mirror of https://github.com/AxioDL/boo.git
518 lines
16 KiB
518 lines
16 KiB
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <boo/boo.hpp>
#include <boo/graphicsdev/GL.hpp>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <LogVisor/LogVisor.hpp>
#if _WIN32
#include <boo/graphicsdev/D3D.hpp>
#elif __APPLE__
#include <boo/graphicsdev/Metal.hpp>
namespace boo
class DolphinSmashAdapterCallback : public IDolphinSmashAdapterCallback
void controllerConnected(unsigned idx, EDolphinControllerType)
printf("CONTROLLER %u CONNECTED\n", idx);
void controllerDisconnected(unsigned idx, EDolphinControllerType)
printf("CONTROLLER %u DISCONNECTED\n", idx);
void controllerUpdate(unsigned idx, EDolphinControllerType,
const DolphinControllerState& state)
printf("CONTROLLER %u UPDATE %d %d\n", idx, state.m_leftStick[0], state.m_leftStick[1]);
printf(" %d %d\n", state.m_rightStick[0], state.m_rightStick[1]);
printf(" %d %d\n", state.m_analogTriggers[0], state.m_analogTriggers[1]);
class DualshockPadCallback : public IDualshockPadCallback
void controllerDisconnected()
void controllerUpdate(const DualshockPadState& state)
static time_t timeTotal;
static time_t lastTime = 0;
timeTotal = time(NULL);
time_t timeDif = timeTotal - lastTime;
if (timeDif >= .15)
uint8_t led = ctrl->getLED();
led *= 2;
if (led > 0x10)
led = 2;
lastTime = timeTotal;
if (state.m_psButtonState)
if (timeDif >= 1) // wait 30 seconds before issuing another rumble event
ctrl->startRumble(EDualshockMotor::Right, 100);
lastTime = timeTotal;
ctrl->stopRumble(DS3_MOTOR_RIGHT | DS3_MOTOR_LEFT);*/
printf("CONTROLLER UPDATE %d %d\n", state.m_leftStick[0], state.m_leftStick[1]);
printf(" %d %d\n", state.m_rightStick[0], state.m_rightStick[1]);
printf(" %f %f %f\n", state.accPitch, state.accYaw, state.gyroZ);
class TestDeviceFinder : public DeviceFinder
DolphinSmashAdapter* smashAdapter = NULL;
DualshockPad* ds3 = nullptr;
DolphinSmashAdapterCallback m_cb;
DualshockPadCallback m_ds3CB;
: DeviceFinder({typeid(DolphinSmashAdapter)})
void deviceConnected(DeviceToken& tok)
smashAdapter = dynamic_cast<DolphinSmashAdapter*>(tok.openAndGetDevice());
if (smashAdapter)
ds3 = dynamic_cast<DualshockPad*>(tok.openAndGetDevice());
if (ds3)
void deviceDisconnected(DeviceToken&, DeviceBase* device)
if (smashAdapter == device)
delete smashAdapter;
smashAdapter = NULL;
if (ds3 == device)
delete ds3;
ds3 = nullptr;
struct CTestWindowCallback : IWindowCallback
bool m_fullscreenToggleRequested = false;
SWindowRect m_lastRect;
bool m_rectDirty = false;
bool m_windowInvalid = false;
void resized(const SWindowRect& rect)
m_lastRect = rect;
m_rectDirty = true;
fprintf(stderr, "Resized %d, %d (%d, %d)\n", rect.size[0], rect.size[1], rect.location[0], rect.location[1]);
void mouseDown(const SWindowCoord& coord, EMouseButton button, EModifierKey mods)
fprintf(stderr, "Mouse Down %d (%f,%f)\n", int(button), coord.norm[0], coord.norm[1]);
void mouseUp(const SWindowCoord& coord, EMouseButton button, EModifierKey mods)
fprintf(stderr, "Mouse Up %d (%f,%f)\n", int(button), coord.norm[0], coord.norm[1]);
void mouseMove(const SWindowCoord& coord)
fprintf(stderr, "Mouse Move (%f,%f)\n", coord.norm[0], coord.norm[1]);
void mouseEnter(const SWindowCoord &coord)
fprintf(stderr, "Mouse entered (%f,%f)\n", coord.norm[0], coord.norm[1]);
void mouseLeave(const SWindowCoord &coord)
fprintf(stderr, "Mouse left (%f,%f)\n", coord.norm[0], coord.norm[1]);
void scroll(const SWindowCoord& coord, const SScrollDelta& scroll)
//fprintf(stderr, "Mouse Scroll (%f,%f) (%f,%f)\n", coord.norm[0], coord.norm[1], scroll.delta[0], scroll.delta[1]);
void touchDown(const STouchCoord& coord, uintptr_t tid)
//fprintf(stderr, "Touch Down %16lX (%f,%f)\n", tid, coord.coord[0], coord.coord[1]);
void touchUp(const STouchCoord& coord, uintptr_t tid)
//fprintf(stderr, "Touch Up %16lX (%f,%f)\n", tid, coord.coord[0], coord.coord[1]);
void touchMove(const STouchCoord& coord, uintptr_t tid)
//fprintf(stderr, "Touch Move %16lX (%f,%f)\n", tid, coord.coord[0], coord.coord[1]);
void charKeyDown(unsigned long charCode, EModifierKey mods, bool isRepeat)
void charKeyUp(unsigned long charCode, EModifierKey mods)
void specialKeyDown(ESpecialKey key, EModifierKey mods, bool isRepeat)
if (key == ESpecialKey::Enter && (mods & EModifierKey::Alt) != EModifierKey::None)
m_fullscreenToggleRequested = true;
void specialKeyUp(ESpecialKey key, EModifierKey mods)
void modKeyDown(EModifierKey mod, bool isRepeat)
void modKeyUp(EModifierKey mod)
void windowMoved(const SWindowRect& rect)
fprintf(stderr, "Moved %d, %d (%d, %d)\n", rect.size[0], rect.size[1], rect.location[0], rect.location[1]);
void destroyed()
m_windowInvalid = true;
struct TestApplicationCallback : IApplicationCallback
IWindow* mainWindow;
boo::TestDeviceFinder devFinder;
CTestWindowCallback windowCallback;
bool running = true;
IShaderDataBinding* m_binding = nullptr;
ITextureR* m_renderTarget = nullptr;
std::mutex m_mt;
std::condition_variable m_cv;
std::mutex m_initmt;
std::condition_variable m_initcv;
static void LoaderProc(TestApplicationCallback* self)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(self->m_initmt);
IGraphicsDataFactory* factory = self->mainWindow->getLoadContextDataFactory();
/* Create render target */
int x, y, w, h;
self->mainWindow->getWindowFrame(x, y, w, h);
self->m_renderTarget = factory->newRenderTexture(w, h);
/* Make Tri-strip VBO */
struct Vert
float pos[3];
float uv[2];
static const Vert quad[4] =
IGraphicsBuffer* vbo =
factory->newStaticBuffer(BufferUse::Vertex, quad, sizeof(Vert), 4);
/* Make vertex format */
VertexElementDescriptor descs[2] =
{vbo, nullptr, VertexSemantic::Position3},
{vbo, nullptr, VertexSemantic::UV2}
IVertexFormat* vfmt = factory->newVertexFormat(2, descs);
/* Make ramp texture */
using Pixel = uint8_t[4];
static Pixel tex[256][256];
for (int i=0 ; i<256 ; ++i)
for (int j=0 ; j<256 ; ++j)
tex[i][j][0] = i;
tex[i][j][1] = j;
tex[i][j][2] = 0;
tex[i][j][3] = 0xff;
ITexture* texture =
factory->newStaticTexture(256, 256, 1, TextureFormat::RGBA8, tex, 256*256*4);
/* Make shader pipeline */
IShaderPipeline* pipeline = nullptr;
if (factory->platform() == IGraphicsDataFactory::Platform::OGL)
GLDataFactory* glF = dynamic_cast<GLDataFactory*>(factory);
static const char* VS =
"#version 330\n"
"layout(location=0) in vec3 in_pos;\n"
"layout(location=1) in vec2 in_uv;\n"
"out vec2 out_uv;\n"
"void main()\n"
" gl_Position = vec4(in_pos, 1.0);\n"
" out_uv = in_uv;\n"
static const char* FS =
"#version 330\n"
"precision highp float;\n"
"TBINDING0 uniform sampler2D texs[1];\n"
"layout(location=0) out vec4 out_frag;\n"
"in vec2 out_uv;\n"
"void main()\n"
" out_frag = texture(texs[0], out_uv);\n"
pipeline = glF->newShaderPipeline(VS, FS, 1, "texs", 0, nullptr,
BlendFactor::One, BlendFactor::Zero,
true, true, false);
#if _WIN32
else if (factory->platform() == IGraphicsDataFactory::Platform::D3D12 ||
factory->platform() == IGraphicsDataFactory::Platform::D3D11)
ID3DDataFactory* d3dF = dynamic_cast<ID3DDataFactory*>(factory);
static const char* VS =
"struct VertData {float3 in_pos : POSITION; float2 in_uv : UV;};\n"
"struct VertToFrag {float4 out_pos : SV_Position; float2 out_uv : UV;};\n"
"VertToFrag main(in VertData v)\n"
" VertToFrag retval;\n"
" retval.out_pos = float4(v.in_pos, 1.0);\n"
" retval.out_uv = v.in_uv;\n"
" return retval;\n"
static const char* PS =
"SamplerState samp : register(s0);\n"
"Texture2D tex : register(t0);\n"
"struct VertToFrag {float4 out_pos : SV_Position; float2 out_uv : UV;};\n"
"float4 main(in VertToFrag d) : SV_Target0\n"
" return tex.Sample(samp, d.out_uv);\n"
ComPtr<ID3DBlob> vsCompile;
ComPtr<ID3DBlob> psCompile;
ComPtr<ID3DBlob> cachedPipeline;
pipeline = d3dF->newShaderPipeline(VS, PS, vsCompile, psCompile, cachedPipeline, vfmt,
BlendFactor::One, BlendFactor::Zero, true, true, false);
else if (factory->platform() == IGraphicsDataFactory::Platform::Metal)
MetalDataFactory* metalF = dynamic_cast<MetalDataFactory*>(factory);
static const char* VS =
"#include <metal_stdlib>\n"
"using namespace metal;\n"
"struct VertData {float3 in_pos [[ attribute(0) ]]; float2 in_uv [[ attribute(1) ]];};\n"
"struct VertToFrag {float4 out_pos [[ position ]]; float2 out_uv;};\n"
"vertex VertToFrag vmain(VertData v [[ stage_in ]])\n"
" VertToFrag retval;\n"
" retval.out_pos = float4(v.in_pos, 1.0);\n"
" retval.out_uv = v.in_uv;\n"
" return retval;\n"
static const char* FS =
"#include <metal_stdlib>\n"
"using namespace metal;\n"
"constexpr sampler samp(address::repeat);\n"
"struct VertToFrag {float4 out_pos [[ position ]]; float2 out_uv;};\n"
"fragment float4 fmain(VertToFrag d [[ stage_in ]], texture2d<float> tex [[ texture(0) ]])\n"
" return tex.sample(samp, d.out_uv);\n"
pipeline = metalF->newShaderPipeline(VS, FS, vfmt, 1,
BlendFactor::One, BlendFactor::Zero, true, true, false);
/* Make shader data binding */
self->m_binding =
factory->newShaderDataBinding(pipeline, vfmt, vbo, nullptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 1, &texture);
/* Commit objects */
GraphicsDataToken data = factory->commit();
/* Return control to client */
/* Wait for exit */
while (self->running)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(self->m_mt);
if (!self->running)
int appMain(IApplication* app)
mainWindow = app->newWindow(_S("YAY!"), 1);
windowCallback.m_lastRect = mainWindow->getWindowFrame();
IGraphicsCommandQueue* gfxQ = mainWindow->getCommandQueue();
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m_initmt);
std::thread loaderThread(LoaderProc, this);
size_t frameIdx = 0;
size_t lastCheck = 0;
while (running)
if (windowCallback.m_windowInvalid)
running = false;
if (windowCallback.m_rectDirty)
gfxQ->resizeRenderTexture(m_renderTarget, windowCallback.m_lastRect.size[0], windowCallback.m_lastRect.size[1]);
windowCallback.m_rectDirty = false;
if (windowCallback.m_fullscreenToggleRequested)
windowCallback.m_fullscreenToggleRequested = false;
SWindowRect r = windowCallback.m_lastRect;
r.location[0] = 0;
r.location[1] = 0;
float rgba[] = {sinf(frameIdx / 60.0), cosf(frameIdx / 60.0), 0.0, 1.0};
gfxQ->draw(0, 4);
//fprintf(stderr, "%zu\n", frameIdx);
if ((frameIdx - lastCheck) > 100)
lastCheck = frameIdx;
return 0;
void appQuitting(IApplication*)
running = false;
void appFilesOpen(IApplication*, const std::vector<SystemString>& paths)
fprintf(stderr, "OPENING: ");
for (const SystemString& path : paths)
#if _WIN32
fwprintf(stderr, L"%s ", path.c_str());
fprintf(stderr, "%s ", path.c_str());
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
#if _WIN32
int wmain(int argc, const boo::SystemChar** argv)
int main(int argc, const boo::SystemChar** argv)
boo::TestApplicationCallback appCb;
int ret = ApplicationRun(boo::IApplication::EPlatformType::Auto,
appCb, _S("boo"), _S("Boo"), argc, argv);
printf("IM DYING!!\n");
return ret;
#if _WIN32
int APIENTRY wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE, LPWSTR lpCmdLine, int)
int argc = 0;
const boo::SystemChar** argv = (const wchar_t**)(CommandLineToArgvW(lpCmdLine, &argc));
static boo::SystemChar selfPath[1024];
GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr, selfPath, 1024);
static const boo::SystemChar* booArgv[32] = {};
booArgv[0] = selfPath;
for (int i=0 ; i<argc ; ++i)
booArgv[i+1] = argv[i];
return wmain(argc+1, booArgv);