mirror of https://github.com/AxioDL/metaforce.git
199 lines
8.0 KiB
199 lines
8.0 KiB
#include "PATH.hpp"
#include "hecl/Blender/Connection.hpp"
#include "zeus/CAABox.hpp"
#include "../DNACommon/AROTBuilder.hpp"
namespace DataSpec::DNAMP1
void PATH::sendToBlender(hecl::blender::Connection& conn, std::string_view entryName,
const zeus::CMatrix4f* xf)
/* Open Py Stream and read sections */
hecl::blender::PyOutStream os = conn.beginPythonOut(true);
os.format("import bpy\n"
"import bmesh\n"
"from mathutils import Vector, Matrix\n"
"bpy.types.Material.retro_path_idx_mask = bpy.props.IntProperty(name='Retro: Path Index Mask')\n"
"bpy.types.Material.retro_path_type_mask = bpy.props.IntProperty(name='Retro: Path Type Mask')\n"
"material_dict = {}\n"
"material_index = []\n"
"def make_ground_material(idxMask):\n"
" mat = bpy.data.materials.new('Ground %%X' %% idxMask)\n"
" mat.diffuse_color = (0.8, 0.460, 0.194)\n"
" return mat\n"
"def make_flyer_material(idxMask):\n"
" mat = bpy.data.materials.new('Flyer %%X' %% idxMask)\n"
" mat.diffuse_color = (0.016, 0.8, 0.8)\n"
" return mat\n"
"def make_swimmer_material(idxMask):\n"
" mat = bpy.data.materials.new('Swimmer %%X' %% idxMask)\n"
" mat.diffuse_color = (0.074, 0.293, 0.8)\n"
" return mat\n"
"def select_material(meshIdxMask, meshTypeMask):\n"
" key = (meshIdxMask, meshTypeMask)\n"
" if key in material_index:\n"
" return material_index.index(key)\n"
" elif key in material_dict:\n"
" material_index.append(key)\n"
" return len(material_index)-1\n"
" else:\n"
" if meshTypeMask == 0x2:\n"
" mat = make_flyer_material(meshIdxMask)\n"
" elif meshTypeMask == 0x4:\n"
" mat = make_swimmer_material(meshIdxMask)\n"
" else:\n"
" mat = make_ground_material(meshIdxMask)\n"
" mat.retro_path_idx_mask = meshIdxMask\n"
" mat.retro_path_type_mask = meshTypeMask\n"
" material_dict[key] = mat\n"
" material_index.append(key)\n"
" return len(material_index)-1\n"
"bpy.context.scene.name = '%s'\n"
"# Clear Scene\n"
"for ob in bpy.data.objects:\n"
" if ob.type != 'CAMERA':\n"
" bpy.context.scene.objects.unlink(ob)\n"
" bpy.data.objects.remove(ob)\n"
"bm = bmesh.new()\n"
"height_lay = bm.faces.layers.float.new('Height')\n",
for (const Node& n : nodes)
n.position.vec[0], n.position.vec[1], n.position.vec[2]);
os << "bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()\n";
for (const Region& r : regions)
os << "tri_verts = []\n";
for (int i=0 ; i<r.nodeCount ; ++i)
os.format("tri_verts.append(bm.verts[%u])\n", r.nodeStart + i);
os.format("face = bm.faces.get(tri_verts)\n"
"if face is None:\n"
" face = bm.faces.new(tri_verts)\n"
" face.normal_flip()\n"
"face.material_index = select_material(0x%04X, 0x%04X)\n"
"face.smooth = False\n"
"face[height_lay] = %f\n"
"\n", r.meshIndexMask, r.meshTypeMask, r.height);
#if 0
zeus::CVector3f center = xf->multiplyOneOverW(r.centroid);
zeus::CAABox aabb(xf->multiplyOneOverW(r.aabb[0]), xf->multiplyOneOverW(r.aabb[1]));
os.format("aabb = bpy.data.objects.new('AABB', None)\n"
"aabb.location = (%f,%f,%f)\n"
"aabb.scale = (%f,%f,%f)\n"
"aabb.empty_draw_type = 'CUBE'\n"
"centr = bpy.data.objects.new('Center', None)\n"
"centr.location = (%f,%f,%f)\n"
aabb.min.v[0] + (aabb.max.v[0] - aabb.min.v[0]) / 2.f,
aabb.min.v[1] + (aabb.max.v[1] - aabb.min.v[1]) / 2.f,
aabb.min.v[2] + (aabb.max.v[2] - aabb.min.v[2]) / 2.f,
(aabb.max.v[0] - aabb.min.v[0]) / 2.f,
(aabb.max.v[1] - aabb.min.v[1]) / 2.f,
(aabb.max.v[2] - aabb.min.v[2]) / 2.f,
center.x, center.y, center.z);
os << "bmesh.ops.remove_doubles(bm, verts=bm.verts, dist=0.001)\n"
"path_mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new('PATH')\n"
"path_mesh_obj = bpy.data.objects.new(path_mesh.name, path_mesh)\n"
"for mat_name in material_index:\n"
" mat = material_dict[mat_name]\n"
" path_mesh.materials.append(mat)\n"
"path_mesh_obj.draw_type = 'SOLID'\n"
"path_mesh_obj.game.physics_type = 'STATIC'\n"
"path_mesh_obj.layers[1] = True\n"
"bpy.context.scene.hecl_path_obj = path_mesh_obj.name\n"
"for ar in bpy.context.screen.areas:\n"
" for sp in ar.spaces:\n"
" if sp.type == 'VIEW_3D':\n"
" sp.viewport_shade = 'SOLID'\n";
if (xf)
const zeus::CMatrix4f& w = *xf;
os.format("mtx = Matrix(((%f,%f,%f,%f),(%f,%f,%f,%f),(%f,%f,%f,%f),(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)))\n"
"mtxd = mtx.decompose()\n"
"path_mesh_obj.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION'\n"
"path_mesh_obj.location = mtxd[0]\n"
"path_mesh_obj.rotation_quaternion = mtxd[1]\n"
"path_mesh_obj.scale = mtxd[2]\n",
w.m[0][0], w.m[1][0], w.m[2][0], w.m[3][0],
w.m[0][1], w.m[1][1], w.m[2][1], w.m[3][1],
w.m[0][2], w.m[1][2], w.m[2][2], w.m[3][2]);
bool PATH::Extract(const SpecBase& dataSpec,
PAKEntryReadStream& rs,
const hecl::ProjectPath& outPath,
PAKRouter<PAKBridge>& pakRouter,
const PAK::Entry& entry,
bool force,
hecl::blender::Token& btok,
std::function<void(const hecl::SystemChar*)> fileChanged)
PATH path;
hecl::blender::Connection& conn = btok.getBlenderConnection();
if (!conn.createBlend(outPath, hecl::blender::BlendType::PathMesh))
return false;
const zeus::CMatrix4f* xf = pakRouter.lookupMAPATransform(entry.id);
path.sendToBlender(conn, pakRouter.getBestEntryName(entry, false), xf);
return conn.saveBlend();
bool PATH::Cook(const hecl::ProjectPath& outPath,
const PathMesh& mesh)
athena::io::MemoryReader r(mesh.data.data(), mesh.data.size());
PATH path;
if (!path.regions.empty())
AROTBuilder octreeBuilder;
path.octreeNodeCount = 1;
OctreeNode& n = path.octree.back();
n.isLeaf = 1;
n.aabb[0] = zeus::CVector3f{FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX};
n.aabb[1] = zeus::CVector3f{-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX};
for (int i=0 ; i<8 ; ++i)
n.children[i] = 0xffffffff;
athena::io::FileWriter w(outPath.getAbsolutePath());
int64_t rem = w.position() % 32;
if (rem)
for (int64_t i=0 ; i<32-rem ; ++i)
return true;
} |