
169 lines
6.2 KiB

#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
#include "DataSpec/DNACommon/GX.hpp"
#include "DataSpec/DNACommon/TXTR.hpp"
#include <athena/DNA.hpp>
#include <athena/Types.hpp>
#include <hecl/Blender/Connection.hpp>
namespace hecl {
class ProjectPath;
namespace zeus {
class CAABox;
namespace DataSpec::DNACMDL {
using Mesh = hecl::blender::Mesh;
using Material = hecl::blender::Material;
struct Header : BigDNA {
Value<atUint32> magic;
Value<atUint32> version;
struct Flags : BigDNA {
Value<atUint32> flags = 0;
bool skinned() const { return (flags & 0x1) != 0; }
void setSkinned(bool val) {
flags &= ~0x1;
flags |= val;
bool shortNormals() const { return (flags & 0x2) != 0; }
void setShortNormals(bool val) {
flags &= ~0x2;
flags |= val << 1;
bool shortUVs() const { return (flags & 0x4) != 0; }
void setShortUVs(bool val) {
flags &= ~0x4;
flags |= val << 2;
} flags;
Value<atVec3f> aabbMin;
Value<atVec3f> aabbMax;
Value<atUint32> secCount;
Value<atUint32> matSetCount;
Vector<atUint32, AT_DNA_COUNT(secCount)> secSizes;
Align<32> align;
struct SurfaceHeader_1 : BigDNA {
Value<atVec3f> centroid;
Value<atUint32> matIdx = 0;
Value<atUint32> dlSize = 0;
Value<atUint32> idxStart = 0; /* Actually used by game to stash CCubeModel pointer */
Value<atUint32> idxCount = 0; /* Actually used by game to stash next CCubeSurface pointer */
Value<atUint32> aabbSz = 0;
Value<atVec3f> reflectionNormal;
Value<atVec3f> aabb[2];
Align<32> align;
static constexpr bool UseMatrixSkinning() { return false; }
static constexpr atInt16 skinMatrixBankIdx() { return -1; }
struct SurfaceHeader_2 : BigDNA {
Value<atVec3f> centroid;
Value<atUint32> matIdx = 0;
Value<atUint32> dlSize = 0;
Value<atUint32> idxStart = 0; /* Actually used by game to stash CCubeModel pointer */
Value<atUint32> idxCount = 0; /* Actually used by game to stash next CCubeSurface pointer */
Value<atUint32> aabbSz = 0;
Value<atVec3f> reflectionNormal;
Value<atInt16> skinMtxBankIdx;
Value<atUint16> surfaceGroup;
Value<atVec3f> aabb[2];
Align<32> align;
static constexpr bool UseMatrixSkinning() { return false; }
atInt16 skinMatrixBankIdx() const { return skinMtxBankIdx; }
struct SurfaceHeader_3 : BigDNA {
Value<atVec3f> centroid;
Value<atUint32> matIdx = 0;
Value<atUint32> dlSize = 0;
Value<atUint32> idxStart = 0; /* Actually used by game to stash CCubeModel pointer */
Value<atUint32> idxCount = 0; /* Actually used by game to stash next CCubeSurface pointer */
Value<atUint32> aabbSz = 0;
Value<atVec3f> reflectionNormal;
Value<atInt16> skinMtxBankIdx;
Value<atUint16> surfaceGroup;
Value<atVec3f> aabb[2];
Value<atUint8> unk3;
Align<32> align;
static constexpr bool UseMatrixSkinning() { return true; }
atInt16 skinMatrixBankIdx() const { return skinMtxBankIdx; }
struct VertexAttributes {
GX::AttrType pos = GX::NONE;
GX::AttrType norm = GX::NONE;
GX::AttrType color0 = GX::NONE;
GX::AttrType color1 = GX::NONE;
unsigned uvCount = 0;
GX::AttrType uvs[7] = {GX::NONE};
GX::AttrType pnMtxIdx = GX::NONE;
unsigned texMtxIdxCount = 0;
GX::AttrType texMtxIdx[7] = {GX::NONE};
bool shortUVs;
template <class MaterialSet>
void GetVertexAttributes(const MaterialSet& matSet, std::vector<VertexAttributes>& attributesOut);
template <class PAKRouter, class MaterialSet>
void ReadMaterialSetToBlender_1_2(hecl::blender::PyOutStream& os, const MaterialSet& matSet, const PAKRouter& pakRouter,
const typename PAKRouter::EntryType& entry, unsigned setIdx);
template <class PAKRouter, class MaterialSet>
void ReadMaterialSetToBlender_3(hecl::blender::PyOutStream& os, const MaterialSet& matSet, const PAKRouter& pakRouter,
const typename PAKRouter::EntryType& entry, unsigned setIdx);
void InitGeomBlenderContext(hecl::blender::PyOutStream& os, const hecl::ProjectPath& masterShaderPath);
void FinishBlenderMesh(hecl::blender::PyOutStream& os, unsigned matSetCount, int meshIdx);
template <class PAKRouter, class MaterialSet, class RigPair, class SurfaceHeader>
atUint32 ReadGeomSectionsToBlender(hecl::blender::PyOutStream& os, athena::io::IStreamReader& reader,
PAKRouter& pakRouter, const typename PAKRouter::EntryType& entry, const RigPair& rp,
bool shortNormals, bool shortUVs, std::vector<VertexAttributes>& vertAttribs,
int meshIdx, atUint32 secCount, atUint32 matSetCount, const atUint32* secSizes,
atUint32 surfaceCount = 0);
template <class PAKRouter, class MaterialSet, class RigPair, class SurfaceHeader, atUint32 Version>
bool ReadCMDLToBlender(hecl::blender::Connection& conn, athena::io::IStreamReader& reader, PAKRouter& pakRouter,
const typename PAKRouter::EntryType& entry, const SpecBase& dataspec, const RigPair& rp);
template <class PAKRouter, class MaterialSet>
void NameCMDL(athena::io::IStreamReader& reader, PAKRouter& pakRouter, typename PAKRouter::EntryType& entry,
const SpecBase& dataspec);
template <class MaterialSet, class SurfaceHeader, atUint32 Version>
bool WriteCMDL(const hecl::ProjectPath& outPath, const hecl::ProjectPath& inPath, const Mesh& mesh);
template <class MaterialSet, class SurfaceHeader, atUint32 Version>
bool WriteHMDLCMDL(const hecl::ProjectPath& outPath, const hecl::ProjectPath& inPath, const Mesh& mesh,
hecl::blender::PoolSkinIndex& poolSkinIndex);
template <class MaterialSet, class SurfaceHeader, class MeshHeader>
bool WriteMREASecs(std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>>& secsOut, const hecl::ProjectPath& inPath,
const std::vector<Mesh>& meshes, zeus::CAABox& fullAABB, std::vector<zeus::CAABox>& meshAABBs);
template <class MaterialSet, class SurfaceHeader, class MeshHeader>
bool WriteHMDLMREASecs(std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>>& secsOut, const hecl::ProjectPath& inPath,
const std::vector<Mesh>& meshes, zeus::CAABox& fullAABB, std::vector<zeus::CAABox>& meshAABBs);
} // namespace DataSpec::DNACMDL