mirror of https://github.com/AxioDL/metaforce.git
1395 lines
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1395 lines
67 KiB
#include "CFluidPlaneCPU.hpp"
#include "CSimplePool.hpp"
#include "GameGlobalObjects.hpp"
#include "CFluidPlaneManager.hpp"
#include "CStateManager.hpp"
#include "CWorld.hpp"
#include "World/CScriptWater.hpp"
#include "TCastTo.hpp"
#include "Camera/CGameCamera.hpp"
#define kTableSize 2048
namespace urde
CFluidPlaneCPU::CTurbulence::CTurbulence(float speed, float distance, float freqMax, float freqMin,
float phaseMax, float phaseMin, float amplitudeMax, float amplitudeMin)
: x0_speed(speed), x4_distance(distance), x8_freqMax(freqMax), xc_freqMin(freqMin),
x10_phaseMax(phaseMax), x14_phaseMin(phaseMin), x18_amplitudeMax(amplitudeMax), x1c_amplitudeMin(amplitudeMin),
x2c_ooTurbSpeed(1.f / x0_speed), x30_ooTurbDistance(1.f / x4_distance)
if (x18_amplitudeMax != 0.f || x1c_amplitudeMin != 0.f)
x24_tableCount = kTableSize;
x28_heightSelPitch = x24_tableCount;
x20_table.reset(new float[x24_tableCount]);
float anglePitch = 2.f * M_PIF / x28_heightSelPitch;
float freqConstant = 0.5f * (x8_freqMax + xc_freqMin);
float freqLinear = 0.5f * (x8_freqMax - xc_freqMin);
float phaseConstant = 0.5f * (x10_phaseMax + x14_phaseMin);
float phaseLinear = 0.5f * (x10_phaseMax - x14_phaseMin);
float amplitudeConstant = 0.5f * (x18_amplitudeMax + x1c_amplitudeMin);
float amplitudeLinear = 0.5f * (x18_amplitudeMax - x1c_amplitudeMin);
float curAng = 0.f;
for (int i=0 ; i<x24_tableCount ; ++i, curAng += anglePitch)
float angCos = std::cos(curAng);
x20_table[i] = (amplitudeLinear * angCos + amplitudeConstant) *
std::sin((freqLinear * angCos + freqConstant) * curAng + (phaseLinear * angCos + phaseConstant));
x34_hasTurbulence = true;
CFluidPlaneCPU::CFluidPlaneCPU(CAssetId texPattern1, CAssetId texPattern2, CAssetId texColor, CAssetId bumpMap,
CAssetId envMap, CAssetId envBumpMap, CAssetId lightMap, float unitsPerLightmapTexel,
float tileSize, u32 tileSubdivisions, EFluidType fluidType, float alpha,
const zeus::CVector3f& bumpLightDir, float bumpScale, const CFluidUVMotion& mot,
float turbSpeed, float turbDistance, float turbFreqMax, float turbFreqMin,
float turbPhaseMax, float turbPhaseMin, float turbAmplitudeMax, float turbAmplitudeMin,
float specularMin, float specularMax, float reflectionBlend, float reflectionSize,
float rippleIntensity, u32 maxVertCount)
: CFluidPlane(texPattern1, texPattern2, texColor, alpha, fluidType, rippleIntensity, mot),
xa0_texIdBumpMap(bumpMap), xa4_texIdEnvMap(envMap), xa8_texIdEnvBumpMap(envBumpMap), xac_texId4(lightMap),
xf0_bumpLightDir(bumpLightDir), xfc_bumpScale(bumpScale), x100_tileSize(tileSize),
x104_tileSubdivisions(tileSubdivisions & ~0x1),
x108_rippleResolution(x100_tileSize / float(x104_tileSubdivisions)),
x10c_specularMin(specularMin), x110_specularMax(specularMax), x114_reflectionBlend(reflectionBlend),
x118_reflectionSize(reflectionSize), x11c_unitsPerLightmapTexel(unitsPerLightmapTexel),
x120_turbulence(turbSpeed, turbDistance, turbFreqMax, turbFreqMin, turbPhaseMax,
turbPhaseMin, turbAmplitudeMax, turbAmplitudeMin),
if (g_ResFactory->GetResourceTypeById(xa0_texIdBumpMap) == FOURCC('TXTR'))
xb0_bumpMap.emplace(g_SimplePool->GetObj(SObjectTag{FOURCC('TXTR'), xa0_texIdBumpMap}));
if (g_ResFactory->GetResourceTypeById(xa4_texIdEnvMap) == FOURCC('TXTR'))
xc0_envMap.emplace(g_SimplePool->GetObj(SObjectTag{FOURCC('TXTR'), xa4_texIdEnvMap}));
if (g_ResFactory->GetResourceTypeById(xa8_texIdEnvBumpMap) == FOURCC('TXTR'))
xd0_envBumpMap.emplace(g_SimplePool->GetObj(SObjectTag{FOURCC('TXTR'), xa8_texIdEnvBumpMap}));
if (g_ResFactory->GetResourceTypeById(xac_texId4) == FOURCC('TXTR'))
xe0_lightmap.emplace(g_SimplePool->GetObj(SObjectTag{FOURCC('TXTR'), xac_texId4}));
void CFluidPlaneCPU::CreateRipple(const CRipple& ripple, CStateManager& mgr)
void CFluidPlaneCPU::CalculateLightmapMatrix(const zeus::CTransform& areaXf, const zeus::CTransform& xf,
const zeus::CAABox& aabb, zeus::CMatrix4f& mtxOut) const
int width = GetLightMap().GetWidth();
int height = GetLightMap().GetHeight();
zeus::CTransform toLocal = areaXf.getRotation().inverse();
zeus::CAABox areaLocalAABB = aabb.getTransformedAABox(toLocal);
float f26 = (areaLocalAABB.max.x - areaLocalAABB.min.x) / (width * x11c_unitsPerLightmapTexel);
float f25 = (areaLocalAABB.max.y - areaLocalAABB.min.y) / (height * x11c_unitsPerLightmapTexel);
float f24 = (1.f + std::fmod(areaLocalAABB.min.x + xf.origin.x, x11c_unitsPerLightmapTexel)) / width;
float f23 = (2.f - std::fmod(areaLocalAABB.max.x + xf.origin.x, x11c_unitsPerLightmapTexel)) / width;
float f29 = (1.f + std::fmod(areaLocalAABB.min.y + xf.origin.y, x11c_unitsPerLightmapTexel)) / height;
float f6 = (2.f - std::fmod(areaLocalAABB.max.y + xf.origin.y, x11c_unitsPerLightmapTexel)) / height;
float scaleX = (f26 - f24 - f23) / (areaLocalAABB.max.x - areaLocalAABB.min.x);
float scaleY = -(f25 - f29 - f6) / (areaLocalAABB.max.y - areaLocalAABB.min.y);
float offX = f24 + f26 * -areaLocalAABB.min.x / (areaLocalAABB.max.x - areaLocalAABB.min.x);
float offY = f25 * areaLocalAABB.min.y / (areaLocalAABB.max.y - areaLocalAABB.min.y) - f6;
mtxOut = (zeus::CTransform(zeus::CMatrix3f(zeus::CVector3f(scaleX, scaleY, 0.f)),
zeus::CVector3f(offX, offY, 0.f)) * toLocal).toMatrix4f();
static bool sSineWaveInitialized = false;
static float sGlobalSineWave[256] = {};
static const float* InitializeSineWave()
if (sSineWaveInitialized)
return sGlobalSineWave;
for (int i=0 ; i<256 ; ++i)
sGlobalSineWave[i] = std::sin(2.f * M_PIF * (i / 256.f));
sSineWaveInitialized = true;
return sGlobalSineWave;
#define kEnableWaterBumpMaps true
CFluidPlaneCPU::RenderSetup(const CStateManager& mgr, float alpha, const zeus::CTransform& xf,
const zeus::CTransform& areaXf, const zeus::CAABox& aabb, const CScriptWater* water) const
CFluidPlaneShader::RenderSetupInfo out;
float uvT = mgr.GetFluidPlaneManager()->GetUVT();
bool hasBumpMap = HasBumpMap() && kEnableWaterBumpMaps;
bool doubleLightmapBlend = false;
bool hasEnvMap = mgr.GetCameraManager()->GetFluidCounter() == 0 && HasEnvMap();
bool hasEnvBumpMap = HasEnvBumpMap();
if (hasBumpMap)
// Build 50% grey directional light with xf0_bumpLightDir and load into LIGHT_3
// Light 3 in channel 1
// Vertex colors in channel 0
out.lights[3] = CLight::BuildDirectional(xf0_bumpLightDir, zeus::CColor::skGrey);
// Normal light mask in channel 1
// Vertex colors in channel 0
out.lights = water->GetActorLights()->BuildLightVector();
int curTex = 3;
int bumpMapId;
int envMapId;
int envBumpMapId;
int lightmapId;
if (hasBumpMap)
// Load into next
bumpMapId = curTex++;
if (hasEnvMap)
// Load into next
envMapId = curTex++;
if (hasEnvBumpMap)
// Load into next
envBumpMapId = curTex++;
float fluidUVs[3][2];
x4c_uvMotion.CalculateFluidTextureOffset(uvT, fluidUVs);
out.texMtxs[0][0][0] = out.texMtxs[0][1][1] = x4c_uvMotion.GetFluidLayers()[1].GetUVScale();
out.texMtxs[0][3][0] = fluidUVs[1][0];
out.texMtxs[0][3][1] = fluidUVs[1][1];
out.texMtxs[1][0][0] = out.texMtxs[1][1][1] = x4c_uvMotion.GetFluidLayers()[2].GetUVScale();
out.texMtxs[1][3][0] = fluidUVs[2][0];
out.texMtxs[1][3][1] = fluidUVs[2][1];
out.texMtxs[2][0][0] = out.texMtxs[2][1][1] = x4c_uvMotion.GetFluidLayers()[0].GetUVScale();
out.texMtxs[2][3][0] = fluidUVs[0][0];
out.texMtxs[2][3][1] = fluidUVs[0][1];
// Load normal mtx 0 with
out.normMtx =
(zeus::CTransform::Scale(xfc_bumpScale) * CGraphics::g_ViewMatrix.getRotation().inverse()).toMatrix4f();
// Setup TCGs
int nextTexMtx = 3;
if (hasEnvBumpMap)
float pttScale;
if (hasEnvMap)
pttScale = 0.5f * (1.f - x118_reflectionSize);
pttScale = g_tweakGame->GetFluidEnvBumpScale() * x4c_uvMotion.GetFluidLayers()[0].GetUVScale();
// Load GX_TEXMTX3 with identity
zeus::CMatrix4f& texMtx = out.texMtxs[nextTexMtx++];
// Load GX_PTTEXMTX0 with scale of pttScale
out.indScale = 0.5f * (hasEnvMap ? x118_reflectionSize : 1.f);
// Load ind mtx with scale of (indScale, -indScale)
// Load envBumpMap into ind stage 0 with previous TCG
if (hasEnvMap)
float scale = std::max(aabb.max.x - aabb.min.x, aabb.max.y - aabb.min.y);
zeus::CMatrix4f& texMtx = out.texMtxs[nextTexMtx++];
texMtx[0][0] = texMtx[1][1] = 1.f / scale;
zeus::CVector3f center = aabb.center();
texMtx[3][0] = 0.5f + -center.x / scale;
texMtx[3][1] = 0.5f + -center.y / scale;
// Next: GX_TG_MTX2x4 GX_TG_POS, mtxNext, false, GX_PTIDENTITY
if (HasLightMap())
float lowLightBlend = 1.f;
const CGameArea* area = mgr.GetWorld()->GetAreaAlways(mgr.GetNextAreaId());
float lightLevel = area->GetPostConstructed()->x1128_worldLightingLevel;
const CScriptWater* nextWater = water->GetNextConnectedWater(mgr);
if (std::fabs(water->GetMorphFactor()) < 0.00001f || !nextWater ||
lightmapId = curTex;
// Load lightmap
CalculateLightmapMatrix(areaXf, xf, aabb, out.texMtxs[nextTexMtx++]);
// Next: GX_TG_MTX2x4 GX_TG_POS, mtxNext, false, GX_PTIDENTITY
else if (nextWater && nextWater->GetFluidPlane().HasLightMap())
if (std::fabs(water->GetMorphFactor() - 1.f) < 0.00001f)
lightmapId = curTex;
// Load lightmap
CalculateLightmapMatrix(areaXf, xf, aabb, out.texMtxs[nextTexMtx++]);
// Next: GX_TG_MTX2x4 GX_TG_POS, mtxNext, false, GX_PTIDENTITY
lightmapId = curTex;
// Load lightmap
CalculateLightmapMatrix(areaXf, xf, aabb, out.texMtxs[nextTexMtx++]);
// Next: GX_TG_MTX2x4 GX_TG_POS, mtxNext, false, GX_PTIDENTITY
// Load lightmap
CalculateLightmapMatrix(areaXf, xf, aabb, out.texMtxs[nextTexMtx++]);
// Next: GX_TG_MTX2x4 GX_TG_POS, mtxNext, false, GX_PTIDENTITY
float lum = lightLevel * water->GetMorphFactor();
out.kColors[3] = zeus::CColor(lum, 1.f);
lowLightBlend = (1.f - water->GetMorphFactor()) / (1.f - lum);
doubleLightmapBlend = true;
out.kColors[2] = zeus::CColor(lowLightBlend * lightLevel, 1.f);
float waterPlaneOrthoDot = xf.transposeRotate(zeus::CVector3f::skUp).
if (waterPlaneOrthoDot < 0.f)
waterPlaneOrthoDot = -waterPlaneOrthoDot;
out.kColors[0] =
zeus::CColor((1.f - waterPlaneOrthoDot) * (x110_specularMax - x10c_specularMin) + x10c_specularMin, alpha);
out.kColors[1] = zeus::CColor(x114_reflectionBlend, 1.f);
if (!m_shader || m_cachedDoubleLightmapBlend != doubleLightmapBlend ||
m_cachedAdditive != (mgr.GetParticleFlags() == 0))
m_cachedDoubleLightmapBlend = doubleLightmapBlend;
m_cachedAdditive = mgr.GetParticleFlags() == 0;
x10_texPattern1, x20_texPattern2, x30_texColor, xb0_bumpMap, xc0_envMap, xd0_envBumpMap,
xe0_lightmap, m_cachedDoubleLightmapBlend, m_cachedAdditive, m_maxVertCount);
return out;
int CFluidPlaneCPURender::numTilesInHField;
int CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile;
int CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInHField;
static bool PrepareRipple(const CRipple& ripple, const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SPatchInfo& info,
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SRippleInfo& rippleOut)
auto lifeIdx = int((1.f - (ripple.GetTimeFalloff() - ripple.GetTime()) / ripple.GetTimeFalloff()) * 64.f);
float dist = CFluidPlaneManager::RippleMaxs[lifeIdx] * (ripple.GetDistanceFalloff() / 256.f);
dist *= dist;
if (dist != 0)
dist = std::sqrt(dist);
dist = info.x24_ooRippleResolution * dist + 1.f;
float centerX = info.x24_ooRippleResolution * (ripple.GetCenter().x - info.xc_globalMin.x);
float centerY = info.x24_ooRippleResolution * (ripple.GetCenter().y - info.xc_globalMin.y);
int fromX = int(centerX - dist) - 1;
int toX = int(centerX + dist) + 1;
int fromY = int(centerY - dist) - 1;
int toY = int(centerY + dist) + 1;
rippleOut.x4_fromX = std::max(0, fromX);
rippleOut.x8_toX = std::min(int(info.x0_xSubdivs), toX);
rippleOut.xc_fromY = std::max(0, fromY);
rippleOut.x10_toY = std::min(int(info.x1_ySubdivs), toY);
rippleOut.x14_gfromX = std::max(rippleOut.x14_gfromX, fromX);
rippleOut.x18_gtoX = std::min(rippleOut.x18_gtoX, toX);
rippleOut.x1c_gfromY = std::max(rippleOut.x1c_gfromY, fromY);
rippleOut.x20_gtoY = std::min(rippleOut.x20_gtoY, toY);
return !(rippleOut.x14_gfromX > rippleOut.x18_gtoX || rippleOut.x1c_gfromY > rippleOut.x20_gtoY);
static void ApplyTurbulence(float t, CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample (&heights)[45][45], const u8 (&flags)[9][9],
const float sineWave[256], const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SPatchInfo& info,
const CFluidPlaneCPU& fluidPane, const zeus::CVector3f& areaCenter)
if (!fluidPane.HasTurbulence())
memset(&heights, 0, sizeof(heights));
float scaledT = t * fluidPane.GetOOTurbulenceSpeed();
float curY = info.x4_localMin.y - info.x18_rippleResolution - areaCenter.y;
int xDivs = (info.x0_xSubdivs + CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile - 4) /
CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile * CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile + 2;
int yDivs = (info.x1_ySubdivs + CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile - 4) /
CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile * CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile + 2;
for (int i=0 ; i<=yDivs ; ++i)
float curYSq = curY * curY;
float curX = info.x4_localMin.x - info.x18_rippleResolution - areaCenter.x;
for (int j=0 ; j<=xDivs ; ++j)
float distFac = curX * curX + curYSq;
if (distFac != 0.f)
distFac = std::sqrt(distFac);
heights[i][j].height =
fluidPane.GetTurbulenceHeight(fluidPane.GetOOTurbulenceDistance() * distFac + scaledT);
curX += info.x18_rippleResolution;
curY += info.x18_rippleResolution;
static void ApplyRipple(const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SRippleInfo& rippleInfo,
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample (&heights)[45][45],
u8 (&flags)[9][9], const float sineWave[256], const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SPatchInfo& info)
float lookupT = 256.f * (1.f - rippleInfo.x0_ripple.GetTime() * rippleInfo.x0_ripple.GetOOTimeFalloff() *
rippleInfo.x0_ripple.GetOOTimeFalloff()) * rippleInfo.x0_ripple.GetFrequency();
auto lifeIdx = int(64.f * rippleInfo.x0_ripple.GetTime() * rippleInfo.x0_ripple.GetOOTimeFalloff());
float distMul = rippleInfo.x0_ripple.GetDistanceFalloff() / 255.f;
float minDist = CFluidPlaneManager::RippleMins[lifeIdx] * distMul;
float minDistSq = minDist * minDist;
if (minDistSq != 0.f)
minDist = std::sqrt(minDistSq);
float maxDist = CFluidPlaneManager::RippleMaxs[lifeIdx] * distMul;
float maxDistSq = maxDist * maxDist;
if (maxDistSq != 0.f)
maxDist = std::sqrt(maxDistSq);
int fromY = (rippleInfo.x1c_gfromY + CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile - 1) /
int fromX = (rippleInfo.x14_gfromX + CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile - 1) /
int toY = (rippleInfo.x20_gtoY + CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile - 1) /
int toX = (rippleInfo.x18_gtoX + CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile - 1) /
float curY = rippleInfo.x0_ripple.GetCenter().y - info.xc_globalMin.y -
(0.5f * info.x14_tileSize + (fromY - 1) * info.x14_tileSize);
int curGridY = info.x2a_gridDimX * (info.x2e_tileY + fromY - 1);
int startGridX = (info.x28_tileX + fromX - 1);
int gridCells = info.x2a_gridDimX * info.x2c_gridDimY;
float f11 = 64.f * rippleInfo.x0_ripple.GetOODistanceFalloff();
int curYDiv = rippleInfo.xc_fromY;
for (int i=fromY ; i<=toY ; ++i, curY -= info.x14_tileSize)
int nextYDiv = (i+1) * CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile;
float curYSq = curY * curY;
int curGridX = startGridX;
int curXDiv = rippleInfo.x4_fromX;
float curX = rippleInfo.x0_ripple.GetCenter().x - info.xc_globalMin.x -
(0.5f * info.x14_tileSize + (fromX - 1) * info.x14_tileSize);
for (int j=fromX ; j<=toX ; ++j, curX -= info.x14_tileSize, ++curGridX)
float dist = curX * curX + curYSq;
if (dist != 0.f)
dist = std::sqrt(dist);
if (maxDist < dist - info.x1c_tileHypRadius || minDist > dist + info.x1c_tileHypRadius)
bool addedRipple = false;
int nextXDiv = (j+1) * CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile;
float curXMod =
(rippleInfo.x0_ripple.GetCenter().x - info.xc_globalMin.x) - info.x18_rippleResolution * curXDiv;
float curYMod =
(rippleInfo.x0_ripple.GetCenter().y - info.xc_globalMin.y) - info.x18_rippleResolution * curYDiv;
if (!info.x30_gridFlags || (info.x30_gridFlags && curGridY >= 0 && curGridY < gridCells && curGridX >= 0 &&
curGridX < info.x2a_gridDimX && info.x30_gridFlags[curGridX + curGridY]))
for (int k=curYDiv ; k<=std::min(rippleInfo.x10_toY, nextYDiv-1) ; ++k,
curYMod -= info.x18_rippleResolution)
float tmpXMod = curXMod;
float curYModSq = curYMod * curYMod;
for (int l=curXDiv ; l<=std::min(rippleInfo.x8_toX, nextXDiv-1) ; ++l,
tmpXMod -= info.x18_rippleResolution)
float divDistSq = tmpXMod * tmpXMod + curYModSq;
if (divDistSq < minDistSq || divDistSq > maxDistSq)
float divDist = (divDistSq != 0.f) ? std::sqrt(divDistSq) : 0.f;
if (u8 val = CFluidPlaneManager::RippleValues[lifeIdx][int(divDist * f11)])
heights[k][l].height += val * rippleInfo.x0_ripple.GetAmplitude() *
sineWave[int(divDist * rippleInfo.x0_ripple.GetLookupPhase() + lookupT)];
heights[k][l].height += 0.f;
addedRipple = true;
if (addedRipple)
flags[i][j] = 0x1f;
int yMin = nextYDiv - 1;
int yMax = nextYDiv - CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile + 1;
int xMin = nextXDiv - 1;
int xMax = nextXDiv - CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile + 1;
if (curGridX >= 0.f && curGridX < info.x2a_gridDimX && curGridY - info.x2a_gridDimX >= 0 &&
!info.x30_gridFlags[curGridX + curGridY - info.x2a_gridDimX])
yMax -= 2;
if (curGridX >= 0.f && curGridX < info.x2a_gridDimX && curGridY + info.x2a_gridDimX < gridCells &&
!info.x30_gridFlags[curGridX + info.x2a_gridDimX])
yMin += 2;
if (curGridY >= 0 && curGridY < info.x2c_gridDimY && curGridX > 0 &&
!info.x30_gridFlags[curGridX - 1])
xMax -= 2;
if (curGridY >= 0 && curGridY < info.x2c_gridDimY && curGridX + 1 < info.x2a_gridDimX &&
!info.x30_gridFlags[curGridX + 1])
xMin += 2;
for (int k=curYDiv ; k<=std::min(rippleInfo.x10_toY, nextYDiv-1) ; ++k,
curYMod -= info.x18_rippleResolution)
float tmpXMod = curXMod;
float curYModSq = curYMod * curYMod;
for (int l=curXDiv ; l<=std::min(rippleInfo.x8_toX, nextXDiv-1) ; ++l,
tmpXMod -= info.x18_rippleResolution)
if (k <= yMax || k >= yMin || l <= xMax || l >= xMin)
float divDistSq = tmpXMod * tmpXMod + curYModSq;
if (divDistSq < minDistSq || divDistSq > maxDistSq)
float divDist = (divDistSq != 0.f) ? std::sqrt(divDistSq) : 0.f;
if (u8 val = CFluidPlaneManager::RippleValues[lifeIdx][int(divDist * f11)])
heights[k][l].height += val * rippleInfo.x0_ripple.GetAmplitude() *
sineWave[int(divDist * rippleInfo.x0_ripple.GetLookupPhase() +
heights[k][l].height += 0.f;
addedRipple = true;
if (addedRipple)
flags[i][j] = 0xf;
curXDiv = nextXDiv;
curYDiv = nextYDiv;
curGridY += info.x2a_gridDimX;
static void ApplyRipples(const rstl::reserved_vector<CFluidPlaneCPURender::SRippleInfo, 32>& rippleInfos,
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample (&heights)[45][45], u8 (&flags)[9][9],
const float sineWave[256], const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SPatchInfo& info)
for (const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SRippleInfo& rippleInfo : rippleInfos)
ApplyRipple(rippleInfo, heights, flags, sineWave, info);
for (int i=0 ; i<CFluidPlaneCPURender::numTilesInHField ; ++i)
flags[0][i+1] |= 1;
for (int i=0 ; i<CFluidPlaneCPURender::numTilesInHField ; ++i)
flags[i+1][0] |= 8;
for (int i=0 ; i<CFluidPlaneCPURender::numTilesInHField ; ++i)
flags[i+1][CFluidPlaneCPURender::numTilesInHField+1] |= 4;
for (int i=0 ; i<CFluidPlaneCPURender::numTilesInHField ; ++i)
flags[CFluidPlaneCPURender::numTilesInHField+1][i+1] |= 2;
static void UpdatePatchNoNormals(CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample (&heights)[45][45], const u8 (&flags)[9][9],
const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SPatchInfo& info)
for (int i=1 ; i <= (info.x1_ySubdivs + CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile - 2) /
CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile ; ++i)
int r10 = i * CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile + 1;
int r9 = std::max(0, r10 - CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile);
int x24 = std::min(r10, info.x1_ySubdivs + 1);
for (int j=1 ; j <= (info.x0_xSubdivs + CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile - 2) /
CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile ; ++j)
int r29 = j * CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile + 1;
int r11 = std::max(0, r29 - CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile);
int x28 = std::min(r29, info.x0_xSubdivs + 1);
if ((flags[i][j] & 0x1f) == 0x1f)
for (int k=r9 ; k<x24 ; ++k)
for (int l=r11 ; l<x28 ; ++l)
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& sample = heights[k][l];
if (sample.height > 0.f)
sample.wavecapIntensity =
u8(std::min(255, int(info.x38_wavecapIntensityScale * sample.height)));
sample.wavecapIntensity = 0;
if (i > 0 && i < CFluidPlaneCPURender::numTilesInHField + 1 &&
j > 0 && j < CFluidPlaneCPURender::numTilesInHField + 1)
int halfSubdivs = CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile / 2;
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& sample = heights[halfSubdivs + r9][halfSubdivs + r11];
if (sample.height > 0.f)
sample.wavecapIntensity =
u8(std::min(255, int(info.x38_wavecapIntensityScale * sample.height)));
sample.wavecapIntensity = 0;
if (i != 0)
for (int l=r11 ; l<x28 ; ++l)
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& sample = heights[r9][l];
if (sample.height > 0.f)
sample.wavecapIntensity =
u8(std::min(255, int(info.x38_wavecapIntensityScale * sample.height)));
sample.wavecapIntensity = 0;
if (j != 0)
for (int k=r9+1 ; k<x24 ; ++k)
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& sample = heights[k][r11];
if (sample.height > 0.f)
sample.wavecapIntensity =
u8(std::min(255, int(info.x38_wavecapIntensityScale * sample.height)));
sample.wavecapIntensity = 0;
static void UpdatePatchWithNormals(CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample (& heights)[45][45], const u8 (& flags)[9][9],
const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SPatchInfo& info)
float normalScale = -(2.f * info.x18_rippleResolution);
float nz = 0.25f * 2.f * info.x18_rippleResolution;
int curGridY = info.x2e_tileY * info.x2a_gridDimX - 1 + info.x28_tileX;
for (int i=1 ; i <= (info.x1_ySubdivs + CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile - 2) /
CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile ; ++i, curGridY += info.x2a_gridDimX)
int r11 = i * CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile + 1;
int r9 = std::max(0, r11 - CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile);
int x38 = std::min(r11, info.x1_ySubdivs + 1);
for (int j=1 ; j <= (info.x0_xSubdivs + CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile - 2) /
CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile ; ++j)
int r12 = j * CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile + 1;
int x3c = std::min(r12, info.x0_xSubdivs + 1);
r12 -= CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile;
if ((flags[i][j] & 0x1f) == 0x1f)
for (int k=r9 ; k<x38 ; ++k)
for (int l=r12 ; l<x3c ; ++l)
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& sample = heights[k][l];
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& up = heights[k+1][l];
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& down = heights[k-1][l];
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& right = heights[k][l+1];
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& left = heights[k][l-1];
float nx = (right.height - left.height) * normalScale;
float ny = (up.height - down.height) * normalScale;
float normalizer = ny * ny + nx * nx + nz * nz;
if (normalizer != 0.f)
normalizer = std::sqrt(normalizer);
normalizer = 63.f / normalizer;
sample.nx = s8(nx * normalizer);
sample.ny = s8(ny * normalizer);
sample.nz = s8(nz * normalizer);
if (sample.height > 0.f)
sample.wavecapIntensity =
u8(std::min(255, int(info.x38_wavecapIntensityScale * sample.height)));
sample.wavecapIntensity = 0;
if (!info.x30_gridFlags || info.x30_gridFlags[curGridY+j])
if (i > 0 && i < CFluidPlaneCPURender::numTilesInHField + 1 &&
j > 0 && j < CFluidPlaneCPURender::numTilesInHField + 1)
int halfSubdivs = CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile / 2;
int k = halfSubdivs + r9;
int l = halfSubdivs + r12;
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& sample = heights[k][l];
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& up = heights[k+1][l];
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& down = heights[k-1][l];
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& right = heights[k][l+1];
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& left = heights[k][l-1];
float nx = (right.height - left.height) * normalScale;
float ny = (up.height - down.height) * normalScale;
float normalizer = ny * ny + nx * nx + nz * nz;
if (normalizer != 0.f)
normalizer = std::sqrt(normalizer);
normalizer = 63.f / normalizer;
sample.nx = s8(nx * normalizer);
sample.ny = s8(ny * normalizer);
sample.nz = s8(nz * normalizer);
if (sample.height > 0.f)
sample.wavecapIntensity =
u8(std::min(255, int(info.x38_wavecapIntensityScale * sample.height)));
sample.wavecapIntensity = 0;
if (j != 0 && i != 0)
if ((flags[i][j] & 2) != 0 || (flags[i-1][j] & 1) != 0 ||
(flags[i][j] & 4) != 0 || (flags[i][j-1] & 8) != 0)
for (int l=r12 ; l<x3c ; ++l)
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& sample = heights[r9][l];
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& up = heights[r9+1][l];
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& down = heights[r9-1][l];
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& right = heights[r9][l+1];
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& left = heights[r9][l-1];
float nx = (right.height - left.height) * normalScale;
float ny = (up.height - down.height) * normalScale;
float normalizer = ny * ny + nx * nx + nz * nz;
if (normalizer != 0.f)
normalizer = std::sqrt(normalizer);
normalizer = 63.f / normalizer;
sample.nx = s8(nx * normalizer);
sample.ny = s8(ny * normalizer);
sample.nz = s8(nz * normalizer);
if (sample.height > 0.f)
sample.wavecapIntensity =
u8(std::min(255, int(info.x38_wavecapIntensityScale * sample.height)));
sample.wavecapIntensity = 0;
for (int k=r9 ; k<x38 ; ++k)
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& sample = heights[k][r12];
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& up = heights[k+1][r12];
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& down = heights[k-1][r12];
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& right = heights[k][r12+1];
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& left = heights[k][r12-1];
float nx = (right.height - left.height) * normalScale;
float ny = (up.height - down.height) * normalScale;
float normalizer = ny * ny + nx * nx + nz * nz;
if (normalizer != 0.f)
normalizer = std::sqrt(normalizer);
normalizer = 63.f / normalizer;
sample.nx = s8(nx * normalizer);
sample.ny = s8(ny * normalizer);
sample.nz = s8(nz * normalizer);
if (sample.height > 0.f)
sample.wavecapIntensity =
u8(std::min(255, int(info.x38_wavecapIntensityScale * sample.height)));
sample.wavecapIntensity = 0;
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& sample = heights[r9][r12];
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& up = heights[r9+1][r12];
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& down = heights[r9-1][r12];
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& right = heights[r9][r12+1];
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& left = heights[r9][r12-1];
float nx = (right.height - left.height) * normalScale;
float ny = (up.height - down.height) * normalScale;
float normalizer = ny * ny + nx * nx + nz * nz;
if (normalizer != 0.f)
normalizer = std::sqrt(normalizer);
normalizer = 63.f / normalizer;
sample.nx = s8(nx * normalizer);
sample.ny = s8(ny * normalizer);
sample.nz = s8(nz * normalizer);
if (sample.height > 0.f)
sample.wavecapIntensity =
u8(std::min(255, int(info.x38_wavecapIntensityScale * sample.height)));
sample.wavecapIntensity = 0;
static bool UpdatePatch(float time, const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SPatchInfo& info,
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample (&heights)[45][45], u8 (&flags)[9][9],
const CFluidPlaneCPU& fluidPane, const zeus::CVector3f& areaCenter,
const std::experimental::optional<CRippleManager>& rippleManager,
int fromX, int toX, int fromY, int toY)
rstl::reserved_vector<CFluidPlaneCPURender::SRippleInfo, 32> rippleInfos;
if (rippleManager)
for (const CRipple& ripple : rippleManager->GetRipples())
if (ripple.GetTime() >= ripple.GetTimeFalloff())
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SRippleInfo rippleInfo(ripple, fromX, toX, fromY, toY);
if (PrepareRipple(ripple, info, rippleInfo))
if (rippleInfos.empty())
return true;
ApplyTurbulence(time, heights, flags, sGlobalSineWave, info, fluidPane, areaCenter);
ApplyRipples(rippleInfos, heights, flags, sGlobalSineWave, info);
if (info.x37_normalMode == CFluidPlaneCPURender::NormalMode::NoNormals)
UpdatePatchNoNormals(heights, flags, info);
UpdatePatchWithNormals(heights, flags, info);
return false;
static void RenderStripWithRipples(float curY, const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample (&heights)[45][45],
const u8 (&flags)[9][9], int startYDiv,
const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SPatchInfo& info,
std::vector<CFluidPlaneShader::Vertex>& vOut)
int yTile = (startYDiv + CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile - 1) /
int endXTile = (info.x0_xSubdivs + CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile - 4) /
int midDiv = CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile / 2;
float tileMid = info.x18_rippleResolution * midDiv;
float yMin = curY;
float yMid = curY + tileMid;
float xMin = info.x4_localMin.x;
float curX = info.x4_localMin.x;
int gridCell = info.x28_tileX + info.x2a_gridDimX * (info.x2e_tileY + yTile - 1);
int xTile = 1;
int tileSpan;
for (int i = 1 ; i < info.x0_xSubdivs - 2 ;
i += CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile * tileSpan, gridCell += tileSpan,
xTile += tileSpan, curX += info.x14_tileSize * tileSpan)
tileSpan = 1;
if (info.x30_gridFlags && !info.x30_gridFlags[gridCell])
if ((flags[yTile][xTile] & 0x1f) == 0x1f)
for (; xTile+tileSpan<=endXTile ; ++tileSpan)
if ((flags[yTile][xTile+tileSpan] & 0x1f) != 0x1f)
if (info.x30_gridFlags && !info.x30_gridFlags[gridCell+tileSpan])
int stripDivCount = tileSpan * CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile + 1;
int remSubdivs = CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile;
std::function<void(float x, float y, const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& samp)> func;
switch (info.x37_normalMode)
case CFluidPlaneCPURender::NormalMode::None:
func = [&](float x, float y, const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& samp)
vOut.emplace_back(zeus::CVector3f(x, y, samp.height));
case CFluidPlaneCPURender::NormalMode::NoNormals:
func = [&](float x, float y, const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& samp)
vOut.emplace_back(zeus::CVector3f(x, y, samp.height), samp.MakeColor(info));
case CFluidPlaneCPURender::NormalMode::Normals:
func = [&](float x, float y, const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& samp)
vOut.emplace_back(zeus::CVector3f(x, y, samp.height), samp.MakeNormal(),
case CFluidPlaneCPURender::NormalMode::NBT:
func = [&](float x, float y, const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& samp)
vOut.emplace_back(zeus::CVector3f(x, y, samp.height), samp.MakeNormal(),
samp.MakeBinormal(), samp.MakeTangent(), samp.MakeColor(info));
float curTileY = yMin;
int curYDiv = startYDiv;
for (; remSubdivs>0 ; --remSubdivs, ++curYDiv, curTileY+=info.x18_rippleResolution)
size_t start = vOut.size();
float curTileX = xMin;
for (int v=0 ; v<stripDivCount ; ++v)
func(curTileX, curTileY, heights[curYDiv][i+v]);
func(curTileX, curTileY + info.x18_rippleResolution, heights[curYDiv+1][i+v]);
curTileX += info.x18_rippleResolution;
CGraphics::DrawArray(start, vOut.size() - start);
bool r19 = (flags[yTile+1][xTile] & 0x2) != 0;
bool r16 = (flags[yTile][xTile-1] & 0x8) != 0;
bool r18 = (flags[yTile][xTile+1] & 0x4) != 0;
bool r17 = (flags[yTile-1][xTile] & 0x1) != 0;
int r6 = (r19 ? CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile : 1) + 2;
r6 += r18 ? CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile : 1;
r6 += r17 ? CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile : 1;
r6 += r16 ? CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile : 1;
if (r6 == 6 && (info.x37_normalMode == CFluidPlaneCPURender::NormalMode::Normals ||
info.x37_normalMode == CFluidPlaneCPURender::NormalMode::NBT))
for (; xTile+tileSpan<=endXTile ; ++tileSpan)
if ((flags[yTile][xTile+tileSpan] & 0x1f) == 0x1f)
if (info.x30_gridFlags && !info.x30_gridFlags[gridCell+tileSpan])
if ((flags[yTile+1][xTile+tileSpan] & 0x2) != 0x0)
if ((flags[yTile][xTile+tileSpan+1] & 0x4) != 0x0)
if ((flags[yTile-1][xTile+tileSpan] & 0x1) != 0x0)
int stripDivCount = tileSpan + 1;
size_t start = vOut.size();
switch (info.x37_normalMode)
case CFluidPlaneCPURender::NormalMode::Normals:
int curYDiv0 = startYDiv;
int curYDiv1 = startYDiv + CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile;
float curTileX = xMin;
for (int v=0 ; v<stripDivCount ; ++v)
int curXDiv = v * CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile + i;
const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& samp0 = heights[curYDiv0][curXDiv];
const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& samp1 = heights[curYDiv1][curXDiv];
vOut.emplace_back(zeus::CVector3f(curTileX, yMin, samp0.height),
samp0.MakeNormal(), samp0.MakeColor(info));
vOut.emplace_back(zeus::CVector3f(curTileX, yMin + info.x14_tileSize, samp1.height),
samp1.MakeNormal(), samp1.MakeColor(info));
curTileX += info.x18_rippleResolution;
case CFluidPlaneCPURender::NormalMode::NBT:
int curYDiv0 = startYDiv;
int curYDiv1 = startYDiv + CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile;
float curTileX = xMin;
for (int v=0 ; v<stripDivCount ; ++v)
int curXDiv = v * CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile + i;
const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& samp0 = heights[curYDiv0][curXDiv];
const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& samp1 = heights[curYDiv1][curXDiv];
vOut.emplace_back(zeus::CVector3f(curTileX, yMin, samp0.height),
samp0.MakeNormal(), samp0.MakeBinormal(), samp0.MakeTangent(),
vOut.emplace_back(zeus::CVector3f(curTileX, yMin + info.x14_tileSize, samp1.height),
samp1.MakeNormal(), samp1.MakeBinormal(), samp1.MakeTangent(),
curTileX += info.x18_rippleResolution;
CGraphics::DrawArray(start, vOut.size() - start);
TriFanToStrip<CFluidPlaneShader::Vertex> toStrip(vOut);
std::function<void(float x, float y, const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& samp)> func;
switch (info.x37_normalMode)
case CFluidPlaneCPURender::NormalMode::None:
func = [&](float x, float y, const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& samp)
toStrip.EmplaceVert(zeus::CVector3f(x, y, samp.height));
case CFluidPlaneCPURender::NormalMode::NoNormals:
func = [&](float x, float y, const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& samp)
toStrip.EmplaceVert(zeus::CVector3f(x, y, samp.height), samp.MakeColor(info));
case CFluidPlaneCPURender::NormalMode::Normals:
func = [&](float x, float y, const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& samp)
toStrip.EmplaceVert(zeus::CVector3f(x, y, samp.height), samp.MakeNormal(),
case CFluidPlaneCPURender::NormalMode::NBT:
func = [&](float x, float y, const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& samp)
toStrip.EmplaceVert(zeus::CVector3f(x, y, samp.height), samp.MakeNormal(),
samp.MakeBinormal(), samp.MakeTangent(), samp.MakeColor(info));
func(tileMid + xMin, yMid, heights[startYDiv+midDiv][i+midDiv]);
int curXDiv = i;
int curYDiv = startYDiv + CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile;
float curTileX = xMin;
float curTileY = yMin + info.x14_tileSize;
for (int v=0 ; v<(r19 ? CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile : 1) ; ++v)
const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& samp = heights[curYDiv][curXDiv+v];
func(curTileX, curTileY, samp);
curTileX += info.x18_rippleResolution;
curXDiv = i + CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile;
curYDiv = startYDiv + CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile;
curTileX = xMin + info.x14_tileSize;
curTileY = yMin + info.x14_tileSize;
for (int v=0 ; v<(r18 ? CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile : 1) ; ++v)
const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& samp = heights[curYDiv-v][curXDiv];
func(curTileX, curTileY, samp);
curTileY -= info.x18_rippleResolution;
curXDiv = i + CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile;
curYDiv = startYDiv;
curTileX = xMin + info.x14_tileSize;
curTileY = yMin;
for (int v=0 ; v<(r17 ? CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile : 1) ; ++v)
const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& samp = heights[curYDiv][curXDiv-v];
func(curTileX, curTileY, samp);
curTileX -= info.x18_rippleResolution;
curXDiv = i;
curYDiv = startYDiv;
curTileX = xMin;
curTileY = yMin;
if (r16)
for (int v=0 ; v<CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile ; ++v)
const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& samp = heights[curYDiv+v][curXDiv];
func(curTileX, curTileY, samp);
curTileY += info.x18_rippleResolution;
const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& samp = heights[curYDiv][curXDiv];
func(curTileX, curTileY, samp);
curTileY += info.x14_tileSize;
const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample& samp =
func(curTileX, curTileY, samp);
void RenderPatch(const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SPatchInfo& info,
const CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample (&heights)[45][45],
const u8 (&flags)[9][9], bool noRipples, bool flagIs1,
std::vector<CFluidPlaneShader::Vertex>& vOut)
if (noRipples)
float xMin = info.x4_localMin.x;
float yMin = info.x4_localMin.y;
float xMax = info.x18_rippleResolution * (info.x0_xSubdivs - 2) + xMin;
float yMax = info.x18_rippleResolution * (info.x1_ySubdivs - 2) + yMin;
switch (info.x37_normalMode)
case CFluidPlaneCPURender::NormalMode::None:
size_t start = vOut.size();
vOut.emplace_back(zeus::CVector3f(xMin, yMin, 0.f));
vOut.emplace_back(zeus::CVector3f(xMin, yMax, 0.f));
vOut.emplace_back(zeus::CVector3f(xMax, yMin, 0.f));
vOut.emplace_back(zeus::CVector3f(xMax, yMax, 0.f));
CGraphics::DrawArray(start, 4);
case CFluidPlaneCPURender::NormalMode::NoNormals:
size_t start = vOut.size();
vOut.emplace_back(zeus::CVector3f(xMin, yMin, 0.f), zeus::CColor::skBlack);
vOut.emplace_back(zeus::CVector3f(xMin, yMax, 0.f), zeus::CColor::skBlack);
vOut.emplace_back(zeus::CVector3f(xMax, yMin, 0.f), zeus::CColor::skBlack);
vOut.emplace_back(zeus::CVector3f(xMax, yMax, 0.f), zeus::CColor::skBlack);
CGraphics::DrawArray(start, 4);
case CFluidPlaneCPURender::NormalMode::Normals:
int yTiles = (info.x1_ySubdivs - 3) / CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile + 1;
int xTiles = (info.x0_xSubdivs - 3) / CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile + 1;
int xTileStart = info.x28_tileX + info.x2e_tileY * info.x2a_gridDimX;
for (int curYTile=yTiles ; curYTile>0 ; --curYTile,
yMax += info.x14_tileSize, xTileStart += info.x2a_gridDimX)
xMax = xMin;
int nextXTile;
for (int curXTile=0 ; curXTile<xTiles ; curXTile=nextXTile)
if (!info.x30_gridFlags || info.x30_gridFlags[xTileStart+curXTile])
if (curYTile == yTiles || curYTile == 1 || curXTile == 0 || xTiles - 1 == curXTile)
TriFanToStrip<CFluidPlaneShader::Vertex> toStrip(vOut);
toStrip.EmplaceVert(zeus::CVector3f(xMax + 0.5f * info.x14_tileSize,
yMax + 0.5f * info.x14_tileSize, 0.f),
zeus::CVector3f::skUp, zeus::CColor::skBlack);
float tmp = xMax;
for (int v=0 ; v<((curYTile == 1) ?
CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile : 1) ; ++v)
toStrip.EmplaceVert(zeus::CVector3f(tmp, yMax + info.x14_tileSize, 0.f),
zeus::CVector3f::skUp, zeus::CColor::skBlack);
tmp += info.x18_rippleResolution;
tmp = yMax + info.x14_tileSize;
for (int v=0 ; v<((xTiles - 1 == curXTile) ?
CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile : 1) ; ++v)
toStrip.EmplaceVert(zeus::CVector3f(xMax + info.x14_tileSize, tmp, 0.f),
zeus::CVector3f::skUp, zeus::CColor::skBlack);
tmp -= info.x18_rippleResolution;
tmp = xMax + info.x14_tileSize;
for (int v=0 ; v<((curYTile == yTiles) ?
CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile : 1) ; ++v)
toStrip.EmplaceVert(zeus::CVector3f(tmp, yMax, 0.f),
zeus::CVector3f::skUp, zeus::CColor::skBlack);
tmp -= info.x18_rippleResolution;
tmp = yMax;
for (int v=0 ; v<((curXTile == 0) ?
CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile : 1) ; ++v)
toStrip.EmplaceVert(zeus::CVector3f(xMax, tmp, 0.f),
zeus::CVector3f::skUp, zeus::CColor::skBlack);
tmp += info.x18_rippleResolution;
toStrip.EmplaceVert(zeus::CVector3f(xMax, yMax + info.x14_tileSize, 0.f),
zeus::CVector3f::skUp, zeus::CColor::skBlack);
nextXTile = curXTile + 1;
xMax += info.x14_tileSize;
nextXTile = curXTile + 1;
while (nextXTile < xTiles - 1 &&
(!info.x30_gridFlags || info.x30_gridFlags[xTileStart+nextXTile]))
size_t start = vOut.size();
for (int v = 0 ; v < nextXTile - curXTile + 1 ; ++v)
vOut.emplace_back(zeus::CVector3f(xMax, yMax, 0.f), zeus::CColor::skBlack);
vOut.emplace_back(zeus::CVector3f(xMax, yMax + info.x14_tileSize, 0.f),
xMax += info.x14_tileSize;
CGraphics::DrawArray(start, vOut.size() - start);
if (nextXTile == xTiles)
xMax -= info.x14_tileSize;
nextXTile = curXTile + 1;
xMax += info.x14_tileSize;
while (nextXTile < xTiles && !info.x30_gridFlags[xTileStart+nextXTile])
xMax += info.x14_tileSize;
case CFluidPlaneCPURender::NormalMode::NBT:
if (flagIs1 || !info.x30_gridFlags)
size_t start = vOut.size();
vOut.emplace_back(zeus::CVector3f(xMin, yMin, 0.f), zeus::CVector3f::skUp,
zeus::CVector3f::skForward, zeus::CVector3f::skRight, zeus::CColor::skBlack);
vOut.emplace_back(zeus::CVector3f(xMin, yMax, 0.f), zeus::CVector3f::skUp,
zeus::CVector3f::skForward, zeus::CVector3f::skRight, zeus::CColor::skBlack);
vOut.emplace_back(zeus::CVector3f(xMax, yMin, 0.f), zeus::CVector3f::skUp,
zeus::CVector3f::skForward, zeus::CVector3f::skRight, zeus::CColor::skBlack);
vOut.emplace_back(zeus::CVector3f(xMax, yMax, 0.f), zeus::CVector3f::skUp,
zeus::CVector3f::skForward, zeus::CVector3f::skRight, zeus::CColor::skBlack);
CGraphics::DrawArray(start, 4);
int xTiles = (info.x0_xSubdivs - 3) / CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile + 1;
int yTiles = (info.x1_ySubdivs - 3) / CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile + 1;
int xTileStart = info.x28_tileX + info.x2e_tileY * info.x2a_gridDimX;
for (; yTiles>0 ; --yTiles, yMin += info.x14_tileSize, xTileStart += info.x2a_gridDimX)
xMax = xMin;
int nextXTile;
for (int curXTile=0 ; curXTile<xTiles ; curXTile=nextXTile)
if (info.x30_gridFlags[xTileStart+curXTile])
nextXTile = curXTile + 1;
int tile = xTileStart + nextXTile;
while (nextXTile < xTiles && info.x30_gridFlags[tile])
size_t start = vOut.size();
for (int v = 0 ; v < nextXTile - curXTile + 1 ; ++v)
vOut.emplace_back(zeus::CVector3f(xMax, yMin, 0.f), zeus::CVector3f::skUp,
zeus::CVector3f::skForward, zeus::CVector3f::skRight,
vOut.emplace_back(zeus::CVector3f(xMax, yMin + info.x14_tileSize, 0.f),
zeus::CVector3f::skUp, zeus::CVector3f::skForward,
zeus::CVector3f::skRight, zeus::CColor::skBlack);
xMax += info.x14_tileSize;
CGraphics::DrawArray(start, vOut.size() - start);
nextXTile = curXTile + 1;
xMax += info.x14_tileSize;
int tile = xTileStart + nextXTile;
while (nextXTile < xTiles && !info.x30_gridFlags[tile])
xMax += info.x14_tileSize;
float curY = info.x4_localMin.y;
for (int startYDiv=1 ; startYDiv<info.x1_ySubdivs-2 ;
startYDiv += CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile, curY += info.x14_tileSize)
RenderStripWithRipples(curY, heights, flags, startYDiv, info, vOut);
void CFluidPlaneCPU::Render(const CStateManager& mgr, float alpha, const zeus::CAABox& aabb, const zeus::CTransform& xf,
const zeus::CTransform& areaXf, bool noNormals, const zeus::CFrustum& frustum,
const std::experimental::optional<CRippleManager>& rippleManager, TUniqueId waterId,
const bool* gridFlags, u32 gridDimX, u32 gridDimY, const zeus::CVector3f& areaCenter) const
TCastToConstPtr<CScriptWater> water = mgr.GetObjectById(waterId);
CFluidPlaneShader::RenderSetupInfo setupInfo = RenderSetup(mgr, alpha, xf, areaXf, aabb, water.GetPtr());
CFluidPlaneCPURender::NormalMode normalMode;
if (xb0_bumpMap && kEnableWaterBumpMaps)
normalMode = CFluidPlaneCPURender::NormalMode::NBT;
else if (!noNormals)
normalMode = CFluidPlaneCPURender::NormalMode::Normals;
normalMode = CFluidPlaneCPURender::NormalMode::NoNormals;
// Set Position and color format
switch (normalMode)
case CFluidPlaneCPURender::NormalMode::NBT:
// Set NBT format
case CFluidPlaneCPURender::NormalMode::Normals:
// Set Normal format
float rippleResolutionRecip = 1.f / x108_rippleResolution;
CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile = x104_tileSubdivisions;
CFluidPlaneCPURender::numTilesInHField = std::min(7, 42 / CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile);
CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInHField =
CFluidPlaneCPURender::numTilesInHField * CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile;
zeus::CVector3f aabbCenter = aabb.center();
zeus::CVector2f center2D(aabbCenter.x, aabbCenter.y);
zeus::CVector2f ripplePitch(x108_rippleResolution * CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInHField);
// Amount to shift intensity values right (for added wavecap color)
int redShift = 0;
int greenShift = 0;
int blueShift = 0;
float wavecapIntensityScale = g_tweakGame->GetWavecapIntensityNormal();
switch (x44_fluidType)
case EFluidType::PoisonWater:
wavecapIntensityScale = g_tweakGame->GetWavecapIntensityPoison();
redShift = 1;
blueShift = 1;
case EFluidType::Lava:
case EFluidType::ThickLava:
wavecapIntensityScale = g_tweakGame->GetWavecapIntensityLava();
blueShift = 8;
greenShift = 8;
if (water)
float cameraPenetration =
mgr.GetCameraManager()->GetCurrentCamera(mgr)->GetTranslation().dot(zeus::CVector3f::skUp) -
wavecapIntensityScale *= (cameraPenetration >= 0.5f || cameraPenetration < 0.f) ? 1.f : 2.f * cameraPenetration;
u32 patchDimX = (water && water->GetPatchDimensionX()) ? water->GetPatchDimensionX() : 128;
u32 patchDimY = (water && water->GetPatchDimensionY()) ? water->GetPatchDimensionY() : 128;
u32 tileY = 0;
float curY = aabb.min.y;
for (int i=0 ; curY < aabb.max.y && i<patchDimY ; ++i)
u32 tileX = 0;
float curX = aabb.min.x;
float _remDivsY = (aabb.max.y - curY) * rippleResolutionRecip;
for (int j=0 ; curX < aabb.max.x && j<patchDimX ; ++j)
if (u8 renderFlags = water->GetPatchRenderFlags(j, i))
s16 remDivsX = std::min(s16((aabb.max.x - curX) * rippleResolutionRecip),
s16 remDivsY = std::min(s16(_remDivsY), s16(CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInHField));
zeus::CVector3f localMax(x108_rippleResolution * remDivsX + curX,
x108_rippleResolution * remDivsY + curY, aabb.max.z);
zeus::CVector3f localMin(curX, curY, aabb.min.z);
zeus::CAABox testaabb(localMin + xf.origin, localMax + xf.origin);
if (frustum.aabbFrustumTest(testaabb))
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SPatchInfo info(localMin, localMax, xf.origin, x108_rippleResolution,
x100_tileSize, wavecapIntensityScale,
CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInHField, normalMode,
redShift, greenShift, blueShift, tileX, gridDimX, gridDimY,
tileY, gridFlags);
int fromX = tileX != 0 ? (2 - CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile) : 0;
int toX;
if (tileX != gridDimX - 1)
toX = info.x0_xSubdivs + (CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile - 2);
toX = info.x0_xSubdivs;
int fromY = tileY != 0 ? (2 - CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile) : 0;
int toY;
if (tileY != gridDimY - 1)
toY = info.x1_ySubdivs + (CFluidPlaneCPURender::numSubdivisionsInTile - 2);
toY = info.x1_ySubdivs;
CFluidPlaneCPURender::SHFieldSample heights[45][45];
u8 flags[9][9] = {};
bool noRipples = UpdatePatch(mgr.GetFluidPlaneManager()->GetUVT(), info, heights, flags,
*this, areaCenter, rippleManager, fromX, toX, fromY, toY);
RenderPatch(info, heights, flags, noRipples, renderFlags == 1, m_verts);
curX += ripplePitch.x;
tileX += CFluidPlaneCPURender::numTilesInHField;
curY += ripplePitch.y;
tileY += CFluidPlaneCPURender::numTilesInHField;