
1046 lines
48 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Copyright 2017 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
2018-07-24 11:53:51 +00:00
#include "dawn_native/ShaderModule.h"
#include "common/HashUtils.h"
2018-07-24 11:53:51 +00:00
#include "dawn_native/BindGroupLayout.h"
#include "dawn_native/Device.h"
#include "dawn_native/Pipeline.h"
#include "dawn_native/PipelineLayout.h"
#include <spirv-tools/libspirv.hpp>
#include <spirv_cross.hpp>
// Tint include must be after spirv_cross.hpp, because spirv-cross has its own
// version of spirv_headers.
// clang-format off
#include <tint/tint.h>
// clang-format on
#include <sstream>
namespace dawn_native {
namespace {
Format::Type SpirvCrossBaseTypeToFormatType(spirv_cross::SPIRType::BaseType spirvBaseType) {
switch (spirvBaseType) {
case spirv_cross::SPIRType::Float:
return Format::Float;
case spirv_cross::SPIRType::Int:
return Format::Sint;
case spirv_cross::SPIRType::UInt:
return Format::Uint;
return Format::Other;
wgpu::TextureViewDimension SpirvDimToTextureViewDimension(spv::Dim dim, bool arrayed) {
switch (dim) {
case spv::Dim::Dim1D:
return wgpu::TextureViewDimension::e1D;
case spv::Dim::Dim2D:
if (arrayed) {
return wgpu::TextureViewDimension::e2DArray;
} else {
return wgpu::TextureViewDimension::e2D;
case spv::Dim::Dim3D:
return wgpu::TextureViewDimension::e3D;
case spv::Dim::DimCube:
if (arrayed) {
return wgpu::TextureViewDimension::CubeArray;
} else {
return wgpu::TextureViewDimension::Cube;
return wgpu::TextureViewDimension::Undefined;
wgpu::TextureViewDimension ToWGPUTextureViewDimension(
shaderc_spvc_texture_view_dimension dim) {
switch (dim) {
case shaderc_spvc_texture_view_dimension_undefined:
return wgpu::TextureViewDimension::Undefined;
case shaderc_spvc_texture_view_dimension_e1D:
return wgpu::TextureViewDimension::e1D;
case shaderc_spvc_texture_view_dimension_e2D:
return wgpu::TextureViewDimension::e2D;
case shaderc_spvc_texture_view_dimension_e2D_array:
return wgpu::TextureViewDimension::e2DArray;
case shaderc_spvc_texture_view_dimension_cube:
return wgpu::TextureViewDimension::Cube;
case shaderc_spvc_texture_view_dimension_cube_array:
return wgpu::TextureViewDimension::CubeArray;
case shaderc_spvc_texture_view_dimension_e3D:
return wgpu::TextureViewDimension::e3D;
Format::Type ToDawnFormatType(shaderc_spvc_texture_format_type type) {
switch (type) {
case shaderc_spvc_texture_format_type_float:
return Format::Type::Float;
case shaderc_spvc_texture_format_type_sint:
return Format::Type::Sint;
case shaderc_spvc_texture_format_type_uint:
return Format::Type::Uint;
case shaderc_spvc_texture_format_type_other:
return Format::Type::Other;
wgpu::BindingType ToWGPUBindingType(shaderc_spvc_binding_type type) {
switch (type) {
case shaderc_spvc_binding_type_uniform_buffer:
return wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer;
case shaderc_spvc_binding_type_storage_buffer:
return wgpu::BindingType::StorageBuffer;
case shaderc_spvc_binding_type_readonly_storage_buffer:
return wgpu::BindingType::ReadonlyStorageBuffer;
case shaderc_spvc_binding_type_sampler:
return wgpu::BindingType::Sampler;
case shaderc_spvc_binding_type_comparison_sampler:
return wgpu::BindingType::ComparisonSampler;
case shaderc_spvc_binding_type_sampled_texture:
return wgpu::BindingType::SampledTexture;
case shaderc_spvc_binding_type_readonly_storage_texture:
return wgpu::BindingType::ReadonlyStorageTexture;
case shaderc_spvc_binding_type_writeonly_storage_texture:
return wgpu::BindingType::WriteonlyStorageTexture;
case shaderc_spvc_binding_type_storage_texture:
return wgpu::BindingType::StorageTexture;
SingleShaderStage ToSingleShaderStage(shaderc_spvc_execution_model execution_model) {
switch (execution_model) {
case shaderc_spvc_execution_model_vertex:
return SingleShaderStage::Vertex;
case shaderc_spvc_execution_model_fragment:
return SingleShaderStage::Fragment;
case shaderc_spvc_execution_model_glcompute:
return SingleShaderStage::Compute;
wgpu::TextureFormat ToWGPUTextureFormat(spv::ImageFormat format) {
switch (format) {
case spv::ImageFormatR8:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::R8Unorm;
case spv::ImageFormatR8Snorm:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::R8Snorm;
case spv::ImageFormatR8ui:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::R8Uint;
case spv::ImageFormatR8i:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::R8Sint;
case spv::ImageFormatR16ui:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::R16Uint;
case spv::ImageFormatR16i:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::R16Sint;
case spv::ImageFormatR16f:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::R16Float;
case spv::ImageFormatRg8:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RG8Unorm;
case spv::ImageFormatRg8Snorm:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RG8Snorm;
case spv::ImageFormatRg8ui:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RG8Uint;
case spv::ImageFormatRg8i:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RG8Sint;
case spv::ImageFormatR32f:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::R32Float;
case spv::ImageFormatR32ui:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::R32Uint;
case spv::ImageFormatR32i:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::R32Sint;
case spv::ImageFormatRg16ui:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RG16Uint;
case spv::ImageFormatRg16i:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RG16Sint;
case spv::ImageFormatRg16f:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RG16Float;
case spv::ImageFormatRgba8:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm;
case spv::ImageFormatRgba8Snorm:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8Snorm;
case spv::ImageFormatRgba8ui:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8Uint;
case spv::ImageFormatRgba8i:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8Sint;
case spv::ImageFormatRgb10A2:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RGB10A2Unorm;
case spv::ImageFormatR11fG11fB10f:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RG11B10Float;
case spv::ImageFormatRg32f:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RG32Float;
case spv::ImageFormatRg32ui:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RG32Uint;
case spv::ImageFormatRg32i:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RG32Sint;
case spv::ImageFormatRgba16ui:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA16Uint;
case spv::ImageFormatRgba16i:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA16Sint;
case spv::ImageFormatRgba16f:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA16Float;
case spv::ImageFormatRgba32f:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA32Float;
case spv::ImageFormatRgba32ui:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA32Uint;
case spv::ImageFormatRgba32i:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA32Sint;
return wgpu::TextureFormat::Undefined;
wgpu::TextureFormat ToWGPUTextureFormat(shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format format) {
switch (format) {
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_r8unorm:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::R8Unorm;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_r8snorm:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::R8Snorm;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_r8uint:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::R8Uint;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_r8sint:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::R8Sint;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_r16uint:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::R16Uint;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_r16sint:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::R16Sint;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_r16float:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::R16Float;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_rg8unorm:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RG8Unorm;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_rg8snorm:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RG8Snorm;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_rg8uint:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RG8Uint;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_rg8sint:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RG8Sint;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_r32float:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::R32Float;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_r32uint:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::R32Uint;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_r32sint:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::R32Sint;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_rg16uint:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RG16Uint;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_rg16sint:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RG16Sint;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_rg16float:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RG16Float;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_rgba8unorm:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_rgba8snorm:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8Snorm;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_rgba8uint:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8Uint;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_rgba8sint:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8Sint;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_rgb10a2unorm:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RGB10A2Unorm;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_rg11b10float:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RG11B10Float;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_rg32float:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RG32Float;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_rg32uint:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RG32Uint;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_rg32sint:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RG32Sint;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_rgba16uint:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA16Uint;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_rgba16sint:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA16Sint;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_rgba16float:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA16Float;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_rgba32float:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA32Float;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_rgba32uint:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA32Uint;
case shaderc_spvc_storage_texture_format_rgba32sint:
return wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA32Sint;
return wgpu::TextureFormat::Undefined;
std::string GetShaderDeclarationString(size_t group, uint32_t binding) {
std::ostringstream ostream;
ostream << "the shader module declaration at set " << group << " binding " << binding;
return ostream.str();
} // anonymous namespace
MaybeError ValidateSpirv(DeviceBase*, const uint32_t* code, uint32_t codeSize) {
spvtools::SpirvTools spirvTools(SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_1);
std::ostringstream errorStream;
errorStream << "SPIRV Validation failure:" << std::endl;
spirvTools.SetMessageConsumer([&errorStream](spv_message_level_t level, const char*,
const spv_position_t& position,
const char* message) {
switch (level) {
errorStream << "error: line " << position.index << ": " << message << std::endl;
errorStream << "warning: line " << position.index << ": " << message
<< std::endl;
errorStream << "info: line " << position.index << ": " << message << std::endl;
if (!spirvTools.Validate(code, codeSize)) {
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR(errorStream.str().c_str());
return {};
MaybeError ValidateWGSL(const char* source) {
std::ostringstream errorStream;
errorStream << "Tint WGSL failure:" << std::endl;
tint::Context context;
tint::reader::wgsl::Parser parser(&context, source);
if (!parser.Parse()) {
errorStream << "Parser: " << parser.error() << std::endl;
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR(errorStream.str().c_str());
tint::ast::Module module = parser.module();
if (!module.IsValid()) {
errorStream << "Invalid module generated..." << std::endl;
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR(errorStream.str().c_str());
tint::TypeDeterminer type_determiner(&context, &module);
if (!type_determiner.Determine()) {
errorStream << "Type Determination: " << type_determiner.error();
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR(errorStream.str().c_str());
tint::Validator validator;
if (!validator.Validate(module)) {
errorStream << "Validation: " << validator.error() << std::endl;
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR(errorStream.str().c_str());
return {};
ResultOrError<std::vector<uint32_t>> ConvertWGSLToSPIRV(const char* source) {
std::ostringstream errorStream;
errorStream << "Tint WGSL->SPIR-V failure:" << std::endl;
tint::Context context;
tint::reader::wgsl::Parser parser(&context, source);
// TODO: This is a duplicate parse with ValidateWGSL, need to store
// state between calls to avoid this.
if (!parser.Parse()) {
errorStream << "Parser: " << parser.error() << std::endl;
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR(errorStream.str().c_str());
tint::ast::Module module = parser.module();
if (!module.IsValid()) {
errorStream << "Invalid module generated..." << std::endl;
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR(errorStream.str().c_str());
tint::TypeDeterminer type_determiner(&context, &module);
if (!type_determiner.Determine()) {
errorStream << "Type Determination: " << type_determiner.error();
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR(errorStream.str().c_str());
tint::writer::spirv::Generator generator(std::move(module));
if (!generator.Generate()) {
errorStream << "Generator: " << generator.error() << std::endl;
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR(errorStream.str().c_str());
std::vector<uint32_t> spirv = generator.result();
return std::move(spirv);
MaybeError ValidateShaderModuleDescriptor(DeviceBase* device,
const ShaderModuleDescriptor* descriptor) {
const ChainedStruct* chainedDescriptor = descriptor->nextInChain;
if (chainedDescriptor == nullptr) {
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Shader module descriptor missing chained descriptor");
// For now only a single SPIRV or WGSL subdescriptor is allowed.
if (chainedDescriptor->nextInChain != nullptr) {
"Shader module descriptor chained nextInChain must be nullptr");
switch (chainedDescriptor->sType) {
case wgpu::SType::ShaderModuleSPIRVDescriptor: {
const auto* spirvDesc =
static_cast<const ShaderModuleSPIRVDescriptor*>(chainedDescriptor);
DAWN_TRY(ValidateSpirv(device, spirvDesc->code, spirvDesc->codeSize));
case wgpu::SType::ShaderModuleWGSLDescriptor: {
const auto* wgslDesc =
static_cast<const ShaderModuleWGSLDescriptor*>(chainedDescriptor);
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("WGSL not supported (yet)");
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Unsupported sType");
return {};
} // namespace
// ShaderModuleBase
ShaderModuleBase::ShaderModuleBase(DeviceBase* device, const ShaderModuleDescriptor* descriptor)
: CachedObject(device), mType(Type::Undefined) {
ASSERT(descriptor->nextInChain != nullptr);
switch (descriptor->nextInChain->sType) {
case wgpu::SType::ShaderModuleSPIRVDescriptor: {
mType = Type::Spirv;
const auto* spirvDesc =
static_cast<const ShaderModuleSPIRVDescriptor*>(descriptor->nextInChain);
mSpirv.assign(spirvDesc->code, spirvDesc->code + spirvDesc->codeSize);
case wgpu::SType::ShaderModuleWGSLDescriptor: {
mType = Type::Wgsl;
const auto* wgslDesc =
static_cast<const ShaderModuleWGSLDescriptor*>(descriptor->nextInChain);
mWgsl = std::string(wgslDesc->source);
if (GetDevice()->IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::UseSpvcParser)) {
ShaderModuleBase::ShaderModuleBase(DeviceBase* device, ObjectBase::ErrorTag tag)
: CachedObject(device, tag), mType(Type::Undefined) {
ShaderModuleBase::~ShaderModuleBase() {
if (IsCachedReference()) {
// static
ShaderModuleBase* ShaderModuleBase::MakeError(DeviceBase* device) {
return new ShaderModuleBase(device, ObjectBase::kError);
MaybeError ShaderModuleBase::ExtractSpirvInfo(const spirv_cross::Compiler& compiler) {
if (GetDevice()->IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::UseSpvc)) {
} else {
return {};
MaybeError ShaderModuleBase::ExtractSpirvInfoWithSpvc() {
shaderc_spvc_execution_model execution_model;
"Unable to get execution model for shader."));
mExecutionModel = ToSingleShaderStage(execution_model);
size_t push_constant_buffers_count;
"Unable to get push constant buffer count for shader."));
// TODO(rharrison): This should be handled by spirv-val pass in spvc,
// but need to confirm.
if (push_constant_buffers_count > 0) {
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Push constants aren't supported.");
// Fill in bindingInfo with the SPIRV bindings
auto ExtractResourcesBinding =
[this](std::vector<shaderc_spvc_binding_info> bindings) -> MaybeError {
for (const auto& binding : bindings) {
if (binding.set >= kMaxBindGroups) {
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Bind group index over limits in the SPIRV");
const auto& it = mBindingInfo[binding.set].emplace(BindingNumber(binding.binding),
if (!it.second) {
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Shader has duplicate bindings");
ShaderBindingInfo* info = &it.first->second;
info->id = binding.id;
info->base_type_id = binding.base_type_id;
info->type = ToWGPUBindingType(binding.binding_type);
switch (info->type) {
Reland "Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors" This reverts commit 7c24b6b2ff192927720a2cfa0fdd2dae1614ee96. Reason for revert: We can reland this CL now as the fix in shaderc has been merged. Note that the declaration whether a storage texture is multisampled or not cannot be extracted correctly in SPVC. The fix in Dawn will be added after it is fixed in shaderc. Original change's description: > Revert "Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors" > > This reverts commit 63f2666ee77c987a56c6be5bfc6bbb10d12a9f63. > > Reason for revert: causes failures in dawn_unittests after Dawn uses SPVC by default. We need a fix in both SPVC and this CL before re-landing. > > Original change's description: > > Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors > > > > This patch adds all the validations on the use of bind group layout with > > read-only storage texture and write-only storage texture in the creation > > of pipeline objects. > > > > 1. GPUBindGroupLayout.bindingType must match the type of the storage > > texture variable (read-only or write-only) in shader. > > 2. GPUBindGroupLayout.storageTextureFormat must be a valid texture > > format that supports STORAGE usage. > > 3. GPUBindGroupLayout.storageTextureFormat must match the storage > > texture format declaration in shader. > > 4. GPUBindGroupLayout.textureDimension must match the storage texture > > dimension declared in shader. > > > > BUG=dawn:267 > > TEST=dawn_unittests > > > > Change-Id: Ifa3c2194dc76de14f790a0a73868e69bbb31c814 > > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17167 > > Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> > > Reviewed-by: Kai Ninomiya <kainino@chromium.org> > > TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,kainino@chromium.org,yunchao.he@intel.com,jiawei.shao@intel.com,shaobo.yan@intel.com,hao.x.li@intel.com,enga@chromium.org,jiajie.hu@intel.com > > Change-Id: Idb4083b11f22fa7e4c5c8477bc4b65b58900746e > No-Presubmit: true > No-Tree-Checks: true > No-Try: true > Bug: dawn:267 > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17380 > Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> > Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,kainino@chromium.org,yunchao.he@intel.com,jiawei.shao@intel.com,shaobo.yan@intel.com,hao.x.li@intel.com,enga@chromium.org,jiajie.hu@intel.com Bug: dawn:267, chromium:1063570 Change-Id: If762cbb206e738f4e54e75c88d506fdf3a44f280 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17461 Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com>
2020-03-24 00:56:53 +00:00
case wgpu::BindingType::SampledTexture: {
info->multisampled = binding.multisampled;
info->viewDimension = ToWGPUTextureViewDimension(binding.texture_dimension);
Reland "Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors" This reverts commit 7c24b6b2ff192927720a2cfa0fdd2dae1614ee96. Reason for revert: We can reland this CL now as the fix in shaderc has been merged. Note that the declaration whether a storage texture is multisampled or not cannot be extracted correctly in SPVC. The fix in Dawn will be added after it is fixed in shaderc. Original change's description: > Revert "Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors" > > This reverts commit 63f2666ee77c987a56c6be5bfc6bbb10d12a9f63. > > Reason for revert: causes failures in dawn_unittests after Dawn uses SPVC by default. We need a fix in both SPVC and this CL before re-landing. > > Original change's description: > > Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors > > > > This patch adds all the validations on the use of bind group layout with > > read-only storage texture and write-only storage texture in the creation > > of pipeline objects. > > > > 1. GPUBindGroupLayout.bindingType must match the type of the storage > > texture variable (read-only or write-only) in shader. > > 2. GPUBindGroupLayout.storageTextureFormat must be a valid texture > > format that supports STORAGE usage. > > 3. GPUBindGroupLayout.storageTextureFormat must match the storage > > texture format declaration in shader. > > 4. GPUBindGroupLayout.textureDimension must match the storage texture > > dimension declared in shader. > > > > BUG=dawn:267 > > TEST=dawn_unittests > > > > Change-Id: Ifa3c2194dc76de14f790a0a73868e69bbb31c814 > > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17167 > > Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> > > Reviewed-by: Kai Ninomiya <kainino@chromium.org> > > TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,kainino@chromium.org,yunchao.he@intel.com,jiawei.shao@intel.com,shaobo.yan@intel.com,hao.x.li@intel.com,enga@chromium.org,jiajie.hu@intel.com > > Change-Id: Idb4083b11f22fa7e4c5c8477bc4b65b58900746e > No-Presubmit: true > No-Tree-Checks: true > No-Try: true > Bug: dawn:267 > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17380 > Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> > Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,kainino@chromium.org,yunchao.he@intel.com,jiawei.shao@intel.com,shaobo.yan@intel.com,hao.x.li@intel.com,enga@chromium.org,jiajie.hu@intel.com Bug: dawn:267, chromium:1063570 Change-Id: If762cbb206e738f4e54e75c88d506fdf3a44f280 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17461 Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com>
2020-03-24 00:56:53 +00:00
info->textureComponentType =
case wgpu::BindingType::StorageTexture:
case wgpu::BindingType::ReadonlyStorageTexture:
case wgpu::BindingType::WriteonlyStorageTexture: {
wgpu::TextureFormat storageTextureFormat =
if (storageTextureFormat == wgpu::TextureFormat::Undefined) {
"Invalid image format declaration on storage image");
const Format& format =
if (!format.supportsStorageUsage) {
"The storage texture format is not supported");
info->multisampled = binding.multisampled;
info->storageTextureFormat = storageTextureFormat;
info->viewDimension = ToWGPUTextureViewDimension(binding.texture_dimension);
return {};
std::vector<shaderc_spvc_binding_info> resource_bindings;
shaderc_spvc_binding_type_uniform_buffer, &resource_bindings),
"Unable to get binding info for uniform buffers from shader"));
"Unable to get binding info for sampled textures from shader"));
shaderc_spvc_binding_type_sampler, &resource_bindings),
"Unable to get binding info for samples from shader"));
shaderc_spvc_binding_type_storage_buffer, &resource_bindings),
"Unable to get binding info for storage buffers from shader"));
"Unable to get binding info for storage textures from shader"));
std::vector<shaderc_spvc_resource_location_info> input_stage_locations;
"Unable to get input stage location information from shader"));
for (const auto& input : input_stage_locations) {
if (mExecutionModel == SingleShaderStage::Vertex) {
if (input.location >= kMaxVertexAttributes) {
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Attribute location over limits in the SPIRV");
} else if (mExecutionModel == SingleShaderStage::Fragment) {
// Without a location qualifier on vertex inputs, spirv_cross::CompilerMSL gives
// them all the location 0, causing a compile error.
if (!input.has_location) {
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Need location qualifier on fragment input");
std::vector<shaderc_spvc_resource_location_info> output_stage_locations;
"Unable to get output stage location information from shader"));
for (const auto& output : output_stage_locations) {
if (mExecutionModel == SingleShaderStage::Vertex) {
// Without a location qualifier on vertex outputs, spirv_cross::CompilerMSL
// gives them all the location 0, causing a compile error.
if (!output.has_location) {
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Need location qualifier on vertex output");
} else if (mExecutionModel == SingleShaderStage::Fragment) {
if (output.location >= kMaxColorAttachments) {
"Fragment output location over limits in the SPIRV");
if (mExecutionModel == SingleShaderStage::Fragment) {
std::vector<shaderc_spvc_resource_type_info> output_types;
"Unable to get output stage type information from shader"));
for (const auto& output : output_types) {
if (output.type == shaderc_spvc_texture_format_type_other) {
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Unexpected Fragment output type");
mFragmentOutputFormatBaseTypes[output.location] = ToDawnFormatType(output.type);
return {};
MaybeError ShaderModuleBase::ExtractSpirvInfoWithSpirvCross(
const spirv_cross::Compiler& compiler) {
// TODO(cwallez@chromium.org): make errors here creation errors
// currently errors here do not prevent the shadermodule from being used
const auto& resources = compiler.get_shader_resources();
switch (compiler.get_execution_model()) {
case spv::ExecutionModelVertex:
mExecutionModel = SingleShaderStage::Vertex;
case spv::ExecutionModelFragment:
mExecutionModel = SingleShaderStage::Fragment;
case spv::ExecutionModelGLCompute:
mExecutionModel = SingleShaderStage::Compute;
2017-07-11 01:48:12 +00:00
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Unexpected shader execution model");
if (resources.push_constant_buffers.size() > 0) {
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Push constants aren't supported.");
if (resources.sampled_images.size() > 0) {
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Combined images and samplers aren't supported.");
// Fill in bindingInfo with the SPIRV bindings
auto ExtractResourcesBinding =
[this](const spirv_cross::SmallVector<spirv_cross::Resource>& resources,
const spirv_cross::Compiler& compiler,
wgpu::BindingType bindingType) -> MaybeError {
for (const auto& resource : resources) {
if (!compiler.get_decoration_bitset(resource.id).get(spv::DecorationBinding)) {
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("No Binding decoration set for resource");
if (!compiler.get_decoration_bitset(resource.id)
.get(spv::DecorationDescriptorSet)) {
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("No Descriptor Decoration set for resource");
BindingNumber bindingNumber(
compiler.get_decoration(resource.id, spv::DecorationBinding));
uint32_t set = compiler.get_decoration(resource.id, spv::DecorationDescriptorSet);
if (set >= kMaxBindGroups) {
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Bind group index over limits in the SPIRV");
const auto& it = mBindingInfo[set].emplace(bindingNumber, ShaderBindingInfo{});
if (!it.second) {
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Shader has duplicate bindings");
ShaderBindingInfo* info = &it.first->second;
info->id = resource.id;
info->base_type_id = resource.base_type_id;
switch (bindingType) {
case wgpu::BindingType::SampledTexture: {
spirv_cross::SPIRType::ImageType imageType =
spirv_cross::SPIRType::BaseType textureComponentType =
info->multisampled = imageType.ms;
info->viewDimension =
SpirvDimToTextureViewDimension(imageType.dim, imageType.arrayed);
info->textureComponentType =
info->type = bindingType;
case wgpu::BindingType::StorageBuffer: {
// Differentiate between readonly storage bindings and writable ones
// based on the NonWritable decoration
spirv_cross::Bitset flags = compiler.get_buffer_block_flags(resource.id);
if (flags.get(spv::DecorationNonWritable)) {
info->type = wgpu::BindingType::ReadonlyStorageBuffer;
} else {
info->type = wgpu::BindingType::StorageBuffer;
case wgpu::BindingType::StorageTexture: {
spirv_cross::Bitset flags = compiler.get_decoration_bitset(resource.id);
if (flags.get(spv::DecorationNonReadable)) {
info->type = wgpu::BindingType::WriteonlyStorageTexture;
} else if (flags.get(spv::DecorationNonWritable)) {
info->type = wgpu::BindingType::ReadonlyStorageTexture;
} else {
info->type = wgpu::BindingType::StorageTexture;
spirv_cross::SPIRType::ImageType imageType =
wgpu::TextureFormat storageTextureFormat =
if (storageTextureFormat == wgpu::TextureFormat::Undefined) {
"Invalid image format declaration on storage image");
const Format& format =
if (!format.supportsStorageUsage) {
"The storage texture format is not supported");
info->multisampled = imageType.ms;
info->storageTextureFormat = storageTextureFormat;
info->viewDimension =
Reland "Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors" This reverts commit 7c24b6b2ff192927720a2cfa0fdd2dae1614ee96. Reason for revert: We can reland this CL now as the fix in shaderc has been merged. Note that the declaration whether a storage texture is multisampled or not cannot be extracted correctly in SPVC. The fix in Dawn will be added after it is fixed in shaderc. Original change's description: > Revert "Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors" > > This reverts commit 63f2666ee77c987a56c6be5bfc6bbb10d12a9f63. > > Reason for revert: causes failures in dawn_unittests after Dawn uses SPVC by default. We need a fix in both SPVC and this CL before re-landing. > > Original change's description: > > Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors > > > > This patch adds all the validations on the use of bind group layout with > > read-only storage texture and write-only storage texture in the creation > > of pipeline objects. > > > > 1. GPUBindGroupLayout.bindingType must match the type of the storage > > texture variable (read-only or write-only) in shader. > > 2. GPUBindGroupLayout.storageTextureFormat must be a valid texture > > format that supports STORAGE usage. > > 3. GPUBindGroupLayout.storageTextureFormat must match the storage > > texture format declaration in shader. > > 4. GPUBindGroupLayout.textureDimension must match the storage texture > > dimension declared in shader. > > > > BUG=dawn:267 > > TEST=dawn_unittests > > > > Change-Id: Ifa3c2194dc76de14f790a0a73868e69bbb31c814 > > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17167 > > Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> > > Reviewed-by: Kai Ninomiya <kainino@chromium.org> > > TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,kainino@chromium.org,yunchao.he@intel.com,jiawei.shao@intel.com,shaobo.yan@intel.com,hao.x.li@intel.com,enga@chromium.org,jiajie.hu@intel.com > > Change-Id: Idb4083b11f22fa7e4c5c8477bc4b65b58900746e > No-Presubmit: true > No-Tree-Checks: true > No-Try: true > Bug: dawn:267 > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17380 > Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> > Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,kainino@chromium.org,yunchao.he@intel.com,jiawei.shao@intel.com,shaobo.yan@intel.com,hao.x.li@intel.com,enga@chromium.org,jiajie.hu@intel.com Bug: dawn:267, chromium:1063570 Change-Id: If762cbb206e738f4e54e75c88d506fdf3a44f280 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17461 Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com>
2020-03-24 00:56:53 +00:00
SpirvDimToTextureViewDimension(imageType.dim, imageType.arrayed);
info->type = bindingType;
return {};
DAWN_TRY(ExtractResourcesBinding(resources.uniform_buffers, compiler,
DAWN_TRY(ExtractResourcesBinding(resources.separate_images, compiler,
DAWN_TRY(ExtractResourcesBinding(resources.separate_samplers, compiler,
DAWN_TRY(ExtractResourcesBinding(resources.storage_buffers, compiler,
DAWN_TRY(ExtractResourcesBinding(resources.storage_images, compiler,
// Extract the vertex attributes
if (mExecutionModel == SingleShaderStage::Vertex) {
for (const auto& attrib : resources.stage_inputs) {
if (!(compiler.get_decoration_bitset(attrib.id).get(spv::DecorationLocation))) {
"Unable to find Location decoration for Vertex input");
uint32_t location = compiler.get_decoration(attrib.id, spv::DecorationLocation);
if (location >= kMaxVertexAttributes) {
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Attribute location over limits in the SPIRV");
2017-11-23 18:32:51 +00:00
// Without a location qualifier on vertex outputs, spirv_cross::CompilerMSL gives
// them all the location 0, causing a compile error.
for (const auto& attrib : resources.stage_outputs) {
if (!compiler.get_decoration_bitset(attrib.id).get(spv::DecorationLocation)) {
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Need location qualifier on vertex output");
if (mExecutionModel == SingleShaderStage::Fragment) {
// Without a location qualifier on vertex inputs, spirv_cross::CompilerMSL gives
// them all the location 0, causing a compile error.
for (const auto& attrib : resources.stage_inputs) {
if (!compiler.get_decoration_bitset(attrib.id).get(spv::DecorationLocation)) {
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Need location qualifier on fragment input");
for (const auto& fragmentOutput : resources.stage_outputs) {
if (!compiler.get_decoration_bitset(fragmentOutput.id)
.get(spv::DecorationLocation)) {
"Unable to find Location decoration for Fragment output");
uint32_t location =
compiler.get_decoration(fragmentOutput.id, spv::DecorationLocation);
if (location >= kMaxColorAttachments) {
"Fragment output location over limits in the SPIRV");
spirv_cross::SPIRType::BaseType shaderFragmentOutputBaseType =
Format::Type formatType =
if (formatType == Format::Type::Other) {
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Unexpected Fragment output type");
mFragmentOutputFormatBaseTypes[location] = formatType;
return {};
const ShaderModuleBase::ModuleBindingInfo& ShaderModuleBase::GetBindingInfo() const {
2017-11-23 18:32:51 +00:00
return mBindingInfo;
const std::bitset<kMaxVertexAttributes>& ShaderModuleBase::GetUsedVertexAttributes() const {
2017-11-23 18:32:51 +00:00
return mUsedVertexAttributes;
const ShaderModuleBase::FragmentOutputBaseTypes& ShaderModuleBase::GetFragmentOutputBaseTypes()
const {
return mFragmentOutputFormatBaseTypes;
SingleShaderStage ShaderModuleBase::GetExecutionModel() const {
2017-11-23 18:32:51 +00:00
return mExecutionModel;
MaybeError ShaderModuleBase::ValidateCompatibilityWithPipelineLayout(
const PipelineLayoutBase* layout) const {
for (uint32_t group : IterateBitSet(layout->GetBindGroupLayoutsMask())) {
ValidateCompatibilityWithBindGroupLayout(group, layout->GetBindGroupLayout(group)));
for (uint32_t group : IterateBitSet(~layout->GetBindGroupLayoutsMask())) {
if (mBindingInfo[group].size() > 0) {
std::ostringstream ostream;
ostream << "No bind group layout entry matches the declaration set " << group
<< " in the shader module";
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR(ostream.str());
return {};
MaybeError ShaderModuleBase::ValidateCompatibilityWithBindGroupLayout(
size_t group,
const BindGroupLayoutBase* layout) const {
const BindGroupLayoutBase::BindingMap& bindingMap = layout->GetBindingMap();
// Iterate over all bindings used by this group in the shader, and find the
// corresponding binding in the BindGroupLayout, if it exists.
for (const auto& it : mBindingInfo[group]) {
BindingNumber bindingNumber = it.first;
const ShaderBindingInfo& moduleInfo = it.second;
const auto& bindingIt = bindingMap.find(bindingNumber);
if (bindingIt == bindingMap.end()) {
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Missing bind group layout entry for " +
GetShaderDeclarationString(group, bindingNumber));
BindingIndex bindingIndex(bindingIt->second);
const BindingInfo& bindingInfo = layout->GetBindingInfo(bindingIndex);
if (bindingInfo.type != moduleInfo.type) {
// Binding mismatch between shader and bind group is invalid. For example, a
// writable binding in the shader with a readonly storage buffer in the bind group
// layout is invalid. However, a readonly binding in the shader with a writable
// storage buffer in the bind group layout is valid.
bool validBindingConversion =
bindingInfo.type == wgpu::BindingType::StorageBuffer &&
moduleInfo.type == wgpu::BindingType::ReadonlyStorageBuffer;
// TODO(crbug.com/dawn/367): Temporarily allow using either a sampler or a
// comparison sampler until we can perform the proper shader analysis of what type
// is used in the shader module.
validBindingConversion |= (bindingInfo.type == wgpu::BindingType::Sampler &&
moduleInfo.type == wgpu::BindingType::ComparisonSampler);
validBindingConversion |=
(bindingInfo.type == wgpu::BindingType::ComparisonSampler &&
moduleInfo.type == wgpu::BindingType::Sampler);
if (!validBindingConversion) {
"The binding type of the bind group layout entry conflicts " +
GetShaderDeclarationString(group, bindingNumber));
if ((bindingInfo.visibility & StageBit(mExecutionModel)) == 0) {
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("The bind group layout entry for " +
GetShaderDeclarationString(group, bindingNumber) +
" is not visible for the shader stage");
switch (bindingInfo.type) {
Reland "Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors" This reverts commit 7c24b6b2ff192927720a2cfa0fdd2dae1614ee96. Reason for revert: We can reland this CL now as the fix in shaderc has been merged. Note that the declaration whether a storage texture is multisampled or not cannot be extracted correctly in SPVC. The fix in Dawn will be added after it is fixed in shaderc. Original change's description: > Revert "Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors" > > This reverts commit 63f2666ee77c987a56c6be5bfc6bbb10d12a9f63. > > Reason for revert: causes failures in dawn_unittests after Dawn uses SPVC by default. We need a fix in both SPVC and this CL before re-landing. > > Original change's description: > > Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors > > > > This patch adds all the validations on the use of bind group layout with > > read-only storage texture and write-only storage texture in the creation > > of pipeline objects. > > > > 1. GPUBindGroupLayout.bindingType must match the type of the storage > > texture variable (read-only or write-only) in shader. > > 2. GPUBindGroupLayout.storageTextureFormat must be a valid texture > > format that supports STORAGE usage. > > 3. GPUBindGroupLayout.storageTextureFormat must match the storage > > texture format declaration in shader. > > 4. GPUBindGroupLayout.textureDimension must match the storage texture > > dimension declared in shader. > > > > BUG=dawn:267 > > TEST=dawn_unittests > > > > Change-Id: Ifa3c2194dc76de14f790a0a73868e69bbb31c814 > > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17167 > > Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> > > Reviewed-by: Kai Ninomiya <kainino@chromium.org> > > TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,kainino@chromium.org,yunchao.he@intel.com,jiawei.shao@intel.com,shaobo.yan@intel.com,hao.x.li@intel.com,enga@chromium.org,jiajie.hu@intel.com > > Change-Id: Idb4083b11f22fa7e4c5c8477bc4b65b58900746e > No-Presubmit: true > No-Tree-Checks: true > No-Try: true > Bug: dawn:267 > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17380 > Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> > Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,kainino@chromium.org,yunchao.he@intel.com,jiawei.shao@intel.com,shaobo.yan@intel.com,hao.x.li@intel.com,enga@chromium.org,jiajie.hu@intel.com Bug: dawn:267, chromium:1063570 Change-Id: If762cbb206e738f4e54e75c88d506fdf3a44f280 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17461 Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com>
2020-03-24 00:56:53 +00:00
case wgpu::BindingType::SampledTexture: {
if (bindingInfo.textureComponentType != moduleInfo.textureComponentType) {
"The textureComponentType of the bind group layout entry is different "
"from " +
GetShaderDeclarationString(group, bindingNumber));
Reland "Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors" This reverts commit 7c24b6b2ff192927720a2cfa0fdd2dae1614ee96. Reason for revert: We can reland this CL now as the fix in shaderc has been merged. Note that the declaration whether a storage texture is multisampled or not cannot be extracted correctly in SPVC. The fix in Dawn will be added after it is fixed in shaderc. Original change's description: > Revert "Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors" > > This reverts commit 63f2666ee77c987a56c6be5bfc6bbb10d12a9f63. > > Reason for revert: causes failures in dawn_unittests after Dawn uses SPVC by default. We need a fix in both SPVC and this CL before re-landing. > > Original change's description: > > Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors > > > > This patch adds all the validations on the use of bind group layout with > > read-only storage texture and write-only storage texture in the creation > > of pipeline objects. > > > > 1. GPUBindGroupLayout.bindingType must match the type of the storage > > texture variable (read-only or write-only) in shader. > > 2. GPUBindGroupLayout.storageTextureFormat must be a valid texture > > format that supports STORAGE usage. > > 3. GPUBindGroupLayout.storageTextureFormat must match the storage > > texture format declaration in shader. > > 4. GPUBindGroupLayout.textureDimension must match the storage texture > > dimension declared in shader. > > > > BUG=dawn:267 > > TEST=dawn_unittests > > > > Change-Id: Ifa3c2194dc76de14f790a0a73868e69bbb31c814 > > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17167 > > Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> > > Reviewed-by: Kai Ninomiya <kainino@chromium.org> > > TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,kainino@chromium.org,yunchao.he@intel.com,jiawei.shao@intel.com,shaobo.yan@intel.com,hao.x.li@intel.com,enga@chromium.org,jiajie.hu@intel.com > > Change-Id: Idb4083b11f22fa7e4c5c8477bc4b65b58900746e > No-Presubmit: true > No-Tree-Checks: true > No-Try: true > Bug: dawn:267 > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17380 > Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> > Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,kainino@chromium.org,yunchao.he@intel.com,jiawei.shao@intel.com,shaobo.yan@intel.com,hao.x.li@intel.com,enga@chromium.org,jiajie.hu@intel.com Bug: dawn:267, chromium:1063570 Change-Id: If762cbb206e738f4e54e75c88d506fdf3a44f280 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17461 Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com>
2020-03-24 00:56:53 +00:00
if (bindingInfo.viewDimension != moduleInfo.viewDimension) {
"The viewDimension of the bind group layout entry is different "
"from " +
GetShaderDeclarationString(group, bindingNumber));
Reland "Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors" This reverts commit 7c24b6b2ff192927720a2cfa0fdd2dae1614ee96. Reason for revert: We can reland this CL now as the fix in shaderc has been merged. Note that the declaration whether a storage texture is multisampled or not cannot be extracted correctly in SPVC. The fix in Dawn will be added after it is fixed in shaderc. Original change's description: > Revert "Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors" > > This reverts commit 63f2666ee77c987a56c6be5bfc6bbb10d12a9f63. > > Reason for revert: causes failures in dawn_unittests after Dawn uses SPVC by default. We need a fix in both SPVC and this CL before re-landing. > > Original change's description: > > Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors > > > > This patch adds all the validations on the use of bind group layout with > > read-only storage texture and write-only storage texture in the creation > > of pipeline objects. > > > > 1. GPUBindGroupLayout.bindingType must match the type of the storage > > texture variable (read-only or write-only) in shader. > > 2. GPUBindGroupLayout.storageTextureFormat must be a valid texture > > format that supports STORAGE usage. > > 3. GPUBindGroupLayout.storageTextureFormat must match the storage > > texture format declaration in shader. > > 4. GPUBindGroupLayout.textureDimension must match the storage texture > > dimension declared in shader. > > > > BUG=dawn:267 > > TEST=dawn_unittests > > > > Change-Id: Ifa3c2194dc76de14f790a0a73868e69bbb31c814 > > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17167 > > Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> > > Reviewed-by: Kai Ninomiya <kainino@chromium.org> > > TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,kainino@chromium.org,yunchao.he@intel.com,jiawei.shao@intel.com,shaobo.yan@intel.com,hao.x.li@intel.com,enga@chromium.org,jiajie.hu@intel.com > > Change-Id: Idb4083b11f22fa7e4c5c8477bc4b65b58900746e > No-Presubmit: true > No-Tree-Checks: true > No-Try: true > Bug: dawn:267 > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17380 > Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> > Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,kainino@chromium.org,yunchao.he@intel.com,jiawei.shao@intel.com,shaobo.yan@intel.com,hao.x.li@intel.com,enga@chromium.org,jiajie.hu@intel.com Bug: dawn:267, chromium:1063570 Change-Id: If762cbb206e738f4e54e75c88d506fdf3a44f280 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17461 Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com>
2020-03-24 00:56:53 +00:00
Reland "Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors" This reverts commit 7c24b6b2ff192927720a2cfa0fdd2dae1614ee96. Reason for revert: We can reland this CL now as the fix in shaderc has been merged. Note that the declaration whether a storage texture is multisampled or not cannot be extracted correctly in SPVC. The fix in Dawn will be added after it is fixed in shaderc. Original change's description: > Revert "Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors" > > This reverts commit 63f2666ee77c987a56c6be5bfc6bbb10d12a9f63. > > Reason for revert: causes failures in dawn_unittests after Dawn uses SPVC by default. We need a fix in both SPVC and this CL before re-landing. > > Original change's description: > > Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors > > > > This patch adds all the validations on the use of bind group layout with > > read-only storage texture and write-only storage texture in the creation > > of pipeline objects. > > > > 1. GPUBindGroupLayout.bindingType must match the type of the storage > > texture variable (read-only or write-only) in shader. > > 2. GPUBindGroupLayout.storageTextureFormat must be a valid texture > > format that supports STORAGE usage. > > 3. GPUBindGroupLayout.storageTextureFormat must match the storage > > texture format declaration in shader. > > 4. GPUBindGroupLayout.textureDimension must match the storage texture > > dimension declared in shader. > > > > BUG=dawn:267 > > TEST=dawn_unittests > > > > Change-Id: Ifa3c2194dc76de14f790a0a73868e69bbb31c814 > > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17167 > > Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> > > Reviewed-by: Kai Ninomiya <kainino@chromium.org> > > TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,kainino@chromium.org,yunchao.he@intel.com,jiawei.shao@intel.com,shaobo.yan@intel.com,hao.x.li@intel.com,enga@chromium.org,jiajie.hu@intel.com > > Change-Id: Idb4083b11f22fa7e4c5c8477bc4b65b58900746e > No-Presubmit: true > No-Tree-Checks: true > No-Try: true > Bug: dawn:267 > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17380 > Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> > Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,kainino@chromium.org,yunchao.he@intel.com,jiawei.shao@intel.com,shaobo.yan@intel.com,hao.x.li@intel.com,enga@chromium.org,jiajie.hu@intel.com Bug: dawn:267, chromium:1063570 Change-Id: If762cbb206e738f4e54e75c88d506fdf3a44f280 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17461 Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com>
2020-03-24 00:56:53 +00:00
case wgpu::BindingType::ReadonlyStorageTexture:
case wgpu::BindingType::WriteonlyStorageTexture: {
ASSERT(bindingInfo.storageTextureFormat != wgpu::TextureFormat::Undefined);
Reland "Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors" This reverts commit 7c24b6b2ff192927720a2cfa0fdd2dae1614ee96. Reason for revert: We can reland this CL now as the fix in shaderc has been merged. Note that the declaration whether a storage texture is multisampled or not cannot be extracted correctly in SPVC. The fix in Dawn will be added after it is fixed in shaderc. Original change's description: > Revert "Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors" > > This reverts commit 63f2666ee77c987a56c6be5bfc6bbb10d12a9f63. > > Reason for revert: causes failures in dawn_unittests after Dawn uses SPVC by default. We need a fix in both SPVC and this CL before re-landing. > > Original change's description: > > Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors > > > > This patch adds all the validations on the use of bind group layout with > > read-only storage texture and write-only storage texture in the creation > > of pipeline objects. > > > > 1. GPUBindGroupLayout.bindingType must match the type of the storage > > texture variable (read-only or write-only) in shader. > > 2. GPUBindGroupLayout.storageTextureFormat must be a valid texture > > format that supports STORAGE usage. > > 3. GPUBindGroupLayout.storageTextureFormat must match the storage > > texture format declaration in shader. > > 4. GPUBindGroupLayout.textureDimension must match the storage texture > > dimension declared in shader. > > > > BUG=dawn:267 > > TEST=dawn_unittests > > > > Change-Id: Ifa3c2194dc76de14f790a0a73868e69bbb31c814 > > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17167 > > Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> > > Reviewed-by: Kai Ninomiya <kainino@chromium.org> > > TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,kainino@chromium.org,yunchao.he@intel.com,jiawei.shao@intel.com,shaobo.yan@intel.com,hao.x.li@intel.com,enga@chromium.org,jiajie.hu@intel.com > > Change-Id: Idb4083b11f22fa7e4c5c8477bc4b65b58900746e > No-Presubmit: true > No-Tree-Checks: true > No-Try: true > Bug: dawn:267 > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17380 > Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> > Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,kainino@chromium.org,yunchao.he@intel.com,jiawei.shao@intel.com,shaobo.yan@intel.com,hao.x.li@intel.com,enga@chromium.org,jiajie.hu@intel.com Bug: dawn:267, chromium:1063570 Change-Id: If762cbb206e738f4e54e75c88d506fdf3a44f280 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17461 Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com>
2020-03-24 00:56:53 +00:00
ASSERT(moduleInfo.storageTextureFormat != wgpu::TextureFormat::Undefined);
if (bindingInfo.storageTextureFormat != moduleInfo.storageTextureFormat) {
"The storageTextureFormat of the bind group layout entry is different "
"from " +
GetShaderDeclarationString(group, bindingNumber));
Reland "Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors" This reverts commit 7c24b6b2ff192927720a2cfa0fdd2dae1614ee96. Reason for revert: We can reland this CL now as the fix in shaderc has been merged. Note that the declaration whether a storage texture is multisampled or not cannot be extracted correctly in SPVC. The fix in Dawn will be added after it is fixed in shaderc. Original change's description: > Revert "Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors" > > This reverts commit 63f2666ee77c987a56c6be5bfc6bbb10d12a9f63. > > Reason for revert: causes failures in dawn_unittests after Dawn uses SPVC by default. We need a fix in both SPVC and this CL before re-landing. > > Original change's description: > > Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors > > > > This patch adds all the validations on the use of bind group layout with > > read-only storage texture and write-only storage texture in the creation > > of pipeline objects. > > > > 1. GPUBindGroupLayout.bindingType must match the type of the storage > > texture variable (read-only or write-only) in shader. > > 2. GPUBindGroupLayout.storageTextureFormat must be a valid texture > > format that supports STORAGE usage. > > 3. GPUBindGroupLayout.storageTextureFormat must match the storage > > texture format declaration in shader. > > 4. GPUBindGroupLayout.textureDimension must match the storage texture > > dimension declared in shader. > > > > BUG=dawn:267 > > TEST=dawn_unittests > > > > Change-Id: Ifa3c2194dc76de14f790a0a73868e69bbb31c814 > > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17167 > > Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> > > Reviewed-by: Kai Ninomiya <kainino@chromium.org> > > TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,kainino@chromium.org,yunchao.he@intel.com,jiawei.shao@intel.com,shaobo.yan@intel.com,hao.x.li@intel.com,enga@chromium.org,jiajie.hu@intel.com > > Change-Id: Idb4083b11f22fa7e4c5c8477bc4b65b58900746e > No-Presubmit: true > No-Tree-Checks: true > No-Try: true > Bug: dawn:267 > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17380 > Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> > Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,kainino@chromium.org,yunchao.he@intel.com,jiawei.shao@intel.com,shaobo.yan@intel.com,hao.x.li@intel.com,enga@chromium.org,jiajie.hu@intel.com Bug: dawn:267, chromium:1063570 Change-Id: If762cbb206e738f4e54e75c88d506fdf3a44f280 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17461 Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com>
2020-03-24 00:56:53 +00:00
if (bindingInfo.viewDimension != moduleInfo.viewDimension) {
"The viewDimension of the bind group layout entry is different "
"from " +
GetShaderDeclarationString(group, bindingNumber));
Reland "Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors" This reverts commit 7c24b6b2ff192927720a2cfa0fdd2dae1614ee96. Reason for revert: We can reland this CL now as the fix in shaderc has been merged. Note that the declaration whether a storage texture is multisampled or not cannot be extracted correctly in SPVC. The fix in Dawn will be added after it is fixed in shaderc. Original change's description: > Revert "Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors" > > This reverts commit 63f2666ee77c987a56c6be5bfc6bbb10d12a9f63. > > Reason for revert: causes failures in dawn_unittests after Dawn uses SPVC by default. We need a fix in both SPVC and this CL before re-landing. > > Original change's description: > > Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors > > > > This patch adds all the validations on the use of bind group layout with > > read-only storage texture and write-only storage texture in the creation > > of pipeline objects. > > > > 1. GPUBindGroupLayout.bindingType must match the type of the storage > > texture variable (read-only or write-only) in shader. > > 2. GPUBindGroupLayout.storageTextureFormat must be a valid texture > > format that supports STORAGE usage. > > 3. GPUBindGroupLayout.storageTextureFormat must match the storage > > texture format declaration in shader. > > 4. GPUBindGroupLayout.textureDimension must match the storage texture > > dimension declared in shader. > > > > BUG=dawn:267 > > TEST=dawn_unittests > > > > Change-Id: Ifa3c2194dc76de14f790a0a73868e69bbb31c814 > > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17167 > > Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> > > Reviewed-by: Kai Ninomiya <kainino@chromium.org> > > TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,kainino@chromium.org,yunchao.he@intel.com,jiawei.shao@intel.com,shaobo.yan@intel.com,hao.x.li@intel.com,enga@chromium.org,jiajie.hu@intel.com > > Change-Id: Idb4083b11f22fa7e4c5c8477bc4b65b58900746e > No-Presubmit: true > No-Tree-Checks: true > No-Try: true > Bug: dawn:267 > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17380 > Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> > Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,kainino@chromium.org,yunchao.he@intel.com,jiawei.shao@intel.com,shaobo.yan@intel.com,hao.x.li@intel.com,enga@chromium.org,jiajie.hu@intel.com Bug: dawn:267, chromium:1063570 Change-Id: If762cbb206e738f4e54e75c88d506fdf3a44f280 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17461 Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com>
2020-03-24 00:56:53 +00:00
Reland "Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors" This reverts commit 7c24b6b2ff192927720a2cfa0fdd2dae1614ee96. Reason for revert: We can reland this CL now as the fix in shaderc has been merged. Note that the declaration whether a storage texture is multisampled or not cannot be extracted correctly in SPVC. The fix in Dawn will be added after it is fixed in shaderc. Original change's description: > Revert "Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors" > > This reverts commit 63f2666ee77c987a56c6be5bfc6bbb10d12a9f63. > > Reason for revert: causes failures in dawn_unittests after Dawn uses SPVC by default. We need a fix in both SPVC and this CL before re-landing. > > Original change's description: > > Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors > > > > This patch adds all the validations on the use of bind group layout with > > read-only storage texture and write-only storage texture in the creation > > of pipeline objects. > > > > 1. GPUBindGroupLayout.bindingType must match the type of the storage > > texture variable (read-only or write-only) in shader. > > 2. GPUBindGroupLayout.storageTextureFormat must be a valid texture > > format that supports STORAGE usage. > > 3. GPUBindGroupLayout.storageTextureFormat must match the storage > > texture format declaration in shader. > > 4. GPUBindGroupLayout.textureDimension must match the storage texture > > dimension declared in shader. > > > > BUG=dawn:267 > > TEST=dawn_unittests > > > > Change-Id: Ifa3c2194dc76de14f790a0a73868e69bbb31c814 > > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17167 > > Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> > > Reviewed-by: Kai Ninomiya <kainino@chromium.org> > > TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,kainino@chromium.org,yunchao.he@intel.com,jiawei.shao@intel.com,shaobo.yan@intel.com,hao.x.li@intel.com,enga@chromium.org,jiajie.hu@intel.com > > Change-Id: Idb4083b11f22fa7e4c5c8477bc4b65b58900746e > No-Presubmit: true > No-Tree-Checks: true > No-Try: true > Bug: dawn:267 > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17380 > Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> > Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,kainino@chromium.org,yunchao.he@intel.com,jiawei.shao@intel.com,shaobo.yan@intel.com,hao.x.li@intel.com,enga@chromium.org,jiajie.hu@intel.com Bug: dawn:267, chromium:1063570 Change-Id: If762cbb206e738f4e54e75c88d506fdf3a44f280 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17461 Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com>
2020-03-24 00:56:53 +00:00
case wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer:
case wgpu::BindingType::ReadonlyStorageBuffer:
case wgpu::BindingType::StorageBuffer:
case wgpu::BindingType::Sampler:
case wgpu::BindingType::ComparisonSampler:
Reland "Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors" This reverts commit 7c24b6b2ff192927720a2cfa0fdd2dae1614ee96. Reason for revert: We can reland this CL now as the fix in shaderc has been merged. Note that the declaration whether a storage texture is multisampled or not cannot be extracted correctly in SPVC. The fix in Dawn will be added after it is fixed in shaderc. Original change's description: > Revert "Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors" > > This reverts commit 63f2666ee77c987a56c6be5bfc6bbb10d12a9f63. > > Reason for revert: causes failures in dawn_unittests after Dawn uses SPVC by default. We need a fix in both SPVC and this CL before re-landing. > > Original change's description: > > Check bind group layout with storage texture in pipeline descriptors > > > > This patch adds all the validations on the use of bind group layout with > > read-only storage texture and write-only storage texture in the creation > > of pipeline objects. > > > > 1. GPUBindGroupLayout.bindingType must match the type of the storage > > texture variable (read-only or write-only) in shader. > > 2. GPUBindGroupLayout.storageTextureFormat must be a valid texture > > format that supports STORAGE usage. > > 3. GPUBindGroupLayout.storageTextureFormat must match the storage > > texture format declaration in shader. > > 4. GPUBindGroupLayout.textureDimension must match the storage texture > > dimension declared in shader. > > > > BUG=dawn:267 > > TEST=dawn_unittests > > > > Change-Id: Ifa3c2194dc76de14f790a0a73868e69bbb31c814 > > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17167 > > Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> > > Reviewed-by: Kai Ninomiya <kainino@chromium.org> > > TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,kainino@chromium.org,yunchao.he@intel.com,jiawei.shao@intel.com,shaobo.yan@intel.com,hao.x.li@intel.com,enga@chromium.org,jiajie.hu@intel.com > > Change-Id: Idb4083b11f22fa7e4c5c8477bc4b65b58900746e > No-Presubmit: true > No-Tree-Checks: true > No-Try: true > Bug: dawn:267 > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17380 > Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> > Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,kainino@chromium.org,yunchao.he@intel.com,jiawei.shao@intel.com,shaobo.yan@intel.com,hao.x.li@intel.com,enga@chromium.org,jiajie.hu@intel.com Bug: dawn:267, chromium:1063570 Change-Id: If762cbb206e738f4e54e75c88d506fdf3a44f280 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/17461 Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com> Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> Commit-Queue: Jiawei Shao <jiawei.shao@intel.com>
2020-03-24 00:56:53 +00:00
case wgpu::BindingType::StorageTexture:
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Unsupported binding type");
return {};
size_t ShaderModuleBase::HashFunc::operator()(const ShaderModuleBase* module) const {
size_t hash = 0;
for (uint32_t word : module->mSpirv) {
HashCombine(&hash, word);
return hash;
bool ShaderModuleBase::EqualityFunc::operator()(const ShaderModuleBase* a,
const ShaderModuleBase* b) const {
return a->mSpirv == b->mSpirv;
MaybeError ShaderModuleBase::CheckSpvcSuccess(shaderc_spvc_status status,
const char* error_msg) {
if (status != shaderc_spvc_status_success) {
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR(error_msg);
return {};
shaderc_spvc::Context* ShaderModuleBase::GetContext() {
return &mSpvcContext;
const std::vector<uint32_t>& ShaderModuleBase::GetSpirv() const {
return mSpirv;
shaderc_spvc::CompileOptions ShaderModuleBase::GetCompileOptions() const {
shaderc_spvc::CompileOptions options;
return options;
MaybeError ShaderModuleBase::InitializeBase() {
if (mType == Type::Wgsl) {
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(mSpirv, ConvertWGSLToSPIRV(mWgsl.c_str()));
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("WGSL not supported (yet)");
return {};
} // namespace dawn_native