mirror of https://github.com/AxioDL/boo.git
New object management architecture for OpenGL subsystem (more platforms to come)
This commit is contained in:
@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ add_library(boo
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
#include <atomic>
namespace boo
class IObj
std::atomic_int m_refCount = {0};
virtual ~IObj() = default;
void increment() { m_refCount++; }
void decrement()
if (m_refCount.fetch_sub(1) == 1)
delete this;
template<class SubCls>
class ObjToken
SubCls* m_obj = nullptr;
ObjToken() = default;
ObjToken(SubCls* obj) : m_obj(obj) { m_obj->increment(); }
ObjToken(const ObjToken& other) : m_obj(other.m_obj) { m_obj->increment(); }
ObjToken(ObjToken&& other) : m_obj(other.m_obj) { other.m_obj = nullptr; }
ObjToken& operator=(SubCls* obj)
{ if (m_obj) m_obj->decrement(); m_obj = obj; m_obj->increment(); return *this; }
ObjToken& operator=(const ObjToken& other)
{ if (m_obj) m_obj->decrement(); m_obj = other.m_obj; m_obj->increment(); return *this; }
ObjToken& operator=(ObjToken&& other)
{ if (m_obj) m_obj->decrement(); m_obj = other.m_obj; other.m_obj = nullptr; return *this; }
~ObjToken() { if (m_obj) m_obj->decrement(); }
SubCls* get() const { return m_obj; }
SubCls* operator->() const { return m_obj; }
SubCls& operator*() const { return *m_obj; }
template<class T> T* cast() const { return static_cast<T*>(m_obj); }
operator bool() const { return m_obj != nullptr; }
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
namespace boo
class BaseGraphicsData;
class GLDataFactory : public IGraphicsDataFactory
@ -16,40 +17,44 @@ public:
friend class GLDataFactoryImpl;
GLDataFactory& m_parent;
Context(GLDataFactory& parent) : m_parent(parent) {}
ObjToken<BaseGraphicsData> m_data;
Context(GLDataFactory& parent);
Platform platform() const {return Platform::OpenGL;}
const SystemChar* platformName() const {return _S("OpenGL");}
Platform platform() const { return Platform::OpenGL; }
const SystemChar* platformName() const { return _S("OpenGL"); }
IGraphicsBufferS* newStaticBuffer(BufferUse use, const void* data, size_t stride, size_t count);
IGraphicsBufferD* newDynamicBuffer(BufferUse use, size_t stride, size_t count);
ObjToken<IGraphicsBufferS> newStaticBuffer(BufferUse use, const void* data, size_t stride, size_t count);
ObjToken<IGraphicsBufferD> newDynamicBuffer(BufferUse use, size_t stride, size_t count);
ITextureS* newStaticTexture(size_t width, size_t height, size_t mips, TextureFormat fmt,
ObjToken<ITextureS> newStaticTexture(size_t width, size_t height, size_t mips, TextureFormat fmt,
TextureClampMode clampMode, const void* data, size_t sz);
ITextureSA* newStaticArrayTexture(size_t width, size_t height, size_t layers, size_t mips,
ObjToken<ITextureSA> newStaticArrayTexture(size_t width, size_t height, size_t layers, size_t mips,
TextureFormat fmt, TextureClampMode clampMode, const void* data, size_t sz);
ITextureD* newDynamicTexture(size_t width, size_t height, TextureFormat fmt, TextureClampMode clampMode);
ITextureR* newRenderTexture(size_t width, size_t height, TextureClampMode clampMode,
ObjToken<ITextureD> newDynamicTexture(size_t width, size_t height, TextureFormat fmt, TextureClampMode clampMode);
ObjToken<ITextureR> newRenderTexture(size_t width, size_t height, TextureClampMode clampMode,
size_t colorBindingCount, size_t depthBindingCount);
bool bindingNeedsVertexFormat() const {return true;}
IVertexFormat* newVertexFormat(size_t elementCount, const VertexElementDescriptor* elements,
bool bindingNeedsVertexFormat() const { return true; }
ObjToken<IVertexFormat> newVertexFormat(size_t elementCount, const VertexElementDescriptor* elements,
size_t baseVert = 0, size_t baseInst = 0);
IShaderPipeline* newShaderPipeline(const char* vertSource, const char* fragSource,
ObjToken<IShaderPipeline> newShaderPipeline(const char* vertSource, const char* fragSource,
size_t texCount, const char** texNames,
size_t uniformBlockCount, const char** uniformBlockNames,
BlendFactor srcFac, BlendFactor dstFac, Primitive prim,
ZTest depthTest, bool depthWrite, bool colorWrite,
bool alphaWrite, CullMode culling);
newShaderDataBinding(IShaderPipeline* pipeline,
IVertexFormat* vtxFormat,
IGraphicsBuffer* vbo, IGraphicsBuffer* instVbo, IGraphicsBuffer* ibo,
size_t ubufCount, IGraphicsBuffer** ubufs, const PipelineStage* ubufStages,
newShaderDataBinding(const ObjToken<IShaderPipeline>& pipeline,
const ObjToken<IVertexFormat>& vtxFormat,
const ObjToken<IGraphicsBuffer>& vbo,
const ObjToken<IGraphicsBuffer>& instVbo,
const ObjToken<IGraphicsBuffer>& ibo,
size_t ubufCount, const ObjToken<IGraphicsBuffer>* ubufs, const PipelineStage* ubufStages,
const size_t* ubufOffs, const size_t* ubufSizes,
size_t texCount, ITexture** texs,
size_t texCount, const ObjToken<ITexture>* texs,
const int* texBindIdx, const bool* depthBind,
size_t baseVert = 0, size_t baseInst = 0);
@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ struct IGraphicsCommandQueue
virtual Platform platform() const=0;
virtual const SystemChar* platformName() const=0;
virtual void setShaderDataBinding(IShaderDataBinding* binding)=0;
virtual void setRenderTarget(ITextureR* target)=0;
virtual void setShaderDataBinding(const ObjToken<IShaderDataBinding>& binding)=0;
virtual void setRenderTarget(const ObjToken<ITextureR>& target)=0;
virtual void setViewport(const SWindowRect& rect, float znear=0.f, float zfar=1.f)=0;
virtual void setScissor(const SWindowRect& rect)=0;
virtual void resizeRenderTexture(ITextureR* tex, size_t width, size_t height)=0;
virtual void resizeRenderTexture(const ObjToken<ITextureR>& tex, size_t width, size_t height)=0;
virtual void schedulePostFrameHandler(std::function<void(void)>&& func)=0;
virtual void setClearColor(const float rgba[4])=0;
@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ struct IGraphicsCommandQueue
virtual void drawInstances(size_t start, size_t count, size_t instCount)=0;
virtual void drawInstancesIndexed(size_t start, size_t count, size_t instCount)=0;
virtual void resolveBindTexture(ITextureR* texture, const SWindowRect& rect,
virtual void resolveBindTexture(const ObjToken<ITextureR>& texture, const SWindowRect& rect,
bool tlOrigin, int bindIdx, bool color, bool depth)=0;
virtual void resolveDisplay(ITextureR* source)=0;
virtual void resolveDisplay(const ObjToken<ITextureR>& source)=0;
virtual void execute()=0;
virtual void stopRenderer()=0;
@ -6,47 +6,12 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include "boo/System.hpp"
#include "boo/ThreadLocalPtr.hpp"
#include "boo/BooObject.hpp"
namespace boo
struct IGraphicsCommandQueue;
/** Opaque object for maintaining ownership of factory-created resources */
struct IGraphicsData { virtual ~IGraphicsData() = default; };
class GraphicsDataToken;
/** Opaque object for maintaining ownership of factory-created pool buffers */
struct IGraphicsBufferPool {};
class GraphicsBufferPoolToken;
struct IGraphicsBuffer
bool dynamic() const {return m_dynamic;}
IGraphicsData* m_parentData;
bool m_dynamic;
IGraphicsBuffer(IGraphicsData* parent, bool dynamic)
: m_parentData(parent), m_dynamic(dynamic) {}
virtual ~IGraphicsBuffer() = default;
/** Static resource buffer for verts, indices, uniform constants */
struct IGraphicsBufferS : IGraphicsBuffer
IGraphicsBufferS(IGraphicsData* parent) : IGraphicsBuffer(parent, false) {}
/** Dynamic resource buffer for verts, indices, uniform constants */
struct IGraphicsBufferD : IGraphicsBuffer
virtual void load(const void* data, size_t sz)=0;
virtual void* map(size_t sz)=0;
virtual void unmap()=0;
IGraphicsBufferD(IGraphicsData* parent) : IGraphicsBuffer(parent, true) {}
/** Supported buffer uses */
enum class BufferUse
@ -56,6 +21,33 @@ enum class BufferUse
/** Typeless graphics buffer */
struct IGraphicsBuffer : IObj
bool dynamic() const { return m_dynamic; }
bool m_dynamic;
explicit IGraphicsBuffer(bool dynamic) : m_dynamic(dynamic) {}
/** Static resource buffer for verts, indices, uniform constants */
struct IGraphicsBufferS : IGraphicsBuffer
IGraphicsBufferS() : IGraphicsBuffer(false) {}
/** Dynamic resource buffer for verts, indices, uniform constants */
struct IGraphicsBufferD : IGraphicsBuffer
virtual void load(const void* data, size_t sz)=0;
virtual void* map(size_t sz)=0;
virtual void unmap()=0;
IGraphicsBufferD() : IGraphicsBuffer(true) {}
/** Texture access types */
enum class TextureType
@ -64,48 +56,6 @@ enum class TextureType
struct ITexture
TextureType type() const {return m_type;}
IGraphicsData* m_parentData;
TextureType m_type;
ITexture(IGraphicsData* parent, TextureType type)
: m_parentData(parent), m_type(type) {}
virtual ~ITexture() {}
/** Static resource buffer for textures */
struct ITextureS : ITexture
ITextureS(IGraphicsData* parent) : ITexture(parent, TextureType::Static) {}
/** Static-array resource buffer for array textures */
struct ITextureSA : ITexture
ITextureSA(IGraphicsData* parent) : ITexture(parent, TextureType::StaticArray) {}
/** Dynamic resource buffer for textures */
struct ITextureD : ITexture
virtual void load(const void* data, size_t sz)=0;
virtual void* map(size_t sz)=0;
virtual void unmap()=0;
ITextureD(IGraphicsData* parent) : ITexture(parent, TextureType::Dynamic) {}
/** Resource buffer for render-target textures */
struct ITextureR : ITexture
ITextureR(IGraphicsData* parent) : ITexture(parent, TextureType::Render) {}
/** Supported texture formats */
enum class TextureFormat
@ -115,21 +65,57 @@ enum class TextureFormat
/** Supported texture clamp modes */
enum class TextureClampMode
/** Typeless texture */
struct ITexture : IObj
TextureType type() const { return m_type; }
TextureType m_type;
explicit ITexture(TextureType type) : m_type(type) {}
/** Static resource buffer for textures */
struct ITextureS : ITexture
ITextureS() : ITexture(TextureType::Static) {}
/** Static-array resource buffer for array textures */
struct ITextureSA : ITexture
ITextureSA() : ITexture(TextureType::StaticArray) {}
/** Dynamic resource buffer for textures */
struct ITextureD : ITexture
virtual void load(const void* data, size_t sz)=0;
virtual void* map(size_t sz)=0;
virtual void unmap()=0;
ITextureD() : ITexture(TextureType::Dynamic) {}
/** Resource buffer for render-target textures */
struct ITextureR : ITexture
ITextureR() : ITexture(TextureType::Render) {}
/** Opaque token for representing the data layout of a vertex
* in a VBO. Also able to reference buffers for platforms like
* OpenGL that cache object refs */
struct IVertexFormat
IGraphicsData* m_parentData;
IVertexFormat(IGraphicsData* parent) : m_parentData(parent) {}
struct IVertexFormat : IObj {};
/** Types of vertex attributes */
enum class VertexSemantic
@ -164,17 +150,12 @@ struct VertexElementDescriptor
/** Opaque token for referencing a complete graphics pipeline state necessary
* to rasterize geometry (shaders and blending modes mainly) */
struct IShaderPipeline
IGraphicsData* m_parentData;
IShaderPipeline(IGraphicsData* parent) : m_parentData(parent) {}
struct IShaderPipeline : IObj {};
/** Opaque token serving as indirection table for shader resources
* and IShaderPipeline reference. Each renderable surface-material holds one
* as a reference */
struct IShaderDataBinding {};
struct IShaderDataBinding : IObj {};
/** Used wherever distinction of pipeline stages is needed */
enum class PipelineStage
@ -252,44 +233,48 @@ struct IGraphicsDataFactory
virtual Platform platform() const=0;
virtual const SystemChar* platformName() const=0;
virtual IGraphicsBufferS*
virtual ObjToken<IGraphicsBufferS>
newStaticBuffer(BufferUse use, const void* data, size_t stride, size_t count)=0;
virtual IGraphicsBufferD*
virtual ObjToken<IGraphicsBufferD>
newDynamicBuffer(BufferUse use, size_t stride, size_t count)=0;
virtual ITextureS*
virtual ObjToken<ITextureS>
newStaticTexture(size_t width, size_t height, size_t mips, TextureFormat fmt,
TextureClampMode clampMode, const void* data, size_t sz)=0;
virtual ITextureSA*
virtual ObjToken<ITextureSA>
newStaticArrayTexture(size_t width, size_t height, size_t layers, size_t mips,
TextureFormat fmt, TextureClampMode clampMode, const void* data, size_t sz)=0;
virtual ITextureD*
virtual ObjToken<ITextureD>
newDynamicTexture(size_t width, size_t height, TextureFormat fmt, TextureClampMode clampMode)=0;
virtual ITextureR*
virtual ObjToken<ITextureR>
newRenderTexture(size_t width, size_t height, TextureClampMode clampMode,
size_t colorBindingCount, size_t depthBindingCount)=0;
virtual bool bindingNeedsVertexFormat() const=0;
virtual IVertexFormat*
virtual ObjToken<IVertexFormat>
newVertexFormat(size_t elementCount, const VertexElementDescriptor* elements,
size_t baseVert = 0, size_t baseInst = 0)=0;
virtual IShaderDataBinding*
newShaderDataBinding(IShaderPipeline* pipeline,
IVertexFormat* vtxFormat,
IGraphicsBuffer* vbo, IGraphicsBuffer* instVbo, IGraphicsBuffer* ibo,
size_t ubufCount, IGraphicsBuffer** ubufs, const PipelineStage* ubufStages,
virtual ObjToken<IShaderDataBinding>
newShaderDataBinding(const ObjToken<IShaderPipeline>& pipeline,
const ObjToken<IVertexFormat>& vtxFormat,
const ObjToken<IGraphicsBuffer>& vbo,
const ObjToken<IGraphicsBuffer>& instVbo,
const ObjToken<IGraphicsBuffer>& ibo,
size_t ubufCount, const ObjToken<IGraphicsBuffer>* ubufs, const PipelineStage* ubufStages,
const size_t* ubufOffs, const size_t* ubufSizes,
size_t texCount, ITexture** texs,
size_t texCount, const ObjToken<ITexture>* texs,
const int* texBindIdx, const bool* depthBind,
size_t baseVert = 0, size_t baseInst = 0)=0;
newShaderDataBinding(IShaderPipeline* pipeline,
IVertexFormat* vtxFormat,
IGraphicsBuffer* vbo, IGraphicsBuffer* instVbo, IGraphicsBuffer* ibo,
size_t ubufCount, IGraphicsBuffer** ubufs, const PipelineStage* ubufStages,
size_t texCount, ITexture** texs,
newShaderDataBinding(const ObjToken<IShaderPipeline>& pipeline,
const ObjToken<IVertexFormat>& vtxFormat,
const ObjToken<IGraphicsBuffer>& vbo,
const ObjToken<IGraphicsBuffer>& instVbo,
const ObjToken<IGraphicsBuffer>& ibo,
size_t ubufCount, const ObjToken<IGraphicsBuffer>* ubufs, const PipelineStage* ubufStages,
size_t texCount, const ObjToken<ITexture>* texs,
const int* texBindIdx, const bool* depthBind,
size_t baseVert = 0, size_t baseInst = 0)
@ -300,130 +285,13 @@ struct IGraphicsDataFactory
virtual GraphicsDataToken commitTransaction(const std::function<bool(Context& ctx)>&)=0;
virtual GraphicsBufferPoolToken newBufferPool()=0;
virtual void commitTransaction(const std::function<bool(Context& ctx)>&)=0;
virtual void destroyAllData()=0;
friend class GraphicsDataToken;
virtual void destroyData(IGraphicsData*)=0;
friend class GraphicsBufferPoolToken;
virtual void destroyPool(IGraphicsBufferPool*)=0;
virtual IGraphicsBufferD* newPoolBuffer(IGraphicsBufferPool* pool, BufferUse use,
size_t stride, size_t count)=0;
virtual void deletePoolBuffer(IGraphicsBufferPool* p, IGraphicsBufferD* buf)=0;
virtual ObjToken<IGraphicsBufferD> newPoolBuffer(BufferUse use, size_t stride, size_t count)=0;
using FactoryCommitFunc = std::function<bool(IGraphicsDataFactory::Context& ctx)>;
/** Ownership token for maintaining lifetime of factory-created resources.
* Deletion of this token triggers mass-deallocation of the factory's
* IGraphicsData (please don't delete and draw contained resources in the same frame). */
class GraphicsDataToken
friend class GLDataFactoryImpl;
friend class D3D12DataFactory;
friend class D3D11DataFactory;
friend class MetalDataFactoryImpl;
friend class VulkanDataFactoryImpl;
IGraphicsDataFactory* m_factory = nullptr;
IGraphicsData* m_data = nullptr;
GraphicsDataToken(IGraphicsDataFactory* factory, IGraphicsData* data)
: m_factory(factory), m_data(data) {}
void doDestroy()
if (m_factory && m_data)
m_factory = nullptr;
m_data = nullptr;
GraphicsDataToken() = default;
GraphicsDataToken(const GraphicsDataToken& other) = delete;
GraphicsDataToken(GraphicsDataToken&& other)
m_factory = other.m_factory;
other.m_factory = nullptr;
m_data = other.m_data;
other.m_data = nullptr;
GraphicsDataToken& operator=(const GraphicsDataToken& other) = delete;
GraphicsDataToken& operator=(GraphicsDataToken&& other)
m_factory = other.m_factory;
other.m_factory = nullptr;
m_data = other.m_data;
other.m_data = nullptr;
return *this;
~GraphicsDataToken() {doDestroy();}
operator bool() const {return m_factory && m_data;}
/** Ownership token for maintaining lifetimes of an appendable list of dynamic buffers.
* Deletion of this token triggers mass-deallocation of the IGraphicsBufferPool
* (please don't delete and draw contained resources in the same frame). */
class GraphicsBufferPoolToken
friend class GLDataFactoryImpl;
friend class D3D12DataFactory;
friend class D3D11DataFactory;
friend class MetalDataFactoryImpl;
friend class VulkanDataFactoryImpl;
IGraphicsDataFactory* m_factory = nullptr;
IGraphicsBufferPool* m_pool = nullptr;
GraphicsBufferPoolToken(IGraphicsDataFactory* factory, IGraphicsBufferPool* pool)
: m_factory(factory), m_pool(pool) {}
void doDestroy()
if (m_factory && m_pool)
m_factory = nullptr;
m_pool = nullptr;
GraphicsBufferPoolToken() = default;
GraphicsBufferPoolToken(const GraphicsBufferPoolToken& other) = delete;
GraphicsBufferPoolToken(GraphicsBufferPoolToken&& other)
m_factory = other.m_factory;
other.m_factory = nullptr;
m_pool = other.m_pool;
other.m_pool = nullptr;
GraphicsBufferPoolToken& operator=(const GraphicsBufferPoolToken& other) = delete;
GraphicsBufferPoolToken& operator=(GraphicsBufferPoolToken&& other)
m_factory = other.m_factory;
other.m_factory = nullptr;
m_pool = other.m_pool;
other.m_pool = nullptr;
return *this;
~GraphicsBufferPoolToken() {doDestroy();}
operator bool() const {return m_factory && m_pool;}
IGraphicsBufferD* newPoolBuffer(BufferUse use,
size_t stride, size_t count)
if (m_factory)
return m_factory->newPoolBuffer(m_pool, use, stride, count);
return nullptr;
void deletePoolBuffer(IGraphicsBufferD* buf)
if (m_factory)
m_factory->deletePoolBuffer(m_pool, buf);
using GraphicsDataFactoryContext = IGraphicsDataFactory::Context;
using FactoryCommitFunc = std::function<bool(GraphicsDataFactoryContext& ctx)>;
@ -19,37 +19,41 @@ public:
MetalDataFactory& m_parent;
Context(MetalDataFactory& parent) : m_parent(parent) {}
Platform platform() const {return Platform::Metal;}
const char* platformName() const {return "Metal";}
Platform platform() const { return Platform::Metal; }
const SystemChar* platformName() const { return _S("Metal"); }
IGraphicsBufferS* newStaticBuffer(BufferUse use, const void* data, size_t stride, size_t count);
IGraphicsBufferD* newDynamicBuffer(BufferUse use, size_t stride, size_t count);
ObjToken<IGraphicsBufferS> newStaticBuffer(BufferUse use, const void* data, size_t stride, size_t count);
ObjToken<IGraphicsBufferD> newDynamicBuffer(BufferUse use, size_t stride, size_t count);
ITextureS* newStaticTexture(size_t width, size_t height, size_t mips, TextureFormat fmt,
ObjToken<ITextureS> newStaticTexture(size_t width, size_t height, size_t mips, TextureFormat fmt,
TextureClampMode clampMode, const void* data, size_t sz);
ITextureSA* newStaticArrayTexture(size_t width, size_t height, size_t layers, size_t mips,
TextureFormat fmt, TextureClampMode clampMode, const void* data, size_t sz);
ITextureD* newDynamicTexture(size_t width, size_t height, TextureFormat fmt, TextureClampMode clampMode);
ITextureR* newRenderTexture(size_t width, size_t height, TextureClampMode clampMode,
ObjToken<ITextureSA> newStaticArrayTexture(size_t width, size_t height, size_t layers, size_t mips,
TextureFormat fmt, TextureClampMode clampMode, const void* data,
size_t sz);
ObjToken<ITextureD> newDynamicTexture(size_t width, size_t height, TextureFormat fmt,
TextureClampMode clampMode);
ObjToken<ITextureR> newRenderTexture(size_t width, size_t height, TextureClampMode clampMode,
size_t colorBindCount, size_t depthBindCount);
bool bindingNeedsVertexFormat() const {return false;}
IVertexFormat* newVertexFormat(size_t elementCount, const VertexElementDescriptor* elements,
bool bindingNeedsVertexFormat() const { return false; }
ObjToken<IVertexFormat> newVertexFormat(size_t elementCount, const VertexElementDescriptor* elements,
size_t baseVert = 0, size_t baseInst = 0);
IShaderPipeline* newShaderPipeline(const char* vertSource, const char* fragSource,
ObjToken<IShaderPipeline> newShaderPipeline(const char* vertSource, const char* fragSource,
IVertexFormat* vtxFmt, unsigned targetSamples,
BlendFactor srcFac, BlendFactor dstFac, Primitive prim,
ZTest depthTest, bool depthWrite, bool colorWrite,
bool alphaWrite, CullMode culling);
newShaderDataBinding(IShaderPipeline* pipeline,
IVertexFormat* vtxFormat,
IGraphicsBuffer* vbo, IGraphicsBuffer* instVbo, IGraphicsBuffer* ibo,
size_t ubufCount, IGraphicsBuffer** ubufs, const PipelineStage* ubufStages,
newShaderDataBinding(const ObjToken<IShaderPipeline>& pipeline,
const ObjToken<IVertexFormat>& vtxFormat,
const ObjToken<IGraphicsBuffer>& vbo,
const ObjToken<IGraphicsBuffer>& instVbo,
const ObjToken<IGraphicsBuffer>& ibo,
size_t ubufCount, const ObjToken<IGraphicsBuffer>* ubufs, const PipelineStage* ubufStages,
const size_t* ubufOffs, const size_t* ubufSizes,
size_t texCount, ITexture** texs,
size_t texCount, const ObjToken<ITexture>* texs,
const int* texBindIdxs, const bool* depthBind,
size_t baseVert = 0, size_t baseInst = 0);
@ -6,63 +6,219 @@
#include <atomic>
#include <vector>
#include <mutex>
#include "boo/graphicsdev/IGraphicsDataFactory.hpp"
namespace boo
class IGraphicsDataPriv : public IGraphicsData
struct BaseGraphicsData;
struct BaseGraphicsPool;
template<class NodeCls, class DataCls = BaseGraphicsData>
struct GraphicsDataNode;
/** Inherited by data factory implementations to track the head data and pool nodes */
struct GraphicsDataFactoryHead
std::atomic_int m_refCount = {1};
void increment() { m_refCount++; }
void decrement()
if (m_refCount.fetch_sub(1) == 1)
delete this;
std::mutex m_dataMutex;
BaseGraphicsData* m_dataHead = nullptr;
BaseGraphicsPool* m_poolHead = nullptr;
class IShaderDataBindingPriv : public IShaderDataBinding
/** Private generalized data container class.
* Keeps head pointers to all graphics objects by type
struct BaseGraphicsData : IObj
IGraphicsDataPriv* m_parent;
std::vector<IGraphicsDataPriv*> m_depDatas;
GraphicsDataFactoryHead& m_head;
BaseGraphicsData* m_next;
BaseGraphicsData* m_prev = nullptr;
GraphicsDataNode<IShaderPipeline, BaseGraphicsData>* m_SPs = nullptr;
GraphicsDataNode<IShaderDataBinding, BaseGraphicsData>* m_SBinds = nullptr;
GraphicsDataNode<IGraphicsBufferS, BaseGraphicsData>* m_SBufs = nullptr;
GraphicsDataNode<IGraphicsBufferD, BaseGraphicsData>* m_DBufs = nullptr;
GraphicsDataNode<ITextureS, BaseGraphicsData>* m_STexs = nullptr;
GraphicsDataNode<ITextureSA, BaseGraphicsData>* m_SATexs = nullptr;
GraphicsDataNode<ITextureD, BaseGraphicsData>* m_DTexs = nullptr;
GraphicsDataNode<ITextureR, BaseGraphicsData>* m_RTexs = nullptr;
GraphicsDataNode<IVertexFormat, BaseGraphicsData>* m_VFmts = nullptr;
template<class T> GraphicsDataNode<T, BaseGraphicsData>*& getHead();
IShaderDataBindingPriv(IGraphicsDataPriv* p) : m_parent(p) {}
class Token
explicit BaseGraphicsData(GraphicsDataFactoryHead& head)
: m_head(head)
IGraphicsDataPriv* m_data = nullptr;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m_head.m_dataMutex);
m_next = head.m_dataHead;
head.m_dataHead = this;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m_head.m_dataMutex);
if (m_prev)
if (m_next)
m_next->m_prev = m_prev;
m_prev->m_next = m_next;
if (m_next)
m_next->m_prev = m_head.m_dataHead;
m_head.m_dataHead = m_next;
class iterator
BaseGraphicsData* m_node;
Token() = default;
Token(const IShaderDataBindingPriv* p)
: m_data(p->m_parent) { m_data->increment(); }
Token& operator=(const Token&) = delete;
Token(const Token&) = delete;
Token& operator=(Token&& other)
{ m_data = other.m_data; other.m_data = nullptr; return *this; }
Token(Token&& other)
{ m_data = other.m_data; other.m_data = nullptr; }
~Token() { if (m_data) { m_data->decrement(); } }
using value_type = BaseGraphicsData;
using pointer = BaseGraphicsData*;
using reference = BaseGraphicsData&;
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
explicit iterator(BaseGraphicsData* node) : m_node(node) {}
BaseGraphicsData& operator*() const { return *m_node; }
bool operator!=(const iterator& other) const { return m_node != other.m_node; }
iterator& operator++() { m_node = m_node->m_next; return *this; }
iterator& operator--() { m_node = m_node->m_prev; return *this; }
Token lock() const { return Token(this); }
iterator begin() { return iterator(this); }
iterator end() { return iterator(nullptr); }
template <> GraphicsDataNode<IShaderPipeline, BaseGraphicsData>*&
BaseGraphicsData::getHead<IShaderPipeline>() { return m_SPs; }
template <> GraphicsDataNode<IShaderDataBinding, BaseGraphicsData>*&
BaseGraphicsData::getHead<IShaderDataBinding>() { return m_SBinds; }
template <> GraphicsDataNode<IGraphicsBufferS, BaseGraphicsData>*&
BaseGraphicsData::getHead<IGraphicsBufferS>() { return m_SBufs; }
template <> GraphicsDataNode<IGraphicsBufferD, BaseGraphicsData>*&
BaseGraphicsData::getHead<IGraphicsBufferD>() { return m_DBufs; }
template <> GraphicsDataNode<ITextureS, BaseGraphicsData>*&
BaseGraphicsData::getHead<ITextureS>() { return m_STexs; }
template <> GraphicsDataNode<ITextureSA, BaseGraphicsData>*&
BaseGraphicsData::getHead<ITextureSA>() { return m_SATexs; }
template <> GraphicsDataNode<ITextureD, BaseGraphicsData>*&
BaseGraphicsData::getHead<ITextureD>() { return m_DTexs; }
template <> GraphicsDataNode<ITextureR, BaseGraphicsData>*&
BaseGraphicsData::getHead<ITextureR>() { return m_RTexs; }
template <> GraphicsDataNode<IVertexFormat, BaseGraphicsData>*&
BaseGraphicsData::getHead<IVertexFormat>() { return m_VFmts; }
/** Private generalized pool container class.
* Keeps head pointer to exactly one dynamic buffer while otherwise conforming to IGraphicsData
struct BaseGraphicsPool : IObj
GraphicsDataFactoryHead& m_head;
BaseGraphicsPool* m_next;
BaseGraphicsPool* m_prev = nullptr;
GraphicsDataNode<IGraphicsBufferD, BaseGraphicsPool>* m_DBufs = nullptr;
template<class T> GraphicsDataNode<T, BaseGraphicsPool>*& getHead();
explicit BaseGraphicsPool(GraphicsDataFactoryHead& head)
: m_head(head)
for (IGraphicsDataPriv* dep : m_depDatas)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m_head.m_dataMutex);
m_next = head.m_poolHead;
head.m_poolHead = this;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m_head.m_dataMutex);
if (m_prev)
if (m_next)
m_next->m_prev = m_prev;
m_prev->m_next = m_next;
if (m_next)
m_next->m_prev = m_head.m_poolHead;
m_head.m_poolHead = m_next;
void addDepData(IGraphicsData* data)
class iterator
IGraphicsDataPriv* d = static_cast<IGraphicsDataPriv*>(data);
if (d != m_parent)
BaseGraphicsPool* m_node;
using value_type = BaseGraphicsPool;
using pointer = BaseGraphicsPool*;
using reference = BaseGraphicsPool&;
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
explicit iterator(BaseGraphicsPool* node) : m_node(node) {}
BaseGraphicsPool& operator*() const { return *m_node; }
bool operator!=(const iterator& other) const { return m_node != other.m_node; }
iterator& operator++() { m_node = m_node->m_next; return *this; }
iterator& operator--() { m_node = m_node->m_prev; return *this; }
iterator begin() { return iterator(this); }
iterator end() { return iterator(nullptr); }
template <> GraphicsDataNode<IGraphicsBufferD, BaseGraphicsPool>*&
BaseGraphicsPool::getHead<IGraphicsBufferD>() { return m_DBufs; }
/** Private generalised graphics object node.
* Keeps a strong reference to the data pool that it's a member of;
* as well as doubly-linked pointers to same-type sibling objects
template<class NodeCls, class DataCls>
struct GraphicsDataNode : NodeCls
ObjToken<DataCls> m_data;
GraphicsDataNode<NodeCls, DataCls>* m_next;
GraphicsDataNode<NodeCls, DataCls>* m_prev = nullptr;
explicit GraphicsDataNode(const ObjToken<DataCls>& data)
: m_data(data)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m_data->m_head.m_dataMutex);
m_next = data->template getHead<NodeCls>();
data->template getHead<NodeCls>() = this;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m_data->m_head.m_dataMutex);
if (m_prev)
if (m_next)
m_next->m_prev = m_prev;
m_prev->m_next = m_next;
if (m_next)
m_next->m_prev = m_data->template getHead<NodeCls>();
m_data->template getHead<NodeCls>() = m_next;
class iterator
GraphicsDataNode<NodeCls, DataCls>* m_node;
using value_type = NodeCls;
using pointer = NodeCls*;
using reference = NodeCls&;
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
explicit iterator(GraphicsDataNode<NodeCls, DataCls>* node) : m_node(node) {}
NodeCls& operator*() const { return *m_node; }
bool operator!=(const iterator& other) const { return m_node != other.m_node; }
iterator& operator++() { m_node = m_node->m_next; return *this; }
iterator& operator--() { m_node = m_node->m_prev; return *this; }
iterator begin() { return iterator(this); }
iterator end() { return iterator(nullptr); }
template <class FactoryImpl, class ShaderImpl>
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -29,77 +29,36 @@ struct MetalShareableShader : IShareableShader<MetalDataFactoryImpl, MetalSharea
: IShareableShader(fac, srcKey, 0), m_shader(s) {}
class MetalDataFactoryImpl : public MetalDataFactory
class MetalDataFactoryImpl : public MetalDataFactory, public GraphicsDataFactoryHead
friend struct MetalCommandQueue;
friend class MetalDataFactory::Context;
IGraphicsContext* m_parent;
static ThreadLocalPtr<struct MetalData> m_deferredData;
std::unordered_set<struct MetalData*> m_committedData;
std::unordered_set<struct MetalPool*> m_committedPools;
std::mutex m_committedMutex;
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, std::unique_ptr<MetalShareableShader>> m_sharedShaders;
struct MetalContext* m_ctx;
uint32_t m_sampleCount;
void destroyData(IGraphicsData*);
void destroyAllData();
void destroyPool(IGraphicsBufferPool*);
IGraphicsBufferD* newPoolBuffer(IGraphicsBufferPool* pool, BufferUse use,
size_t stride, size_t count);
void deletePoolBuffer(IGraphicsBufferPool* p, IGraphicsBufferD* buf);
MetalDataFactoryImpl(IGraphicsContext* parent, MetalContext* ctx, uint32_t sampleCount);
MetalDataFactoryImpl(const ObjToken<BaseGraphicsData>& parent, MetalContext* ctx, uint32_t sampleCount);
~MetalDataFactoryImpl() = default;
Platform platform() const {return Platform::Metal;}
const char* platformName() const {return "Metal";}
GraphicsDataToken commitTransaction(const std::function<bool(IGraphicsDataFactory::Context& ctx)>&);
GraphicsBufferPoolToken newBufferPool();
Platform platform() const { return Platform::Metal; }
const char* platformName() const { return "Metal"; }
void commitTransaction(const std::function<bool(IGraphicsDataFactory::Context& ctx)>&);
ObjToken<IGraphicsBufferD> newPoolBuffer(BufferUse use, size_t stride, size_t count);
void _unregisterShareableShader(uint64_t srcKey, uint64_t binKey) { m_sharedShaders.erase(srcKey); }
ThreadLocalPtr<struct MetalData> MetalDataFactoryImpl::m_deferredData;
struct MetalData : IGraphicsDataPriv
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<class MetalShaderPipeline>> m_SPs;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<struct MetalShaderDataBinding>> m_SBinds;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<class MetalGraphicsBufferS>> m_SBufs;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<class MetalGraphicsBufferD>> m_DBufs;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<class MetalTextureS>> m_STexs;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<class MetalTextureSA>> m_SATexs;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<class MetalTextureD>> m_DTexs;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<class MetalTextureR>> m_RTexs;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<struct MetalVertexFormat>> m_VFmts;
struct MetalPoolItem : IGraphicsDataPriv
std::unique_ptr<class MetalGraphicsBufferD> m_buf;
struct MetalPool : IGraphicsBufferPool
std::unordered_set<MetalPoolItem*> m_items;
for (auto& item : m_items)
#define MTL_STATIC MTLResourceCPUCacheModeWriteCombined|MTLResourceStorageModeShared
#define MTL_DYNAMIC MTLResourceCPUCacheModeWriteCombined|MTLResourceStorageModeShared
class MetalGraphicsBufferS : public IGraphicsBufferS
class MetalGraphicsBufferS : public GraphicsDataNode<IGraphicsBufferS>
friend class MetalDataFactory;
friend struct MetalCommandQueue;
MetalGraphicsBufferS(IGraphicsData* parent, BufferUse use, MetalContext* ctx,
MetalGraphicsBufferS(const ObjToken<BaseGraphicsData>& parent, BufferUse use, MetalContext* ctx,
const void* data, size_t stride, size_t count)
: boo::IGraphicsBufferS(parent), m_stride(stride), m_count(count), m_sz(stride * count)
: GraphicsDataNode<IGraphicsBufferS>(parent), m_stride(stride), m_count(count), m_sz(stride * count)
m_buf = [ctx->m_dev newBufferWithBytes:data length:m_sz options:MTL_STATIC];
@ -111,7 +70,8 @@ public:
~MetalGraphicsBufferS() = default;
class MetalGraphicsBufferD : public IGraphicsBufferD
template<class DataCls>
class MetalGraphicsBufferD : public GraphicsDataNode<IGraphicsBufferD, DataCls>
friend class MetalDataFactory;
friend class MetalDataFactoryImpl;
@ -119,9 +79,10 @@ class MetalGraphicsBufferD : public IGraphicsBufferD
MetalCommandQueue* m_q;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> m_cpuBuf;
int m_validSlots = 0;
MetalGraphicsBufferD(IGraphicsData* parent, MetalCommandQueue* q, BufferUse use,
MetalGraphicsBufferD(const ObjToken<BaseGraphicsData>& parent, MetalCommandQueue* q, BufferUse use,
MetalContext* ctx, size_t stride, size_t count)
: boo::IGraphicsBufferD(parent), m_q(q), m_stride(stride), m_count(count), m_sz(stride * count)
: GraphicsDataNode<IGraphicsBufferD, DataCls>(parent), m_q(q), m_stride(stride),
m_count(count), m_sz(stride * count)
m_cpuBuf.reset(new uint8_t[m_sz]);
m_bufs[0] = [ctx->m_dev newBufferWithLength:m_sz options:MTL_DYNAMIC];
@ -140,12 +101,12 @@ public:
void unmap();
class MetalTextureS : public ITextureS
class MetalTextureS : public GraphicsDataNode<ITextureS>
friend class MetalDataFactory;
MetalTextureS(IGraphicsData* parent, MetalContext* ctx, size_t width, size_t height, size_t mips,
MetalTextureS(BaseGraphicsData* parent, MetalContext* ctx, size_t width, size_t height, size_t mips,
TextureFormat fmt, const void* data, size_t sz)
: ITextureS(parent)
: GraphicsDataNode<ITextureS>(parent)
MTLPixelFormat pfmt = MTLPixelFormatRGBA8Unorm;
NSUInteger ppitchNum = 4;
@ -192,13 +153,13 @@ public:
~MetalTextureS() = default;
class MetalTextureSA : public ITextureSA
class MetalTextureSA : public GraphicsDataNode<ITextureSA>
friend class MetalDataFactory;
MetalTextureSA(IGraphicsData* parent, MetalContext* ctx, size_t width,
MetalTextureSA(BaseGraphicsData* parent, MetalContext* ctx, size_t width,
size_t height, size_t layers, size_t mips,
TextureFormat fmt, const void* data, size_t sz)
: ITextureSA(parent)
: GraphicsDataNode<ITextureSA>(parent)
MTLPixelFormat pfmt = MTLPixelFormatRGBA8Unorm;
NSUInteger ppitch = 4;
@ -247,7 +208,7 @@ public:
~MetalTextureSA() = default;
class MetalTextureD : public ITextureD
class MetalTextureD : public GraphicsDataNode<ITextureD>
friend class MetalDataFactory;
friend struct MetalCommandQueue;
@ -258,9 +219,9 @@ class MetalTextureD : public ITextureD
size_t m_cpuSz;
size_t m_pxPitch;
int m_validSlots = 0;
MetalTextureD(IGraphicsData* parent, MetalCommandQueue* q, MetalContext* ctx,
MetalTextureD(BaseGraphicsData* parent, MetalCommandQueue* q, MetalContext* ctx,
size_t width, size_t height, TextureFormat fmt)
: boo::ITextureD(parent), m_q(q), m_width(width), m_height(height)
: GraphicsDataNode<ITextureD>(parent), m_q(q), m_width(width), m_height(height)
MTLPixelFormat format;
switch (fmt)
@ -303,7 +264,7 @@ public:
#define MAX_BIND_TEXS 4
class MetalTextureR : public ITextureR
class MetalTextureR : public GraphicsDataNode<ITextureR>
friend class MetalDataFactory;
friend struct MetalCommandQueue;
@ -422,9 +383,9 @@ class MetalTextureR : public ITextureR
MetalTextureR(IGraphicsData* parent, MetalContext* ctx, size_t width, size_t height, size_t samples,
MetalTextureR(BaseGraphicsData* parent, MetalContext* ctx, size_t width, size_t height, size_t samples,
size_t colorBindCount, size_t depthBindCount)
: boo::ITextureR(parent), m_width(width), m_height(height), m_samples(samples),
: GraphicsDataNode<ITextureR>(parent), m_width(width), m_height(height), m_samples(samples),
@ -485,14 +446,14 @@ static const MTLVertexFormat SEMANTIC_TYPE_TABLE[] =
struct MetalVertexFormat : IVertexFormat
struct MetalVertexFormat : GraphicsDataNode<IVertexFormat>
size_t m_elementCount;
MTLVertexDescriptor* m_vdesc;
size_t m_stride = 0;
size_t m_instStride = 0;
MetalVertexFormat(IGraphicsData* parent, size_t elementCount, const VertexElementDescriptor* elements)
: boo::IVertexFormat(parent), m_elementCount(elementCount)
MetalVertexFormat(BaseGraphicsData* parent, size_t elementCount, const VertexElementDescriptor* elements)
: GraphicsDataNode<ITextureFormat>(parent), m_elementCount(elementCount)
for (size_t i=0 ; i<elementCount ; ++i)
@ -568,7 +529,7 @@ static const MTLPrimitiveType PRIMITIVE_TABLE[] =
#define COLOR_WRITE_MASK (MTLColorWriteMaskRed | MTLColorWriteMaskGreen | MTLColorWriteMaskBlue)
class MetalShaderPipeline : public IShaderPipeline
class MetalShaderPipeline : public GraphicsDataNode<IShaderPipeline>
friend class MetalDataFactory;
friend struct MetalCommandQueue;
@ -579,7 +540,7 @@ class MetalShaderPipeline : public IShaderPipeline
MetalShareableShader::Token m_vert;
MetalShareableShader::Token m_frag;
MetalShaderPipeline(IGraphicsData* parent,
MetalShaderPipeline(BaseGraphicsData* parent,
MetalContext* ctx,
MetalShareableShader::Token&& vert,
MetalShareableShader::Token&& frag,
@ -587,7 +548,7 @@ class MetalShaderPipeline : public IShaderPipeline
BlendFactor srcFac, BlendFactor dstFac, Primitive prim,
ZTest depthTest, bool depthWrite, bool colorWrite,
bool alphaWrite, CullMode culling)
: boo::IShaderPipeline(parent),
: GraphicsDataNode<IShaderPipeline>(parent),
m_drawPrim(PRIMITIVE_TABLE[int(prim)]), m_vtxFmt(vtxFmt),
m_vert(std::move(vert)), m_frag(std::move(frag))
@ -734,7 +695,7 @@ static id<MTLTexture> GetTextureGPUResource(const ITexture* tex, int idx, int bi
return nullptr;
struct MetalShaderDataBinding : IShaderDataBindingPriv
struct MetalShaderDataBinding : GraphicsDataNode<IShaderDataBinding>
MetalShaderPipeline* m_pipeline;
IGraphicsBuffer* m_vbuf;
@ -764,7 +725,7 @@ struct MetalShaderDataBinding : IShaderDataBindingPriv
size_t texCount, ITexture** texs,
const int* texBindIdxs, const bool* depthBind,
size_t baseVert, size_t baseInst)
: IShaderDataBindingPriv(d),
: GraphicsDataNode<IShaderDataBinding>(d),
@ -854,8 +815,8 @@ struct MetalShaderDataBinding : IShaderDataBindingPriv
struct MetalCommandQueue : IGraphicsCommandQueue
Platform platform() const {return IGraphicsDataFactory::Platform::Metal;}
const char* platformName() const {return "Metal";}
Platform platform() const { return IGraphicsDataFactory::Platform::Metal; }
const char* platformName() const { return "Metal"; }
MetalContext* m_ctx;
IWindow* m_parentWindow;
IGraphicsContext* m_parent;
@ -863,8 +824,8 @@ struct MetalCommandQueue : IGraphicsCommandQueue
id<MTLRenderCommandEncoder> m_enc;
bool m_running = true;
size_t m_fillBuf = 0;
size_t m_drawBuf = 0;
int m_fillBuf = 0;
int m_drawBuf = 0;
MetalCommandQueue(MetalContext* ctx, IWindow* parentWindow, IGraphicsContext* parent)
: m_ctx(ctx), m_parentWindow(parentWindow), m_parent(parent)
@ -889,7 +850,7 @@ struct MetalCommandQueue : IGraphicsCommandQueue
MetalShaderDataBinding* m_boundData = nullptr;
MTLPrimitiveType m_currentPrimitive = MTLPrimitiveTypeTriangle;
void setShaderDataBinding(IShaderDataBinding* binding)
void setShaderDataBinding(const ObjToken<IShaderDataBinding>& binding)
@ -901,11 +862,11 @@ struct MetalCommandQueue : IGraphicsCommandQueue
MetalTextureR* m_boundTarget = nullptr;
void _setRenderTarget(ITextureR* target, bool clearColor, bool clearDepth)
void _setRenderTarget(const ObjToken<ITextureR>& target, bool clearColor, bool clearDepth)
MetalTextureR* ctarget = static_cast<MetalTextureR*>(target);
MetalTextureR* ctarget = target.cast<MetalTextureR>();
[m_enc endEncoding];
if (clearColor && clearDepth)
m_enc = [m_cmdBuf renderCommandEncoderWithDescriptor:ctarget->m_clearBothPassDesc];
@ -916,7 +877,6 @@ struct MetalCommandQueue : IGraphicsCommandQueue
m_enc = [m_cmdBuf renderCommandEncoderWithDescriptor:ctarget->m_passDesc];
[m_enc setFrontFacingWinding:MTLWindingCounterClockwise];
if (ctarget == m_boundTarget)
if (m_boundVp.width || m_boundVp.height)
@ -927,8 +887,9 @@ struct MetalCommandQueue : IGraphicsCommandQueue
m_boundTarget = ctarget;
void setRenderTarget(ITextureR* target)
void setRenderTarget(const ObjToken<ITextureR>& target)
_setRenderTarget(target, false, false);
@ -955,9 +916,9 @@ struct MetalCommandQueue : IGraphicsCommandQueue
std::unordered_map<MetalTextureR*, std::pair<size_t, size_t>> m_texResizes;
void resizeRenderTexture(ITextureR* tex, size_t width, size_t height)
void resizeRenderTexture(const ObjToken<ITextureR>& tex, size_t width, size_t height)
MetalTextureR* ctex = static_cast<MetalTextureR*>(tex);
MetalTextureR* ctex = tex.cast<MetalTextureR>();
m_texResizes[ctex] = std::make_pair(width, height);
@ -968,7 +929,7 @@ struct MetalCommandQueue : IGraphicsCommandQueue
void flushBufferUpdates() {}
float m_clearColor[4] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0};
float m_clearColor[4] = {0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f};
void setClearColor(const float rgba[4])
m_clearColor[0] = rgba[0];
@ -1078,18 +1039,27 @@ struct MetalCommandQueue : IGraphicsCommandQueue
/* Update dynamic data here */
MetalDataFactoryImpl* gfxF = static_cast<MetalDataFactoryImpl*>(m_parent->getDataFactory());
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> datalk(gfxF->m_committedMutex);
for (MetalData* d : gfxF->m_committedData)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> datalk(gfxF->m_dataMutex);
if (gfxF->m_dataHead)
for (std::unique_ptr<MetalGraphicsBufferD>& b : d->m_DBufs)
for (std::unique_ptr<MetalTextureD>& t : d->m_DTexs)
for (BaseGraphicsData& d : *gfxF->m_dataHead)
if (d.m_DBufs)
for (IGraphicsBufferD& b : *d.m_DBufs)
if (d.m_DTexs)
for (ITextureD& t : *d.m_DTexs)
for (MetalPool* p : gfxF->m_committedPools)
if (gfxF->m_poolHead)
for (auto& b : p->m_items)
for (BaseGraphicsPool& p : *gfxF->m_poolHead)
if (p.m_DBufs)
for (IGraphicsBufferD& b : *p.m_DBufs)
@ -1389,13 +1359,15 @@ IShaderPipeline* MetalDataFactory::Context::newShaderPipeline(const char* vertSo
MetalDataFactory::Context::newShaderDataBinding(IShaderPipeline* pipeline,
IVertexFormat* vtxFormat,
IGraphicsBuffer* vbuf, IGraphicsBuffer* instVbo, IGraphicsBuffer* ibuf,
size_t ubufCount, IGraphicsBuffer** ubufs, const PipelineStage* ubufStages,
MetalDataFactory::Context::newShaderDataBinding(const ObjToken<IShaderPipeline>& pipeline,
const ObjToken<IVertexFormat>& vtxFormat,
const ObjToken<IGraphicsBuffer>& vbo,
const ObjToken<IGraphicsBuffer>& instVbo,
const ObjToken<IGraphicsBuffer>& ibo,
size_t ubufCount, const ObjToken<IGraphicsBuffer>* ubufs, const PipelineStage* ubufStages,
const size_t* ubufOffs, const size_t* ubufSizes,
size_t texCount, ITexture** texs,
size_t texCount, const ObjToken<ITexture>* texs,
const int* texBindIdxs, const bool* depthBind,
size_t baseVert, size_t baseInst)
@ -1413,7 +1385,7 @@ MetalDataFactory::Context::newShaderDataBinding(IShaderPipeline* pipeline,
GraphicsDataToken MetalDataFactoryImpl::commitTransaction(const FactoryCommitFunc& trans)
void MetalDataFactoryImpl::commitTransaction(const FactoryCommitFunc& trans)
if (m_deferredData.get())
Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, "nested commitTransaction usage detected");
@ -1434,62 +1406,11 @@ GraphicsDataToken MetalDataFactoryImpl::commitTransaction(const FactoryCommitFun
return GraphicsDataToken(this, retval);
GraphicsBufferPoolToken MetalDataFactoryImpl::newBufferPool()
ObjToken<IGraphicsBufferD> MetalDataFactoryImpl::newPoolBuffer(BufferUse use, size_t stride, size_t count)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m_committedMutex);
MetalPool* retval = new MetalPool;
return GraphicsBufferPoolToken(this, retval);
void MetalDataFactoryImpl::destroyData(IGraphicsData* d)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m_committedMutex);
MetalData* data = static_cast<MetalData*>(d);
void MetalDataFactoryImpl::destroyAllData()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m_committedMutex);
for (MetalData* data : m_committedData)
for (MetalPool* pool : m_committedPools)
delete pool;
void MetalDataFactoryImpl::destroyPool(IGraphicsBufferPool* p)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m_committedMutex);
MetalPool* pool = static_cast<MetalPool*>(p);
delete pool;
IGraphicsBufferD* MetalDataFactoryImpl::newPoolBuffer(IGraphicsBufferPool* p, BufferUse use,
size_t stride, size_t count)
MetalPool* pool = static_cast<MetalPool*>(p);
ObjToken<IGraphicsBufferD> pool(new BaseGraphicsPool(*this));
MetalCommandQueue* q = static_cast<MetalCommandQueue*>(m_parent->getCommandQueue());
MetalPoolItem* item = new MetalPoolItem;
MetalGraphicsBufferD* retval = new MetalGraphicsBufferD(item, q, use, m_ctx, stride, count);
return retval;
void MetalDataFactoryImpl::deletePoolBuffer(IGraphicsBufferPool* p, IGraphicsBufferD* buf)
MetalPool* pool = static_cast<MetalPool*>(p);
auto search = pool->m_items.find(static_cast<MetalPoolItem*>(buf->m_parentData));
if (search != pool->m_items.end())
return {MetalGraphicsBufferD(pool, q, use, m_ctx, stride, count)};
IGraphicsCommandQueue* _NewMetalCommandQueue(MetalContext* ctx, IWindow* parentWindow,
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit bfe0c1ccad9ee545a6ab9c0b295258c47b55da3c
Subproject commit f8ab0e03bae0cad2541f551350dcafb91477b007
Reference in New Issue