSaveWorldIntermediate;
std::vector<CWorldLayers::Area> x0_areaLayers;
WordBitmap x10_saveLayers;
CScriptLayerManager() = default;
CScriptLayerManager(CInputStream& reader, const CWorldSaveGameInfo& saveWorld);
bool IsLayerActive(int areaIdx, int layerIdx) const { return ((x0_areaLayers[areaIdx].m_layerBits >> layerIdx) & 1); }
void SetLayerActive(int areaIdx, int layerIdx, bool active) {
if (active)
x0_areaLayers[areaIdx].m_layerBits |= uint64_t(1) << layerIdx;
x0_areaLayers[areaIdx].m_layerBits &= ~(uint64_t(1) << layerIdx);
void InitializeWorldLayers(const std::vector<CWorldLayers::Area>& layers);
u32 GetAreaLayerCount(int areaIdx) const { return x0_areaLayers[areaIdx].m_layerCount; }
u32 GetAreaCount() const { return x0_areaLayers.size(); }
void PutTo(COutputStream& writer) const;
class CWorldState {
CAssetId x0_mlvlId;
TAreaId x4_areaId = kInvalidAreaId;
std::shared_ptr<CScriptMailbox> x8_mailbox;
std::shared_ptr<CMapWorldInfo> xc_mapWorldInfo;
CAssetId x10_desiredAreaAssetId;
std::shared_ptr<CScriptLayerManager> x14_layerState;
explicit CWorldState(CAssetId id);
CWorldState(CInputStream& reader, CAssetId mlvlId, const CWorldSaveGameInfo& saveWorld);
CAssetId GetWorldAssetId() const { return x0_mlvlId; }
void SetAreaId(TAreaId aid) { x4_areaId = aid; }
TAreaId GetCurrentAreaId() const { return x4_areaId; }
CAssetId GetDesiredAreaAssetId() const { return x10_desiredAreaAssetId; }
void SetDesiredAreaAssetId(CAssetId id) { x10_desiredAreaAssetId = id; }
const std::shared_ptr<CScriptMailbox>& Mailbox() const { return x8_mailbox; }
const std::shared_ptr<CMapWorldInfo>& MapWorldInfo() const { return xc_mapWorldInfo; }
const std::shared_ptr<CScriptLayerManager>& GetLayerState() const { return x14_layerState; }
void PutTo(COutputStream& writer, const CWorldSaveGameInfo& savw) const;
class CGameState {
friend class CStateManager;
std::array<bool, 128> x0_{};
u32 x80_ = 0;
CAssetId x84_mlvlId;
std::vector<CWorldState> x88_worldStates;
std::shared_ptr<CPlayerState> x98_playerState;
std::shared_ptr<CWorldTransManager> x9c_transManager;
double xa0_playTime = 0.0;
CPersistentOptions xa8_systemOptions;
CGameOptions x17c_gameOptions;
CHintOptions x1f8_hintOptions;
u32 x20c_saveFileIdx = 0;
u64 x210_cardSerial = 0;
std::vector<u8> x218_backupBuf;
bool x228_24_hardMode : 1 = false;
bool x228_25_initPowerupsAtFirstSpawn : 1 = true;
CGameState(CInputStream& stream, u32 saveIdx);
void SetCurrentWorldId(CAssetId id);
std::shared_ptr<CPlayerState> GetPlayerState() const { return x98_playerState; }
std::shared_ptr<CWorldTransManager> GetWorldTransitionManager() const { return x9c_transManager; }
void SetTotalPlayTime(double time);
double GetTotalPlayTime() const { return xa0_playTime; }
CPersistentOptions& SystemOptions() { return xa8_systemOptions; }
CGameOptions& GameOptions() { return x17c_gameOptions; }
CHintOptions& HintOptions() { return x1f8_hintOptions; }
CWorldState& StateForWorld(CAssetId mlvlId);
CWorldState& CurrentWorldState() { return StateForWorld(x84_mlvlId); }
CAssetId CurrentWorldAssetId() const { return x84_mlvlId; }
void SetHardMode(bool v) { x228_24_hardMode = v; }
bool GetHardMode() const { return x228_24_hardMode; }
void ReadPersistentOptions(CInputStream& r);
void SetPersistentOptions(const CPersistentOptions& opts) { xa8_systemOptions = opts; }
void ImportPersistentOptions(const CPersistentOptions& opts);
void ExportPersistentOptions(CPersistentOptions& opts) const;
void SetGameOptions(const CGameOptions& opts) { x17c_gameOptions = opts; }
void WriteBackupBuf();
std::vector<u8>& BackupBuf() { return x218_backupBuf; }
u32 GetFileIdx() const { return x20c_saveFileIdx; }
void SetFileIdx(u32 idx) { x20c_saveFileIdx = idx; }
void SetCardSerial(u64 serial) { x210_cardSerial = serial; }
u64 GetCardSerial() const { return x210_cardSerial; }
void PutTo(COutputStream& writer);
float GetHardModeDamageMultiplier() const;
float GetHardModeWeaponMultiplier() const;
void InitializeMemoryWorlds();
void InitializeMemoryStates();
struct GameFileStateInfo {
double x0_playTime;
CAssetId x8_mlvlId;
float xc_health;
u32 x10_energyTanks;
u32 x14_timestamp;
u32 x18_itemPercent;
float x1c_scanPercent;
bool x20_hardMode;
static GameFileStateInfo LoadGameFileState(const u8* data);
} // namespace metaforce