
113 lines
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/* SoX Resampler Library Copyright (c) 2013
* Licence for this file: LGPL v2.1 See LICENCE for details. */
/* Generate the filter coefficients for variable-rate resampling. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846 /* Since M_PI can't be relied on */
static void print(double * h, int m, double l, char const * name)
{ /* Print out a filter: */
int i, N = l? (int)(l*m)-(l>1) : m, R=(N+1)/2;
int a = !l||l>1? 0:N-R, b = l>1? R:N;
printf("static float const %s[] = {\n", name);
if (l>1) printf(" 0.f,"); else if (!l) l=1;
for (i=a; h && i<b; ++i, printf("% .9gf,%c",l*h[i-1],"\n "[(i-a)&3 && i<b]));
/* Parks McClellan FIR LPF: */
#define even_adj(f) ((N&1)? 1 : cos(PI*.5*(f)))
#define W(f) (((f) < Fp+1e-9? weight : 1) * even_adj(f)) /* Weighting fn */
#define D(f) (((f) < Fp+1e-9) / even_adj(f)) /* Desired response fn */
#define F(i) ((i) <= end[0]? (i)*inc[0] : 1-(end[1]-(i))*inc[1])
#define EE(x,z) (_1 != x 1 && x E[i] > 0 && x E[i] >= x E[i z 1])
#define PEAK do {if (k<NP+1) peak[k]=i; ++k,_1=(E[i]>0)-(E[i]<0);} while (0)
typedef struct {double x, beta, gamma;} coef_t;
static double amp_response(coef_t * coef, int R, double f, int i)
double n = 0, d = 0, x = cos(PI*f), t;
for (; i < R; d += t = coef[i].beta / t, n += coef[i].gamma * t, ++i)
if (fabs(t = x - coef[i].x) < 1e-9) return coef[i].gamma;
return n/d;
static void fir(int m, double l, double Fp0, double Fs0,
double weight0, int density, char const * name)
double Fp=Fp0/l, Fs=Fs0/l, weight=1/weight0, inc[2], Ws=1-Fs;
int N = (int)(l*m)-(l>1), R=(N+1)/2, NP=R+1, grid_size=1+density*R+1, pass=0;
int n1 = Ws>=(2*R-1)*Fp? 1:(int)(R*Fp/(Fp+Ws)+.5), n2=NP-n1, _1, i, j, k;
int * peak = calloc(sizeof(*peak), (size_t)(NP+1)), * P=peak, end[2];
coef_t * coef = calloc(sizeof(*coef), (size_t)(NP));
float * E = calloc(sizeof(*E ), (size_t)(grid_size));
double d, n, e, f, mult, delta, sum, hi, lo, * A = (double*)E, *h=0;
if (!P || !coef || !E) goto END;
end[0] = n1 * density, end[1] = grid_size-1; /* Create prototype peaks: */
inc[0] = Fp/end[0], inc[1] = n2==1? 0 : Ws / ((n2-1)*density);
for (i=0; i<n1; P[n1-1-i] = end[0] - i*density,++i);
for (i=0; i<n2; P[n1+i] = 1+end[0] + i*density,++i);
do { /* Coefs for amp. resp.: */
for (i = 0; i<NP; coef[i].x = cos(PI*F(P[i])), ++i);
for (_1=-1, n=d=i=0; i < NP; ++i) {
for (mult = 1, j = 0; j < R; ++j) if (j != i) mult *= coef[i].x-coef[j].x;
if (mult) coef[i].beta = 1/mult; else goto END;
if (i != R) mult *= coef[i].x - coef[R].x;
f = F(P[i]), n += D(f)/mult, d += (_1=-_1)/(W(f)*mult);
for (delta = n/d, _1 = -1, i = 0; i < R; ++i)
f = F(P[i]), coef[i].gamma = D(f)-(_1=-_1)*delta/W(f);
for (i = 0; i <= end[1]; ++i) /* Amplitude response and error: */
f = F(i), E[i] = (float)(W(f)*(D(f) - amp_response(coef, R, f, 0)));
i = k = _1 = 0; /* Find new peaks: */
if (end[0]) if (EE(+,+) || EE(-,+)) PEAK; /* At F=0 */
for (++i, j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { /* In band j: */
for (; i < end[j]; ++i)
if ((EE(+,-) && E[i]>E[i+1]) || (EE(-,-) && E[i]<E[i+1])) PEAK;
if (!j) {PEAK; ++i; PEAK; ++i;} /* At Fp & Fs */
if (i==end[1]) if (EE(+,-) || EE(-,-)) PEAK; /* At F=1 */
if ((unsigned)(k = k-NP) > 1) goto END; /* Too many/few? */
P = peak + k * (fabs(E[peak[0]]) < fabs(E[peak[NP]])); /* rm 1st? */
for (lo = hi = fabs(E[P[0]]), i=1; i<NP; ++i) /* Converged?: */
e = fabs(E[P[i]]), lo = e<lo? e:lo, hi = e>hi? e:hi;
} while ((hi-lo)/hi > .001 && ++pass < 20);
/* Create impulse response from final amp. resp. coefs: */
if (!(h = malloc(sizeof(*h)*(size_t)N))) goto END;
for (i = 0; i < R; f = 2.*i/N, A[i++] = amp_response(coef,R,f,0)*even_adj(f));
for (i = 0; i < R; h[N-1-i] = h[i] = sum/N, ++i)
for (sum=*A, j=1; j<R; sum += 2*cos(2*PI*(i-(N-1)/2.)/N*j)*A[j], ++j);
END: free(coef), free(E), free(peak);
print(h, m, l, name);
/* Half-band IIR LPF (Mitra DSP 3/e, 13_9): */
static void iir(int N, double Fp, char const * name)
double d=tan(PI*.5*Fp), r=d*d, t=sqrt(1-r*r), n=(1-sqrt(t))/(1+sqrt(t))*.5;
double x=(n*n)*(n*n), Q=(((150*x+15)*x+2)*x+1)*n, q=pow(Q,.25), *h;
int i=0, j, _1;
if (!(h = malloc(sizeof(*h)*(size_t)N))) goto END;
for (; i<N; t=n*q/d, t=t*t, t=sqrt((1-t*r)*(1-t/r))/(1+t), h[i++]=(1-t)/(1+t))
for (_1=1, d=-.5, n=j=0, x=(i+1)*PI/(N+.5); j<7; ++j, _1=-_1)
n += _1*pow(Q,j*(j+1))*sin(x*(j+.5)), d += _1*pow(Q,j*j)*cos(x*j);
END: print(h, N, 0, name);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
fir(241, 1, .45, .5, 160, 32, "half_fir_coefs");
fir( 24, .5, .25, .5, 1, 31, "fast_half_fir_coefs");
fir( 20, 12, .9 , 1.5, 160, 58, "coefs0_d");
fir( 12, 6, .45, 1.5, 80, 29, "coefs0_u");
iir( 15, .492, "iir_coefs");
return 0*argc*!argv;