This removes the following for both Buffer and Texture:
- The builder's SetInitialUsage
- The object's FreezeUsage and TransitionUsage methods
- The CommandBuffer Transition<Object>Usage methods
All samples and tests are simplified as a result. This also obsoletes
the UsageValidationTest which is removed.
Some validation was dependent on "current usage" and hasn't been
reintroduced for implicit transitions yet:
- Buffers can be used while mapped
- Swapchain textures can be used after they have been presented.
Validation for these will involve collecting all the resources used by a
command buffer and will be done in a follow-up patch.
* Use a descriptor for BindGroupLayout
* Fix MatchesLambda
* Add WireTests.StructureOfStructureArrayArgument
* Add BindGroupValidationTests.BindGroupLayoutCache
However keep the following samples:
- CHelloTriangle that demonstrates the C API
- CppHelloTriangle that demonstrates the C++ API
- Animometer that matches the WebGL benchmark
- HelloDepthStencil that does more than just a triangle, renamed
to CubeReflection
- ComputeBoids as a cool graphics and compute interop demo
- glTFViewer that shows slightly more advanced usage of NXT