
2.4 KiB

GitHub Actions

This repository includes .github.example/workflows/build.yml as an example CI workflow. To use it for your project, follow the setup instructions below.

Build Repository

This repository will be used to build and store the CI build container.

[!CAUTION] This repository should be private to avoid exposing the game's assets.

  1. Create a private repository from encounter/dtk-template-build. A common name is your project's repository name with -build appended. For example, tww-build.

  2. Once the repository is created, add your game's assets to the orig/GAMEID directory. (Replace GAMEID with your game's ID, matching the orig layout in your main repository.)
    Only include game files necessary for the build, such as sys/main.dol and any .rel or .sel files.

  3. Once the build container action completes, visit the package settings:
    GitHub repository packages
    GitHub package settings

  4. Under "Manage Actions access", add your project's main repository with the "Read" role:
    GitHub package Actions access


  1. In the GC/Wii Decompilation Discord, visit #frogress and request an API key for your project.
    Please provide the following:

    • Project name
    • Repository URL
    • Game ID(s)
    • Whether the game has RELs
  2. On GitHub, visit your repo's /settings/secrets/actions/new and add a new secret with the name PROGRESS_API_KEY:
    GitHub Actions secrets


  1. Rename .github.example to .github.

  2. In build.yml, update the container: to point to the new build image.

  3. In build.yml, replace GAMEID with your game's ID. (Or list of IDs, for multi-version support.)

  4. In build.yml, update PROGRESS_SLUG to match the project name on frogress.

  5. Commit and push the changes to your repository.

If everything is set up correctly, the workflow will build all versions on every push or pull request, and upload progress on pushes the main branch.