
236 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#include "Runtime/Graphics/Shaders/CModelShaders.hpp"
#include "Runtime/CStopwatch.hpp"
#include "Runtime/Graphics/CLight.hpp"
//#include <hecl/Backend.hpp>
2022-01-31 16:06:54 -08:00
//#include <hecl/Pipeline.hpp>
2021-04-10 01:42:06 -07:00
namespace metaforce {
2022-01-31 16:06:54 -08:00
//std::unordered_map<uint64_t, CModelShaders::ShaderPipelines> CModelShaders::g_ShaderPipelines;
//void CModelShaders::LightingUniform::ActivateLights(const std::vector<CLight>& lts) {
// ambient = zeus::skClear;
// size_t curLight = 0;
// for (const CLight& light : lts) {
// switch (light.GetType()) {
// case ELightType::LocalAmbient:
// ambient += light.GetColor();
// break;
// case ELightType::Point:
// case ELightType::Spot:
// case ELightType::Custom:
// case ELightType::Directional: {
// if (curLight >= lights.size()) {
// continue;
// }
// CModelShaders::Light& lightOut = lights[curLight++];
// lightOut.pos = CGraphics::g_CameraMatrix * light.GetPosition();
// lightOut.dir = CGraphics::g_CameraMatrix.basis * light.GetDirection();
// lightOut.dir.normalize();
// lightOut.color = light.GetColor();
// lightOut.linAtt[0] = light.GetAttenuationConstant();
// lightOut.linAtt[1] = light.GetAttenuationLinear();
// lightOut.linAtt[2] = light.GetAttenuationQuadratic();
// lightOut.angAtt[0] = light.GetAngleAttenuationConstant();
// lightOut.angAtt[1] = light.GetAngleAttenuationLinear();
// lightOut.angAtt[2] = light.GetAngleAttenuationQuadratic();
// if (light.GetType() == ELightType::Directional)
// lightOut.pos = (-lightOut.dir) * 1048576.f;
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// for (; curLight < lights.size(); ++curLight) {
// CModelShaders::Light& lightOut = lights[curLight];
// lightOut.pos = zeus::skZero3f;
// lightOut.dir = zeus::skDown;
// lightOut.color = zeus::skClear;
// lightOut.linAtt[0] = 1.f;
// lightOut.linAtt[1] = 0.f;
// lightOut.linAtt[2] = 0.f;
// lightOut.angAtt[0] = 1.f;
// lightOut.angAtt[1] = 0.f;
// lightOut.angAtt[2] = 0.f;
// }
2017-08-07 23:03:57 -07:00
//using TexCoordSource = hecl::Backend::TexCoordSource;
//constexpr std::array<hecl::Backend::TextureInfo, 1> ThermalTextures{{
// {TexCoordSource::Normal, 7, true},
//constexpr std::array<hecl::Backend::TextureInfo, 3> BallFadeTextures{{
// {TexCoordSource::Position, 0, false}, // ID tex
// {TexCoordSource::Position, 0, false}, // Sphere ramp
// {TexCoordSource::Position, 1, false}, // TXTR_BallFade
//constexpr std::array<hecl::Backend::TextureInfo, 1> WorldShadowTextures{{
// {TexCoordSource::Position, 7, false}, // Shadow tex
//constexpr std::array<hecl::Backend::TextureInfo, 2> DisintegrateTextures{{
// {TexCoordSource::Position, 0, false}, // Ashy tex
// {TexCoordSource::Position, 1, false}, // Ashy tex
2018-11-07 16:53:38 -08:00
2022-01-31 16:06:54 -08:00
//static std::array<hecl::Backend::ExtensionSlot, size_t(EExtendedShader::MAX)> g_ExtensionSlots{{
// /* Default solid shading */
// {},
// /* Normal lit shading */
// {0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::Original, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::Original,
// hecl::Backend::ZTest::Original, hecl::Backend::CullMode::Backface, false, false, true},
// /* Thermal model shading */
// {1,, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::One, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::One,
// hecl::Backend::ZTest::Original, hecl::Backend::CullMode::Backface, false, false, false, true},
// /* Thermal model shading without Z-test or Z-write */
// {1,, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::One, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::One,
// hecl::Backend::ZTest::None, hecl::Backend::CullMode::Backface, true, false, false, true},
// /* Thermal static shading */
// {0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::SrcAlpha, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::One, hecl::Backend::ZTest::Original,
// hecl::Backend::CullMode::Backface, false, false, false, true, false, false, true},
// /* Thermal static shading without Z-write */
// {0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::SrcAlpha, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::One, hecl::Backend::ZTest::Original,
// hecl::Backend::CullMode::Backface, true, false, false, true, false, false, false},
// /* Forced alpha shading */
// {0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::SrcAlpha, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::InvSrcAlpha,
// hecl::Backend::ZTest::Original, hecl::Backend::CullMode::Backface, false, false, true},
// /* Forced additive shading */
// {0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::SrcAlpha, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::One, hecl::Backend::ZTest::Original,
// hecl::Backend::CullMode::Backface, false, false, true},
// /* Solid color */
// {0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::One, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::Zero, hecl::Backend::ZTest::LEqual,
// hecl::Backend::CullMode::Backface, false, false, false},
// /* Solid color additive */
// {0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::SrcAlpha, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::One, hecl::Backend::ZTest::LEqual,
// hecl::Backend::CullMode::Backface, true, false, true},
// /* Alpha-only Solid color frontface cull, LEqual */
// {0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::Zero, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::One, hecl::Backend::ZTest::LEqual,
// hecl::Backend::CullMode::Frontface, false, true, false},
// /* Alpha-only Solid color frontface cull, Always, No Z-write */
// {0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::Zero, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::One, hecl::Backend::ZTest::None,
// hecl::Backend::CullMode::Frontface, true, true, false},
// /* Alpha-only Solid color backface cull, LEqual */
// {0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::Zero, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::One, hecl::Backend::ZTest::LEqual,
// hecl::Backend::CullMode::Backface, false, true, false},
// /* Alpha-only Solid color backface cull, Greater, No Z-write */
// {0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::Zero, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::One, hecl::Backend::ZTest::Greater,
// hecl::Backend::CullMode::Backface, true, true, false},
// /* MorphBall shadow shading */
// {3,, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::SrcAlpha, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::InvSrcAlpha,
// hecl::Backend::ZTest::Equal, hecl::Backend::CullMode::Backface, false, false, true, false, true},
// /* World shadow shading (modified lighting) */
// {1,, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::Original, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::Original,
// hecl::Backend::ZTest::Original, hecl::Backend::CullMode::Backface, false, false, true},
// /* Forced alpha shading without culling */
// {0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::SrcAlpha, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::InvSrcAlpha,
// hecl::Backend::ZTest::Original, hecl::Backend::CullMode::None, false, false, true},
// /* Forced additive shading without culling */
// {0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::SrcAlpha, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::One, hecl::Backend::ZTest::Original,
// hecl::Backend::CullMode::None, false, false, true},
// /* Forced alpha shading without Z-write */
// {0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::SrcAlpha, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::InvSrcAlpha,
// hecl::Backend::ZTest::Original, hecl::Backend::CullMode::Original, true, false, true},
// /* Forced additive shading without Z-write */
// {0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::SrcAlpha, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::One, hecl::Backend::ZTest::Original,
// hecl::Backend::CullMode::Original, true, false, true},
// /* Forced alpha shading without culling or Z-write */
// {0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::SrcAlpha, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::InvSrcAlpha,
// hecl::Backend::ZTest::Original, hecl::Backend::CullMode::None, true, false, true},
// /* Forced additive shading without culling or Z-write */
// {0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::SrcAlpha, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::One, hecl::Backend::ZTest::Original,
// hecl::Backend::CullMode::None, true, false, true},
// /* Depth GEqual no Z-write */
// {0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::SrcAlpha, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::InvSrcAlpha,
// hecl::Backend::ZTest::GEqual, hecl::Backend::CullMode::Backface, true, false, true},
// /* Disintegration */
// {2,, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::SrcAlpha, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::InvSrcAlpha,
// hecl::Backend::ZTest::LEqual, hecl::Backend::CullMode::Original, false, false, true, false, false, true},
// /* Forced additive shading without culling or Z-write and greater depth test */
// {0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::SrcAlpha, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::One, hecl::Backend::ZTest::Greater,
// hecl::Backend::CullMode::None, true, false, true},
// /* Thermal cold shading */
// {0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::Original, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::Original,
// hecl::Backend::ZTest::Original, hecl::Backend::CullMode::Original, false, false, true, false, false, false, true},
// /* Normal lit shading with alpha */
// {0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::Original, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::Original,
// hecl::Backend::ZTest::Original, hecl::Backend::CullMode::Backface},
// /* Normal lit shading with alpha without Z-write or depth test */
// {0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::Original, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::Original, hecl::Backend::ZTest::None,
// hecl::Backend::CullMode::Backface, true},
// /* Normal lit shading with cube reflection */
// {0, nullptr, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::Original, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::Original,
// hecl::Backend::ZTest::Original, hecl::Backend::CullMode::Backface, false, false, true},
// /* Normal lit shading with cube reflection and world shadow */
// {1,, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::Original, hecl::Backend::BlendFactor::Original,
// hecl::Backend::ZTest::Original, hecl::Backend::CullMode::Backface, false, false, true},
//constexpr std::array<const char*, size_t(EExtendedShader::MAX)> ShaderMacros{
2018-12-07 21:30:43 -08:00
void CModelShaders::Initialize() {
2022-01-31 16:06:54 -08:00
// for (size_t i = 0; i < g_ExtensionSlots.size(); i++) {
// g_ExtensionSlots[i].shaderMacro = ShaderMacros[i];
// }
2022-01-31 16:06:54 -08:00
void CModelShaders::Shutdown() {
// g_ShaderPipelines.clear();
2022-01-31 16:06:54 -08:00
//CModelShaders::ShaderPipelines CModelShaders::BuildExtendedShader(const hecl::Backend::ShaderTag& tag,
// const Material& material) {
// auto search = g_ShaderPipelines.find(tag.val64());
// if (search != g_ShaderPipelines.cend())
// return search->second;
// ShaderPipelines& newPipelines = g_ShaderPipelines[tag.val64()];
// newPipelines = std::make_shared<ShaderPipelinesData>();
// CGraphics::CommitResources([&](boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Context& ctx) {
// size_t idx = 0;
// for (const auto& ext : g_ExtensionSlots)
// (*newPipelines)[idx++] = hecl::conv->convert(ctx, Shader_CModelShaders(SModelShadersInfo(material, tag, ext)));
// return true;
// } BooTrace);
// return newPipelines;
2021-04-10 01:42:06 -07:00
} // namespace metaforce