
117 lines
4.4 KiB

#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "Runtime/ConsoleVariables/CVar.hpp"
namespace metaforce {
class FileStoreManager;
extern CVar* com_developer;
extern CVar* com_configfile;
extern CVar* com_enableCheats;
extern CVar* com_cubemaps;
class CVarManager final {
using CVarContainer = StoreCVar::CVarContainer;
template <typename T>
CVar* _newCVar(std::string_view name, std::string_view help, const T& value, CVar::EFlags flags) {
if (CVar* ret = registerCVar(std::make_unique<CVar>(name, value, help, flags))) {
return ret;
return nullptr;
FileStoreManager& m_store;
bool m_useBinary;
static CVarManager* m_instance;
CVarManager() = delete;
CVarManager(const CVarManager&) = delete;
CVarManager& operator=(const CVarManager&) = delete;
CVarManager& operator=(const CVarManager&&) = delete;
CVarManager(FileStoreManager& store, bool useBinary = false);
CVar* newCVar(std::string_view name, std::string_view help, const zeus::CVector2f& value, CVar::EFlags flags) {
return _newCVar<const zeus::CVector2f>(name, help, value, flags);
CVar* newCVar(std::string_view name, std::string_view help, const zeus::CVector2d& value, CVar::EFlags flags) {
return _newCVar<const zeus::CVector2d>(name, help, value, flags);
CVar* newCVar(std::string_view name, std::string_view help, const zeus::CVector3f& value, CVar::EFlags flags) {
return _newCVar<const zeus::CVector3f>(name, help, value, flags);
CVar* newCVar(std::string_view name, std::string_view help, const zeus::CVector3d& value, CVar::EFlags flags) {
return _newCVar<const zeus::CVector3d>(name, help, value, flags);
CVar* newCVar(std::string_view name, std::string_view help, const zeus::CVector4f& value, CVar::EFlags flags) {
return _newCVar<const zeus::CVector4f>(name, help, value, flags);
CVar* newCVar(std::string_view name, std::string_view help, const zeus::CVector4d& value, CVar::EFlags flags) {
return _newCVar<const zeus::CVector4d>(name, help, value, flags);
CVar* newCVar(std::string_view name, std::string_view help, std::string_view value, CVar::EFlags flags) {
return _newCVar<std::string_view>(name, help, value, flags);
CVar* newCVar(std::string_view name, std::string_view help, bool value, CVar::EFlags flags) {
return _newCVar<bool>(name, help, value, flags);
// Float and double are internally identical, all floating point values are stored as `double`
CVar* newCVar(std::string_view name, std::string_view help, float value, CVar::EFlags flags) {
return _newCVar<double>(name, help, static_cast<double>(value), flags);
CVar* newCVar(std::string_view name, std::string_view help, double value, CVar::EFlags flags) {
return _newCVar<double>(name, help, value, flags);
// Integer CVars can be seamlessly converted between either type, the distinction is to make usage absolutely clear
CVar* newCVar(std::string_view name, std::string_view help, int32_t value, CVar::EFlags flags) {
return _newCVar<int32_t>(name, help, value, flags);
CVar* newCVar(std::string_view name, std::string_view help, uint32_t value, CVar::EFlags flags) {
return _newCVar<uint32_t>(name, help, value, flags);
CVar* registerCVar(std::unique_ptr<CVar>&& cvar);
CVar* findCVar(std::string_view name);
template <class... _Args>
CVar* findOrMakeCVar(std::string_view name, _Args&&... args) {
if (CVar* cv = findCVar(name))
return cv;
return newCVar(name, std::forward<_Args>(args)...);
std::vector<CVar*> archivedCVars() const;
std::vector<CVar*> cvars(CVar::EFlags filter = CVar::EFlags::Any) const;
void deserialize(CVar* cvar);
void serialize();
static CVarManager* instance();
void proc();
void setDeveloperMode(bool v, bool setDeserialized = false);
void setCheatsEnabled(bool v, bool setDeserialized = false);
bool restartRequired() const;
void parseCommandLine(const std::vector<std::string>& args);
FileStoreManager& fileStoreManager() { return m_store; }
bool suppressDeveloper();
void restoreDeveloper(bool oldDeveloper);
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<CVar>> m_cvars;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> m_deferedCVars;
std::vector<StoreCVar::CVar> loadCVars(const std::string& filename) const;
} // namespace hecl