
510 lines
12 KiB

#include "Runtime/ConsoleVariables/CVar.hpp"
#include "Runtime/CBasics.hpp"
#include "Runtime/CStringExtras.hpp"
#include <logvisor/logvisor.hpp>
#include <sstream>
#include "Runtime/ConsoleVariables/CVarManager.hpp"
namespace metaforce {
extern CVar* com_developer;
extern CVar* com_enableCheats;
using namespace std::literals;
CVar::CVar(std::string_view name, std::string_view value, std::string_view help, CVar::EFlags flags)
: CVar(name, help, EType::Literal) {
CVar::CVar(std::string_view name, const zeus::CVector2f& value, std::string_view help, EFlags flags)
: CVar(name, help, EType::Vec2f) {
CVar::CVar(std::string_view name, const zeus::CVector2d& value, std::string_view help, EFlags flags)
: CVar(name, help, EType::Vec2d) {
CVar::CVar(std::string_view name, const zeus::CVector3f& value, std::string_view help, EFlags flags)
: CVar(name, help, EType::Vec3f) {
init(flags, false);
CVar::CVar(std::string_view name, const zeus::CVector3d& value, std::string_view help, EFlags flags)
: CVar(name, help, EType::Vec3d) {
init(flags, false);
CVar::CVar(std::string_view name, const zeus::CVector4f& value, std::string_view help, EFlags flags)
: CVar(name, help, EType::Vec4f) {
init(flags, false);
CVar::CVar(std::string_view name, const zeus::CVector4d& value, std::string_view help, EFlags flags)
: CVar(name, help, EType::Vec4d) {
init(flags, false);
CVar::CVar(std::string_view name, double value, std::string_view help, EFlags flags) : CVar(name, help, EType::Real) {
CVar::CVar(std::string_view name, bool value, std::string_view help, CVar::EFlags flags)
: CVar(name, help, EType::Boolean) {
CVar::CVar(std::string_view name, int32_t value, std::string_view help, CVar::EFlags flags)
: CVar(name, help, EType::Signed) {
CVar::CVar(std::string_view name, uint32_t value, std::string_view help, CVar::EFlags flags)
: CVar(name, help, EType::Unsigned) {
std::string CVar::help() const {
return m_help + (m_defaultValue.empty() ? "" : "\ndefault: " + m_defaultValue) + (isReadOnly() ? " [ReadOnly]" : "");
zeus::CVector2f CVar::toVec2f(bool* isValid) const {
if (m_type != EType::Vec2f) {
if (isValid != nullptr)
*isValid = false;
return {};
if (isValid != nullptr)
*isValid = true;
std::array<float, 2> f;
std::sscanf(m_value.c_str(), "%g %g", &f[0], &f[1]);
return {f[0], f[1]};
zeus::CVector2d CVar::toVec2d(bool* isValid) const {
if (m_type != EType::Vec2d) {
if (isValid != nullptr)
*isValid = false;
return {};
if (isValid != nullptr)
*isValid = true;
std::array<double, 2> f;
std::sscanf(m_value.c_str(), "%lg %lg", &f[0], &f[1]);
return {f[0], f[1]};
zeus::CVector3f CVar::toVec3f(bool* isValid) const {
if (m_type != EType::Vec3f) {
if (isValid != nullptr)
*isValid = false;
return {};
if (isValid != nullptr)
*isValid = true;
std::array<float, 3> f;
std::sscanf(m_value.c_str(), "%g %g %g", &f[0], &f[1], &f[2]);
return {f[0], f[1], f[2]};
zeus::CVector3d CVar::toVec3d(bool* isValid) const {
if (m_type != EType::Vec3d) {
if (isValid != nullptr)
*isValid = false;
return {};
if (isValid != nullptr)
*isValid = true;
std::array<double, 3> f;
std::sscanf(m_value.c_str(), "%lg %lg %lg", &f[0], &f[1], &f[2]);
return {f[0], f[1], f[2]};
zeus::CVector4f CVar::toVec4f(bool* isValid) const {
if (m_type != EType::Vec4f) {
if (isValid != nullptr)
*isValid = false;
return {};
if (isValid != nullptr)
*isValid = true;
std::array<float, 4> f;
std::sscanf(m_value.c_str(), "%g %g %g %g", &f[0], &f[1], &f[2], &f[3]);
return {f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3]};
zeus::CVector4d CVar::toVec4d(bool* isValid) const {
if (m_type != EType::Vec4d) {
if (isValid != nullptr)
*isValid = false;
return {};
if (isValid != nullptr)
*isValid = true;
std::array<double, 4> f{};
std::sscanf(m_value.c_str(), "%lg %lg %lg %lg", &f[0], &f[1], &f[2], &f[3]);
return {f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3]};
double CVar::toReal(bool* isValid) const {
if (m_type != EType::Real) {
if (isValid)
*isValid = false;
return 0.0f;
if (isValid != nullptr)
*isValid = true;
return strtod(m_value.c_str(), nullptr);
bool CVar::toBoolean(bool* isValid) const {
if (m_type != EType::Boolean) {
if (isValid)
*isValid = false;
return false;
return CStringExtras::ParseBool(m_value, isValid);
int32_t CVar::toSigned(bool* isValid) const {
if (m_type != EType::Signed && m_type != EType::Unsigned) {
if (isValid)
*isValid = false;
return 0;
if (isValid != nullptr)
*isValid = true;
return strtol(m_value.c_str(), nullptr, 0);
uint32_t CVar::toUnsigned(bool* isValid) const {
if (m_type != EType::Signed && m_type != EType::Unsigned) {
if (isValid)
*isValid = false;
return 0;
if (isValid != nullptr)
*isValid = true;
return strtoul(m_value.c_str(), nullptr, 0);
std::string CVar::toLiteral(bool* isValid) const {
if (m_type != EType::Literal && (com_developer && com_developer->toBoolean())) {
if (isValid != nullptr)
*isValid = false;
} else if (isValid != nullptr) {
*isValid = true;
// Even if it's not a literal, it's still safe to return
return m_value;
bool CVar::fromVec2f(const zeus::CVector2f& val) {
if (!safeToModify(EType::Vec2f))
return false;
m_value.assign(fmt::format(FMT_STRING("{} {}"), val.x(), val.y()));
m_flags |= EFlags::Modified;
return true;
bool CVar::fromVec2d(const zeus::CVector2d& val) {
if (!safeToModify(EType::Vec2d))
return false;
m_value.assign(fmt::format(FMT_STRING("{} {}"), val.x(), val.y()));
m_flags |= EFlags::Modified;
return true;
bool CVar::fromVec3f(const zeus::CVector3f& val) {
if (!safeToModify(EType::Vec3f))
return false;
m_value.assign(fmt::format(FMT_STRING("{} {} {}"), val.x(), val.y(), val.z()));
m_flags |= EFlags::Modified;
return true;
bool CVar::fromVec3d(const zeus::CVector3d& val) {
if (!safeToModify(EType::Vec3d))
return false;
m_value.assign(fmt::format(FMT_STRING("{} {} {}"), val.x(), val.y(), val.z()));
m_flags |= EFlags::Modified;
return true;
bool CVar::fromVec4f(const zeus::CVector4f& val) {
if (!safeToModify(EType::Vec4f))
return false;
m_value.assign(fmt::format(FMT_STRING("{} {} {} {}"), val.x(), val.y(), val.z(), val.w()));
m_flags |= EFlags::Modified;
return true;
bool CVar::fromVec4d(const zeus::CVector4d& val) {
if (!safeToModify(EType::Vec4d))
return false;
m_value.assign(fmt::format(FMT_STRING("{} {} {} {}"), val.x(), val.y(), val.z(), val.w()));
m_flags |= EFlags::Modified;
return true;
bool CVar::fromReal(double val) {
if (!safeToModify(EType::Real))
return false;
m_value.assign(fmt::format(FMT_STRING("{}"), val));
return true;
bool CVar::fromBoolean(bool val) {
if (!safeToModify(EType::Boolean))
return false;
if (val)
m_value = "true"sv;
m_value = "false"sv;
return true;
bool CVar::fromInteger(int32_t val) {
if ((com_developer && com_enableCheats) && (!com_developer->toBoolean() || !com_enableCheats->toBoolean()) &&
return false;
// We'll accept both signed an unsigned input
if (m_type != EType::Signed && m_type != EType::Unsigned)
return false;
if (isReadOnly() && (com_developer && !com_developer->toBoolean()))
return false;
// Properly format based on signedness
m_value = fmt::format(FMT_STRING("{}"), (m_type == EType::Signed ? val : static_cast<uint32_t>(val)));
return true;
bool CVar::fromInteger(uint32_t val) {
if ((com_developer && com_enableCheats) && (!com_developer->toBoolean() || !com_enableCheats->toBoolean()) &&
return false;
// We'll accept both signed an unsigned input
if (m_type != EType::Signed && m_type != EType::Unsigned)
return false;
if (isReadOnly() && (com_developer && !com_developer->toBoolean()))
return false;
// Properly format based on signedness
m_value = fmt::format(FMT_STRING("{}"), (m_type == EType::Unsigned ? val : static_cast<int32_t>(val)));
return true;
bool CVar::fromLiteral(std::string_view val) {
if (!safeToModify(EType::Literal))
return false;
return true;
bool CVar::fromLiteralToType(std::string_view val) {
if (!safeToModify(m_type) || !isValidInput(val))
return false;
m_value = val;
return true;
bool CVar::isModified() const { return True(m_flags & EFlags::Modified); }
bool CVar::modificationRequiresRestart() const { return True(m_flags & EFlags::ModifyRestart); }
bool CVar::isReadOnly() const { return True(m_flags & EFlags::ReadOnly); }
bool CVar::isCheat() const { return True(m_flags & EFlags::Cheat); }
bool CVar::isHidden() const { return True(m_flags & EFlags::Hidden); }
bool CVar::isArchive() const { return True(m_flags & EFlags::Archive); }
bool CVar::isInternalArchivable() const { return True(m_flags & EFlags::InternalArchivable); }
bool CVar::isColor() const {
return True(m_flags & EFlags::Color) && (m_type == EType::Vec3f || m_type == EType::Vec3d || m_type == EType::Vec3f ||
m_type == EType::Vec4f || m_type == EType::Vec4d);
bool CVar::isNoDeveloper() const { return True(m_flags & EFlags::NoDeveloper); }
bool CVar::wasDeserialized() const { return m_wasDeserialized; }
bool CVar::hasDefaultValue() const { return m_defaultValue == m_value; }
void CVar::clearModified() {
if (!modificationRequiresRestart())
m_flags &= ~EFlags::Modified;
void CVar::setModified() { m_flags |= EFlags::Modified; }
void CVar::unlock() {
if (isReadOnly() && !m_unlocked) {
m_oldFlags = m_flags;
m_flags &= ~EFlags::ReadOnly;
m_unlocked = true;
void CVar::lock() {
if (!isReadOnly() && m_unlocked) {
// We want to keep if we've been modified so we can inform our listeners
bool modified = True(m_flags & EFlags::Modified);
m_flags = m_oldFlags;
// If we've been modified insert that back into m_flags
if (modified) {
m_flags |= EFlags::Modified;
m_unlocked = false;
void CVar::dispatch() {
for (const ListenerFunc& listen : m_listeners)
for (auto* ref : m_valueReferences) {
bool isReal(std::string_view v) {
char* p;
std::strtod(, &p);
return *p == 0;
bool isReal(const std::vector<std::string>& v) {
for (auto& s : v) {
if (!isReal(s))
return false;
return true;
bool CVar::isValidInput(std::string_view input) const {
std::vector<std::string> parts = CStringExtras::Split(input, ' ');
char* p;
switch (m_type) {
case EType::Boolean: {
bool valid = false;
CStringExtras::ParseBool(input, &valid);
return valid;
case EType::Signed:
std::strtol(, &p, 0);
return p == nullptr;
case EType::Unsigned:
std::strtoul(, &p, 0);
return p == nullptr;
case EType::Real: {
bool size = parts.size() == 1;
bool ret = isReal(input);
return ret && size;
case EType::Literal:
return true;
case EType::Vec2f:
case EType::Vec2d:
return parts.size() == 2 && isReal(parts);
case EType::Vec3f:
case EType::Vec3d:
return parts.size() == 3 && isReal(parts);
case EType::Vec4f:
case EType::Vec4d:
return parts.size() == 4 && isReal(parts);
return false;
bool CVar::safeToModify(EType type) const {
// Are we NoDevelper?
if (isNoDeveloper())
return false;
// Are we a cheat?
if (isCheat() && (com_developer && com_enableCheats) &&
(!com_developer->toBoolean() || !com_enableCheats->toBoolean()))
return false;
// Are we read only?
if (isReadOnly() && (com_developer && !com_developer->toBoolean()))
return false;
return m_type == type;
void CVar::init(EFlags flags, bool removeColor) {
m_defaultValue = m_value;
m_flags = flags;
if (removeColor) {
// If the user specifies color, we don't want it
m_flags &= ~EFlags::Color;
} // namespace hecl