Commit Graph

241 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Luke Street 0bd776df12 Merge upstream & update dependencies 2023-05-27 11:38:11 -04:00
Austin Eng 731b4a6b48 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 4fd26fe4a..b033a4f1a (8 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - b033a4 Fix floating_point AbsoluteErrorInterval unittests (#2616)
 - 5570bf Add more uniformity validation tests (#2597)
 - 7b9d28 Fix gruntfile generate-listings ordering (#2615)
 - 6ac65a Switch to using sparseF32Range in f32 arithmetic tests (#2614)
 - db412d Factor out and dedup 'validate' step of presubmit (#2608)
 - e218a9 Split up the matrix f32 arithmetic tests (#2606)
 - 7a56a9 Handle uncaught internal errors in device_pool (#2611)
 - 13476e Move texture format info to its own file (#2607)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: I66d1da50d5913b95bee2f1a29fa45bb878a04d39
Kokoro: Austin Eng <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: Loko Kung <>
Commit-Queue: Austin Eng <>
2023-05-22 21:56:44 +00:00
Corentin Wallez 978bc129a0 CMake: Build GLFW with X11/Wayland support to match Dawn
Otherwise on Wayland-only systems, the GLFW CMake files might still be
looking for X11 when DAWN_USE_X11 is off.

Fixed: dawn:1806
Change-Id: I893f5412efeb3cfa48738b224b455b5fc189809d
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
2023-05-15 13:01:16 +00:00
Elie Michel 9ae8ed2f62 Add fetch_dawn_dependencies
This adds a DAWN_FETCH_DEPENDENCIES CMake option (default: OFF) that if
turned ON fetches dependencies using a basic Python script that reads
DEPS files instead of requiring the installation of depot_tools by all
projects that depend on Dawn.

The script is not equivalent to gclient as it is not aware of advanced
configuration options (it always gets the list of dependencies that is
hardcoded at the beginning) but at least for a regular use of Dawn as a
dependency that provides a WebGPU backend (the intended use of this
DAWN_FETCH_DEPENDENCIES option) it is enough.

This is an attempt at merging upstream [this
that I currently recommend in [Learn WebGPU for native
as a shallow intermediary to avoid requiring depot_tools (and turn some
options on/off).

By default, the script performs shallow clones, getting only the very
commit that is needed. This is a great improvement over naive clone:

                | Regular | Shallow |
Downloaded size |  194 MB |  15 MB  |
Stored size     |  294 MB | 103 MB  |

Change-Id: Iaedb4af78036a1696b68787c36f1d3d70e18ba2c
Commit-Queue: Austin Eng <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
2023-05-12 20:19:41 +00:00
Austin Eng 2d6690ed9c Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 499ce7de2..4fd26fe4a (7 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 4fd26f expression.ts: rate-limit the maximum number of batches in flight (#2609)
 - 40cf08 Refactor texture format info table (part 1) (#2598)
 - 300235 Split up the non-matrix f32 arithmetic tests (#2605)
 - e8dbfc Refactor FP fundamental error intervals unittests with trait (#2602)
 - d06baf Rewrite bitcast comparators to be serializable (#2603)
 - e73da2 Make need for serialization of Comparators more obvious (#2601)
 - 5c2aef Refactor FPInterval and utilities unittests with traits (#2600)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: If0139694dce16e2fd42e7a95b822449a567d3b26
Auto-Submit: Austin Eng <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Loko Kung <>
Reviewed-by: Loko Kung <>
2023-05-12 19:14:35 +00:00
Brandon Jones 48b6e6e791 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ b83a6ae70..499ce7de2 (5 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 499ce7 WebGPU GPUBuffer.mapState MAP_READ mode (#2592)
 - 0d1ecc Fix large limit value rounding error (#2599)
 - a3359a Bump WebGPU types to v0.1.32
 - 9cbede Formatting fixes
 - ee328c Updated uses of timestampWrites

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: Ide4788c2f7ff738ac518f19da09d30376802a992
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Auto-Submit: Brandon Jones <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Brandon Jones <>
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
2023-05-09 23:24:11 +00:00
Austin Eng 25e811155a Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ c7d833bad..b83a6ae70 (22 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - b83a6a Remove using CaseCache in bitcast tests (#2594)
 - e78340 Add TODO to last shouldThrow that doesn't expect a particular name (#2590)
 - 458aa9 Check exception type for Webgpu context configure test (#2575)
 - c57f28 Check exception type for Webgpu getCurrentTexture test (#2537)
 - dadb86 Clarify that f64 castable constants are about WebIDL casting (#2505)
 - 7b529d test bitcast f32 to {f32,u32,i32} (#2508)
 - cf6069 Make maxBindingsPerBindGroup 1000 (#2519)
 - 857e83 Add f16 comparison tests (#2503)
 - cdef82 [wgsl] Validation tests for `enable` (#2511)
 - 8814fa [wgsl] Add test for BOM. (#2504)
 - 29b8e0 Add basic uniformity validation tests (#2497)
 - a75df2 Replace hexToFoo function names with more accuracte names (#2502)
 - f89971 Implement core abstract float support (#2498)
 - 7d2d22 Execution atomic builtins: add tests for i32 workgroup/storage vars (#2496)
 - bc8d8a Missed one instance of maxFragmentCombinedOutputResources. (#2494)
 - 908d7b Execution tests for atomic builtins on workgroup atomic vars (#2493)
 - d353b0 Remove numeric framework shim (#2492)
 - 856059 Migrate fundamental error interval tests (#2491)
 - a14d92 Migrate bespoke floating point tests (#2489)
 - e0990d Replace calling Vector/Matrix constructors directly (#2490)
 - cefabb Migrate Matrix  -> tests (#2487)
 - 9a964b Execution tests for atomic builtins (#2484)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: I254c40a5aa0e43f23180a66713cdd99b50154c5f
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Reviewed-by: Loko Kung <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Loko Kung <>
Auto-Submit: Austin Eng <>
2023-05-05 03:03:34 +00:00
AlbinBernhardssonARM ce2cdb4b4d Fix Dawn Native Android build
Fixes 2 CMake issues:
1. GLFW subdirectory was added regardless of
2. Android uses the AHardwareBuffer implementation of
   memory service. But in the CMake MemoryServiceOpaqueFD.cpp
   was added instead of MemoryServiceAHardwareBuffer.cpp .

Bug: dawn:286
Change-Id: I6d81976a5c12717b3e565c4d9f8d5ae54f4e0446
Reviewed-by: Kai Ninomiya <>
Commit-Queue: Kai Ninomiya <>
Reviewed-by: Dan Sinclair <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Dan Sinclair <>
2023-04-20 17:58:59 +00:00
Loko Kung dbb68623bb Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 8220cf0cf..c7d833bad (7 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - c7d833 Removes maxFragmentCombinedOutputResources related test. (#2486)
 - 3171da bitcast execution: integral 32-bit types and vectors of them (#2428)
 - 0ac5d4 Migrate various Vector -> tests (#2479)
 - 86a1f8 Fix issues in LimitTestsImpl
 - 0505ff Migrate unpack* tests to new framework (#2478)
 - 2d608a Migrate Scalar Triple -> Interval tests to use new numeric framework (#2477)
 - 55aaf9 Migrate Scalar Pair -> Interval tests to use new numeric framework (#2475)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: Icdd8f92acf2c75da055b00e3874a7210361b5d9c
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Commit-Queue: Loko Kung <>
2023-04-17 22:32:29 +00:00
Austin Eng 6a7bba54fa Add basic Dawn microbenchmarks using Google benchmark
The initial test tests bind group layout creation of
different sizes, cache / no-cache hit, with and without
multiple threads.

Change-Id: Ic9ed6c6f1c298d35cd1358c7ff492027c83649a7
Commit-Queue: Austin Eng <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
2023-04-17 18:11:51 +00:00
Ben Clayton 63aa15467e Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 15b8caf79..8220cf0cf (9 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 8220cf Move "device_destroyed_before_importing_video_frame" case to "api,validation,states,device_lost,destroy" (#2464)
 - f77035 Migrate Scalar -> Interval tests to use new numeric framework (#2474)
 - 65cd11 Migrate `abs` tests over to use FP.f32 directly
 - 3ab032 Replace Point/Binary/Ternary with Scalar{Pair/Triple}
 - 552fe1 Fix Occlusion Query Op Test
 - 3182e8 Fix fragment shader in maxInterStageShaderComponents validation (#2469)
 - 0eacf5 Refactor how floating point intervals are calculated (#2468)
 - fd777c Slightly expand sample_mask tests (#2466)
 - 7e014d Use (number | IntervalBounds) for specifying unittests (#2456)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: I48f7afe742004afb6f373c64a16877802f755de1
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <>
2023-04-17 02:25:29 +00:00
James Price df714941d3 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ ca81780f0..15b8caf79 (13 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 15b8ca [wgsl] Add execution tests for arrayLength (#2465)
 - 904c74 Set depthClearValue when depthLoadOp is clear (#2462)
 - b00081 Fix unexpected failure in api,validation,queue,copyToTexture,CopyExte… (#2461)
 - 6143b5 Fixes remaining tests that hit deprecated paths. (#2457)
 - f7a15a Add more increment and decrement tests. (#2459)
 - 07ce6f [wgsl] Test preservation of matrix padding bytes (#2454)
 - b9f099 [wgsl] Add shadow execution tests. (#2448)
 - 395a8a [wgsl] Add some float parsing tests. (#2447)
 - 7e7330 Improve requestAdapterInfo error messages. (#2458)
 - dd474b Update tests for min/max spec changes (#2455)
 - fe5f6e Adjust acceptance intervals for frexp (#2450)
 - 9071d4 Cleanup ULP related code (#2449)
 - 147f55 Update for GPUDeviceLostReason spec change (#2434)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: I348f9078e089bb18a611536b04b7c51f47fb7209
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Commit-Queue: James Price <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Auto-Submit: James Price <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
2023-03-27 21:21:58 +00:00
Ben Clayton f359395288 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 886a83abf..ca81780f0 (6 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - ca8178 Set depthWriteEnabled to false when depth stencil format is stencil8 (#2445)
 - db3b8d Validate that atomic builtins are only valid in compute and fragment shaders (#2442)
 - 3b3668 Add scalar-vector and vector-scalar f32 arithmetic tests (#2444)
 - f1ba3f [wgsl] More matrix compound expression tests. (#2443)
 - 6e7281 Replace u32 pairs for represting f64 hex values with BigInt (#2439)
 - ac5e50 Return correctlyRoundedInterval for f32->f32 conversions (#2438)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: I448de426bed5977bb9b184715d18217314d9255e
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
2023-03-23 14:10:57 +00:00
Ben Clayton 2a7005f416 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 99d11d886..886a83abf (28 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 886a83 Refactor storeOp validation test to match spec changes
 - 8be752 Fix a missing "enable f16" in maxComputeWorkgroupStorageSize test (#2433)
 - 5edad0 [wgsl] Make compound operators explicit. (#2426)
 - 2fe20d [wgsl] Compound assignment for boolean operations. (#2425)
 - 790801 [wgsl] Cleanup compound statement tests (#2424)
 - a671a0 webgpu/shader/execution: Code refactoring (#2423)
 - 0dd071 [wgsl] Add compound operator tests. (#2422)
 - 25861c Clean up enums
 - f9fb7d Update target in tsconfig.json to 'es2020' (#2420)
 - 452c87 shader/execution: More interesting flow-control tests
 - 446030 shader/execution: Add a continue in switch flow control test
 - 4d0008 Bump to es2020 (#2417)
 - d003e4 Fix for maxColorAttachmentsBytesPerSample test (#2414)
 - 445572 chore(gen_wpt_cts_html): identify omitted CLI args for context
 - 11f4dc fix(gen_wpt_cts_html): use non-zero exit code on incorrect arg count
 - 315f6d Fixes bug in maxColorAtthacmentBytesPerSample limits test (#2413)
 - e26de5 Address review feeback
 - 02cb5f use GPUTestBase.makeBufferWithContents, not the standalone
 - 30b08f Address review issues
 - db0899 Test Occlusion Queries
 - c50fee Get current texture expiry (#2386)
 - b49129 Add ImageBitmapRenderingContext canvas for copyToTexture tests (#2400)
 - 7d3385 wgsl: add i32, u32 comparisons (#2405)
 - 5aedaf Rename f32 comparisons (#2407)
 - 2de0b6 Test sign(i32) builtin (#2408)
 - bd0ce7 Make all the limits test have no sub cases (#2412)
 - 1f7721 Add External Texture VideoFrame visibileRect Tests (#2409)
 - ea0fb0 Modify zero init tests to pollute workgroup memory (#2392)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: Ifd5a33d9aeabd04656edaf516ecb222d2d01f711
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: James Price <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
2023-03-20 16:38:06 +00:00
Ben Clayton 76795db7ce Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 3030a7bb2..99d11d886 (12 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 99d11d Add test case about copying HTMLVideoElement to texture (#2018)
 - ef9763 Add bitwise shift validation tests (#2399)
 - a7dda2 Add tests for unary~ i32, u32, and vectors of them (#2395)
 - c054fc Add bitwise shift tests (#2397)
 - 174648 consolidate more createPipeline/Async tests
 - 12e6c2 Make the test names less descriptive
 - a483c0 limit # of storage textures & storage buffers to device limit
 - ba16f0 Change bytesPerSample calculation to be similar to spec
 - ce7f52 merge createPipeline and createPipelineAsync tests
 - d64c03 Validate maxFragmentCombindOutputResources and related changes
 - 5a89d4 roll to types@4e0beeeb3ddd5327aaffd1f3fa7943c314eeaceb
 - 25aef0 [wgsl] Add increment and decrement execution tests. (#2394)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: I9080d8128450937d3c94c3e40e95c5521d6c1320
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Kokoro: Ben Clayton <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
2023-03-14 22:24:40 +00:00
Austin Eng 868efb9739 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 0557875f3..3030a7bb2 (30 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

https: //
 - 3030a7 Implement `frexp` f32 tests (#2336)
 - 5be43e Implement `determinant` f32 tests (#2321)
 - 1c53bf Adds stale adapter tests (#2387)
 - 176741 Test destroyed buffers and textures on submit
 - 4bd39d Implement absolute error for `acos` intervals (#2372)
 - d56144 Implement absolute error for `asin` intervals (#2346)
 - 7e411f shader/execution: Flip eval order of assignment
 - e6edef shader/execution: Port evaluation order tests to flow_control
 - e45de6 Add isZeroCopy cases for ExternalTexture (#2338)
 - 6c2b83 shader/execution:  Add more complex flow control tests
 - 8c8d89 Implement `bool` builtin tests (#2327)
 - d18b3a Implement `i32` builtin tests (#2379)
 - dfac60 Implement `u32` builtin tests (#2344)
 - 9179cd Test import GPUExternalTexture from destroyed device (#2351)
 - fb969c Sync keyword/reserved word list. (#2383)
 - 685049 Implement `f32` builtin tests (#2382)
 - 0e3229 shader/execution: Add 'preventValueOptimizations' case parameterization
 - ec5ad7 Start adding queue validation tests for buffers and textures
 - a1efad Put the same URL in all "Open" links (#2316)
 - f99f92 Updates max*BufferBindingSize limit tests to adhere to maxBufferSize (#2339)
 - d88504 Add validation tests on BGRA8Unorm canvas with StorageBinding usage (#2348)
 - 8d827d Add validation test for maxComputeXXX
 - e613a8 Rename maximumLimit to adapterLimit and related changes
 - 7b1df1 Update src/webgpu/api/validation/capability_checks/limits/maxBindingsPerBindGroup.spec.ts
 - 188203 Check maxBindingsPerBindGroup limit matches spec limits
 - a28619 Fix writable binding aliasing in webgpu:api,validation,resource_usages,texture,in_pass_encoder (#2341)
 - c54778 Fix wrong conditions and missing formats for maxAttachmentState tests. (#2343)
 - 6b01d8 Changes for depthWriteEnabled/depthCompare/depthClearValue being required (#2342)
 - b61662 Require npm >=8.5.2 (#2340)
 - 785335 Generate OOM error using createTexture (#2337)
Change-Id: Iebefb8ee703437252e44040fd74310a52d079dc4
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
Commit-Queue: Austin Eng <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
2023-03-13 20:22:02 +00:00
Dan Sinclair dd2f36205d Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 6e39b5d2f..0557875f3 (15 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 055787 Update external_texture,expire test case (#2283)
 - dcfa5b Removes OOM errors in error scope tests since we can't cause OOM. (#2331)
 - 534e6b Rename to GPUShaderModule.getCompilationInfo() (#2291)
 - 9d8e1a Depend on instead of npm @webgpu/types (#2332)
 - 4505a1 Updates BGL sampleType when using multisampling for validation errors. (#2329)
 - 716bd3 Prompt for reload only if this is the full CTS (#2318)
 - 267cb4 Test minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment and minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment
 - 6b70b1 Refactor limit_utils.ts so we can test more limits
 - 1713e6 OperationError -> GPUPipelineError
 - bf1b1e Fix WGSL warning for maxStorageTexturesPerShaderStage.spec.ts
 - 07c420 Validate maxColorAttachments and maxColorAttachmentsBytesPerSample
 - 5bd2ce Refactor limit_utils.ts so we can test more limits
 - 6b9071 Test maxInterStageShaderComponents and maxInterStageShaderVariables
 - 539f8f Test maxDynamic(Uniform|Storage)BuffersPerPipelineLayout
 - 762133 Convert more OperationError to GPUPipelineError. (#2314)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: Ic8c9d2ad9391bbb2fa0bed667f2e4167bf45c86b
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
2023-03-03 11:39:10 +00:00
Ben Clayton 111be84975 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 13410d18b..6e39b5d2f (14 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 6e39b5 Updates tests to adhere to only pass depth-stencil load/store values when needed. (#2311)
 - 08abe0 shader/execution: Begin flow control tests
 - eaf9af Updates error type for create oom buffers. (#2217)
 - 728f52 add maxXXXPerShaderStage limit tests
 - 72f15f add maxXXXBufferBindingSize limit tests
 - 34c738 Add f32 matrix-vector and vector-matrix multiplication tests (#2304)
 - 738697 is GPUPipelineError and not OperationError. (#2298)
 - 51f415 Add f32 matrix-matrix multiplication tests (#2301)
 - ff7ad7 Fix normalization checks
 - 0c4a36 Test rg11b10ufloat-renderable makes the format resolvable and MSAAable (#2289)
 - e6f317 Add ExternalTexture Rotatation Tests (#2299)
 - 10422e Use new test video files for ExternalTexture (#2242)
 - 6b9150 Emit `f32` values for F32Interval.toString() (#2296)
 - ab1336 Validate that case input types parameter types provided to test runner (#2288)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: Ice1a8cfa190360512fc6266f2bc58f1be754abae
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Auto-Submit: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
2023-02-25 18:13:43 +00:00
Ben Clayton db9d4453f8 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 87f8f3d61..13410d18b (2 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 13410d Move `static_assert` and `type` to reserved words.
 - 2184a5 Update tests to use `alias`.

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: Ic00993d9fb940602af9f644faf785d3cb98e1bc1
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Dan Sinclair <>
Reviewed-by: Dan Sinclair <>
Auto-Submit: Ben Clayton <>
2023-02-21 15:21:50 +00:00
Ben Clayton e58f89bf54 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 631d877e7..87f8f3d61 (2 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 87f8f3 Add f32 matrix-scalar multiplication tests (#2286)
 - c87f10 webgpu/shader/validation: Remove types as keywords

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: I2638bd4fdadefb0c0dd52cc48c45d771870e79c5
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: Dan Sinclair <>
Auto-Submit: Ben Clayton <>
Kokoro: Ben Clayton <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
2023-02-20 10:12:46 +00:00
Ben Clayton d0746d75e6 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ ad8abf400..631d877e7 (52 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 631d87 Add `f32` matrix subtraction tests (#2279)
 - 07f15b Add f32 matrix addition tests (#2278)
 - 16f862 Add validation tests about feature 'bgra8unorm-storage' (#2275)
 - 5dc0ec Add max vertex / max attribute limit / max stride tests
 - 763d0b Upgrade gpuweb/types to 0.1.27 (#2273)
 - 0dff1a Cleanup Validate maxBindGroups
 - d0b77a Add test for maxBindGroups and maxBindingsPerBindGroup
 - 2be5a7 Add getGPUBindingCommandsMixin to limits_utils
 - 8c190e Split GPUTest into GPUTest and GPUTestBase
 - b365b1 Implement `transpose` f32 tests (#2249)
 - 977a54 Add more tests for end twice (#2251)
 - feb07c Update to use `keysOf` helper. (#2243)
 - 1dee49 [wgsl] Tests `@const` is not allowed to be used as an attribute. (#2246)
 - 432aad [wgsl] Add placement tests for @builtin. (#2248)
 - 363837 Add validation tests for unary not and binary and/or (#2247)
 - 61b6ad Update builtin parse test to not use code as URL. (#2245)
 - 6e62ce Update `align` parsing tests. (#2244)
 - 534fb6 [wgsl] Add validation tests for `break` placement (#2240)
 - 991a57 add maxTextureArrayLayers limit test (#2234)
 - c7293f add maxBufferSize limit test (#2236)
 - 07216f [wgsl] Add validation of `discard` placement. (#2239)
 - cb7d76 [wgsl] Update `static_assert` to `const_assert`. (#2237)
 - d02b86 [wgsl] Add validation tests for pipeline stage attributes. (#2233)
 - 17eafe Add limit tests for maxTextureDimension1/2/3D (#2227)
 - d9199d Avoid writable storage buffer binding aliasing (#2230)
 - 6c7083 [wgsl] Validate expressions passed to attributes. (#2229)
 - 748ec9 Add a few more constant/override tests
 - 9300ec [wgsl] Alignment attribute tests. (#2180)
 - b2f9c2 Remove tests of end pass twice in encoder_state.spec.ts (#2226)
 - 1bf9c3 Test destroying an invalid queryset and an invalid texture (#2223)
 - efcb12 Fix a few spelling errors
 - 221d30 CSS, make button colors match (#2221)
 - 992b58 Culling: Test triangle-strips, depth, and stencil results
 - ae3c5e Add tests for i32 binary scalar-vector ops (#2219)
 - 6afbd0 Implement Matrix type for numeric testing (#2204)
 - e2248b Texture utility refactoring. (#2184)
 - b62579 op,render_pipeline,alpha_to_coverage (#2202)
 - 5a17b9 Add test for u32 scalar-vector remainder (#2216)
 - bd8450 Allow bgra8unorm as storage textures (#2212)
 - 11e6fb Added sourcmaps to webgpu:api,operation,shader_module,compilation_info
 - cf980a Fix package-lock.json (#2214)
 - 19fc83 Add tests for u32 scalar-vector division (#2215)
 - 7fa1d7 Add transferControlToOffscreen cases to colorSpace ref test
 - 458788 Make labels pass new eslint rules
 - 6c8361 Add tests for u32 scalar-vector addition and subtraction (#2208)
 - 7324ba Test labels in descriptors appear on objects created.
 - a0822b Add a few more debug markers (#2197)
 - 2db4fd Adds typescript-eslint/require-await and fixes existing warnings. (#2207)
 - 73a99f Adds val,buffer,create,limit tests (#2192)
 - 454253 Add a `--coverage` flag to cmdline.ts
 - 2cff62 Add tests for binary multiplication of scalars with vectors of type u32 (#2181)
 - a7e54e Implements and updates maxColorAttachmentBytesPerSample tests (#2200)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: I05e331e2c7f5e2db42f573f14c208ee13fa2fa94
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Auto-Submit: Ben Clayton <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: Dan Sinclair <>
2023-02-18 01:15:46 +00:00
Kai Ninomiya a75b0c0f13 Set OWNERS to * on .txt files needed for CTS rolls
Bug: None
No-Try: True
Change-Id: I6f6f337c463cf2f5f7a1bfb9de51b09ae19ebc91
Auto-Submit: Kai Ninomiya <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
2023-02-13 10:17:04 +00:00
Ben Clayton 5a2b5d9cc9 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 9fbed0099..3f9b09b36 (8 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 3f9b09 Adjust fuzzy value on canvas_colorspace_rgba16float ref test (#2188)
 - 63e279 Make canvas_colorspace_rgba16float ref test more fuzzy
 - ace40f op,render_pipeline,sample_mask depth stencil multisampled tests (#2179)
 - f26ab8 Implement the division param restrictions in atan2 (#2183)
 - 381672 math: Remove pointless lerp() in biasedRange
 - 381f3d Test GPUCanvasContext.configure colorSpace
 - 3436e5 Clear pages between pages. (#2182)
 - 7e5c20 Test colorSpace in readback tests

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: I0b755e9de472b1091d0719a781e1de41474dcc13
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Auto-Submit: Ben Clayton <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: Dan Sinclair <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
2023-01-24 20:32:05 +00:00
Antonio Maiorano 73735fde95 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 65fcd99b7..9fbed0099 (13 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 9fbed0 Apply error to final result of `atan2` calculation, not intermediates (#2143)
 - 02a770 [wgsl] Add align size requirement test. (#2174)
 - ebe427 Fix name of binary/u32_arithmetic cache (#2177)
 - 1fdd20 Transfer to image bitmap npe (#2131)
 - 55a0dc Fix u32 and i32 non-const divide by 0 expecting lhs (not 0) (#2175)
 - 8c8367 Add test for u32 binary arithmetic operations (#2173)
 - 556dbb Replace map+filter with reduce in case generators (#2172)
 - 8a0bef Add additional unit testing for builtins that depend on dot (#2171)
 - 44f038 Add tests for i32 binary arithmetic operations (#2170)
 - d3684a Remove the canvas_size_different_with_back_buffer_size reftest (#2165)
 - 13fc69 Convert remaining dispatch() to dispatchWorkgroups() (#2169)
 - 4f3e80 Remove io-shareable test, move more types into locations test. (#2159)
 - 2d4661 Add unary i32 execution tests (#2162)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: I5d7a3a1786049527fef00c5e5e331e94cafddedf
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
Commit-Queue: Antonio Maiorano <>
2023-01-19 15:10:33 +00:00
Ben Clayton 6bbd8b4e77 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ c0d64c238..65fcd99b7 (8 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 65fcd9 webgpu/shader/validation: Add static_assert tests
 - 0ec986 runtime: Add server '/load' RPC
 - b5a8a3 webgpu/shader: Validate semicolons
 - 921148 webgpu/shader/validation: Add resource binding tests
 - 408f94 Fix resize-observer test.
 - f32e8c Fix local ref-test runner
 - bb8f11 val,render_pipeline,depth_stencil_state,depth_write,frag_depth (#2163)
 - 77e0a9 Add subrect copy tests for copyToTexture (#2150)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: I6534e8c067a897d65fe3002cd587672570d553f4
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Kokoro: Ben Clayton <>
Auto-Submit: Ben Clayton <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
2023-01-17 12:45:58 +00:00
Ben Clayton 48a49f3730 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 941695197..c0d64c238 (2 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - c0d64c Convert `dot` to calculating permutations for vec3 and vec4 (#2158)
 - 69ea85 operation,render_pipeline,sample_mask (#2147)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: I60439098bfec8acada616b0a3447a4ad670816bb
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
Kokoro: Ben Clayton <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Auto-Submit: Ben Clayton <>
2023-01-13 15:37:41 +00:00
Ben Clayton 0df2ea62ea Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 0d52602a4..941695197 (12 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 941695 Make objectEquals(NaN, NaN) return true (#2153)
 - 23b860 Make it possible to simply run the wpt ref tests
 - 1b9cc1 Fix Buffer.mapState op tests (#2145)
 - 0cb55f Use takeScreenshotDelayed in canvas_image_rendering-ref.html
 - 9adf83 Remove phantom dependency on reftest-wait.js, copy code into CTS
 - ce6e91 Maximize the acceptance interval size for `dot` (#2151)
 - d1093e If subcase can't be added to .message, use .stack (#2144)
 - f44818 Add more states to canvas composite ref tests. (#2133)
 - f7fcc6 Cache pipelines between batches for expression tests
 - 142289 Optimize expression shaders for `inputSource="uniform"`
 - f3764e Unclutter the URL
 - 6a7b90 Add Buffer.mapState test (#2130)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: I8cfc04e78f1bfc387d49926344a1792c6d319760
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Commit-Queue: Dan Sinclair <>
Auto-Submit: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: Dan Sinclair <>
Kokoro: Ben Clayton <>
2023-01-12 16:44:49 +00:00
Ben Clayton 4f9b944c99 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ fdf9e7c12..0d52602a4 (6 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 0d5260 [wgs] Sync keyword and reserved word list to spec. (#2141)
 - 690ad7 Add a ResizeObserve test
 - 2515d1 Test you can not create 1d, 2d-array, and 3d multisampled textures (#2111)
 - b30685 Remove class=reftest-wait from a -ref.html (#2140)
 - cfdfa0 remove <link rel=match> from -ref.html (#2137)
 - 23ff9b Test texture descriptor validation in GPUCanvasContext (#2126)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: I2c834baf6aea6ae9c8811a418c9dab96f53624ef
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Kokoro: Ben Clayton <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: Dan Sinclair <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Auto-Submit: Ben Clayton <>
2023-01-11 02:00:12 +00:00
Ben Clayton 55aa801705 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ e8109c7ca..fdf9e7c12 (4 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - fdf9e7 shader/expression: Reduce 'const' shader size (#2129)
 - 1c9bc7 Add HTML5 DOCTYPE to all reftests (#2127)
 - 3c6768 op: Add 'index_format,setIndexBuffer_before_setPipeline' test in index_format.spec.ts (#2125)
 - 9e0480 Add a canvas image-rendering wpt ref test (#2119)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: Iafca73eb1f88b1efd403706db503f0ca191e2069
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Auto-Submit: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: Dan Sinclair <>
Commit-Queue: Dan Sinclair <>
Kokoro: Ben Clayton <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
2023-01-07 23:10:08 +00:00
dan sinclair cf2456babf Update warnings for newer clang.
There are a few warnings appearing with newer Clang. This CL disables

Change-Id: I6d665ba7e9df8e1078e062b63296ad9bfaf16cd6
Commit-Queue: Dan Sinclair <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
2023-01-07 23:09:14 +00:00
Ben Clayton 1ec6e861ec Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 6d3a80420..e8109c7ca (8 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - e8109c Revise External Texture Test Expectations (#2122)
 - 8a3c76 Improve Buffer.mapAsync tests (#2101)
 - 767f86 Update docs/intro/
 - 411fec Add wpt ref test docs
 - 0ed181 Check that getBindGroupLayout returns unique JS objects.
 - 860d2e Fix const-eval failures for ldexp
 - d7f4a9 Add a powerPreference option
 - fd7360 operation,render_pipeline_overrides tests (#2106)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: Iff039ea1e2e69f26d914009ab13d5f9a8d0f036a
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
Kokoro: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
Auto-Submit: Ben Clayton <>
2023-01-06 14:25:05 +00:00
Kai Ninomiya 452d6e3cc3 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 09447faf1..0673bb68c (48 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 0673bb Fix silencing of DOMExceptions (#2102)
 - d85507 Test beginComputePass/RenderPass after encoder.finish() in call_after_successful_finish (#2093)
 - 861b20 Update kMaxQueryCount to 4096 (#2104)
 - 030f44 Add some progress
 - 62dbcc Support dark mode
 - 6a7030 Buffer.mapAsync pending map error shouldn't be a validation error (#2080)
 - 44173e Test all stencil formats, and address some nits in depth_bias/stencil tests (#2096)
 - 172002 op: Update 'stencil_compare_func' test in stencil.spec.ts (#2094)
 - f12820 op: Implement 'depth_bias_24bit_format' test in depth_bias.spec.ts (#2095)
 - 5f2708 Add earlyRejection parameter to testMapAsyncCall() (#2052)
 - dcdcb3 op: Implement 'stencil_depthFailOp_operation' test in stencil.spec.ts (#2092)
 - d13c42 op: Update 'stencil_test_fail' test (#2091)
 - 5daf3c Fix wrong _errorLine in operation/shader_module/compilation_info.spec.ts (#2088)
 - 47d19f op: Introduce depth_bias.spec.ts file with a 'depth_bias' test (#2075)
 - 7a679a Prefix subcase recorder error stacks with the subcase name (#2086)
 - 17522c fix requestAdapter test.
 - 5a5838 Implement CTS requestAdapter test
 - e583fa Add 'skipUndefined' Comparator (#2082)
 - e0e735 Remove usage of Case Cache in `pack2x16float`
 - eb5794 Update copyTextureToTexture tests to allow both encodings of -1 for 8-byte snorm formats (#2073)
 - 516d19 Expect DataCloneError when transferring a detached mapped ArrayBuffer (#2076)
 - 8985b5 Filter inputs that will cause const-eval to fail validation due to OOB
 - 216c8e Remove attempting to emit infinities in WGSL (#2059)
 - b99b81 Adds explicit check that mapAsync rejects when buffer is destroyed. (#2069)
 - ae20ff Add code coverage collection feature to the server
 - 1ff6ae Implement generate*Cases functions and use them (#2062)
 - 7e99a7 op: Implement 'depth_test_fail' test in depth.spec.ts (#2067)
 - b701c5 Add val:*_pipeline,overrides,value,type_error/validation_error (#2061)
 - b6f758 op: Implement 'stencil_reference_initialized' test in stencil.spec.ts (#2063)
 - 89bf5e Also test depthWriteEnabled:true in depth_write_disabled (#2065)
 - 40e3ae op: Implement 'depth_disabled' test in depth.spec.ts (#2050)
 - 677ece op: Implement 'depth_write_disabled' test in depth.spec.ts (#2024)
 - a6b97c Remove infinities from all f32 test inputs (#2056)
 - 41a1e5 Replace usage of vector inputs with fullF32Range for arithmetic tests (#2053)
 - 16bb08 wgsl: Add tests for preservation of padding bytes (#2051)
 - 7d16f8 op: Implmenet 'stencil_pass_operation' test in stencil.spec.ts (#2055)
 - dcc430 op: Implement stencil_read_write_mask test in stencil.spec.ts (#2043)
 - f539a2 op: Implement stencil_fail_operation test in stencil.spec.ts (#2044)
 - 8041ca update deps for various packages (#2041)
 - 09b30e op: Implement 'stencil_compare_func' test in stencil.spec.ts (#2032)
 - c6efbf Except a TypeError when transferring a mapped ArrayBuffer (#2019)
 - dd4316 op: Add more parameters to 'color_write_mask,channel_work' test (#2025)
 - b66a1a Replace calls to F32Interval constructor with toF32Interval (#2037)
 - fdab6c Clean up a couple of .map in f32_interval.spec.ts tests (#2038)
 - 40abc0 Test buffer.mapAsync() early rejection (#2033)
 - 25ddea Handle inputs that are arrays in `cartesianProduct` (#2031)
 - 0e790f Only try to generate errors for testable error filters (#2034)
 - 57304e Fix workgroup array size limit validation test (#2035)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: I9b6e2b8526fc62acbf915b5e8153d32ae02c7a14
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Auto-Submit: Kai Ninomiya <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
Reviewed-by: Loko Kung <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
2023-01-05 10:59:39 +00:00
Dan Sinclair 0285801376 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 3b3bca786..09447faf1 (2 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 09447f Implement `modf` f32 tests (#2014)
 - 82ec26 Throw RangeError when creating a very large mappedAtCreation buffer (#2017)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: I1375a732693bd07e499506c9e739254c549fe802
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
2022-11-29 12:39:39 +00:00
Ben Clayton dd3fb05af7 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 23c3bebbd..95541299f (6 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - test_list.txt
 - cache_list.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 955412 Remove `line`, `lineadj` and `point` from reserved words. (#2015)
 - 39eb80 Reduce the number of test cases generated for atan2 (#2010)
 - 5bc45b op: Implement 'blend_components_clamp' test in blending.spec.ts (#1976)
 - a2798b op: Implement 'color_write_mask,channel_work' in color_target_state.spec.ts (#2011)
 - 21a8e0 op: Add 'color_write_mask,blending_disabled' to blending.spec.ts (#1994)
 - fa3aad Implement rg11b10ufloat-renderable validation test (#1988)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: I23233032c2ee360ed915892918165fa1f3a06628
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Kokoro: Ben Clayton <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Auto-Submit: Ben Clayton <>
2022-11-23 22:44:21 +00:00
Austin Eng 92b32e8efc Generate and load CTS cache
Cache .json files are generated at build time. This relies on a
list of the expected cache outputs.

The path to the cache is hardcoded in the test_runner and the
.json files are loaded at runtime.

Change-Id: Icc125125df7e9c338a243526dbc4950a2517039f
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Austin Eng <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
2022-11-21 15:16:51 +00:00
Ben Clayton 62df815c56 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 622cac9c6..992c9a857 (1 commit)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 992c9a `textureSampleLevel(texture_external)` -> `textureSampleBaseClampToEdge()`

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: I5bad451f82e9662f5e021225ea9b037b5f814389
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Auto-Submit: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: Dan Sinclair <>
2022-11-17 22:43:58 +00:00
Antonio Maiorano b3077e734c Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ d7e8d005d..622cac9c6 (2 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 622cac Remove infinity cases from const eval ranges (#1990)
 - 8c74ca op: Implement 'simple_blend_color,blend_constant_non_inherited' test in blending.spec.ts (#1987)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: I7e8604008004d2160716c8078c3e08f939e0a490
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
2022-11-17 12:22:47 +00:00
Ben Clayton 99796361ad Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ dac3646b1..d7e8d005d (18 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - d7e8d0 webgpu/shader: Migrate all `f32` expression tests to the CaseCache.
 - ea0cfe Add a DataCache & expression CaseCache
 - c6c3b7 op: Implement 'simple_blend_constant,setting_blend_constant' test in blending.spec.ts (#1984)
 - da9eeb operation,rendering,blending nits (#1986)
 - 9c990c Implement `refract` f32 tests (#1962)
 - 6b5a1f transferControlToOffscreen nits
 - 9eb57d Implement `fma` f32 tests (#1967)
 - aa6489 op: Implement 'default_blend_color,initial_blend_color' test in blending.spec.ts (#1980)
 - 7fbc3b Update rg11b10ufloat_renderable.spec.ts
 - 473ddf Add rg11b10ufloat-renderable validation test plan (#1937)
 - e36d82 Simplify code around ULP calculations and fix subtly wrong tests (#1974)
 - 634afd op: op: Implement 'index_format,setIndexBuffer_different_formats' test in index_format.spec.ts (#1973)
 - 62e3da op: Implement 'index_format,change_pipeline_after_setIndexBuffer' test in index_format.spec.ts (#1969)
 - 60769d Add f16 test ranges to quantizeToF16
 - 02f468 Fix quantizeToF16 tests to not test overflow cases for const input source
 - f5f8fc Implement 'render_bundle_commands' test in encoder_open_state.spec.ts (#1961)
 - f3375a Add support to load cross origin resources (#1951)
 - 85e3b4 Convert asin, acos and atanh to a filtered range when needed. (#1963)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: I9d5a39fd2b4d951e3b001d7eab656ec20609ab7b
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Auto-Submit: Ben Clayton <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: Antonio Maiorano <>
Kokoro: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: James Price <>
2022-11-16 23:09:02 +00:00
Ben Clayton a39384133f Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 074471be8..dac3646b1 (1 commit)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - dac364 op: Implement 'default_arguments' test in draw.spec.ts (#1953)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: I72437dc4a7a878a423a68872934f8e2ccc6cf6c9
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Kokoro: Antonio Maiorano <>
Auto-Submit: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: Antonio Maiorano <>
Commit-Queue: Antonio Maiorano <>
2022-11-04 18:15:31 +00:00
Ben Clayton 6e3f9fa53d Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 0439f3ed8..074471be8 (3 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 074471 Fix extractBits tests to not test overflow cases for const input source (#1958)
 - 2fb4b1 val: Implement 'pass_end_none' and 'pass_end_twice' tests (#1917)
 - f3f3be val: Introduce encoder_open_state.spec.ts to test when an encoder is open (#1921)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: I8a378c41f24e11808cd0680e6c1154ef593c94d0
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
2022-11-03 10:15:02 +00:00
Ben Clayton 698cd29c77 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 1340d36c8..0439f3ed8 (13 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 0439f3 Fix insertBits tests to not test overflow cases for const input source (#1955)
 - bc24cc Implement `unpack2x16float` tests (#1934)
 - 1c4d99 Properly handle potential FTZ in quantizeToF16 tests (#1947)
 - 0f0cf4 Implement `unpack4x8snorm` tests (#1950)
 - e113fd Update encoder_state.spec.ts
 - cf33c4 val: Add a control case to 'pass_end_invalid_order' test (#1948)
 - 4df655 wgsl: Add robustness tests for builtin shadowing (#1939)
 - 7fc3ca val: Use doCompute,doRender helpers in empty_bind_group_layouts_requires_empty_bind_groups.* tests (#1919)
 - 23834e GPUBuffer.unmap() shouldn't fail even on unmapped or destroyed buffers (#1929)
 - 3bf23a Implement `unpack2x16snorm` tests (#1935)
 - 608c8a Handle error from division in unpack2x16unorm (#1944)
 - da3915 Implement `unpack4x8unorm` tests (#1943)
 - 41a299 Implement `unpack2x16unorm` tests (#1941)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: Ifa3d71feac10bee37d84b2f444b90c7ef287a6a9
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Kokoro: Ben Clayton <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Auto-Submit: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: Antonio Maiorano <>
2022-11-02 15:07:30 +00:00
Bryant Chandler a3343d92d3 Add README.chromium for third_party/khronos
This is required by tools/ in chromium in order
to correctly aggregate all license files in use.

Bug: chromium:1355665
Change-Id: Idb6b3a5c8c38b6880298a2c659c5b6e356e12694
Reviewed-by: David Neto <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: Zhenyao Mo <>
Commit-Queue: David Neto <>
2022-10-31 15:23:50 +00:00
Dan Sinclair 6c8603cac1 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ cbd5a5082..1340d36c8 (1 commit)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 1340d3 Fixup min i32 value in parsing test. (#1940)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: Idfe6a30d6ae1847063b5915bd16d453ad127f0f3
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Commit-Queue: Dan Sinclair <>
Auto-Submit: Dan Sinclair <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
2022-10-25 19:54:50 +00:00
Dan Sinclair 30bc8d76e7 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ d8a28755b..cbd5a5082 (41 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - cbd5a5 val: Add 'push_pop_call_count_unbalance,render_compute_pass' test
 - 288990 val: Introduce debugMarker.spec.ts to test debug marker
 - e520cb Use cast instead of suffix for signed integers in Scalar (#1936)
 - b97207 Convert f32 binary expression tests to use pre-generated inputs (#1933)
 - 70e87f Convert pack* tests to use generated vectors for inputs (#1932)
 - ff9aba Implement `pack4x8unorm` tests (#1923)
 - d5c1a9 Implement `pack4x8snorm` tests (#1924)
 - 4412a6 Implement `pack2x16snorm` tests (#1922)
 - b812e1 Implement `pack2x16unorm` tests (#1920)
 - 874525 Implement `faceForward` f32 tests (#1900)
 - afb5c8 val: Implement 'call_after_successful_finish' test (#1918)
 - 54213a val: Implement 'pass_end_invalid_order' test (#1912)
 - 8ced52 val: Implement 'empty_bind_group_layouts_requires_empty_bind_groups,render_pass' test (#1915)
 - 9ff9ec Implement `reflect` f32 tests (#1908)
 - 2baf7b val: Implement 'empty_bind_group_layouts_requires_empty_bind_groups' test (#1910)
 - e6f01e Implement `distance` f32 tests (#1894)
 - fbdfd0 Fix pack2x16float tests to correctly handle corner cases (#1911)
 - 9c402f Implement `asin` f32 tests (#1898)
 - c1164b Implement `acos` f32 tests (#1897)
 - eba1a7 Add tests on effective buffer binding size the fix existing tests (#1906)
 - 6c61e3 op: Implement 'multiple_pairs_of_draws_in_one_render_bundle' test in multiple_buffers.spec.ts (#1907)
 - 74b1f1 op: Implement 'multiple_pairs_of_draws_in_one_render_bundle' test in multiple_buffers.spec.ts (#1901)
 - 777f1c Implement 'index_range,auto_layout' test in getBindGroupLayout.spec.ts (#1899)
 - f0dacb Implement `pack2x16float` tests (#1890)
 - dbbbc8 op: Implement 'two_dispatches_in_the_same_compute_pass' test in multiple_buffers.spec.ts (#1896)
 - 2abd75 Implement 'index_range' test in getBindGroupLayout.spec.ts (#1892)
 - cbdd47 Roll types to 0.1.22 and test rg11b10ufloat-renderable requestDevice (#1888)
 - 723878 op: Implement 'ww' test in multiple_buffers.spec.ts (#1879)
 - b411f7 Remove a fallback value in the use of maxBindGroups value (#1895)
 - 68e6e0 Update `atan2` F32 tests to account for atan based implementations (#1837)
 - 07936b Implement `cross` f32 tests (#1878)
 - 5efbf7 compilation_info: Check offset when there is a carriage-return. (#1880)
 - 2f74c8 Implement 'timestampWrites,invalid_query_set' test in beginComputePass.spec.ts (#1877)
 - a0b0ba op: Implement 'wr' test in multiple_buffers.spec.ts (#1872)
 - 427b99 Implement boolean logical equality tests (#1876)
 - 115248 Style and bug fixes in device_mismatch tests (#1871)
 - 2c53b5 Add a 'sampler,device_mismatch' test to createBindGroup.spec.ts (#1867)
 - 291ce4 Implement 'sampler,compare_function_with_binding_type' test in createBindGroup.spec.ts (#1865)
 - 497c85 op: Implement  test in multiple_buffers.spec.ts (#1857)
 - 3eaf0e Add execution tests for logical binary operations (#1870)
 - 6f50ab Add execution tests for logical negation (#1869)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: I1816812c091b0cea298f319fc879ca526648ecd4
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
Auto-Submit: Dan Sinclair <>
2022-10-25 14:02:02 +00:00
Corentin Wallez b7b2d3db30 Revert "Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ d8a28755b..74b1f1535 (20 commits)"
This reverts commit a707ffb300.

Reason for revert: Maybe it introduced the many flakes we're seeing.

Original change's description:
> Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ d8a28755b..74b1f1535 (20 commits)
> Update:
>  - expectations.txt
>  - ts_sources.txt
>  - resource_files.txt
>  - webtest .html files
> d8a28755b2..74b1f15354
>  - 74b1f1 op: Implement 'multiple_pairs_of_draws_in_one_render_bundle' test in multiple_buffers.spec.ts (#1901)
>  - 777f1c Implement 'index_range,auto_layout' test in getBindGroupLayout.spec.ts (#1899)
>  - f0dacb Implement `pack2x16float` tests (#1890)
>  - dbbbc8 op: Implement 'two_dispatches_in_the_same_compute_pass' test in multiple_buffers.spec.ts (#1896)
>  - 2abd75 Implement 'index_range' test in getBindGroupLayout.spec.ts (#1892)
>  - cbdd47 Roll types to 0.1.22 and test rg11b10ufloat-renderable requestDevice (#1888)
>  - 723878 op: Implement 'ww' test in multiple_buffers.spec.ts (#1879)
>  - b411f7 Remove a fallback value in the use of maxBindGroups value (#1895)
>  - 68e6e0 Update `atan2` F32 tests to account for atan based implementations (#1837)
>  - 07936b Implement `cross` f32 tests (#1878)
>  - 5efbf7 compilation_info: Check offset when there is a carriage-return. (#1880)
>  - 2f74c8 Implement 'timestampWrites,invalid_query_set' test in beginComputePass.spec.ts (#1877)
>  - a0b0ba op: Implement 'wr' test in multiple_buffers.spec.ts (#1872)
>  - 427b99 Implement boolean logical equality tests (#1876)
>  - 115248 Style and bug fixes in device_mismatch tests (#1871)
>  - 2c53b5 Add a 'sampler,device_mismatch' test to createBindGroup.spec.ts (#1867)
>  - 291ce4 Implement 'sampler,compare_function_with_binding_type' test in createBindGroup.spec.ts (#1865)
>  - 497c85 op: Implement  test in multiple_buffers.spec.ts (#1857)
>  - 3eaf0e Add execution tests for logical binary operations (#1870)
>  - 6f50ab Add execution tests for logical negation (#1869)
> Created with './tools/run cts roll'
> Change-Id: Ie417426b3e60863637a2faa3904a4f828d8af0d4
> Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
> Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
> Reviewed-on:
> Kokoro: Kokoro <>
> Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
> Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>,,,

Change-Id: I7133dde7923aa399df00ed1fdfb7201e8eed9d60
No-Presubmit: true
No-Tree-Checks: true
No-Try: true
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Austin Eng <>
2022-10-11 17:46:52 +00:00
Corentin Wallez a707ffb300 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ d8a28755b..74b1f1535 (20 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 74b1f1 op: Implement 'multiple_pairs_of_draws_in_one_render_bundle' test in multiple_buffers.spec.ts (#1901)
 - 777f1c Implement 'index_range,auto_layout' test in getBindGroupLayout.spec.ts (#1899)
 - f0dacb Implement `pack2x16float` tests (#1890)
 - dbbbc8 op: Implement 'two_dispatches_in_the_same_compute_pass' test in multiple_buffers.spec.ts (#1896)
 - 2abd75 Implement 'index_range' test in getBindGroupLayout.spec.ts (#1892)
 - cbdd47 Roll types to 0.1.22 and test rg11b10ufloat-renderable requestDevice (#1888)
 - 723878 op: Implement 'ww' test in multiple_buffers.spec.ts (#1879)
 - b411f7 Remove a fallback value in the use of maxBindGroups value (#1895)
 - 68e6e0 Update `atan2` F32 tests to account for atan based implementations (#1837)
 - 07936b Implement `cross` f32 tests (#1878)
 - 5efbf7 compilation_info: Check offset when there is a carriage-return. (#1880)
 - 2f74c8 Implement 'timestampWrites,invalid_query_set' test in beginComputePass.spec.ts (#1877)
 - a0b0ba op: Implement 'wr' test in multiple_buffers.spec.ts (#1872)
 - 427b99 Implement boolean logical equality tests (#1876)
 - 115248 Style and bug fixes in device_mismatch tests (#1871)
 - 2c53b5 Add a 'sampler,device_mismatch' test to createBindGroup.spec.ts (#1867)
 - 291ce4 Implement 'sampler,compare_function_with_binding_type' test in createBindGroup.spec.ts (#1865)
 - 497c85 op: Implement  test in multiple_buffers.spec.ts (#1857)
 - 3eaf0e Add execution tests for logical binary operations (#1870)
 - 6f50ab Add execution tests for logical negation (#1869)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: Ie417426b3e60863637a2faa3904a4f828d8af0d4
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
2022-10-11 09:52:39 +00:00
Kai Ninomiya 44f7b8ddf7 Rebuild webgpu-cts when files are deleted
Bug: chromium:1371251
Change-Id: I4837df026bb49f5f9542fb61ae37c506f86f06ae
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Auto-Submit: Kai Ninomiya <>
Commit-Queue: Austin Eng <>
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
2022-10-05 00:00:05 +00:00
Dan Sinclair 3702d1f187 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ deb4ba9f3..d8a28755b (2 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - d8a287 Update align CTS to match spec change for u32 values. (#1866)
 - 409e98 Remove copyToTexture,CopyExternalImageToTexture:destination_texture,dimension:* (#1864)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: Ic1e3b274b497398e7d9e08afa6916bac470a025c
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Auto-Submit: Dan Sinclair <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
2022-09-28 13:49:37 +00:00
Ben Clayton 34aed5db41 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ 0fee76f32..deb4ba9f3 (12 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - deb4ba wgsl: Remove gradients_in_varying_loop tests
 - e84b11 Add 'render_pass_and_bundle,device_mismatch' test to attachment_compatibility.spec.ts (#1858)
 - cca406 webgpu/shader/execution: More tightly scope validation to batches
 - 2e8bb0 webgpu/shader/execution: Reduce `const` case batch size
 - 042ae7 wgsl: Fix emission of f32 and f16 infinities. (#1862)
 - 050429 Update canvas_composite_alpha to test opaque alpha mode canvas composite (#1856)
 - 2a4dfd Update 'multisampled_validation' test in createBindGroupLayout.spec.ts (#1777)
 - b09c17 Update texture_must_have_correct_dimension test to handle storageTexture as well (#1851)
 - 09db86 Add a doc about Floating Point math as background on numeric testing (#1847)
 - 0860ad Update align tests for const expressions. (#1854)
 - e77a9f Implement  test in operation/rendering/blending.spec.ts (#1845)
 - 46e737 Update multisampled_validation test to check the sampleType as well (#1850)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: Ic58d621db0aab0c847cf30deddb07b5108c466b6
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: Dan Sinclair <>
2022-09-24 18:36:24 +00:00
Ben Clayton 4f8ed34b94 Roll third_party/webgpu-cts/ dec4d77ee..0fee76f32 (3 commits)
 - expectations.txt
 - ts_sources.txt
 - resource_files.txt
 - webtest .html files

 - 0fee76 Overrides: add operation tests for compute pipeline (#1842)
 - 120c34 Add the buffer_dynamic_offsets test to setBindGroup.spec.ts (#1849)
 - fc6864 Add pipeline overridable constants validation tests (#1830)

Created with './tools/run cts roll'

Change-Id: I31e8afdfdb5fcfbf55682f69b67af1e2ca78d247
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:dawn-try-win10-x86-rel,linux-dawn-rel,mac-dawn-rel,win-dawn-rel
Auto-Submit: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
2022-09-19 15:00:01 +00:00