mirror of https://github.com/AxioDL/metaforce.git
208 lines
7.1 KiB
208 lines
7.1 KiB
#pragma once
#include <Runtime/Collision/CJointCollisionDescription.hpp>
#include "World/CPatterned.hpp"
#include "World/CPathFindSearch.hpp"
#include "Weapon/CProjectileInfo.hpp"
#include "Character/CBoneTracking.hpp"
namespace urde {
class CCollisionActorManager;
class CWeaponDescription;
} // namespace urde
namespace urde::MP1 {
struct CBabygothData {
float x0_;
float x4_;
CAssetId x8_;
CDamageInfo xc_;
CDamageInfo x28_;
CAssetId x44_;
CAssetId x48_fireBreathRes;
CDamageInfo x4c_fireBreathDamage;
CDamageVulnerability x68_;
CDamageVulnerability xd0_shellVulnerabilities;
CAssetId x138_;
CAssetId x13c_;
float x140_shellHitPoints;
s16 x144_shellCrackSfx;
CAssetId x148_;
CAssetId x14c_;
CAssetId x150_;
CAssetId x154_;
s16 x158_;
s16 x15a_;
s16 x15c_;
float x160_;
float x164_;
float x168_;
CAssetId x16c_;
s16 x170_;
CAssetId x174_;
CAssetId GetShellModelResId() const;
void GetFireballDamage() const;
CAssetId GetFireballResID() const;
void GetFireballAttackVariance() const;
void GetFireballAttackTime() const;
CAssetId GetFireBreathResId() const { return x48_fireBreathRes; }
CDamageInfo GetFireBreathDamage() const { return x4c_fireBreathDamage; }
const CDamageVulnerability& GetShellDamageVulnerability() const { return xd0_shellVulnerabilities; }
float GetShellHitPoints() const { return x140_shellHitPoints; }
s16 GetShellCrackSfx() { return x144_shellCrackSfx; }
class CBabygoth final : public CPatterned {
enum class EPathFindMode { Zero, One };
static constexpr s32 skSphereJointCount = 5;
static const SSphereJointInfo skSphereJointList[skSphereJointCount];
static const std::string_view skpMouthDamageJoint;
u32 x568_ = -1;
u32 x56c_ = 0;
CBabygothData x570_babyData;
TUniqueId x6e8_teamMgr = kInvalidUniqueId;
CPathFindSearch x6ec_;
CPathFindSearch x7d0_;
EPathFindMode x8b4_pathFindMode;
zeus::CVector3f x8b8_;
zeus::CVector3f x8c4_;
float x8d0_;
float x8d4_stepBackwardDist = 0.f;
float x8d8_ = 0.f;
float x8dc_ = 0.f;
float x8e0_ = 0.f;
float x8e4_ = 0.f;
float x8e8_ = 0.f;
float x8ec_ = 0.f;
CBoneTracking x8f0_boneTracking;
std::unique_ptr<CCollisionActorManager> x928_colActMgr;
CCollidableAABox x930_aabox;
CProjectileInfo x958_;
TUniqueId x980_flameThrower = kInvalidUniqueId;
TToken<CWeaponDescription> x984_flameThrowerDesc;
CDamageVulnerability x98c_;
CSegId x9f4_mouthLocator;
TUniqueId x9f6_ = kInvalidUniqueId;
rstl::reserved_vector<TUniqueId, 1> x9f8_shellIds;
float xa00_shellHitPoints;
u32 xa04_ = 0;
TLockedToken<CSkinnedModel> xa08_noShellModel;
TToken<CGenDescription> xa14_;
TToken<CGenDescription> xa20_;
TToken<CGenDescription> xa2c_;
TLockedToken<CGenDescription> xa38_; // Used to be an optional, not necessary in URDE
union {
struct {
bool xa48_24_isAlert : 1;
bool xa48_25_ : 1;
bool xa48_26_ : 1;
bool xa48_27_ : 1;
bool xa48_28_ : 1;
bool xa48_29_ : 1;
bool xa48_30_ : 1;
bool xa48_31_ : 1;
bool xa49_24_ : 1;
bool xa49_25_ : 1;
bool xa49_26_ : 1;
bool xa49_27_ : 1;
bool xa49_28_ : 1;
bool xa49_29_ : 1;
u32 _dummy = 0;
void AddSphereCollisionList(const SSphereJointInfo*, s32, std::vector<CJointCollisionDescription>&);
void SetupCollisionManager(CStateManager&);
void SetupHealthInfo(CStateManager&);
void CreateFlameThrower(CStateManager&);
void ApplyContactDamage(TUniqueId, CStateManager&);
void RemoveFromTeam(CStateManager&);
void ApplySeparationBehavior(CStateManager&);
bool IsMouthCollisionActor(TUniqueId uid) { return x9f6_ == uid; }
bool IsShell(TUniqueId uid) {
for (TUniqueId shellId : x9f8_shellIds) {
if (shellId == uid)
return true;
return false;
void CrackShell(CStateManager&, const TLockedToken<CGenDescription>&, const zeus::CTransform&, s16, bool);
void sub8021d478(CStateManager&, TUniqueId);
void AvoidPlayerCollision(float, CStateManager&);
s32 sub8023a180(TUniqueId, CStateManager&);
void sub8021d6e8(CStateManager&);
void sub8021e2c4(float);
void sub8021e708(CStateManager&);
void UpdateParticleEffects(float, CStateManager&);
void TryToGetUp(CStateManager& mgr);
bool CheckShouldWakeUp(CStateManager&, float);
void SetProjectilePasshtrough(CStateManager&);
void UpdateTouchBounds();
void UpdateAttackPosition(CStateManager&, zeus::CVector3f&);
void sub8021d644(CStateManager&);
bool IsDestinationObstructed(CStateManager&);
CBabygoth(TUniqueId, std::string_view, const CEntityInfo&, const zeus::CTransform&, CModelData&&,
const CPatternedInfo&, const CActorParameters&, const CBabygothData&);
void AcceptScriptMsg(EScriptObjectMessage msg, TUniqueId uid, CStateManager& mgr);
void PreRender(CStateManager& mgr, const zeus::CFrustum& frustum) {
CPatterned::PreRender(mgr, frustum);
xb4_drawFlags.x1_matSetIdx = u8(xa04_);
void Think(float, CStateManager&);
void DoUserAnimEvent(CStateManager& mgr, const CInt32POINode& node, EUserEventType type, float dt);
float GetGravityConstant() const { return 10.f * 24.525f; }
void SetPathFindMode(EPathFindMode mode) { x8b4_pathFindMode = mode; }
const CCollisionPrimitive* GetCollisionPrimitive() const { return &x930_aabox; }
EWeaponCollisionResponseTypes GetCollisionResponseType(const zeus::CVector3f& v1, const zeus::CVector3f& v2,
const CWeaponMode& wMode, EProjectileAttrib attrib) const {
if (wMode.GetType() == EWeaponType::Ice)
return EWeaponCollisionResponseTypes::None;
if (x56c_ != 3)
return EWeaponCollisionResponseTypes::Unknown66;
return CPatterned::GetCollisionResponseType(v1, v2, wMode, attrib);
void TakeDamage(const zeus::CVector3f&, float) {
if (x400_25_alive)
x428_damageCooldownTimer = 0.33f;
void Shock(CStateManager&, float, float);
void TurnAround(CStateManager&, EStateMsg, float);
void GetUp(CStateManager&, EStateMsg, float);
void Enraged(CStateManager&, EStateMsg, float);
void FollowPattern(CStateManager&, EStateMsg, float);
void Taunt(CStateManager&, EStateMsg, float);
void Crouch(CStateManager&, EStateMsg, float);
void Deactivate(CStateManager&, EStateMsg, float);
void Generate(CStateManager&, EStateMsg, float);
void TargetPatrol(CStateManager&, EStateMsg, float);
void Patrol(CStateManager&, EStateMsg, float);
void Approach(CStateManager&, EStateMsg, float);
void PathFind(CStateManager&, EStateMsg, float);
void SpecialAttack(CStateManager&, EStateMsg, float);
void Attack(CStateManager&, EStateMsg, float);
void ProjectileAttack(CStateManager&, EStateMsg, float);
bool AnimOver(CStateManager&, float) { return x568_ == 4; }
bool SpotPlayer(CStateManager& mgr, float arg) {
if (xa48_24_isAlert)
return true;
return CPatterned::SpotPlayer(mgr, arg);
bool InPosition(CStateManager&, float) { return (x8b8_ - GetTranslation()).magSquared() < 9.f; }
bool ShotAt(CStateManager&, float) { return x400_24_hitByPlayerProjectile; }
} // namespace urde::MP1