
656 lines
24 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "CGizmo.h"
#include <Common/Math/MathUtil.h>
#include <Core/GameProject/CResourceStore.h>
#include <Core/Render/CDrawUtil.h>
#include <Core/Render/CRenderer.h>
#include <Common/Log.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QDesktopWidget>
2019-11-06 18:52:45 -08:00
#include <QScreen>
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
: mSelectedAxes(EAxis::None)
, mTransformSpace(ETransformSpace::World)
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
, mGizmoSize(1.f)
, mCameraDist(0.f)
, mIsTransforming(false)
, mHasTransformed(false)
, mWrapOffset(0.f)
, mEnableCursorWrap(true)
, mPosition(CVector3f::skZero)
, mRotation(CQuaternion::skIdentity)
, mLocalRotation(CQuaternion::skIdentity)
, mScale(CVector3f::skOne)
, mFlipScaleX(false)
, mFlipScaleY(false)
, mFlipScaleZ(false)
, mDeltaTranslation(CVector3f::skZero)
, mDeltaRotation(CQuaternion::skIdentity)
, mDeltaScale(CVector3f::skOne)
, mTotalScale(CVector3f::skOne)
, mSetOffset(false)
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
void CGizmo::AddToRenderer(CRenderer *pRenderer, const SViewInfo&)
// Transform is updated every frame even if the user doesn't modify the gizmo
// in order to account for scale changes based on camera distance
2015-08-17 11:10:42 -07:00
SModelPart *pPart = mpCurrentParts;
// Add all parts to renderer
for (uint32 iPart = 0; iPart < mNumCurrentParts; iPart++)
2015-08-17 11:10:42 -07:00
CModel *pModel = pPart->pModel;
// Determine whether to use the mat set for regular (0) or highlight (1)
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
FAxes PartAxes = pPart->ModelAxes;
bool IsHighlighted = (PartAxes != EAxis::None) && ((mSelectedAxes & PartAxes) == pPart->ModelAxes);
uint32 SetID = (IsHighlighted ? 1 : 0);
// Add to renderer...
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
pRenderer->AddMesh(this, iPart, pModel->AABox().Transformed(mTransform), pModel->HasTransparency(SetID), ERenderCommand::DrawMesh, EDepthGroup::Foreground);
2015-08-17 11:10:42 -07:00
void CGizmo::Draw(FRenderOptions /*Options*/, int ComponentIndex, ERenderCommand /*Command*/, const SViewInfo& /*rkViewInfo*/)
// Determine which SModelPart array to use
if (ComponentIndex >= (int) mNumCurrentParts) return;
2015-08-17 11:10:42 -07:00
SModelPart *pPart = mpCurrentParts;
// Set model matrix
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
if (pPart[ComponentIndex].IsBillboard)
CGraphics::sMVPBlock.ModelMatrix = mBillboardTransform;
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
else if ((mMode == EGizmoMode::Scale) && ((mSelectedAxes & pPart[ComponentIndex].ModelAxes) != 0))
CGraphics::sMVPBlock.ModelMatrix = mScaledTransform;
CGraphics::sMVPBlock.ModelMatrix = mTransform;
// Clear tint color
CGraphics::sPixelBlock.TintColor = CColor::skWhite;
// Choose material set
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FAxes PartAxes = pPart[ComponentIndex].ModelAxes;
bool IsHighlighted = (PartAxes != EAxis::None) && ((mSelectedAxes & PartAxes) == pPart[ComponentIndex].ModelAxes);
uint32 SetID = (IsHighlighted ? 1 : 0);
// Draw model
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
pPart[ComponentIndex].pModel->Draw((FRenderOptions) 0, SetID);
void CGizmo::IncrementSize()
static const float skIncAmount = 1.3f;
static const float skMaxSize = powf(skIncAmount, 4);
mGizmoSize *= skIncAmount;
if (mGizmoSize > skMaxSize) mGizmoSize = skMaxSize;
void CGizmo::DecrementSize()
static const float skDecAmount = (1.f / 1.3f);
static const float skMinSize = powf(skDecAmount, 4);
mGizmoSize *= skDecAmount;
if (mGizmoSize < skMinSize) mGizmoSize = skMinSize;
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
void CGizmo::UpdateForCamera(const CCamera& rkCamera)
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
CVector3f CamPos = rkCamera.Position();
CVector3f CameraToGizmo = (mPosition - CamPos).Normalized();
mFlipScaleX = (mRotation.XAxis().Dot(CameraToGizmo) >= 0.f);
mFlipScaleY = (mRotation.YAxis().Dot(CameraToGizmo) >= 0.f);
mFlipScaleZ = (mRotation.ZAxis().Dot(CameraToGizmo) >= 0.f);
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if ((!mIsTransforming) || (mMode != EGizmoMode::Translate))
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
mCameraDist = mPosition.Distance(CamPos);
// todo: make this cleaner...
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
CVector3f BillDir = (CamPos - mPosition).Normalized();
CVector3f Axis = CVector3f::skForward.Cross(BillDir);
float Angle = acosf(CVector3f::skForward.Dot(BillDir));
mBillboardRotation = CQuaternion::FromAxisAngle(Angle, Axis);
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
bool CGizmo::CheckSelectedAxes(const CRay& rkRay)
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2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
CRay LocalRay = rkRay.Transformed(mTransform.Inverse());
CRay BillRay = rkRay.Transformed(mBillboardTransform.Inverse());
2015-08-17 11:10:42 -07:00
// Do raycast on each model
SModelPart *pPart = mpCurrentParts;
struct SResult {
SModelPart *pPart;
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
float Dist;
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2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
std::list<SResult> Results;
2015-08-17 11:10:42 -07:00
for (uint32 iPart = 0; iPart < mNumCurrentParts; iPart++)
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2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
if (!pPart->EnableRayCast)
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CModel *pModel = pPart->pModel;
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CRay& rPartRay = (pPart->IsBillboard ? BillRay : LocalRay);
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// Ray/Model AABox test - allow buffer room because lines are small
CAABox AABox = pModel->AABox();
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bool ModelBoxCheck = Math::RayBoxIntersection(rPartRay, AABox).first;
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2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
if (ModelBoxCheck)
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2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
bool Hit = false;
float Dist;
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for (uint32 iSurf = 0; iSurf < pModel->GetSurfaceCount(); iSurf++)
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// Skip surface/box check - since we use lines the boxes might be too small
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SSurface *pSurf = pModel->GetSurface(iSurf);
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
std::pair<bool,float> SurfCheck = pSurf->IntersectsRay(rPartRay, false, 0.05f);
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2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
if (SurfCheck.first)
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2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
if ((!Hit) || (SurfCheck.second < Dist))
Dist = SurfCheck.second;
2015-08-17 11:10:42 -07:00
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
Hit = true;
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2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
if (Hit)
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2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
SResult Result;
Result.pPart = pPart;
Result.Dist = Dist;
2015-08-17 11:10:42 -07:00
// Results list empty = no hits
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if (Results.empty())
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2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
mSelectedAxes = EAxis::None;
2015-08-17 11:10:42 -07:00
return false;
// Otherwise, we have at least one hit - sort results and set selected axes
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
Results.sort([](const SResult& rkLeft, SResult& rkRight) -> bool
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2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
return (rkLeft.Dist < rkRight.Dist);
2015-08-17 11:10:42 -07:00
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
CRay& rPartRay = (pPart->IsBillboard ? BillRay : LocalRay);
mSelectedAxes = Results.front().pPart->ModelAxes;
mHitPoint = mTransform * rPartRay.PointOnRay(Results.front().Dist);
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
return (mSelectedAxes != EAxis::None);
2015-08-17 11:10:42 -07:00
uint32 CGizmo::NumSelectedAxes()
uint32 Out = 0;
for (uint32 iAxis = 1; iAxis < 8; iAxis <<= 1)
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
if (mSelectedAxes & FAxes(iAxis)) Out++;
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
return Out;
void CGizmo::ResetSelectedAxes()
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
mSelectedAxes = EAxis::None;
void CGizmo::StartTransform()
mIsTransforming = true;
mHasTransformed = false;
mWrapOffset = CVector2f::skZero;
mSetOffset = false;
mTotalTranslation = CVector3f::skZero;
mTotalRotation = CVector3f::skZero;
mCurrentRotation = CQuaternion::skIdentity;
mTotalScale = CVector3f::skOne;
// Set rotation direction
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if (mMode == EGizmoMode::Rotate)
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
CVector3f Axis;
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if (mSelectedAxes & EAxis::X) Axis = mRotation.XAxis();
else if (mSelectedAxes & EAxis::Y) Axis = mRotation.YAxis();
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else Axis = mRotation.ZAxis();
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
CVector3f GizmoToHit = (mHitPoint - mPosition).Normalized();
mMoveDir = Axis.Cross(GizmoToHit);
// Set scale direction
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else if (mMode == EGizmoMode::Scale)
// Only need to set scale direction if < 3 axes selected
if (NumSelectedAxes() != 3)
// One axis; direction = selected axis
if (NumSelectedAxes() == 1)
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
if (mSelectedAxes & EAxis::X) mMoveDir = mRotation.XAxis();
else if (mSelectedAxes & EAxis::Y) mMoveDir = mRotation.YAxis();
else mMoveDir = mRotation.ZAxis();
// Two axes; interpolate between the two selected axes
else if (NumSelectedAxes() == 2)
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
CVector3f AxisA = (mSelectedAxes & EAxis::X ? mRotation.XAxis() : mRotation.YAxis());
CVector3f AxisB = (mSelectedAxes & EAxis::Z ? mRotation.ZAxis() : mRotation.YAxis());
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
mMoveDir = (AxisA + AxisB) / 2.f;
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
bool CGizmo::TransformFromInput(const CRay& rkRay, CCamera& rCamera)
// Wrap cursor (this has no effect until the next time this function is called)
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if (mEnableCursorWrap && (mMode != EGizmoMode::Translate))
// Calculate normalized cursor position
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
QPoint CursorPos = QCursor::pos();
QRect Geom = QApplication::primaryScreen()->geometry();
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
CVector2f MouseCoords(
(((2.f * CursorPos.x()) / Geom.width()) - 1.f),
(1.f - ((2.f * CursorPos.y()) / Geom.height()))
// Translate
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if (mMode == EGizmoMode::Translate)
// Create translate plane
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
CVector3f AxisA, AxisB;
uint32 NumAxes = NumSelectedAxes();
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
if (NumAxes == 1)
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
if (mSelectedAxes & EAxis::X) AxisB = mRotation.XAxis();
else if (mSelectedAxes & EAxis::Y) AxisB = mRotation.YAxis();
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
else AxisB = mRotation.ZAxis();
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
CVector3f GizmoToCamera = (mPosition - rCamera.Position()).Normalized();
AxisA = AxisB.Cross(GizmoToCamera);
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
else if (NumAxes == 2)
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
AxisA = (mSelectedAxes & EAxis::X ? mRotation.XAxis() : mRotation.YAxis());
AxisB = (mSelectedAxes & EAxis::Z ? mRotation.ZAxis() : mRotation.YAxis());
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
CVector3f PlaneNormal = AxisA.Cross(AxisB);
mTranslatePlane.Redefine(PlaneNormal, mPosition);
// Do translate
std::pair<bool,float> Result = Math::RayPlaneIntersection(rkRay, mTranslatePlane);
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
if (Result.first)
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
CVector3f Hit = rkRay.PointOnRay(Result.second);
CVector3f LocalDelta = mRotation.Inverse() * (Hit - mPosition);
// Calculate new position
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
CVector3f NewPos = mPosition;
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if (mSelectedAxes & EAxis::X) NewPos += mRotation.XAxis() * LocalDelta.X;
if (mSelectedAxes & EAxis::Y) NewPos += mRotation.YAxis() * LocalDelta.Y;
if (mSelectedAxes & EAxis::Z) NewPos += mRotation.ZAxis() * LocalDelta.Z;
// Check relativity of new pos to camera to reduce issue where the gizmo might
// go flying off into the distance if newPosToCamera is parallel to the plane
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
CVector3f NewPosToCamera = (NewPos - rCamera.Position()).Normalized();
float Dot = Math::Abs(PlaneNormal.Dot(NewPosToCamera));
if (Dot < 0.02f) return false;
// Set offset
if (!mSetOffset)
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
mTranslateOffset = mPosition - NewPos;
mDeltaTranslation = CVector3f::skZero;
mSetOffset = true;
return false;
// Apply translation
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
mDeltaTranslation = mRotation.Inverse() * (NewPos - mPosition + mTranslateOffset);
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
if (!(mSelectedAxes & EAxis::X)) mDeltaTranslation.X = 0.f;
if (!(mSelectedAxes & EAxis::Y)) mDeltaTranslation.Y = 0.f;
if (!(mSelectedAxes & EAxis::Z)) mDeltaTranslation.Z = 0.f;
mTotalTranslation += mDeltaTranslation;
mPosition += mRotation * mDeltaTranslation;
if (!mHasTransformed && (mDeltaTranslation != CVector3f::skZero))
mHasTransformed = true;
return mHasTransformed;
mDeltaTranslation = CVector3f::skZero;
return false;
// Rotate
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
else if (mMode == EGizmoMode::Rotate)
// Choose rotation axis
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
CVector3f Axis;
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
if (mSelectedAxes & EAxis::X) Axis = CVector3f::skUnitX;
else if (mSelectedAxes & EAxis::Y) Axis = CVector3f::skUnitY;
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
else Axis = CVector3f::skUnitZ;
// Convert hit point + move direction into a line in screen space
// Clockwise direction is set in StartTransform(). Is there a cleaner way to calculate the direction?
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
CMatrix4f VP = rCamera.ViewMatrix().Transpose() * rCamera.ProjectionMatrix().Transpose();
CVector2f LineOrigin = (mHitPoint * VP).XY();
CVector2f LineDir = (((mHitPoint + mMoveDir) * VP).XY() - LineOrigin).Normalized();
float RotAmount = LineDir.Dot(MouseCoords + mWrapOffset - LineOrigin) * 180.f;
// Set offset
if (!mSetOffset)
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
mRotateOffset = -RotAmount;
mDeltaRotation = CQuaternion::skIdentity;
mSetOffset = true;
return false;
// Apply rotation
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
RotAmount += mRotateOffset;
CQuaternion OldRot = mCurrentRotation;
mCurrentRotation = CQuaternion::FromAxisAngle(Math::DegreesToRadians(RotAmount), Axis);
mDeltaRotation = mCurrentRotation * OldRot.Inverse();
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
if (mTransformSpace == ETransformSpace::Local)
mRotation *= mDeltaRotation;
// Add to total
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
if (mSelectedAxes & EAxis::X) mTotalRotation.X = RotAmount;
else if (mSelectedAxes & EAxis::Y) mTotalRotation.Y = RotAmount;
else mTotalRotation.Z = RotAmount;
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
if (!mHasTransformed && (RotAmount != 0.f))
mHasTransformed = true;
return mHasTransformed;
// Scale
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
else if (mMode == EGizmoMode::Scale)
// Create a line in screen space. First step: line origin
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
CMatrix4f VP = rCamera.ViewMatrix().Transpose() * rCamera.ProjectionMatrix().Transpose();
CVector2f LineOrigin = (mPosition * VP).XY();
// Next step: determine the appropriate world space direction using the selected axes and then convert to screen space
// Since the axes can be flipped while the gizmo is transforming, this has to be done every frame rather than
// pre-saving the world space direction like the rotate gizmo does.
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
CVector3f DirX = (mFlipScaleX ? -mRotation.XAxis() : mRotation.XAxis());
CVector3f DirY = (mFlipScaleY ? -mRotation.YAxis() : mRotation.YAxis());
CVector3f DirZ = (mFlipScaleZ ? -mRotation.ZAxis() : mRotation.ZAxis());
CVector2f LineDir;
// One axis - world space direction is just the selected axis
if (NumSelectedAxes() == 1)
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
CVector3f WorldDir;
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
if (mSelectedAxes & EAxis::X) WorldDir = DirX;
else if (mSelectedAxes & EAxis::Y) WorldDir = DirY;
else WorldDir = DirZ;
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
LineDir = (((mPosition + WorldDir) * VP).XY() - LineOrigin).Normalized();
// Two axes - take the two selected axes and convert them to world space, then average them for the line direction
else if (NumSelectedAxes() == 2)
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
CVector3f AxisA = (mSelectedAxes & EAxis::X ? DirX : DirY);
CVector3f AxisB = (mSelectedAxes & EAxis::Z ? DirZ : DirY);
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
CVector2f ScreenA = (((mPosition + AxisA) * VP).XY() - LineOrigin).Normalized();
CVector2f ScreenB = (((mPosition + AxisB) * VP).XY() - LineOrigin).Normalized();
LineDir = ((ScreenA + ScreenB) / 2.f).Normalized();
// Three axes - use straight up
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
else LineDir = CVector2f::skUp;
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
float ScaleAmount = LineDir.Dot(MouseCoords + mWrapOffset - LineOrigin) * 5.f;
// Set offset
if (!mSetOffset)
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
mScaleOffset = -ScaleAmount;
mDeltaScale = CVector3f::skOne;
mSetOffset = true;
return false;
// Apply scale
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
ScaleAmount = ScaleAmount + mScaleOffset + 1.f;
// A multiplier is applied to the scale amount of it's less than 1 to prevent it from going negative
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if (ScaleAmount < 1.f)
ScaleAmount = 1.f / (-(ScaleAmount - 1.f) + 1.f);
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
CVector3f OldScale = mTotalScale;
mTotalScale = CVector3f::skOne;
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
if (mSelectedAxes & EAxis::X) mTotalScale.X = ScaleAmount;
if (mSelectedAxes & EAxis::Y) mTotalScale.Y = ScaleAmount;
if (mSelectedAxes & EAxis::Z) mTotalScale.Z = ScaleAmount;
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
mDeltaScale = mTotalScale / OldScale;
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
if (!mHasTransformed && (ScaleAmount != 1.f))
mHasTransformed = true;
return mHasTransformed;
return false;
void CGizmo::EndTransform()
mTotalScale = CVector3f::skOne;
mIsTransforming = false;
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void CGizmo::SetMode(EGizmoMode Mode)
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
mMode = Mode;
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
switch (Mode)
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2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
case EGizmoMode::Translate:
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mpCurrentParts = smTranslateModels;
mDeltaRotation = CQuaternion::skIdentity;
mDeltaScale = CVector3f::skOne;
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2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
case EGizmoMode::Rotate:
2015-08-17 11:10:42 -07:00
mpCurrentParts = smRotateModels;
mNumCurrentParts = CGIZMO_ROTATE_NUM;
mDeltaTranslation = CVector3f::skZero;
mDeltaScale = CVector3f::skOne;
2015-08-17 11:10:42 -07:00
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
case EGizmoMode::Scale:
2015-08-17 11:10:42 -07:00
mpCurrentParts = smScaleModels;
mNumCurrentParts = CGIZMO_SCALE_NUM;
mDeltaTranslation = CVector3f::skZero;
mDeltaRotation = CQuaternion::skIdentity;
2015-08-17 11:10:42 -07:00
2019-05-26 18:18:31 -07:00
default: break;
2015-08-17 11:10:42 -07:00
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
void CGizmo::SetTransformSpace(ETransformSpace Space)
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
mTransformSpace = Space;
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if (Space == ETransformSpace::World)
mRotation = CQuaternion::skIdentity;
mRotation = mLocalRotation;
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
void CGizmo::SetLocalRotation(const CQuaternion& rkOrientation)
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
mLocalRotation = rkOrientation;
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
if (mTransformSpace == ETransformSpace::Local)
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
mRotation = rkOrientation;
// ************ PRIVATE STATIC ************
void CGizmo::LoadModels()
if (!smModelsLoaded)
debugf("Loading transform gizmo models");
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
smTranslateModels[CGIZMO_TRANSLATE_X] = SModelPart(EAxis::X, true, false, gpEditorStore->LoadResource("editor/TranslateX.CMDL"));
smTranslateModels[CGIZMO_TRANSLATE_Y] = SModelPart(EAxis::Y, true, false, gpEditorStore->LoadResource("editor/TranslateY.CMDL"));
smTranslateModels[CGIZMO_TRANSLATE_Z] = SModelPart(EAxis::Z, true, false, gpEditorStore->LoadResource("editor/TranslateZ.CMDL"));
smTranslateModels[CGIZMO_TRANSLATE_LINES_XY] = SModelPart(EAxis::XY, true, false, gpEditorStore->LoadResource("editor/TranslateLinesXY.CMDL"));
smTranslateModels[CGIZMO_TRANSLATE_LINES_XZ] = SModelPart(EAxis::XZ, true, false, gpEditorStore->LoadResource("editor/TranslateLinesXZ.CMDL"));
smTranslateModels[CGIZMO_TRANSLATE_LINES_YZ] = SModelPart(EAxis::YZ, true, false, gpEditorStore->LoadResource("editor/TranslateLinesYZ.CMDL"));
smTranslateModels[CGIZMO_TRANSLATE_POLY_XY] = SModelPart(EAxis::XY, false, false, gpEditorStore->LoadResource("editor/TranslatePolyXY.CMDL"));
smTranslateModels[CGIZMO_TRANSLATE_POLY_XZ] = SModelPart(EAxis::XZ, false, false, gpEditorStore->LoadResource("editor/TranslatePolyXZ.CMDL"));
smTranslateModels[CGIZMO_TRANSLATE_POLY_YZ] = SModelPart(EAxis::YZ, false, false, gpEditorStore->LoadResource("editor/TranslatePolyYZ.CMDL"));
smRotateModels[CGIZMO_ROTATE_OUTLINE] = SModelPart(EAxis::None, true, true, gpEditorStore->LoadResource("editor/RotateClipOutline.CMDL"));
smRotateModels[CGIZMO_ROTATE_X] = SModelPart(EAxis::X, true, false, gpEditorStore->LoadResource("editor/RotateX.CMDL"));
smRotateModels[CGIZMO_ROTATE_Y] = SModelPart(EAxis::Y, true, false, gpEditorStore->LoadResource("editor/RotateY.CMDL"));
smRotateModels[CGIZMO_ROTATE_Z] = SModelPart(EAxis::Z, true, false, gpEditorStore->LoadResource("editor/RotateZ.CMDL"));
smRotateModels[CGIZMO_ROTATE_XYZ] = SModelPart(EAxis::XYZ, false, false, gpEditorStore->LoadResource("editor/RotateXYZ.CMDL"));
smScaleModels[CGIZMO_SCALE_X] = SModelPart(EAxis::X, true, false, gpEditorStore->LoadResource("editor/ScaleX.CMDL"));
smScaleModels[CGIZMO_SCALE_Y] = SModelPart(EAxis::Y, true, false, gpEditorStore->LoadResource("editor/ScaleY.CMDL"));
smScaleModels[CGIZMO_SCALE_Z] = SModelPart(EAxis::Z, true, false, gpEditorStore->LoadResource("editor/ScaleZ.CMDL"));
smScaleModels[CGIZMO_SCALE_LINES_XY] = SModelPart(EAxis::XY, true, false, gpEditorStore->LoadResource("editor/ScaleLinesXY.CMDL"));
smScaleModels[CGIZMO_SCALE_LINES_XZ] = SModelPart(EAxis::XZ, true, false, gpEditorStore->LoadResource("editor/ScaleLinesXZ.CMDL"));
smScaleModels[CGIZMO_SCALE_LINES_YZ] = SModelPart(EAxis::YZ, true, false, gpEditorStore->LoadResource("editor/ScaleLinesYZ.CMDL"));
smScaleModels[CGIZMO_SCALE_POLY_XY] = SModelPart(EAxis::XY, true, false, gpEditorStore->LoadResource("editor/ScalePolyXY.CMDL"));
smScaleModels[CGIZMO_SCALE_POLY_XZ] = SModelPart(EAxis::XZ, true, false, gpEditorStore->LoadResource("editor/ScalePolyXZ.CMDL"));
smScaleModels[CGIZMO_SCALE_POLY_YZ] = SModelPart(EAxis::YZ, true, false, gpEditorStore->LoadResource("editor/ScalePolyYZ.CMDL"));
smScaleModels[CGIZMO_SCALE_XYZ] = SModelPart(EAxis::XYZ, true, false, gpEditorStore->LoadResource("editor/ScaleXYZ.CMDL"));
smModelsLoaded = true;
// ************ PROTECTED ************
void CGizmo::UpdateTransform()
// Scale is recalculated every frame because it changes frequently, based on camera distance
// Rotation and position values are just saved directly
mScale = mGizmoSize * (mCameraDist / 10.f);
// Scale also factors in axis flip if mode is Scale.
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
if (mMode == EGizmoMode::Scale)
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
if (mFlipScaleX) mScale.X = -mScale.X;
if (mFlipScaleY) mScale.Y = -mScale.Y;
if (mFlipScaleZ) mScale.Z = -mScale.Z;
// Create transform
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
// Create billboard transform for rotation gizmo
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
if (mMode == EGizmoMode::Rotate)
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
// Create scaled transform for scale gizmo
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
else if (mMode == EGizmoMode::Scale)
2018-12-16 13:00:40 -08:00
mScaledTransform.Scale(mScale * mTotalScale);
void CGizmo::WrapCursor()
QRect Geom = QApplication::primaryScreen()->geometry();
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
QPoint CursorPos = QCursor::pos();
// Horizontal
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
if (CursorPos.x() == Geom.width() - 1)
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
QCursor::setPos(1, CursorPos.y());
mWrapOffset.X += 2.f;
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
else if (CursorPos.x() == 0)
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
QCursor::setPos(Geom.width() - 2, CursorPos.y());
mWrapOffset.X -= 2.f;
// Vertical
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
CursorPos = QCursor::pos(); // Grab again to account for changes on horizontal wrap
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
if (CursorPos.y() == Geom.height() - 1)
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
QCursor::setPos(CursorPos.x(), 1);
mWrapOffset.Y -= 2.f;
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
else if (CursorPos.y() == 0)
2016-03-27 12:09:38 -07:00
QCursor::setPos(CursorPos.x(), Geom.height() - 2);
mWrapOffset.Y += 2.f;
// ************ STATIC MEMBER INITIALIZATION ************
bool CGizmo::smModelsLoaded = false;
CGizmo::SModelPart CGizmo::smTranslateModels[CGIZMO_TRANSLATE_NUM];
CGizmo::SModelPart CGizmo::smRotateModels[CGIZMO_ROTATE_NUM];
CGizmo::SModelPart CGizmo::smScaleModels[CGIZMO_SCALE_NUM];