
272 lines
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#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "HECL.hpp"
namespace HECLDatabase
class IDatabase;
* @brief The IDataObject class
* This abstract base-class is a typeless object node for entities in an
* underlying database.
class IDataObject
* @brief Data-key of object
* @return Primary key
virtual size_t id() const=0;
* @brief Textual name of object
* @return Name
virtual const std::string& name() const=0;
* @brief Data-hash of object
* @return Object hash truncated to system's size-type
virtual size_t hash() const=0;
* @brief Retrieve the database this object is stored within
* @return database object
virtual IDatabase* parent() const=0;
* @brief An iterable collection of objects tracked within the database
class IDataDependencyGroup : public IDataObject
* @brief Count of objects in the group
* @return object count
virtual size_t length() const=0;
* @brief Alias of length()
* @return object count
inline size_t size() const {return length();}
* @brief Retrieve object at specified internal index within the group
* @param idx internal index of object to fetch (range [0,length()-1])
* @return object or nullptr
virtual const IDataObject* at(size_t idx) const=0;
inline const IDataObject* operator[](size_t idx) {return at(idx);}
virtual std::vector<IDataObject*>::const_iterator begin() const=0;
virtual std::vector<IDataObject*>::const_iterator end() const=0;
* @brief A generic database object storing raw bytes
class IDataBlob : public IDataObject
* @brief Accesses the length of the object (in bytes)
* @return Data length
virtual size_t length() const=0;
* @brief Alias for the length() function
* @return Data length
inline size_t size() const {return length();}
* @brief Accesses the object's data
* @return Immutable pointer to object's data
* Note that the database may not have data loaded immediately loaded.
* This function will perform a blocking-load of the data object.
* Gather objects into an ILoadTransaction to pre-emptively load
* collections of objects.
virtual const void* data() const=0;
* @brief Root database interface
class IDatabase
virtual ~IDatabase() {}
* @brief Database backend type
enum Type
MEMORY, /**< In-memory database; ideal for gathering small groups of frequently-accessed objects */
LOOSE, /**< Loose database; ideal for read/write database construction or platforms with good filesystems */
PACKED /**< Packed database; ideal for read-only archived data */
virtual Type getType() const=0;
* @brief Database access type
enum Access
READONLY, /**< Read-only access; packed databases always use this mode */
READWRITE /**< Read/write access; used for building fresh databases */
virtual Access getAccess() const=0;
* @brief Lookup object by database primary-key
* @param id Primary-key of object
* @return Data object
virtual const IDataObject* lookupObject(size_t id) const=0;
* @brief Lookup object by name
* @param name Name of object
* @return Data object
virtual const IDataObject* lookupObject(const std::string& name) const=0;
* @brief Insert named data-blob object into a database with read/write access
* @param name Name of object
* @param data Pointer to object data (will be copied)
* @param length Size of object data to copy
* @return New data object
virtual const IDataObject* addDataBlob(const std::string& name, const void* data, size_t length)=0;
* @brief Insert Data-blob object into a database with read/write access
* @param data Pointer to object data (will be copied)
* @param length size of object data to copy
* @return New data object
virtual const IDataObject* addDataBlob(const void* data, size_t length)=0;
* @brief Write a full copy of the database to another type/path
* @param type Type of new database
* @param path Target path of new database
* @return True on success
virtual bool writeDatabase(IDatabase::Type type, const std::string& path) const=0;
* @brief Creates a new (empty) database
* @param type Type of new database
* @param access Requested level of access
* @return New database object
IDatabase* NewDatabase(IDatabase::Type type, IDatabase::Access access, const std::string& path);
* @brief Main project interface
* Projects are intermediate working directories used for staging
* resources in their ideal editor-formats. This interface exposes all
* primary operations to perform on a given project.
class IProject
virtual ~IProject() {}
* @brief A rough description of how 'expensive' a given cook operation is
* This is used to provide pretty colors during the cook operation
enum LoadType
* @brief Register an optional callback to report log-messages using
* @param logger logger-callback
virtual void registerLogger(HECL::TLogger logger)=0;
* @brief Get the path of the project's root-directory
* @param absolute return as absolute-path
* @return project root path
virtual std::string getProjectRootPath(bool absolute)=0;
* @brief Add a given file or file-pattern to the database
* @param path file or pattern within project
* @return true on success
virtual bool addPath(const std::string& path)=0;
* @brief Begin cook process for specified file or directory
* @param path file or directory of intermediates to cook
* @param feedbackCb a callback to run reporting cook-progress
* @param recursive traverse subdirectories to cook as well
* @return true on success
virtual bool cookPath(const std::string& path,
std::function<void(std::string&, LoadType, unsigned)> feedbackCb,
bool recursive=false)=0;
* @brief Interrupts a cook in progress (call from SIGINT handler)
virtual void interruptCook()=0;
* @brief Delete cooked objects for file or directory
* @param path file or directory of intermediates to clean
* @param recursive traverse subdirectories to clean as well
* @return true on success
virtual bool cleanPath(const std::string& path, bool recursive=false)=0;
* @brief Creates a new (empty) project using specified root directory
* @param path Path to project root-directory (may be relative)
* @return New project object
IProject* NewProject(const std::string& path);