mirror of https://github.com/AxioDL/metaforce.git
408 lines
15 KiB
408 lines
15 KiB
#include "hecl/Backend/Metal.hpp"
#include "hecl/Runtime.hpp"
#include <athena/MemoryReader.hpp>
#include <athena/MemoryWriter.hpp>
#include <boo/graphicsdev/Metal.hpp>
static logvisor::Module Log("hecl::Backend::Metal");
namespace hecl
namespace Backend
std::string Metal::EmitTexGenSource2(TexGenSrc src, int uvIdx) const
switch (src)
case TexGenSrc::Position:
return "v.posIn.xy\n";
case TexGenSrc::Normal:
return "v.normIn.xy\n";
case TexGenSrc::UV:
return hecl::Format("v.uvIn%u", uvIdx);
default: break;
return std::string();
std::string Metal::EmitTexGenSource4(TexGenSrc src, int uvIdx) const
switch (src)
case TexGenSrc::Position:
return "float4(v.posIn, 1.0)\n";
case TexGenSrc::Normal:
return "float4(v.normIn, 1.0)\n";
case TexGenSrc::UV:
return hecl::Format("float4(v.uvIn%u, 0.0, 1.0)", uvIdx);
default: break;
return std::string();
std::string Metal::GenerateVertInStruct(unsigned col, unsigned uv, unsigned w) const
std::string retval =
"struct VertData\n"
" float3 posIn [[ attribute(0) ]];\n"
" float3 normIn [[ attribute(1) ]];\n";
unsigned idx = 2;
if (col)
for (unsigned i=0 ; i<col ; ++i, ++idx)
retval += hecl::Format(" float4 colIn%u [[ attribute(%u) ]];\n", i, idx);
if (uv)
for (unsigned i=0 ; i<uv ; ++i, ++idx)
retval += hecl::Format(" float2 uvIn%u [[ attribute(%u) ]];\n", i, idx);
if (w)
for (unsigned i=0 ; i<w ; ++i, ++idx)
retval += hecl::Format(" float4 weightIn%u [[ attribute(%u) ]];\n", i, idx);
return retval + "};\n";
std::string Metal::GenerateVertToFragStruct() const
std::string retval =
"struct VertToFrag\n"
" float4 mvpPos [[ position ]];\n"
" float4 mvPos;\n"
" float4 mvNorm;\n";
if (m_tcgs.size())
for (size_t i=0 ; i<m_tcgs.size() ; ++i)
retval += hecl::Format(" float2 tcgs%" PRISize ";\n", i);
return retval + "};\n";
std::string Metal::GenerateVertUniformStruct(unsigned skinSlots, unsigned texMtxs) const
if (skinSlots == 0)
skinSlots = 1;
std::string retval = hecl::Format("struct HECLVertUniform\n"
" float4x4 mv[%u];\n"
" float4x4 mvInv[%u];\n"
" float4x4 proj;\n",
skinSlots, skinSlots);
if (texMtxs)
retval += hecl::Format(" float4x4 texMtxs[%u];\n", texMtxs);
return retval + "};\n";
void Metal::reset(const IR& ir, Diagnostics& diag)
/* Common programmable interpretation */
ProgrammableCommon::reset(ir, diag, "Metal");
std::string Metal::makeVert(unsigned col, unsigned uv, unsigned w,
unsigned s, unsigned tm) const
std::string retval = "#include <metal_stdlib>\nusing namespace metal;\n" +
GenerateVertInStruct(col, uv, w) + "\n" +
GenerateVertToFragStruct() + "\n" +
GenerateVertUniformStruct(s, tm) +
"\nvertex VertToFrag vmain(VertData v [[ stage_in ]], constant HECLVertUniform& vu [[ buffer(2) ]])\n{\n"
" VertToFrag vtf;\n";
if (s)
/* skinned */
retval += " float4 posAccum = float4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);\n"
" float4 normAccum = float4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);\n";
for (size_t i=0 ; i<s ; ++i)
retval += hecl::Format(" posAccum += (vu.mv[%" PRISize "] * float4(v.posIn, 1.0)) * v.weightIn%" PRISize "[%" PRISize "];\n"
" normAccum += (vu.mvInv[%" PRISize "] * float4(v.normIn, 1.0)) * v.weightIn%" PRISize "[%" PRISize "];\n",
i, i/4, i%4, i, i/4, i%4);
retval += " posAccum[3] = 1.0;\n"
" vtf.mvPos = posAccum;\n"
" vtf.mvNorm = float4(normalize(normAccum.xyz), 0.0);\n"
" vtf.mvpPos = vu.proj * posAccum;\n";
/* non-skinned */
retval += " vtf.mvPos = vu.mv[0] * float4(v.posIn, 1.0);\n"
" vtf.mvNorm = vu.mvInv[0] * float4(v.normIn, 0.0);\n"
" vtf.mvpPos = vu.proj * vtf.mvPos;\n";
int tcgIdx = 0;
for (const TexCoordGen& tcg : m_tcgs)
if (tcg.m_mtx < 0)
retval += hecl::Format(" vtf.tcgs%u = %s;\n", tcgIdx,
EmitTexGenSource2(tcg.m_src, tcg.m_uvIdx).c_str());
retval += hecl::Format(" vtf.tcgs%u = (vu.texMtxs[%u] * %s).xy;\n", tcgIdx, tcg.m_mtx,
EmitTexGenSource4(tcg.m_src, tcg.m_uvIdx).c_str());
return retval + " return vtf;\n}\n";
std::string Metal::makeFrag(const ShaderFunction& lighting) const
std::string lightingSrc;
if (lighting.m_source)
lightingSrc = lighting.m_source;
std::string texMapDecl;
if (m_texMapEnd)
for (int i=0 ; i<m_texMapEnd ; ++i)
texMapDecl += hecl::Format("\n, texture2d<float> tex%u [[ texture(%u) ]]", i, i);
std::string retval = "#include <metal_stdlib>\nusing namespace metal;\n"
"constexpr sampler samp(address::repeat);\n" +
GenerateVertToFragStruct() + "\n" +
lightingSrc + "\n" +
"fragment float4 fmain(VertToFrag vtf [[ stage_in ]]" + texMapDecl + ")\n{\n";
if (m_lighting)
if (lighting.m_entry)
retval += hecl::Format(" float4 lighting = %s();\n", lighting.m_entry);
retval += " float4 lighting = float4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0);\n";
unsigned sampIdx = 0;
for (const TexSampling& sampling : m_texSamplings)
retval += hecl::Format(" float4 sampling%u = tex%u.sample(samp, vtf.tcgs%u);\n",
sampIdx++, sampling.mapIdx, sampling.tcgIdx);
if (m_alphaExpr.size())
retval += " return float4(" + m_colorExpr + ", " + m_alphaExpr + ");\n";
retval += " return float4(" + m_colorExpr + ", 1.0);\n";
return retval + "}\n";
std::string Metal::makeFrag(const ShaderFunction& lighting,
const ShaderFunction& post) const
std::string lightingSrc;
if (lighting.m_source)
lightingSrc = lighting.m_source;
std::string postSrc;
if (post.m_source)
postSrc = post.m_source;
std::string postEntry;
if (post.m_entry)
postEntry = post.m_entry;
std::string texMapDecl;
if (m_texMapEnd)
for (int i=0 ; i<m_texMapEnd ; ++i)
texMapDecl += hecl::Format("texture2d<float> tex%u [[ texture(%u) ]],\n", i, i);
std::string retval = "#include <metal_stdlib>\nusing namespace metal;\n"
"constexpr sampler samp(address::repeat);\n" +
GenerateVertToFragStruct() + "\n" +
lightingSrc + "\n" +
"fragment float4 fmain(VertToFrag vtf [[ stage_in ]],\n" + texMapDecl + ")\n{\n";
if (m_lighting)
if (lighting.m_entry)
retval += hecl::Format(" float4 lighting = %s();\n", lighting.m_entry);
retval += " float4 lighting = float4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0);\n";
unsigned sampIdx = 0;
for (const TexSampling& sampling : m_texSamplings)
retval += hecl::Format(" float4 sampling%u = tex%u.sample(samp, vtf.tcgs%u);\n",
sampIdx++, sampling.mapIdx, sampling.tcgIdx);
if (m_alphaExpr.size())
retval += " return " + postEntry + "(float4(" + m_colorExpr + ", " + m_alphaExpr + "));\n";
retval += " return " + postEntry + "(float4(" + m_colorExpr + ", 1.0));\n";
return retval + "}\n";
namespace Runtime
struct MetalBackendFactory : IShaderBackendFactory
Backend::Metal m_backend;
boo::MetalDataFactory* m_gfxFactory;
MetalBackendFactory(boo::IGraphicsDataFactory* gfxFactory)
: m_gfxFactory(dynamic_cast<boo::MetalDataFactory*>(gfxFactory)) {}
ShaderCachedData buildShaderFromIR(const ShaderTag& tag,
const hecl::Frontend::IR& ir,
hecl::Frontend::Diagnostics& diag,
boo::IShaderPipeline*& objOut)
if (!m_rtHint)
"ShaderCacheManager::setRenderTargetHint must be called before making metal shaders");
m_backend.reset(ir, diag);
size_t cachedSz = 2;
std::string vertSource =
m_backend.makeVert(tag.getColorCount(), tag.getUvCount(), tag.getWeightCount(),
tag.getSkinSlotCount(), tag.getTexMtxCount());
cachedSz += vertSource.size() + 1;
std::string fragSource = m_backend.makeFrag();
cachedSz += fragSource.size() + 1;
objOut =
m_gfxFactory->newShaderPipeline(vertSource.c_str(), fragSource.c_str(),
tag.newVertexFormat(m_gfxFactory), m_rtHint,
m_backend.m_blendSrc, m_backend.m_blendDst,
tag.getDepthTest(), tag.getDepthWrite(),
if (!*objOut)
Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unable to build shader");
ShaderCachedData dataOut(tag, cachedSz);
athena::io::MemoryWriter w(dataOut.m_data.get(), dataOut.m_sz);
return dataOut;
boo::IShaderPipeline* buildShaderFromCache(const ShaderCachedData& data)
if (!m_rtHint)
"ShaderCacheManager::setRenderTargetHint must be called before making metal shaders");
const ShaderTag& tag = data.m_tag;
athena::io::MemoryReader r(data.m_data.get(), data.m_sz);
boo::BlendFactor blendSrc = boo::BlendFactor(r.readUByte());
boo::BlendFactor blendDst = boo::BlendFactor(r.readUByte());
std::string vertSource = r.readString();
std::string fragSource = r.readString();
boo::IShaderPipeline* ret =
m_gfxFactory->newShaderPipeline(vertSource.c_str(), fragSource.c_str(),
tag.newVertexFormat(m_gfxFactory), m_rtHint,
blendSrc, blendDst,
tag.getDepthTest(), tag.getDepthWrite(),
if (!ret)
Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unable to build shader");
return ret;
ShaderCachedData buildExtendedShaderFromIR(const ShaderTag& tag,
const hecl::Frontend::IR& ir,
hecl::Frontend::Diagnostics& diag,
const std::vector<ShaderCacheExtensions::ExtensionSlot>& extensionSlots,
FReturnExtensionShader returnFunc)
if (!m_rtHint)
"ShaderCacheManager::setRenderTargetHint must be called before making metal shaders");
m_backend.reset(ir, diag);
size_t cachedSz = 2;
std::string vertSource =
m_backend.makeVert(tag.getColorCount(), tag.getUvCount(), tag.getWeightCount(),
tag.getSkinSlotCount(), tag.getTexMtxCount());
cachedSz += vertSource.size() + 1;
std::vector<std::string> fragSources;
for (const ShaderCacheExtensions::ExtensionSlot& slot : extensionSlots)
fragSources.push_back(m_backend.makeFrag(slot.lighting, slot.post));
cachedSz += fragSources.back().size() + 1;
boo::IShaderPipeline* ret =
m_gfxFactory->newShaderPipeline(vertSource.c_str(), fragSources.back().c_str(),
tag.newVertexFormat(m_gfxFactory), m_rtHint,
m_backend.m_blendSrc, m_backend.m_blendDst,
tag.getDepthTest(), tag.getDepthWrite(),
if (!ret)
Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unable to build shader");
ShaderCachedData dataOut(tag, cachedSz);
athena::io::MemoryWriter w(dataOut.m_data.get(), dataOut.m_sz);
for (const std::string src : fragSources)
return dataOut;
void buildExtendedShaderFromCache(const ShaderCachedData& data,
const std::vector<ShaderCacheExtensions::ExtensionSlot>& extensionSlots,
FReturnExtensionShader returnFunc)
if (!m_rtHint)
"ShaderCacheManager::setRenderTargetHint must be called before making metal shaders");
const ShaderTag& tag = data.m_tag;
athena::io::MemoryReader r(data.m_data.get(), data.m_sz);
boo::BlendFactor blendSrc = boo::BlendFactor(r.readUByte());
boo::BlendFactor blendDst = boo::BlendFactor(r.readUByte());
std::string vertSource = r.readString();
for (const ShaderCacheExtensions::ExtensionSlot& slot : extensionSlots)
std::string fragSource = r.readString();
boo::IShaderPipeline* ret =
m_gfxFactory->newShaderPipeline(vertSource.c_str(), fragSource.c_str(),
tag.newVertexFormat(m_gfxFactory), m_rtHint,
blendSrc, blendDst,
tag.getDepthTest(), tag.getDepthWrite(),
if (!ret)
Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unable to build shader");
IShaderBackendFactory* _NewMetalBackendFactory(boo::IGraphicsDataFactory* gfxFactory)
return new struct MetalBackendFactory(gfxFactory);