
3.8 KiB


Status: In-Game with 0-00 (v1.088) only

Official Discord Channel:


Precompiled builds of the command-line extraction utility (hecl) with embedded dataspec libraries are available at This will give you intermediate dumps of original formats as blender and yaml representations.

Everything else is much too experimental to make portable/stable release builds (for now)

Platform Support

  • Windows 7+ (64-bit support only)
  • macOS 10.11+
  • Linux
    • Arch is known to function with glx vendor setup instructions (main development/testing OS)
    • [WIP] Vulkan loader detection is also integrated into the cmake for Linux
  • [Coming Soon] FreeBSD
    • Much multimedia functionality is in place, but not fully tested


  • Extract ISO: hecl extract [path].iso
  • Repackage game for URDE: cd [extracted dir]; hecl package
  • Run URDE: urde [path to hecl dir]/out

URDE options (non-exhaustive)

  • -l: Enable console logging
  • --warp [worldid] [areaid]: Warp to a specific world/area. Example: --warp 2 2
  • +developer=1: Enable developer console

Build Prerequisites:

Prep Directions

git clone --recurse-submodules
mkdir urde-build
cd urde-build

Build Directions


cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G Ninja ../urde

CMake options

  • Build release optimized (better runtime performance): -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
  • Use clang+lld (faster linking): -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++
  • Optimize for current CPU (resulting binaries are not portable): -DURDE_VECTOR_ISA=native


(main development / debugging IDE)

Open the repository's CMakeLists.txt.

Configure CMake options via File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > CMake.

It's recommended to create a new Toolchain with clang/clang++ and configure the CMake profiles to use it.

Qt Creator

Open the repository's CMakeLists.txt via File > Open File or Project.

Configure the desired CMake targets to build in the Projects area of the IDE.

Build / Debug / Run on Windows, macOS and Linux in a unified way.

Visual Studio

Verify all required VS packages are installed from the above Build Prerequisites section.

Open the urde directory in Visual Studio (automatically imports CMake configuration).

Follow these instructions to use clang-cl. The build will not work with the normal VS compiler!


cmake -G Xcode -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DLLVM_ROOT_DIR=<path-to-llvm-dev-package> ../urde

Then open urde.xcodeproj