
638 lines
22 KiB

use std::{borrow::BorrowMut, error::Error, fmt, mem::size_of, num::NonZeroU32};
use imgui::{
Context, DrawCmd::Elements, DrawData, DrawIdx, DrawList, DrawVert, TextureId, Textures,
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use wgpu::{
util::{BufferInitDescriptor, DeviceExt},
static VS_ENTRY_POINT: &str = "vs_main";
static FS_ENTRY_POINT_LINEAR: &str = "fs_main_linear";
static FS_ENTRY_POINT_SRGB: &str = "fs_main_srgb";
pub type RendererResult<T> = Result<T, RendererError>;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
struct DrawVertPod(DrawVert);
unsafe impl bytemuck::Zeroable for DrawVertPod {}
unsafe impl bytemuck::Pod for DrawVertPod {}
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum RendererError {
impl fmt::Display for RendererError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
RendererError::BadTexture(id) => {
write!(f, "imgui render error: bad texture id '{}'",
impl Error for RendererError {}
enum ShaderStage {
/// Config for creating a texture.
/// Uses the builder pattern.
pub struct TextureConfig<'a> {
/// The size of the texture.
pub size: Extent3d,
/// An optional label for the texture used for debugging.
pub label: Option<&'a str>,
/// The format of the texture, if not set uses the format from the renderer.
pub format: Option<TextureFormat>,
/// The usage of the texture.
pub usage: TextureUsages,
/// The mip level of the texture.
pub mip_level_count: u32,
/// The sample count of the texture.
pub sample_count: u32,
/// The dimension of the texture.
pub dimension: TextureDimension,
impl<'a> Default for TextureConfig<'a> {
/// Create a new texture config.
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
size: Extent3d { width: 0, height: 0, depth_or_array_layers: 1 },
label: None,
format: None,
usage: TextureUsages::TEXTURE_BINDING | TextureUsages::COPY_DST,
mip_level_count: 1,
sample_count: 1,
dimension: TextureDimension::D2,
/// A container for a bindable texture.
pub struct Texture {
texture: wgpu::Texture,
view: wgpu::TextureView,
bind_group: BindGroup,
size: Extent3d,
impl Texture {
/// Create a `Texture` from its raw parts.
pub fn from_raw_parts(
texture: wgpu::Texture,
view: wgpu::TextureView,
bind_group: BindGroup,
size: Extent3d,
) -> Self {
Self { texture, view, bind_group, size }
/// Create a new GPU texture width the specified `config`.
pub fn new(device: &Device, renderer: &Renderer, config: TextureConfig) -> Self {
// Create the wgpu texture.
let texture = device.create_texture(&TextureDescriptor {
label: config.label,
size: config.size,
mip_level_count: config.mip_level_count,
sample_count: config.sample_count,
dimension: config.dimension,
format: config.format.unwrap_or(renderer.config.texture_format),
usage: config.usage,
// Extract the texture view.
let view = texture.create_view(&TextureViewDescriptor::default());
// Create the texture sampler.
let sampler = device.create_sampler(&SamplerDescriptor {
label: Some("imgui-wgpu sampler"),
address_mode_u: AddressMode::ClampToEdge,
address_mode_v: AddressMode::ClampToEdge,
address_mode_w: AddressMode::ClampToEdge,
mag_filter: FilterMode::Linear,
min_filter: FilterMode::Linear,
mipmap_filter: FilterMode::Linear,
lod_min_clamp: 0.0,
lod_max_clamp: f32::MAX,
compare: None,
anisotropy_clamp: None,
border_color: None,
// Create the texture bind group from the layout.
let bind_group = device.create_bind_group(&BindGroupDescriptor {
label: config.label,
layout: &renderer.texture_layout,
entries: &[
BindGroupEntry { binding: 0, resource: BindingResource::TextureView(&view) },
BindGroupEntry { binding: 1, resource: BindingResource::Sampler(&sampler) },
Self { texture, view, bind_group, size: config.size }
/// Write `data` to the texture.
/// - `data`: 32-bit RGBA bitmap data.
/// - `width`: The width of the source bitmap (`data`) in pixels.
/// - `height`: The height of the source bitmap (`data`) in pixels.
pub fn write(&self, queue: &Queue, data: &[u8], width: u32, height: u32) {
// destination (sub)texture
ImageCopyTexture {
texture: &self.texture,
mip_level: 0,
origin: Origin3d { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
aspect: TextureAspect::All,
// source bitmap data
// layout of the source bitmap
ImageDataLayout {
offset: 0,
bytes_per_row: NonZeroU32::new(width * 4),
rows_per_image: NonZeroU32::new(height),
// size of the source bitmap
Extent3d { width, height, depth_or_array_layers: 1 },
/// The width of the texture in pixels.
pub fn width(&self) -> u32 { self.size.width }
/// The height of the texture in pixels.
pub fn height(&self) -> u32 { self.size.height }
/// The depth of the texture.
pub fn depth(&self) -> u32 { self.size.depth_or_array_layers }
/// The size of the texture in pixels.
pub fn size(&self) -> Extent3d { self.size }
/// The underlying `wgpu::Texture`.
pub fn texture(&self) -> &wgpu::Texture { &self.texture }
/// The `wgpu::TextureView` of the underlying texture.
pub fn view(&self) -> &wgpu::TextureView { &self.view }
pub struct CombinedShader<'s> {
pub shader: ShaderModuleDescriptor<'s>,
pub struct SeparateShaders<'s> {
pub vertex_shader: ShaderModuleDescriptorSpirV<'s>,
pub fragment_shader: ShaderModuleDescriptorSpirV<'s>,
pub enum ShaderType<'s> {
/// Configuration for the renderer.
pub struct RendererConfig<'s> {
pub texture_format: TextureFormat,
pub depth_format: Option<TextureFormat>,
pub sample_count: u32,
pub shader: ShaderType<'s>,
pub vertex_shader_entry_point: String,
pub fragment_shader_entry_point: String,
impl RendererConfig<'_> {
/// Create a new renderer config with custom shaders.
pub fn with_combined_shaders<'s>(
shader: ShaderModuleDescriptor<'s>,
fragment_shader_entry_point: &str,
) -> RendererConfig<'s> {
RendererConfig {
texture_format: TextureFormat::Rgba8Unorm,
depth_format: None,
sample_count: 1,
shader: ShaderType::Combined(CombinedShader { shader }),
vertex_shader_entry_point: VS_ENTRY_POINT.to_string(),
fragment_shader_entry_point: fragment_shader_entry_point.to_string(),
/// Create a new renderer config with custom shaders.
pub fn with_separate_shaders<'s>(
vertex_shader: ShaderModuleDescriptorSpirV<'s>,
fragment_shader: ShaderModuleDescriptorSpirV<'s>,
fragment_shader_entry_point: &str,
) -> RendererConfig<'s> {
RendererConfig {
texture_format: TextureFormat::Rgba8Unorm,
depth_format: None,
sample_count: 1,
shader: ShaderType::Separate(SeparateShaders { vertex_shader, fragment_shader }),
vertex_shader_entry_point: VS_ENTRY_POINT.to_string(),
fragment_shader_entry_point: fragment_shader_entry_point.to_string(),
impl Default for RendererConfig<'_> {
/// Create a new renderer config with precompiled default shaders outputting linear color.
/// If you write to a Bgra8UnormSrgb framebuffer, this is what you want.
fn default() -> Self { Self::new() }
impl RendererConfig<'_> {
/// Create a new renderer config with precompiled default shaders outputting linear color.
/// If you write to a Bgra8UnormSrgb framebuffer, this is what you want.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self::with_combined_shaders(include_wgsl!("imgui.wgsl"), FS_ENTRY_POINT_LINEAR)
/// Create a new renderer config with precompiled default shaders outputting srgb color.
/// If you write to a Bgra8Unorm framebuffer, this is what you want.
pub fn new_srgb() -> Self {
Self::with_combined_shaders(include_wgsl!("imgui.wgsl"), FS_ENTRY_POINT_SRGB)
pub struct Renderer {
pipeline: RenderPipeline,
uniform_buffer: Buffer,
uniform_bind_group: BindGroup,
/// Textures of the font atlas and all images.
pub textures: Textures<Texture>,
texture_layout: BindGroupLayout,
index_buffers: SmallVec<[Buffer; 4]>,
vertex_buffers: SmallVec<[Buffer; 4]>,
config: RendererConfig<'static>,
impl Renderer {
/// Create an entirely new imgui wgpu renderer.
pub fn new(
imgui: &mut Context,
device: &Device,
queue: &Queue,
config: RendererConfig,
) -> Self {
let RendererConfig {
} = config;
// Load shaders.
let shader1: Option<wgpu::ShaderModule>;
let shader2: Option<wgpu::ShaderModule>;
let (vs, fs) = match shader {
ShaderType::Combined(d) => {
shader1 = Some(device.create_shader_module(&d.shader));
let r = shader1.as_ref().unwrap();
(r, r)
ShaderType::Separate(d) => unsafe {
shader1 = Some(device.create_shader_module_spirv(&d.vertex_shader));
shader2 = Some(device.create_shader_module_spirv(&d.fragment_shader));
(shader1.as_ref().unwrap(), shader2.as_ref().unwrap())
ShaderType::None => panic!(),
// Create the uniform matrix buffer.
let size = 64;
let uniform_buffer = device.create_buffer(&BufferDescriptor {
label: Some("imgui-wgpu uniform buffer"),
usage: BufferUsages::UNIFORM | BufferUsages::COPY_DST,
mapped_at_creation: false,
// Create the uniform matrix buffer bind group layout.
let uniform_layout = device.create_bind_group_layout(&BindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
label: None,
entries: &[BindGroupLayoutEntry {
binding: 0,
visibility: wgpu::ShaderStages::VERTEX,
ty: BindingType::Buffer {
ty: BufferBindingType::Uniform,
has_dynamic_offset: false,
min_binding_size: None,
count: None,
// Create the uniform matrix buffer bind group.
let uniform_bind_group = device.create_bind_group(&BindGroupDescriptor {
label: Some("imgui-wgpu bind group"),
layout: &uniform_layout,
entries: &[BindGroupEntry { binding: 0, resource: uniform_buffer.as_entire_binding() }],
// Create the texture layout for further usage.
let texture_layout = device.create_bind_group_layout(&BindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
label: Some("imgui-wgpu bind group layout"),
entries: &[
BindGroupLayoutEntry {
binding: 0,
visibility: wgpu::ShaderStages::FRAGMENT,
ty: BindingType::Texture {
multisampled: false,
sample_type: TextureSampleType::Float { filterable: true },
view_dimension: TextureViewDimension::D2,
count: None,
BindGroupLayoutEntry {
binding: 1,
visibility: wgpu::ShaderStages::FRAGMENT,
ty: BindingType::Sampler(wgpu::SamplerBindingType::Filtering),
count: None,
// Create the render pipeline layout.
let pipeline_layout = device.create_pipeline_layout(&PipelineLayoutDescriptor {
label: Some("imgui-wgpu pipeline layout"),
bind_group_layouts: &[&uniform_layout, &texture_layout],
push_constant_ranges: &[],
// Create the render pipeline.
// Create the render pipeline.
let pipeline = device.create_render_pipeline(&RenderPipelineDescriptor {
label: Some("imgui-wgpu pipeline"),
layout: Some(&pipeline_layout),
vertex: VertexState {
module: vs,
entry_point: &vertex_shader_entry_point,
buffers: &[VertexBufferLayout {
array_stride: size_of::<DrawVert>() as BufferAddress,
step_mode: VertexStepMode::Vertex,
attributes: &vertex_attr_array![0 => Float32x2, 1 => Float32x2, 2 => Unorm8x4],
primitive: PrimitiveState {
topology: PrimitiveTopology::TriangleList,
strip_index_format: None,
front_face: FrontFace::Cw,
cull_mode: None,
polygon_mode: PolygonMode::Fill,
unclipped_depth: false,
conservative: false,
depth_stencil:|format| wgpu::DepthStencilState {
depth_write_enabled: false,
depth_compare: wgpu::CompareFunction::Always,
stencil: wgpu::StencilState::default(),
bias: DepthBiasState::default(),
multisample: MultisampleState { count: sample_count, ..Default::default() },
fragment: Some(FragmentState {
module: fs,
entry_point: &fragment_shader_entry_point,
targets: &[ColorTargetState {
format: texture_format,
blend: Some(BlendState {
color: BlendComponent {
src_factor: BlendFactor::SrcAlpha,
dst_factor: BlendFactor::OneMinusSrcAlpha,
operation: BlendOperation::Add,
alpha: BlendComponent {
src_factor: BlendFactor::OneMinusDstAlpha,
dst_factor: BlendFactor::One,
operation: BlendOperation::Add,
write_mask: ColorWrites::ALL,
multiview: None,
let mut renderer = Self {
textures: Textures::new(),
vertex_buffers: SmallVec::new(),
index_buffers: SmallVec::new(),
config: RendererConfig {
shader: ShaderType::None,
// Immediately load the font texture to the GPU.
renderer.reload_font_texture(imgui, device, queue);
/// Render the current imgui frame.
pub fn render<'r>(
&'r mut self,
draw_data: &DrawData,
queue: &Queue,
device: &Device,
rpass: &mut RenderPass<'r>,
) -> RendererResult<()> {
let mut rpass = scopeguard::guard(rpass, |rpass| {
let fb_width = draw_data.display_size[0] * draw_data.framebuffer_scale[0];
let fb_height = draw_data.display_size[1] * draw_data.framebuffer_scale[1];
// If the render area is <= 0, exit here and now.
if !(fb_width > 0.0 && fb_height > 0.0) {
return Ok(());
let width = draw_data.display_size[0];
let height = draw_data.display_size[1];
let offset_x = draw_data.display_pos[0] / width;
let offset_y = draw_data.display_pos[1] / height;
// Create and update the transform matrix for the current frame.
// This is required to adapt to vulkan coordinates.
// let matrix = [
// [2.0 / width, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
// [0.0, 2.0 / height as f32, 0.0, 0.0],
// [0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0],
// [-1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0],
// ];
let matrix = [
[2.0 / width, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 2.0 / -height as f32, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
[-1.0 - offset_x * 2.0, 1.0 + offset_y * 2.0, 0.0, 1.0],
self.update_uniform_buffer(queue, &matrix);
rpass.set_bind_group(0, &self.uniform_bind_group, &[]);
for draw_list in draw_data.draw_lists() {
self.vertex_buffers.push(self.upload_vertex_buffer(device, draw_list.vtx_buffer()));
self.index_buffers.push(self.upload_index_buffer(device, draw_list.idx_buffer()));
// Execute all the imgui render work.
for (draw_list_buffers_index, draw_list) in draw_data.draw_lists().enumerate() {
/// Render a given `DrawList` from imgui onto a wgpu frame.
fn render_draw_list<'render>(
&'render self,
rpass: &mut RenderPass<'render>,
draw_list: &DrawList,
clip_off: [f32; 2],
clip_scale: [f32; 2],
draw_list_buffers_index: usize,
) -> RendererResult<()> {
let mut start = 0;
let index_buffer = &self.index_buffers[draw_list_buffers_index];
let vertex_buffer = &self.vertex_buffers[draw_list_buffers_index];
// Make sure the current buffers are attached to the render pass.
rpass.set_index_buffer(index_buffer.slice(..), IndexFormat::Uint16);
rpass.set_vertex_buffer(0, vertex_buffer.slice(..));
for cmd in draw_list.commands() {
if let Elements { count, cmd_params } = cmd {
let clip_rect = [
(cmd_params.clip_rect[0] - clip_off[0]) * clip_scale[0],
(cmd_params.clip_rect[1] - clip_off[1]) * clip_scale[1],
(cmd_params.clip_rect[2] - clip_off[0]) * clip_scale[0],
(cmd_params.clip_rect[3] - clip_off[1]) * clip_scale[1],
// Set the current texture bind group on the renderpass.
let texture_id = cmd_params.texture_id;
let tex =
rpass.set_bind_group(1, &tex.bind_group, &[]);
// Set scissors on the renderpass.
let scissors = (
clip_rect[0].max(0.0).floor() as u32,
clip_rect[1].max(0.0).floor() as u32,
(clip_rect[2] - clip_rect[0]).abs().ceil() as u32,
(clip_rect[3] - clip_rect[1]).abs().ceil() as u32,
rpass.set_scissor_rect(scissors.0, scissors.1, scissors.2, scissors.3);
// Draw the current batch of vertices with the renderpass.
let end = start + count as u32;
rpass.draw_indexed(start..end, 0, 0..1);
start = end;
/// Updates the current uniform buffer containing the transform matrix.
fn update_uniform_buffer(&mut self, queue: &Queue, matrix: &[[f32; 4]; 4]) {
let data = bytemuck::bytes_of(matrix);
queue.write_buffer(&self.uniform_buffer, 0, data);
/// Upload the vertex buffer to the GPU.
fn upload_vertex_buffer(&self, device: &Device, vertices: &[DrawVert]) -> Buffer {
// Safety: DrawVertPod is #[repr(transparent)] over DrawVert and DrawVert _should_ be Pod.
let vertices = unsafe {
std::slice::from_raw_parts(vertices.as_ptr() as *mut DrawVertPod, vertices.len())
let data = bytemuck::cast_slice(vertices);
device.create_buffer_init(&BufferInitDescriptor {
label: Some("imgui-wgpu vertex buffer"),
contents: data,
usage: BufferUsages::VERTEX,
/// Upload the index buffer to the GPU.
fn upload_index_buffer(&self, device: &Device, indices: &[DrawIdx]) -> Buffer {
let data = bytemuck::cast_slice(indices);
device.create_buffer_init(&BufferInitDescriptor {
label: Some("imgui-wgpu index buffer"),
contents: data,
usage: BufferUsages::INDEX,
/// Updates the texture on the GPU corresponding to the current imgui font atlas.
/// This has to be called after loading a font.
pub fn reload_font_texture(&mut self, imgui: &mut Context, device: &Device, queue: &Queue) {
let mut fonts = imgui.fonts();
// Remove possible font atlas texture.
// Create font texture and upload it.
let handle = fonts.build_rgba32_texture();
let font_texture_cnfig = TextureConfig {
label: Some("imgui-wgpu font atlas"),
size: Extent3d { width: handle.width, height: handle.height, ..Default::default() },
format: Some(wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8Unorm),
let font_texture = Texture::new(device, self, font_texture_cnfig);
font_texture.write(queue,, handle.width, handle.height);
fonts.tex_id = self.textures.insert(font_texture);
// Clear imgui texture data to save memory.