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// Copyright 2017 The Dawn Authors
2017-05-30 17:03:44 -07:00
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "dawn/native/Device.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <mutex>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "dawn/common/Log.h"
#include "dawn/common/Version_autogen.h"
#include "dawn/native/AsyncTask.h"
#include "dawn/native/AttachmentState.h"
#include "dawn/native/BindGroup.h"
#include "dawn/native/BindGroupLayout.h"
#include "dawn/native/BlitBufferToDepthStencil.h"
#include "dawn/native/BlobCache.h"
#include "dawn/native/Buffer.h"
#include "dawn/native/ChainUtils_autogen.h"
#include "dawn/native/CommandBuffer.h"
#include "dawn/native/CommandEncoder.h"
#include "dawn/native/CompilationMessages.h"
#include "dawn/native/CreatePipelineAsyncTask.h"
#include "dawn/native/DynamicUploader.h"
#include "dawn/native/ErrorData.h"
#include "dawn/native/ErrorInjector.h"
#include "dawn/native/ErrorScope.h"
#include "dawn/native/ExternalTexture.h"
#include "dawn/native/Instance.h"
#include "dawn/native/InternalPipelineStore.h"
#include "dawn/native/ObjectType_autogen.h"
#include "dawn/native/PhysicalDevice.h"
#include "dawn/native/PipelineCache.h"
#include "dawn/native/QuerySet.h"
#include "dawn/native/Queue.h"
#include "dawn/native/RenderBundleEncoder.h"
#include "dawn/native/RenderPipeline.h"
#include "dawn/native/Sampler.h"
#include "dawn/native/Surface.h"
#include "dawn/native/SwapChain.h"
#include "dawn/native/Texture.h"
#include "dawn/native/ValidationUtils_autogen.h"
#include "dawn/native/utils/WGPUHelpers.h"
#include "dawn/platform/DawnPlatform.h"
#include "dawn/platform/tracing/TraceEvent.h"
2017-05-30 17:03:44 -07:00
namespace dawn::native {
2017-05-30 17:03:44 -07:00
// DeviceBase sub-structures
// The caches are unordered_sets of pointers with special hash and compare functions
// to compare the value of the objects, instead of the pointers.
template <typename Object>
using ContentLessObjectCache =
std::unordered_set<Object*, typename Object::HashFunc, typename Object::EqualityFunc>;
struct DeviceBase::Caches {
~Caches() {
ContentLessObjectCache<AttachmentStateBlueprint> attachmentStates;
ContentLessObjectCache<BindGroupLayoutBase> bindGroupLayouts;
ContentLessObjectCache<ComputePipelineBase> computePipelines;
ContentLessObjectCache<PipelineLayoutBase> pipelineLayouts;
ContentLessObjectCache<RenderPipelineBase> renderPipelines;
ContentLessObjectCache<SamplerBase> samplers;
ContentLessObjectCache<ShaderModuleBase> shaderModules;
struct DeviceBase::DeprecationWarnings {
std::unordered_set<std::string> emitted;
size_t count = 0;
namespace {
struct LoggingCallbackTask : CallbackTask {
LoggingCallbackTask() = delete;
LoggingCallbackTask(wgpu::LoggingCallback loggingCallback,
WGPULoggingType loggingType,
const char* message,
void* userdata)
: mCallback(loggingCallback),
mUserdata(userdata) {
// Since the FinishImpl() will be called in uncertain future in which time the message
// may already disposed, we must keep a local copy in the CallbackTask.
void FinishImpl() override { mCallback(mLoggingType, mMessage.c_str(), mUserdata); }
void HandleShutDownImpl() override {
// Do the logging anyway
mCallback(mLoggingType, mMessage.c_str(), mUserdata);
void HandleDeviceLossImpl() override { mCallback(mLoggingType, mMessage.c_str(), mUserdata); }
// As all deferred callback tasks will be triggered before modifying the registered
// callback or shutting down, we are ensured that callback function and userdata pointer
// stored in tasks is valid when triggered.
wgpu::LoggingCallback mCallback;
WGPULoggingType mLoggingType;
std::string mMessage;
void* mUserdata;
} // anonymous namespace
ResultOrError<Ref<PipelineLayoutBase>> ValidateLayoutAndGetComputePipelineDescriptorWithDefaults(
DeviceBase* device,
const ComputePipelineDescriptor& descriptor,
ComputePipelineDescriptor* outDescriptor) {
Ref<PipelineLayoutBase> layoutRef;
*outDescriptor = descriptor;
if (outDescriptor->layout == nullptr) {
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(layoutRef, PipelineLayoutBase::CreateDefault(
device, {{
outDescriptor->layout = layoutRef.Get();
return layoutRef;
ResultOrError<Ref<PipelineLayoutBase>> ValidateLayoutAndGetRenderPipelineDescriptorWithDefaults(
DeviceBase* device,
const RenderPipelineDescriptor& descriptor,
RenderPipelineDescriptor* outDescriptor) {
Ref<PipelineLayoutBase> layoutRef;
*outDescriptor = descriptor;
if (descriptor.layout == nullptr) {
// Ref will keep the pipeline layout alive until the end of the function where
// the pipeline will take another reference.
device, GetRenderStagesAndSetPlaceholderShader(device, &descriptor)));
outDescriptor->layout = layoutRef.Get();
return layoutRef;
// DeviceBase
2022-09-07 17:11:04 -07:00
DeviceBase::DeviceBase(AdapterBase* adapter,
const DeviceDescriptor* descriptor,
const TogglesState& deviceToggles)
: mAdapter(adapter), mToggles(deviceToggles), mNextPipelineCompatibilityToken(1) {
ASSERT(descriptor != nullptr);
mDeviceLostCallback = descriptor->deviceLostCallback;
mDeviceLostUserdata = descriptor->deviceLostUserdata;
AdapterProperties adapterProperties;
DawnCacheDeviceDescriptor defaultCacheDesc = {};
const DawnCacheDeviceDescriptor* cacheDesc = nullptr;
FindInChain(descriptor->nextInChain, &cacheDesc);
if (cacheDesc == nullptr) {
cacheDesc = &defaultCacheDesc;
if (descriptor->requiredLimits != nullptr) {
mLimits.v1 = ReifyDefaultLimits(descriptor->requiredLimits->limits);
} else {
mFormatTable = BuildFormatTable(this);
if (descriptor->label != nullptr && strlen(descriptor->label) != 0) {
mLabel = descriptor->label;
2017-05-30 17:03:44 -07:00
// Record the cache key from the properties. Note that currently, if a new extension
// descriptor is added (and probably handled here), the cache key recording needs to be
// updated.
StreamIn(&mDeviceCacheKey, kDawnVersion, adapterProperties, mEnabledFeatures.featuresBitSet,
mToggles, cacheDesc);
DeviceBase::DeviceBase() : mState(State::Alive), mToggles(ToggleStage::Device) {
mFormatTable = BuildFormatTable(this);
DeviceBase::~DeviceBase() {
// We need to explicitly release the Queue before we complete the destructor so that the
// Queue does not get destroyed after the Device.
mQueue = nullptr;
MaybeError DeviceBase::Initialize(Ref<QueueBase> defaultQueue) {
mQueue = std::move(defaultQueue);
mUncapturedErrorCallback = [](WGPUErrorType, char const*, void*) {
static bool calledOnce = false;
if (!calledOnce) {
calledOnce = true;
dawn::WarningLog() << "No Dawn device uncaptured error callback was set. This is "
"probably not intended. If you really want to ignore errors "
"and suppress this message, set the callback to null.";
if (!mDeviceLostCallback) {
mDeviceLostCallback = [](WGPUDeviceLostReason, char const*, void*) {
static bool calledOnce = false;
if (!calledOnce) {
calledOnce = true;
dawn::WarningLog() << "No Dawn device lost callback was set. This is probably not "
"intended. If you really want to ignore device lost "
"and suppress this message, set the callback to null.";
mCaches = std::make_unique<DeviceBase::Caches>();
mErrorScopeStack = std::make_unique<ErrorScopeStack>();
mDynamicUploader = std::make_unique<DynamicUploader>(this);
mCallbackTaskManager = AcquireRef(new CallbackTaskManager());
mDeprecationWarnings = std::make_unique<DeprecationWarnings>();
mInternalPipelineStore = std::make_unique<InternalPipelineStore>(this);
ASSERT(GetPlatform() != nullptr);
mWorkerTaskPool = GetPlatform()->CreateWorkerTaskPool();
mAsyncTaskManager = std::make_unique<AsyncTaskManager>(mWorkerTaskPool.get());
// Starting from now the backend can start doing reentrant calls so the device is marked as
// alive.
mState = State::Alive;
Simplify the device lifecycle. What was previously the Device's loss status is now a state that also contains the "being created" state. Its transitions are entirely handled in the frontend which enforces somewhat uniform lifecycles between backends. The backend devices' ShutDownImpl() function is now guaranteed to be called only during the destructor, which leads to further simplification. Previously Destroy() could also be called when the device was first lost. This require complications because, for example, a WGPUBuffer could still exist, and would want to call some resource allocator service after the call to Destroy(). Now destruction of the device's backing API objects is deferred to the destructor. (that's ok as long as the application can't submit any more work). WaitForCompletion is now guaranteed to be called before ShutDownImpl() iff the call to DeviceBase::Initialize was succesful and the backing device not lost. The idea is that after DeviceBase::Initialize, the GPU can have some work enqueued and we need to wait for it to complete before deleting backing API objects. In the future we might also have backend be reentrant, using WebGPU itself to implement parts of the backend. Reentrant calls would only be allowed after DeviceBase::Initialize. Also the DynamicUploader that was special-cased in all backends is now handled entirely by the frontend. Bug: dawn:373 Change-Id: I985417d67727ea3bc11849c999c5ef0e02403223 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/18801 Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <cwallez@chromium.org> Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org>
2020-04-07 09:19:47 -07:00
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(mEmptyBindGroupLayout, CreateEmptyBindGroupLayout());
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(mEmptyPipelineLayout, CreateEmptyPipelineLayout());
// If placeholder fragment shader module is needed, initialize it
if (IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::UsePlaceholderFragmentInVertexOnlyPipeline)) {
// The empty fragment shader, used as a work around for vertex-only render pipeline
constexpr char kEmptyFragmentShader[] = R"(
@fragment fn fs_empty_main() {}
ShaderModuleDescriptor descriptor;
ShaderModuleWGSLDescriptor wgslDesc;
wgslDesc.code = kEmptyFragmentShader;
descriptor.nextInChain = &wgslDesc;
if (HasFeature(Feature::ImplicitDeviceSynchronization)) {
mMutex = AcquireRef(new Mutex);
} else {
mMutex = nullptr;
// mAdapter is not set for mock test devices.
// TODO(crbug.com/dawn/1702): using a mock adapter could avoid the null checking.
if (mAdapter != nullptr) {
return {};
void DeviceBase::WillDropLastExternalRef() {
// This will be invoked by API side, so we need to lock.
// Note: we cannot hold the lock when flushing the callbacks so have to limit the scope of
// the lock.
auto deviceLock(GetScopedLock());
// DeviceBase uses RefCountedWithExternalCount to break refcycles.
// DeviceBase holds multiple Refs to various API objects (pipelines, buffers, etc.) which
// are used to implement various device-level facilities. These objects are cached on the
// device, so we want to keep them around instead of making transient allocations. However,
// many of the objects also hold a Ref<Device> back to their parent device.
// In order to break this cycle and prevent leaks, when the application drops the last
// external ref and WillDropLastExternalRef is called, the device clears out any member refs
// to API objects that hold back-refs to the device - thus breaking any reference cycles.
// Currently, this is done by calling Destroy on the device to cease all in-flight work and
// drop references to internal objects. We may want to lift this in the future, but it would
// make things more complex because there might be pending tasks which hold a ref back to
// the device - either directly or indirectly. We would need to ensure those tasks don't
// create new reference cycles, and we would need to continuously try draining the pending
// tasks to clear out all remaining refs.
// Flush last remaining callback tasks.
do {
} while (!mCallbackTaskManager->IsEmpty());
auto deviceLock(GetScopedLock());
// Drop te device's reference to the queue. Because the application dropped the last external
// references, they can no longer get the queue from APIGetQueue().
mQueue = nullptr;
// Reset callbacks since after this, since after dropping the last external reference, the
// application may have freed any device-scope memory needed to run the callback.
mUncapturedErrorCallback = [](WGPUErrorType, char const* message, void*) {
dawn::WarningLog() << "Uncaptured error after last external device reference dropped.\n"
<< message;
mDeviceLostCallback = [](WGPUDeviceLostReason, char const* message, void*) {
dawn::WarningLog() << "Device lost after last external device reference dropped.\n"
<< message;
// mAdapter is not set for mock test devices.
// TODO(crbug.com/dawn/1702): using a mock adapter could avoid the null checking.
if (mAdapter != nullptr) {
// Once last external ref dropped, all callbacks should be forwarded to Instance's callback
// queue instead.
mCallbackTaskManager =
void DeviceBase::DestroyObjects() {
// List of object types in reverse "dependency" order so we can iterate and delete the
// objects safely. We define dependent here such that if B has a ref to A, then B depends on
// A. We therefore try to destroy B before destroying A. Note that this only considers the
// immediate frontend dependencies, while backend objects could add complications and extra
// dependencies.
// Note that AttachmentState is not an ApiObject so it cannot be eagerly destroyed. However,
// since AttachmentStates are cached by the device, objects that hold references to
// AttachmentStates should make sure to un-ref them in their Destroy operation so that we
// can destroy the frontend cache.
// clang-format off
static constexpr std::array<ObjectType, 18> kObjectTypeDependencyOrder = {
ObjectType::Texture, // Note that Textures own the TextureViews.
// clang-format on
for (ObjectType type : kObjectTypeDependencyOrder) {
void DeviceBase::Destroy() {
// Skip if we are already destroyed.
if (mState == State::Destroyed) {
// This function may be called re-entrantly inside APITick(). Tick triggers callbacks
// inside which the application may destroy the device. Thus, we should be careful not
// to delete objects that are needed inside Tick after callbacks have been called.
// - mCallbackTaskManager is not deleted since we flush the callback queue at the end
// of Tick(). Note: that flush should always be emtpy since all callbacks are drained
// inside Destroy() so there should be no outstanding tasks holding objects alive.
// - Similiarly, mAsyncTaskManager is not deleted since we use it to return a status
// from Tick() whether or not there is any more pending work.
// Skip handling device facilities if they haven't even been created (or failed doing so)
if (mState != State::BeingCreated) {
// The device is being destroyed so it will be lost, call the application callback.
if (mDeviceLostCallback != nullptr) {
std::bind(mDeviceLostCallback, WGPUDeviceLostReason_Destroyed,
"Device was destroyed.", mDeviceLostUserdata));
mDeviceLostCallback = nullptr;
// Call all the callbacks immediately as the device is about to shut down.
// TODO(crbug.com/dawn/826): Cancel the tasks that are in flight if possible.
// Disconnect the device, depending on which state we are currently in.
switch (mState) {
case State::BeingCreated:
// The GPU timeline was never started so we don't have to wait.
Simplify the device lifecycle. What was previously the Device's loss status is now a state that also contains the "being created" state. Its transitions are entirely handled in the frontend which enforces somewhat uniform lifecycles between backends. The backend devices' ShutDownImpl() function is now guaranteed to be called only during the destructor, which leads to further simplification. Previously Destroy() could also be called when the device was first lost. This require complications because, for example, a WGPUBuffer could still exist, and would want to call some resource allocator service after the call to Destroy(). Now destruction of the device's backing API objects is deferred to the destructor. (that's ok as long as the application can't submit any more work). WaitForCompletion is now guaranteed to be called before ShutDownImpl() iff the call to DeviceBase::Initialize was succesful and the backing device not lost. The idea is that after DeviceBase::Initialize, the GPU can have some work enqueued and we need to wait for it to complete before deleting backing API objects. In the future we might also have backend be reentrant, using WebGPU itself to implement parts of the backend. Reentrant calls would only be allowed after DeviceBase::Initialize. Also the DynamicUploader that was special-cased in all backends is now handled entirely by the frontend. Bug: dawn:373 Change-Id: I985417d67727ea3bc11849c999c5ef0e02403223 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/18801 Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <cwallez@chromium.org> Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org>
2020-04-07 09:19:47 -07:00
case State::Alive:
// Alive is the only state which can have GPU work happening. Wait for all of it to
// complete before proceeding with destruction.
// Ignore errors so that we can continue with destruction
case State::BeingDisconnected:
// Getting disconnected is a transient state happening in a single API call so there
// is always an external reference keeping the Device alive, which means the
// destructor cannot run while BeingDisconnected.
case State::Disconnected:
case State::Destroyed:
// If we are already destroyed we should've skipped this work entirely.
ASSERT(mCompletedSerial == mLastSubmittedSerial);
if (mState != State::BeingCreated) {
// The GPU timeline is finished.
// Finish destroying all objects owned by the device and tick the queue-related tasks
// since they should be complete. This must be done before DestroyImpl() it may
// relinquish resources that will be freed by backends in the DestroyImpl() call.
// Call TickImpl once last time to clean up resources
// Ignore errors so that we can continue with destruction
// At this point GPU operations are always finished, so we are in the disconnected state.
// Note that currently this state change is required because some of the backend
// implementations of DestroyImpl checks that we are disconnected before doing work.
mState = State::Disconnected;
// Note: mQueue is not released here since the application may still get it after calling
// Destroy() via APIGetQueue.
mDynamicUploader = nullptr;
mEmptyBindGroupLayout = nullptr;
mEmptyPipelineLayout = nullptr;
mInternalPipelineStore = nullptr;
mExternalTexturePlaceholderView = nullptr;
// Now that the GPU timeline is empty, destroy the backend device.
mCaches = nullptr;
mState = State::Destroyed;
void DeviceBase::APIDestroy() {
void DeviceBase::HandleError(std::unique_ptr<ErrorData> error,
InternalErrorType additionalAllowedErrors,
WGPUDeviceLostReason lost_reason) {
InternalErrorType allowedErrors =
InternalErrorType::Validation | InternalErrorType::DeviceLost | additionalAllowedErrors;
InternalErrorType type = error->GetType();
if (type == InternalErrorType::DeviceLost) {
mState = State::Disconnected;
2017-05-30 17:03:44 -07:00
// If the ErrorInjector is enabled, then the device loss might be fake and the device
// still be executing commands. Force a wait for idle in this case, with State being
// Disconnected so we can detect this case in WaitForIdleForDestruction.
if (ErrorInjectorEnabled()) {
// A real device lost happened. Set the state to disconnected as the device cannot be
// used. Also tags all commands as completed since the device stopped running.
} else if (!(allowedErrors & type)) {
// If we receive an error which we did not explicitly allow, assume the backend can't
// recover and proceed with device destruction. We first wait for all previous commands to
// be completed so that backend objects can be freed immediately, before handling the loss.
error->AppendContext("handling unexpected error type %s when allowed errors are %s.", type,
// Move away from the Alive state so that the application cannot use this device
// anymore.
// TODO(crbug.com/dawn/831): Do we need atomics for this to become visible to other
// threads in a multithreaded scenario?
mState = State::BeingDisconnected;
// Ignore errors so that we can continue with destruction
// Assume all commands are complete after WaitForIdleForDestruction (because they were)
mState = State::Disconnected;
// Now everything is as if the device was lost.
type = InternalErrorType::DeviceLost;
// TODO(lokokung) Update call sites that take the c-string to take string_view.
const std::string messageStr = error->GetFormattedMessage();
if (type == InternalErrorType::DeviceLost) {
// The device was lost, schedule the application callback's executation.
// Note: we don't invoke the callbacks directly here because it could cause re-entrances ->
// possible deadlock.
if (mDeviceLostCallback != nullptr) {
mCallbackTaskManager->AddCallbackTask([callback = mDeviceLostCallback, lost_reason,
messageStr, userdata = mDeviceLostUserdata] {
callback(lost_reason, messageStr.c_str(), userdata);
mDeviceLostCallback = nullptr;
// TODO(crbug.com/dawn/826): Cancel the tasks that are in flight if possible.
// Still forward device loss errors to the error scopes so they all reject.
mErrorScopeStack->HandleError(ToWGPUErrorType(type), messageStr.c_str());
} else {
// Pass the error to the error scope stack and call the uncaptured error callback
// if it isn't handled. DeviceLost is not handled here because it should be
// handled by the lost callback.
bool captured = mErrorScopeStack->HandleError(ToWGPUErrorType(type), messageStr.c_str());
if (!captured && mUncapturedErrorCallback != nullptr) {
mCallbackTaskManager->AddCallbackTask([callback = mUncapturedErrorCallback, type,
userdata = mUncapturedErrorUserdata] {
callback(static_cast<WGPUErrorType>(ToWGPUErrorType(type)), messageStr.c_str(),
void DeviceBase::ConsumeError(std::unique_ptr<ErrorData> error,
InternalErrorType additionalAllowedErrors) {
ASSERT(error != nullptr);
HandleError(std::move(error), additionalAllowedErrors);
void DeviceBase::APISetLoggingCallback(wgpu::LoggingCallback callback, void* userdata) {
// The registered callback function and userdata pointer are stored and used by deferred
// callback tasks, and after setting a different callback (especially in the case of
// resetting) the resources pointed by such pointer may be freed. Flush all deferred
// callback tasks to guarantee we are never going to use the previous callback after
// this call.
auto deviceLock(GetScopedLock());
if (IsLost()) {
mLoggingCallback = callback;
mLoggingUserdata = userdata;
void DeviceBase::APISetUncapturedErrorCallback(wgpu::ErrorCallback callback, void* userdata) {
// The registered callback function and userdata pointer are stored and used by deferred
// callback tasks, and after setting a different callback (especially in the case of
// resetting) the resources pointed by such pointer may be freed. Flush all deferred
// callback tasks to guarantee we are never going to use the previous callback after
// this call.
auto deviceLock(GetScopedLock());
if (IsLost()) {
mUncapturedErrorCallback = callback;
mUncapturedErrorUserdata = userdata;
void DeviceBase::APISetDeviceLostCallback(wgpu::DeviceLostCallback callback, void* userdata) {
// TODO(chromium:1234617): Add a deprecation warning.
// The registered callback function and userdata pointer are stored and used by deferred
// callback tasks, and after setting a different callback (especially in the case of
// resetting) the resources pointed by such pointer may be freed. Flush all deferred
// callback tasks to guarantee we are never going to use the previous callback after
// this call.
auto deviceLock(GetScopedLock());
if (IsLost()) {
mDeviceLostCallback = callback;
mDeviceLostUserdata = userdata;
void DeviceBase::APIPushErrorScope(wgpu::ErrorFilter filter) {
if (ConsumedError(ValidateErrorFilter(filter))) {
void DeviceBase::APIPopErrorScope(wgpu::ErrorCallback callback, void* userdata) {
if (callback == nullptr) {
static wgpu::ErrorCallback defaultCallback = [](WGPUErrorType, char const*, void*) {};
callback = defaultCallback;
// TODO(crbug.com/dawn/1122): Call callbacks only on wgpuInstanceProcessEvents
if (IsLost()) {
std::bind(callback, WGPUErrorType_DeviceLost, "GPU device disconnected", userdata));
if (mErrorScopeStack->Empty()) {
std::bind(callback, WGPUErrorType_Unknown, "No error scopes to pop", userdata));
ErrorScope scope = mErrorScopeStack->Pop();
[callback, errorType = static_cast<WGPUErrorType>(scope.GetErrorType()),
message = scope.GetErrorMessage(),
userdata] { callback(errorType, message.c_str(), userdata); });
BlobCache* DeviceBase::GetBlobCache() {
// TODO(crbug.com/dawn/1481): Shader caching currently has a dependency on the WGSL writer to
// generate cache keys. We can lift the dependency once we also cache frontend parsing,
// transformations, and reflection.
return mAdapter->GetPhysicalDevice()->GetInstance()->GetBlobCache(
return mAdapter->GetPhysicalDevice()->GetInstance()->GetBlobCache(false);
Blob DeviceBase::LoadCachedBlob(const CacheKey& key) {
return GetBlobCache()->Load(key);
void DeviceBase::StoreCachedBlob(const CacheKey& key, const Blob& blob) {
if (!blob.Empty()) {
GetBlobCache()->Store(key, blob);
MaybeError DeviceBase::ValidateObject(const ApiObjectBase* object) const {
ASSERT(object != nullptr);
DAWN_INVALID_IF(object->GetDevice() != this,
"%s is associated with %s, and cannot be used with %s.", object,
object->GetDevice(), this);
// TODO(dawn:563): Preserve labels for error objects.
DAWN_INVALID_IF(object->IsError(), "%s is invalid.", object);
return {};
MaybeError DeviceBase::ValidateIsAlive() const {
DAWN_INVALID_IF(mState != State::Alive, "%s is lost.", this);
return {};
void DeviceBase::APIForceLoss(wgpu::DeviceLostReason reason, const char* message) {
if (mState != State::Alive) {
// Note that since we are passing None as the allowedErrors, an additional message will be
// appended noting that the error was unexpected. Since this call is for testing only it is not
// too important, but useful for users to understand where the extra message is coming from.
HandleError(DAWN_INTERNAL_ERROR(message), InternalErrorType::None, ToAPI(reason));
Simplify the device lifecycle. What was previously the Device's loss status is now a state that also contains the "being created" state. Its transitions are entirely handled in the frontend which enforces somewhat uniform lifecycles between backends. The backend devices' ShutDownImpl() function is now guaranteed to be called only during the destructor, which leads to further simplification. Previously Destroy() could also be called when the device was first lost. This require complications because, for example, a WGPUBuffer could still exist, and would want to call some resource allocator service after the call to Destroy(). Now destruction of the device's backing API objects is deferred to the destructor. (that's ok as long as the application can't submit any more work). WaitForCompletion is now guaranteed to be called before ShutDownImpl() iff the call to DeviceBase::Initialize was succesful and the backing device not lost. The idea is that after DeviceBase::Initialize, the GPU can have some work enqueued and we need to wait for it to complete before deleting backing API objects. In the future we might also have backend be reentrant, using WebGPU itself to implement parts of the backend. Reentrant calls would only be allowed after DeviceBase::Initialize. Also the DynamicUploader that was special-cased in all backends is now handled entirely by the frontend. Bug: dawn:373 Change-Id: I985417d67727ea3bc11849c999c5ef0e02403223 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/18801 Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <cwallez@chromium.org> Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org>
2020-04-07 09:19:47 -07:00
DeviceBase::State DeviceBase::GetState() const {
return mState;
bool DeviceBase::IsLost() const {
ASSERT(mState != State::BeingCreated);
return mState != State::Alive;
ApiObjectList* DeviceBase::GetObjectTrackingList(ObjectType type) {
return &mObjectLists[type];
AdapterBase* DeviceBase::GetAdapter() const {
return mAdapter.Get();
PhysicalDeviceBase* DeviceBase::GetPhysicalDevice() const {
return mAdapter->GetPhysicalDevice();
dawn::platform::Platform* DeviceBase::GetPlatform() const {
return GetPhysicalDevice()->GetInstance()->GetPlatform();
ExecutionSerial DeviceBase::GetCompletedCommandSerial() const {
return mCompletedSerial;
ExecutionSerial DeviceBase::GetLastSubmittedCommandSerial() const {
return mLastSubmittedSerial;
InternalPipelineStore* DeviceBase::GetInternalPipelineStore() {
return mInternalPipelineStore.get();
void DeviceBase::IncrementLastSubmittedCommandSerial() {
void DeviceBase::AssumeCommandsComplete() {
// Bump serials so any pending callbacks can be fired.
mCompletedSerial = mLastSubmittedSerial;
bool DeviceBase::HasPendingTasks() {
return mAsyncTaskManager->HasPendingTasks() || !mCallbackTaskManager->IsEmpty();
bool DeviceBase::IsDeviceIdle() {
if (HasPendingTasks()) {
return false;
return !HasScheduledCommands();
ExecutionSerial DeviceBase::GetPendingCommandSerial() const {
return mLastSubmittedSerial + ExecutionSerial(1);
MaybeError DeviceBase::CheckPassedSerials() {
ExecutionSerial completedSerial;
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(completedSerial, CheckAndUpdateCompletedSerials());
ASSERT(completedSerial <= mLastSubmittedSerial);
// completedSerial should not be less than mCompletedSerial unless it is 0.
// It can be 0 when there's no fences to check.
ASSERT(completedSerial >= mCompletedSerial || completedSerial == ExecutionSerial(0));
if (completedSerial > mCompletedSerial) {
mCompletedSerial = completedSerial;
return {};
ResultOrError<const Format*> DeviceBase::GetInternalFormat(wgpu::TextureFormat format) const {
FormatIndex index = ComputeFormatIndex(format);
DAWN_INVALID_IF(index >= mFormatTable.size(), "Unknown texture format %s.", format);
const Format* internalFormat = &mFormatTable[index];
DAWN_INVALID_IF(!internalFormat->isSupported, "Unsupported texture format %s.", format);
return internalFormat;
const Format& DeviceBase::GetValidInternalFormat(wgpu::TextureFormat format) const {
FormatIndex index = ComputeFormatIndex(format);
ASSERT(index < mFormatTable.size());
return mFormatTable[index];
const Format& DeviceBase::GetValidInternalFormat(FormatIndex index) const {
ASSERT(index < mFormatTable.size());
return mFormatTable[index];
ResultOrError<Ref<BindGroupLayoutBase>> DeviceBase::GetOrCreateBindGroupLayout(
const BindGroupLayoutDescriptor* descriptor,
PipelineCompatibilityToken pipelineCompatibilityToken) {
BindGroupLayoutBase blueprint(this, descriptor, pipelineCompatibilityToken,
const size_t blueprintHash = blueprint.ComputeContentHash();
Ref<BindGroupLayoutBase> result;
auto iter = mCaches->bindGroupLayouts.find(&blueprint);
if (iter != mCaches->bindGroupLayouts.end()) {
result = *iter;
} else {
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(result, CreateBindGroupLayoutImpl(descriptor, pipelineCompatibilityToken));
Revert "Disable frontend cache when implicit device sync is on." This reverts commit 8cc6205bf7cfba2816052a0cc5d81debd8d52028. Reason for revert: Graphite actually reuses the bind groups between draw calls using different pipelines and this change prevents it from happening. Original change's description: > Disable frontend cache when implicit device sync is on. > > Normal behavior of ApiObjectBase's APIRelease() which only locks the > device when last ref dropped is not thread safe if the object is cached > as raw pointers by the device. Example of cached objects: bind group > layout, pipeline, sampler, shader module. > > The following scenario could happen: > - thread A: > - shaderModuleA.APIRealease() > - shaderModuleA.refCount.Decrement() == true (ref count has reached zero) > - going to call shaderModuleA.LockAndDeleteThis(). > - thread B: > - device.CreateShaderModule(). > - lock() > - device.GetOrCreateShaderModule() > - shaderModuleA is in the cache, so return it. > - unlock() > - thread A: > - starting to call shaderModuleA.LockAndDeleteThis() > - lock() > - erase shaderModuleA from the cache. > - delete shaderModuleA. > - unlock() > > This CL disables caching when ImplicitDeviceSynchronization is turned on > until we find a better solution. > > Bug: dawn:1769 > Change-Id: Ideb2a717ece0a40e18bd1c2bef00817262bd25da > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/127900 > Commit-Queue: Quyen Le <lehoangquyen@chromium.org> > Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> > Kokoro: Kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com> TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,enga@chromium.org,noreply+kokoro@google.com,dawn-scoped@luci-project-accounts.iam.gserviceaccount.com,lehoangquyen@chromium.org Change-Id: Ib13bba8005402d06963865fae919388a91e718f0 No-Presubmit: true No-Tree-Checks: true No-Try: true Bug: dawn:1769 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/128440 Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> Kokoro: Kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com> Commit-Queue: Quyen Le <lehoangquyen@chromium.org>
2023-04-20 20:10:12 -07:00
Revert "Disable frontend cache when implicit device sync is on." This reverts commit 8cc6205bf7cfba2816052a0cc5d81debd8d52028. Reason for revert: Graphite actually reuses the bind groups between draw calls using different pipelines and this change prevents it from happening. Original change's description: > Disable frontend cache when implicit device sync is on. > > Normal behavior of ApiObjectBase's APIRelease() which only locks the > device when last ref dropped is not thread safe if the object is cached > as raw pointers by the device. Example of cached objects: bind group > layout, pipeline, sampler, shader module. > > The following scenario could happen: > - thread A: > - shaderModuleA.APIRealease() > - shaderModuleA.refCount.Decrement() == true (ref count has reached zero) > - going to call shaderModuleA.LockAndDeleteThis(). > - thread B: > - device.CreateShaderModule(). > - lock() > - device.GetOrCreateShaderModule() > - shaderModuleA is in the cache, so return it. > - unlock() > - thread A: > - starting to call shaderModuleA.LockAndDeleteThis() > - lock() > - erase shaderModuleA from the cache. > - delete shaderModuleA. > - unlock() > > This CL disables caching when ImplicitDeviceSynchronization is turned on > until we find a better solution. > > Bug: dawn:1769 > Change-Id: Ideb2a717ece0a40e18bd1c2bef00817262bd25da > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/127900 > Commit-Queue: Quyen Le <lehoangquyen@chromium.org> > Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> > Kokoro: Kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com> TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,enga@chromium.org,noreply+kokoro@google.com,dawn-scoped@luci-project-accounts.iam.gserviceaccount.com,lehoangquyen@chromium.org Change-Id: Ib13bba8005402d06963865fae919388a91e718f0 No-Presubmit: true No-Tree-Checks: true No-Try: true Bug: dawn:1769 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/128440 Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> Kokoro: Kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com> Commit-Queue: Quyen Le <lehoangquyen@chromium.org>
2023-04-20 20:10:12 -07:00
return std::move(result);
void DeviceBase::UncacheBindGroupLayout(BindGroupLayoutBase* obj) {
size_t removedCount = mCaches->bindGroupLayouts.erase(obj);
ASSERT(removedCount == 1);
// Private function used at initialization
ResultOrError<Ref<BindGroupLayoutBase>> DeviceBase::CreateEmptyBindGroupLayout() {
BindGroupLayoutDescriptor desc = {};
desc.entryCount = 0;
desc.entries = nullptr;
return GetOrCreateBindGroupLayout(&desc);
ResultOrError<Ref<PipelineLayoutBase>> DeviceBase::CreateEmptyPipelineLayout() {
PipelineLayoutDescriptor desc = {};
desc.bindGroupLayoutCount = 0;
desc.bindGroupLayouts = nullptr;
return GetOrCreatePipelineLayout(&desc);
BindGroupLayoutBase* DeviceBase::GetEmptyBindGroupLayout() {
ASSERT(mEmptyBindGroupLayout != nullptr);
return mEmptyBindGroupLayout.Get();
PipelineLayoutBase* DeviceBase::GetEmptyPipelineLayout() {
ASSERT(mEmptyPipelineLayout != nullptr);
return mEmptyPipelineLayout.Get();
Ref<ComputePipelineBase> DeviceBase::GetCachedComputePipeline(
ComputePipelineBase* uninitializedComputePipeline) {
Ref<ComputePipelineBase> cachedPipeline;
auto iter = mCaches->computePipelines.find(uninitializedComputePipeline);
if (iter != mCaches->computePipelines.end()) {
cachedPipeline = *iter;
return cachedPipeline;
Ref<RenderPipelineBase> DeviceBase::GetCachedRenderPipeline(
RenderPipelineBase* uninitializedRenderPipeline) {
Ref<RenderPipelineBase> cachedPipeline;
auto iter = mCaches->renderPipelines.find(uninitializedRenderPipeline);
if (iter != mCaches->renderPipelines.end()) {
cachedPipeline = *iter;
return cachedPipeline;
Ref<ComputePipelineBase> DeviceBase::AddOrGetCachedComputePipeline(
Ref<ComputePipelineBase> computePipeline) {
auto [cachedPipeline, inserted] = mCaches->computePipelines.insert(computePipeline.Get());
if (inserted) {
return computePipeline;
} else {
return *cachedPipeline;
Ref<RenderPipelineBase> DeviceBase::AddOrGetCachedRenderPipeline(
Ref<RenderPipelineBase> renderPipeline) {
auto [cachedPipeline, inserted] = mCaches->renderPipelines.insert(renderPipeline.Get());
if (inserted) {
return renderPipeline;
} else {
return *cachedPipeline;
void DeviceBase::UncacheComputePipeline(ComputePipelineBase* obj) {
size_t removedCount = mCaches->computePipelines.erase(obj);
ASSERT(removedCount == 1);
DeviceBase::GetOrCreatePlaceholderTextureViewForExternalTexture() {
if (!mExternalTexturePlaceholderView.Get()) {
Ref<TextureBase> externalTexturePlaceholder;
TextureDescriptor textureDesc;
textureDesc.dimension = wgpu::TextureDimension::e2D;
textureDesc.format = wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm;
textureDesc.label = "Dawn_External_Texture_Placeholder_Texture";
textureDesc.size = {1, 1, 1};
textureDesc.usage = wgpu::TextureUsage::TextureBinding;
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(externalTexturePlaceholder, CreateTexture(&textureDesc));
TextureViewDescriptor textureViewDesc;
textureViewDesc.arrayLayerCount = 1;
textureViewDesc.aspect = wgpu::TextureAspect::All;
textureViewDesc.baseArrayLayer = 0;
textureViewDesc.dimension = wgpu::TextureViewDimension::e2D;
textureViewDesc.format = wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm;
textureViewDesc.label = "Dawn_External_Texture_Placeholder_Texture_View";
textureViewDesc.mipLevelCount = 1;
CreateTextureView(externalTexturePlaceholder.Get(), &textureViewDesc));
return mExternalTexturePlaceholderView;
ResultOrError<Ref<PipelineLayoutBase>> DeviceBase::GetOrCreatePipelineLayout(
const PipelineLayoutDescriptor* descriptor) {
PipelineLayoutBase blueprint(this, descriptor, ApiObjectBase::kUntrackedByDevice);
const size_t blueprintHash = blueprint.ComputeContentHash();
Ref<PipelineLayoutBase> result;
auto iter = mCaches->pipelineLayouts.find(&blueprint);
if (iter != mCaches->pipelineLayouts.end()) {
result = *iter;
} else {
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(result, CreatePipelineLayoutImpl(descriptor));
Revert "Disable frontend cache when implicit device sync is on." This reverts commit 8cc6205bf7cfba2816052a0cc5d81debd8d52028. Reason for revert: Graphite actually reuses the bind groups between draw calls using different pipelines and this change prevents it from happening. Original change's description: > Disable frontend cache when implicit device sync is on. > > Normal behavior of ApiObjectBase's APIRelease() which only locks the > device when last ref dropped is not thread safe if the object is cached > as raw pointers by the device. Example of cached objects: bind group > layout, pipeline, sampler, shader module. > > The following scenario could happen: > - thread A: > - shaderModuleA.APIRealease() > - shaderModuleA.refCount.Decrement() == true (ref count has reached zero) > - going to call shaderModuleA.LockAndDeleteThis(). > - thread B: > - device.CreateShaderModule(). > - lock() > - device.GetOrCreateShaderModule() > - shaderModuleA is in the cache, so return it. > - unlock() > - thread A: > - starting to call shaderModuleA.LockAndDeleteThis() > - lock() > - erase shaderModuleA from the cache. > - delete shaderModuleA. > - unlock() > > This CL disables caching when ImplicitDeviceSynchronization is turned on > until we find a better solution. > > Bug: dawn:1769 > Change-Id: Ideb2a717ece0a40e18bd1c2bef00817262bd25da > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/127900 > Commit-Queue: Quyen Le <lehoangquyen@chromium.org> > Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> > Kokoro: Kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com> TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,enga@chromium.org,noreply+kokoro@google.com,dawn-scoped@luci-project-accounts.iam.gserviceaccount.com,lehoangquyen@chromium.org Change-Id: Ib13bba8005402d06963865fae919388a91e718f0 No-Presubmit: true No-Tree-Checks: true No-Try: true Bug: dawn:1769 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/128440 Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> Kokoro: Kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com> Commit-Queue: Quyen Le <lehoangquyen@chromium.org>
2023-04-20 20:10:12 -07:00
Revert "Disable frontend cache when implicit device sync is on." This reverts commit 8cc6205bf7cfba2816052a0cc5d81debd8d52028. Reason for revert: Graphite actually reuses the bind groups between draw calls using different pipelines and this change prevents it from happening. Original change's description: > Disable frontend cache when implicit device sync is on. > > Normal behavior of ApiObjectBase's APIRelease() which only locks the > device when last ref dropped is not thread safe if the object is cached > as raw pointers by the device. Example of cached objects: bind group > layout, pipeline, sampler, shader module. > > The following scenario could happen: > - thread A: > - shaderModuleA.APIRealease() > - shaderModuleA.refCount.Decrement() == true (ref count has reached zero) > - going to call shaderModuleA.LockAndDeleteThis(). > - thread B: > - device.CreateShaderModule(). > - lock() > - device.GetOrCreateShaderModule() > - shaderModuleA is in the cache, so return it. > - unlock() > - thread A: > - starting to call shaderModuleA.LockAndDeleteThis() > - lock() > - erase shaderModuleA from the cache. > - delete shaderModuleA. > - unlock() > > This CL disables caching when ImplicitDeviceSynchronization is turned on > until we find a better solution. > > Bug: dawn:1769 > Change-Id: Ideb2a717ece0a40e18bd1c2bef00817262bd25da > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/127900 > Commit-Queue: Quyen Le <lehoangquyen@chromium.org> > Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> > Kokoro: Kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com> TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,enga@chromium.org,noreply+kokoro@google.com,dawn-scoped@luci-project-accounts.iam.gserviceaccount.com,lehoangquyen@chromium.org Change-Id: Ib13bba8005402d06963865fae919388a91e718f0 No-Presubmit: true No-Tree-Checks: true No-Try: true Bug: dawn:1769 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/128440 Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> Kokoro: Kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com> Commit-Queue: Quyen Le <lehoangquyen@chromium.org>
2023-04-20 20:10:12 -07:00
return std::move(result);
void DeviceBase::UncachePipelineLayout(PipelineLayoutBase* obj) {
size_t removedCount = mCaches->pipelineLayouts.erase(obj);
ASSERT(removedCount == 1);
void DeviceBase::UncacheRenderPipeline(RenderPipelineBase* obj) {
size_t removedCount = mCaches->renderPipelines.erase(obj);
ASSERT(removedCount == 1);
ResultOrError<Ref<SamplerBase>> DeviceBase::GetOrCreateSampler(
const SamplerDescriptor* descriptor) {
SamplerBase blueprint(this, descriptor, ApiObjectBase::kUntrackedByDevice);
const size_t blueprintHash = blueprint.ComputeContentHash();
Ref<SamplerBase> result;
auto iter = mCaches->samplers.find(&blueprint);
if (iter != mCaches->samplers.end()) {
result = *iter;
} else {
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(result, CreateSamplerImpl(descriptor));
Revert "Disable frontend cache when implicit device sync is on." This reverts commit 8cc6205bf7cfba2816052a0cc5d81debd8d52028. Reason for revert: Graphite actually reuses the bind groups between draw calls using different pipelines and this change prevents it from happening. Original change's description: > Disable frontend cache when implicit device sync is on. > > Normal behavior of ApiObjectBase's APIRelease() which only locks the > device when last ref dropped is not thread safe if the object is cached > as raw pointers by the device. Example of cached objects: bind group > layout, pipeline, sampler, shader module. > > The following scenario could happen: > - thread A: > - shaderModuleA.APIRealease() > - shaderModuleA.refCount.Decrement() == true (ref count has reached zero) > - going to call shaderModuleA.LockAndDeleteThis(). > - thread B: > - device.CreateShaderModule(). > - lock() > - device.GetOrCreateShaderModule() > - shaderModuleA is in the cache, so return it. > - unlock() > - thread A: > - starting to call shaderModuleA.LockAndDeleteThis() > - lock() > - erase shaderModuleA from the cache. > - delete shaderModuleA. > - unlock() > > This CL disables caching when ImplicitDeviceSynchronization is turned on > until we find a better solution. > > Bug: dawn:1769 > Change-Id: Ideb2a717ece0a40e18bd1c2bef00817262bd25da > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/127900 > Commit-Queue: Quyen Le <lehoangquyen@chromium.org> > Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> > Kokoro: Kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com> TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,enga@chromium.org,noreply+kokoro@google.com,dawn-scoped@luci-project-accounts.iam.gserviceaccount.com,lehoangquyen@chromium.org Change-Id: Ib13bba8005402d06963865fae919388a91e718f0 No-Presubmit: true No-Tree-Checks: true No-Try: true Bug: dawn:1769 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/128440 Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> Kokoro: Kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com> Commit-Queue: Quyen Le <lehoangquyen@chromium.org>
2023-04-20 20:10:12 -07:00
Revert "Disable frontend cache when implicit device sync is on." This reverts commit 8cc6205bf7cfba2816052a0cc5d81debd8d52028. Reason for revert: Graphite actually reuses the bind groups between draw calls using different pipelines and this change prevents it from happening. Original change's description: > Disable frontend cache when implicit device sync is on. > > Normal behavior of ApiObjectBase's APIRelease() which only locks the > device when last ref dropped is not thread safe if the object is cached > as raw pointers by the device. Example of cached objects: bind group > layout, pipeline, sampler, shader module. > > The following scenario could happen: > - thread A: > - shaderModuleA.APIRealease() > - shaderModuleA.refCount.Decrement() == true (ref count has reached zero) > - going to call shaderModuleA.LockAndDeleteThis(). > - thread B: > - device.CreateShaderModule(). > - lock() > - device.GetOrCreateShaderModule() > - shaderModuleA is in the cache, so return it. > - unlock() > - thread A: > - starting to call shaderModuleA.LockAndDeleteThis() > - lock() > - erase shaderModuleA from the cache. > - delete shaderModuleA. > - unlock() > > This CL disables caching when ImplicitDeviceSynchronization is turned on > until we find a better solution. > > Bug: dawn:1769 > Change-Id: Ideb2a717ece0a40e18bd1c2bef00817262bd25da > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/127900 > Commit-Queue: Quyen Le <lehoangquyen@chromium.org> > Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> > Kokoro: Kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com> TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,enga@chromium.org,noreply+kokoro@google.com,dawn-scoped@luci-project-accounts.iam.gserviceaccount.com,lehoangquyen@chromium.org Change-Id: Ib13bba8005402d06963865fae919388a91e718f0 No-Presubmit: true No-Tree-Checks: true No-Try: true Bug: dawn:1769 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/128440 Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> Kokoro: Kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com> Commit-Queue: Quyen Le <lehoangquyen@chromium.org>
2023-04-20 20:10:12 -07:00
return std::move(result);
void DeviceBase::UncacheSampler(SamplerBase* obj) {
size_t removedCount = mCaches->samplers.erase(obj);
ASSERT(removedCount == 1);
ResultOrError<Ref<ShaderModuleBase>> DeviceBase::GetOrCreateShaderModule(
const ShaderModuleDescriptor* descriptor,
ShaderModuleParseResult* parseResult,
OwnedCompilationMessages* compilationMessages) {
ASSERT(parseResult != nullptr);
ShaderModuleBase blueprint(this, descriptor, ApiObjectBase::kUntrackedByDevice);
const size_t blueprintHash = blueprint.ComputeContentHash();
Ref<ShaderModuleBase> result;
auto iter = mCaches->shaderModules.find(&blueprint);
if (iter != mCaches->shaderModules.end()) {
result = *iter;
} else {
if (!parseResult->HasParsedShader()) {
// We skip the parse on creation if validation isn't enabled which let's us quickly
// lookup in the cache without validating and parsing. We need the parsed module
// now.
ValidateAndParseShaderModule(this, descriptor, parseResult, compilationMessages));
CreateShaderModuleImpl(descriptor, parseResult, compilationMessages));
Revert "Disable frontend cache when implicit device sync is on." This reverts commit 8cc6205bf7cfba2816052a0cc5d81debd8d52028. Reason for revert: Graphite actually reuses the bind groups between draw calls using different pipelines and this change prevents it from happening. Original change's description: > Disable frontend cache when implicit device sync is on. > > Normal behavior of ApiObjectBase's APIRelease() which only locks the > device when last ref dropped is not thread safe if the object is cached > as raw pointers by the device. Example of cached objects: bind group > layout, pipeline, sampler, shader module. > > The following scenario could happen: > - thread A: > - shaderModuleA.APIRealease() > - shaderModuleA.refCount.Decrement() == true (ref count has reached zero) > - going to call shaderModuleA.LockAndDeleteThis(). > - thread B: > - device.CreateShaderModule(). > - lock() > - device.GetOrCreateShaderModule() > - shaderModuleA is in the cache, so return it. > - unlock() > - thread A: > - starting to call shaderModuleA.LockAndDeleteThis() > - lock() > - erase shaderModuleA from the cache. > - delete shaderModuleA. > - unlock() > > This CL disables caching when ImplicitDeviceSynchronization is turned on > until we find a better solution. > > Bug: dawn:1769 > Change-Id: Ideb2a717ece0a40e18bd1c2bef00817262bd25da > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/127900 > Commit-Queue: Quyen Le <lehoangquyen@chromium.org> > Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> > Kokoro: Kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com> TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,enga@chromium.org,noreply+kokoro@google.com,dawn-scoped@luci-project-accounts.iam.gserviceaccount.com,lehoangquyen@chromium.org Change-Id: Ib13bba8005402d06963865fae919388a91e718f0 No-Presubmit: true No-Tree-Checks: true No-Try: true Bug: dawn:1769 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/128440 Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> Kokoro: Kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com> Commit-Queue: Quyen Le <lehoangquyen@chromium.org>
2023-04-20 20:10:12 -07:00
Revert "Disable frontend cache when implicit device sync is on." This reverts commit 8cc6205bf7cfba2816052a0cc5d81debd8d52028. Reason for revert: Graphite actually reuses the bind groups between draw calls using different pipelines and this change prevents it from happening. Original change's description: > Disable frontend cache when implicit device sync is on. > > Normal behavior of ApiObjectBase's APIRelease() which only locks the > device when last ref dropped is not thread safe if the object is cached > as raw pointers by the device. Example of cached objects: bind group > layout, pipeline, sampler, shader module. > > The following scenario could happen: > - thread A: > - shaderModuleA.APIRealease() > - shaderModuleA.refCount.Decrement() == true (ref count has reached zero) > - going to call shaderModuleA.LockAndDeleteThis(). > - thread B: > - device.CreateShaderModule(). > - lock() > - device.GetOrCreateShaderModule() > - shaderModuleA is in the cache, so return it. > - unlock() > - thread A: > - starting to call shaderModuleA.LockAndDeleteThis() > - lock() > - erase shaderModuleA from the cache. > - delete shaderModuleA. > - unlock() > > This CL disables caching when ImplicitDeviceSynchronization is turned on > until we find a better solution. > > Bug: dawn:1769 > Change-Id: Ideb2a717ece0a40e18bd1c2bef00817262bd25da > Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/127900 > Commit-Queue: Quyen Le <lehoangquyen@chromium.org> > Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> > Kokoro: Kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com> TBR=cwallez@chromium.org,enga@chromium.org,noreply+kokoro@google.com,dawn-scoped@luci-project-accounts.iam.gserviceaccount.com,lehoangquyen@chromium.org Change-Id: Ib13bba8005402d06963865fae919388a91e718f0 No-Presubmit: true No-Tree-Checks: true No-Try: true Bug: dawn:1769 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/128440 Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org> Kokoro: Kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com> Commit-Queue: Quyen Le <lehoangquyen@chromium.org>
2023-04-20 20:10:12 -07:00
return std::move(result);
void DeviceBase::UncacheShaderModule(ShaderModuleBase* obj) {
size_t removedCount = mCaches->shaderModules.erase(obj);
ASSERT(removedCount == 1);
Ref<AttachmentState> DeviceBase::GetOrCreateAttachmentState(AttachmentStateBlueprint* blueprint) {
auto iter = mCaches->attachmentStates.find(blueprint);
if (iter != mCaches->attachmentStates.end()) {
return static_cast<AttachmentState*>(*iter);
Ref<AttachmentState> attachmentState = AcquireRef(new AttachmentState(this, *blueprint));
return attachmentState;
Ref<AttachmentState> DeviceBase::GetOrCreateAttachmentState(
const RenderBundleEncoderDescriptor* descriptor) {
AttachmentStateBlueprint blueprint(descriptor);
return GetOrCreateAttachmentState(&blueprint);
Ref<AttachmentState> DeviceBase::GetOrCreateAttachmentState(
const RenderPipelineDescriptor* descriptor) {
AttachmentStateBlueprint blueprint(descriptor);
return GetOrCreateAttachmentState(&blueprint);
Ref<AttachmentState> DeviceBase::GetOrCreateAttachmentState(
const RenderPassDescriptor* descriptor) {
AttachmentStateBlueprint blueprint(descriptor);
return GetOrCreateAttachmentState(&blueprint);
void DeviceBase::UncacheAttachmentState(AttachmentState* obj) {
size_t removedCount = mCaches->attachmentStates.erase(obj);
ASSERT(removedCount == 1);
Ref<PipelineCacheBase> DeviceBase::GetOrCreatePipelineCache(const CacheKey& key) {
return GetOrCreatePipelineCacheImpl(key);
// Object creation API methods
BindGroupBase* DeviceBase::APICreateBindGroup(const BindGroupDescriptor* descriptor) {
Ref<BindGroupBase> result;
if (ConsumedError(CreateBindGroup(descriptor), &result, "calling %s.CreateBindGroup(%s).", this,
descriptor)) {
return BindGroupBase::MakeError(this, descriptor ? descriptor->label : nullptr);
return result.Detach();
BindGroupLayoutBase* DeviceBase::APICreateBindGroupLayout(
const BindGroupLayoutDescriptor* descriptor) {
Ref<BindGroupLayoutBase> result;
if (ConsumedError(CreateBindGroupLayout(descriptor), &result,
"calling %s.CreateBindGroupLayout(%s).", this, descriptor)) {
return BindGroupLayoutBase::MakeError(this, descriptor ? descriptor->label : nullptr);
return result.Detach();
BufferBase* DeviceBase::APICreateBuffer(const BufferDescriptor* descriptor) {
Ref<BufferBase> result = nullptr;
if (ConsumedError(CreateBuffer(descriptor), &result, InternalErrorType::OutOfMemory,
"calling %s.CreateBuffer(%s).", this, descriptor)) {
ASSERT(result == nullptr);
return BufferBase::MakeError(this, descriptor);
return result.Detach();
CommandEncoder* DeviceBase::APICreateCommandEncoder(const CommandEncoderDescriptor* descriptor) {
Ref<CommandEncoder> result;
if (ConsumedError(CreateCommandEncoder(descriptor), &result,
"calling %s.CreateCommandEncoder(%s).", this, descriptor)) {
return CommandEncoder::MakeError(this, descriptor ? descriptor->label : nullptr);
return result.Detach();
ComputePipelineBase* DeviceBase::APICreateComputePipeline(
const ComputePipelineDescriptor* descriptor) {
TRACE_EVENT1(GetPlatform(), General, "DeviceBase::APICreateComputePipeline", "label",
Ref<ComputePipelineBase> result;
if (ConsumedError(CreateComputePipeline(descriptor), &result, InternalErrorType::Internal,
"calling %s.CreateComputePipeline(%s).", this, descriptor)) {
return ComputePipelineBase::MakeError(this, descriptor ? descriptor->label : nullptr);
return result.Detach();
void DeviceBase::APICreateComputePipelineAsync(const ComputePipelineDescriptor* descriptor,
WGPUCreateComputePipelineAsyncCallback callback,
void* userdata) {
TRACE_EVENT1(GetPlatform(), General, "DeviceBase::APICreateComputePipelineAsync", "label",
MaybeError maybeResult = CreateComputePipelineAsync(descriptor, callback, userdata);
// Call the callback directly when a validation error has been found in the front-end
// validations. If there is no error, then CreateComputePipelineAsync will call the
// callback.
if (maybeResult.IsError()) {
std::unique_ptr<ErrorData> error = maybeResult.AcquireError();
WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus status =
// TODO(crbug.com/dawn/1122): Call callbacks only on wgpuInstanceProcessEvents
[callback, status, message = error->GetMessage(), userdata] {
callback(status, nullptr, message.c_str(), userdata);
2017-05-30 17:03:44 -07:00
PipelineLayoutBase* DeviceBase::APICreatePipelineLayout(
const PipelineLayoutDescriptor* descriptor) {
Ref<PipelineLayoutBase> result;
if (ConsumedError(CreatePipelineLayout(descriptor), &result,
"calling %s.CreatePipelineLayout(%s).", this, descriptor)) {
return PipelineLayoutBase::MakeError(this, descriptor ? descriptor->label : nullptr);
return result.Detach();
QuerySetBase* DeviceBase::APICreateQuerySet(const QuerySetDescriptor* descriptor) {
Ref<QuerySetBase> result;
if (ConsumedError(CreateQuerySet(descriptor), &result, InternalErrorType::OutOfMemory,
"calling %s.CreateQuerySet(%s).", this, descriptor)) {
return QuerySetBase::MakeError(this, descriptor);
return result.Detach();
SamplerBase* DeviceBase::APICreateSampler(const SamplerDescriptor* descriptor) {
Ref<SamplerBase> result;
if (ConsumedError(CreateSampler(descriptor), &result, "calling %s.CreateSampler(%s).", this,
descriptor)) {
return SamplerBase::MakeError(this, descriptor ? descriptor->label : nullptr);
return result.Detach();
void DeviceBase::APICreateRenderPipelineAsync(const RenderPipelineDescriptor* descriptor,
WGPUCreateRenderPipelineAsyncCallback callback,
void* userdata) {
TRACE_EVENT1(GetPlatform(), General, "DeviceBase::APICreateRenderPipelineAsync", "label",
// TODO(dawn:563): Add validation error context.
MaybeError maybeResult = CreateRenderPipelineAsync(descriptor, callback, userdata);
// Call the callback directly when a validation error has been found in the front-end
// validations. If there is no error, then CreateRenderPipelineAsync will call the
// callback.
if (maybeResult.IsError()) {
std::unique_ptr<ErrorData> error = maybeResult.AcquireError();
WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus status =
// TODO(crbug.com/dawn/1122): Call callbacks only on wgpuInstanceProcessEvents
[callback, status, message = error->GetMessage(), userdata] {
callback(status, nullptr, message.c_str(), userdata);
RenderBundleEncoder* DeviceBase::APICreateRenderBundleEncoder(
const RenderBundleEncoderDescriptor* descriptor) {
Ref<RenderBundleEncoder> result;
if (ConsumedError(CreateRenderBundleEncoder(descriptor), &result,
"calling %s.CreateRenderBundleEncoder(%s).", this, descriptor)) {
return RenderBundleEncoder::MakeError(this, descriptor ? descriptor->label : nullptr);
return result.Detach();
RenderPipelineBase* DeviceBase::APICreateRenderPipeline(
const RenderPipelineDescriptor* descriptor) {
TRACE_EVENT1(GetPlatform(), General, "DeviceBase::APICreateRenderPipeline", "label",
Ref<RenderPipelineBase> result;
if (ConsumedError(CreateRenderPipeline(descriptor), &result, InternalErrorType::Internal,
"calling %s.CreateRenderPipeline(%s).", this, descriptor)) {
return RenderPipelineBase::MakeError(this, descriptor ? descriptor->label : nullptr);
return result.Detach();
ShaderModuleBase* DeviceBase::APICreateShaderModule(const ShaderModuleDescriptor* descriptor) {
TRACE_EVENT1(GetPlatform(), General, "DeviceBase::APICreateShaderModule", "label",
Ref<ShaderModuleBase> result;
std::unique_ptr<OwnedCompilationMessages> compilationMessages(
if (ConsumedError(CreateShaderModule(descriptor, compilationMessages.get()), &result,
"calling %s.CreateShaderModule(%s).", this, descriptor)) {
DAWN_ASSERT(result == nullptr);
result = ShaderModuleBase::MakeError(this, descriptor ? descriptor->label : nullptr);
// Move compilation messages into ShaderModuleBase and emit tint errors and warnings
// after all other operations are finished, even if any of them is failed and result
// is an error shader module.
return result.Detach();
ShaderModuleBase* DeviceBase::APICreateErrorShaderModule(const ShaderModuleDescriptor* descriptor,
const char* errorMessage) {
Ref<ShaderModuleBase> result =
ShaderModuleBase::MakeError(this, descriptor ? descriptor->label : nullptr);
std::unique_ptr<OwnedCompilationMessages> compilationMessages(
compilationMessages->AddMessage(errorMessage, wgpu::CompilationMessageType::Error);
std::unique_ptr<ErrorData> errorData =
DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Error in calling %s.CreateShaderModule(%s).", this, descriptor);
return result.Detach();
SwapChainBase* DeviceBase::APICreateSwapChain(Surface* surface,
const SwapChainDescriptor* descriptor) {
Ref<SwapChainBase> result;
if (ConsumedError(CreateSwapChain(surface, descriptor), &result,
"calling %s.CreateSwapChain(%s).", this, descriptor)) {
return SwapChainBase::MakeError(this, descriptor);
return result.Detach();
TextureBase* DeviceBase::APICreateTexture(const TextureDescriptor* descriptor) {
Ref<TextureBase> result;
if (ConsumedError(CreateTexture(descriptor), &result, InternalErrorType::OutOfMemory,
"calling %s.CreateTexture(%s).", this, descriptor)) {
return TextureBase::MakeError(this, descriptor);
return result.Detach();
wgpu::TextureUsage DeviceBase::APIGetSupportedSurfaceUsage(Surface* surface) {
wgpu::TextureUsage result;
if (ConsumedError(GetSupportedSurfaceUsage(surface), &result,
"calling %s.GetSupportedSurfaceUsage().", this)) {
return wgpu::TextureUsage::None;
return result;
// For Dawn Wire
BufferBase* DeviceBase::APICreateErrorBuffer(const BufferDescriptor* desc) {
BufferDescriptor fakeDescriptor = *desc;
fakeDescriptor.nextInChain = nullptr;
// The validation errors on BufferDescriptor should be prior to any OOM errors when
// MapppedAtCreation == false.
MaybeError maybeError = ValidateBufferDescriptor(this, &fakeDescriptor);
// Set the size of the error buffer to 0 as this function is called only when an OOM happens at
// the client side.
fakeDescriptor.size = 0;
if (maybeError.IsError()) {
std::unique_ptr<ErrorData> error = maybeError.AcquireError();
error->AppendContext("calling %s.CreateBuffer(%s).", this, desc);
HandleError(std::move(error), InternalErrorType::OutOfMemory);
} else {
const DawnBufferDescriptorErrorInfoFromWireClient* clientErrorInfo = nullptr;
FindInChain(desc->nextInChain, &clientErrorInfo);
if (clientErrorInfo != nullptr && clientErrorInfo->outOfMemory) {
HandleError(DAWN_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR("Failed to allocate memory for buffer mapping"),
return BufferBase::MakeError(this, &fakeDescriptor);
ExternalTextureBase* DeviceBase::APICreateErrorExternalTexture() {
return ExternalTextureBase::MakeError(this);
TextureBase* DeviceBase::APICreateErrorTexture(const TextureDescriptor* desc) {
return TextureBase::MakeError(this, desc);
// Other Device API methods
// Returns true if future ticking is needed.
bool DeviceBase::APITick() {
// Tick may trigger callbacks which drop a ref to the device itself. Hold a Ref to ourselves
// to avoid deleting |this| in the middle of this function call.
Ref<DeviceBase> self(this);
bool tickError;
// Note: we cannot hold the lock when flushing the callbacks so have to limit the scope of
// the lock here.
auto deviceLock(GetScopedLock());
tickError = ConsumedError(Tick());
// We have to check callback tasks in every APITick because it is not related to any global
// serials.
if (tickError) {
return false;
auto deviceLock(GetScopedLock());
// We don't throw an error when device is lost. This allows pending callbacks to be
// executed even after the Device is lost/destroyed.
if (IsLost()) {
return HasPendingTasks();
TRACE_EVENT1(GetPlatform(), General, "DeviceBase::APITick::IsDeviceIdle", "isDeviceIdle",
2017-05-30 17:03:44 -07:00
return !IsDeviceIdle();
MaybeError DeviceBase::Tick() {
if (IsLost() || !HasScheduledCommands()) {
return {};
// To avoid overly ticking, we only want to tick when:
// 1. the last submitted serial has moved beyond the completed serial
// 2. or the backend still has pending commands to submit.
// TODO(crbug.com/dawn/833): decouple TickImpl from updating the serial so that we can
// tick the dynamic uploader before the backend resource allocators. This would allow
// reclaiming resources one tick earlier.
return {};
AdapterBase* DeviceBase::APIGetAdapter() {
return mAdapter.Get();
QueueBase* DeviceBase::APIGetQueue() {
// Backends gave the primary queue during initialization.
ASSERT(mQueue != nullptr);
// Returns a new reference to the queue.
return mQueue.Get();
ExternalTextureBase* DeviceBase::APICreateExternalTexture(
const ExternalTextureDescriptor* descriptor) {
Ref<ExternalTextureBase> result = nullptr;
if (ConsumedError(CreateExternalTextureImpl(descriptor), &result,
"calling %s.CreateExternalTexture(%s).", this, descriptor)) {
return ExternalTextureBase::MakeError(this);
2017-06-14 10:33:45 -07:00
return result.Detach();
void DeviceBase::ApplyFeatures(const DeviceDescriptor* deviceDescriptor) {
{deviceDescriptor->requiredFeatures, deviceDescriptor->requiredFeaturesCount}));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < deviceDescriptor->requiredFeaturesCount; ++i) {
2022-09-07 17:11:04 -07:00
bool DeviceBase::HasFeature(Feature feature) const {
return mEnabledFeatures.IsEnabled(feature);
void DeviceBase::SetWGSLExtensionAllowList() {
// Set the WGSL extensions allow list based on device's enabled features and other
// properties.
2022-09-07 17:11:04 -07:00
if (mEnabledFeatures.IsEnabled(Feature::ChromiumExperimentalDp4a)) {
2022-09-07 17:11:04 -07:00
if (mEnabledFeatures.IsEnabled(Feature::ShaderF16)) {
if (AllowUnsafeAPIs()) {
WGSLExtensionSet DeviceBase::GetWGSLExtensionAllowList() const {
return mWGSLExtensionAllowList;
bool DeviceBase::IsValidationEnabled() const {
return !IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::SkipValidation);
bool DeviceBase::IsRobustnessEnabled() const {
return !IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::DisableRobustness);
bool DeviceBase::IsCompatibilityMode() const {
return mAdapter != nullptr && mAdapter->GetFeatureLevel() == FeatureLevel::Compatibility;
bool DeviceBase::AllowUnsafeAPIs() const {
// TODO(dawn:1685) Currently allows if either toggle are set accordingly.
return IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::AllowUnsafeAPIs) || !IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::DisallowUnsafeAPIs);
size_t DeviceBase::GetLazyClearCountForTesting() {
return mLazyClearCountForTesting;
void DeviceBase::IncrementLazyClearCountForTesting() {
size_t DeviceBase::GetDeprecationWarningCountForTesting() {
return mDeprecationWarnings->count;
void DeviceBase::EmitDeprecationWarning(const std::string& message) {
if (mDeprecationWarnings->emitted.insert(message).second) {
dawn::WarningLog() << message;
void DeviceBase::EmitWarningOnce(const std::string& message) {
if (mWarnings.insert(message).second) {
this->EmitLog(WGPULoggingType_Warning, message.c_str());
void DeviceBase::EmitLog(const char* message) {
this->EmitLog(WGPULoggingType_Info, message);
void DeviceBase::EmitLog(WGPULoggingType loggingType, const char* message) {
if (mLoggingCallback != nullptr) {
// Use the thread-safe CallbackTaskManager routine
std::unique_ptr<LoggingCallbackTask> callbackTask = std::make_unique<LoggingCallbackTask>(
mLoggingCallback, loggingType, message, mLoggingUserdata);
bool DeviceBase::APIGetLimits(SupportedLimits* limits) const {
ASSERT(limits != nullptr);
if (limits->nextInChain != nullptr) {
return false;
limits->limits = mLimits.v1;
return true;
bool DeviceBase::APIHasFeature(wgpu::FeatureName feature) const {
return mEnabledFeatures.IsEnabled(feature);
size_t DeviceBase::APIEnumerateFeatures(wgpu::FeatureName* features) const {
return mEnabledFeatures.EnumerateFeatures(features);
void DeviceBase::APIInjectError(wgpu::ErrorType type, const char* message) {
if (ConsumedError(ValidateErrorType(type))) {
// This method should only be used to make error scope reject. For DeviceLost there is the
// LoseForTesting function that can be used instead.
if (type != wgpu::ErrorType::Validation && type != wgpu::ErrorType::OutOfMemory) {
DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Invalid injected error, must be Validation or OutOfMemory"));
HandleError(DAWN_MAKE_ERROR(FromWGPUErrorType(type), message), InternalErrorType::OutOfMemory);
void DeviceBase::APIValidateTextureDescriptor(const TextureDescriptor* desc) {
DAWN_UNUSED(ConsumedError(ValidateTextureDescriptor(this, desc)));
QueueBase* DeviceBase::GetQueue() const {
ASSERT(mQueue != nullptr);
return mQueue.Get();
// Implementation details of object creation
ResultOrError<Ref<BindGroupBase>> DeviceBase::CreateBindGroup(const BindGroupDescriptor* descriptor,
UsageValidationMode mode) {
if (IsValidationEnabled()) {
DAWN_TRY_CONTEXT(ValidateBindGroupDescriptor(this, descriptor, mode),
"validating %s against %s", descriptor, descriptor->layout);
return CreateBindGroupImpl(descriptor);
ResultOrError<Ref<BindGroupLayoutBase>> DeviceBase::CreateBindGroupLayout(
const BindGroupLayoutDescriptor* descriptor,
bool allowInternalBinding) {
if (IsValidationEnabled()) {
DAWN_TRY_CONTEXT(ValidateBindGroupLayoutDescriptor(this, descriptor, allowInternalBinding),
"validating %s", descriptor);
return GetOrCreateBindGroupLayout(descriptor);
ResultOrError<Ref<BufferBase>> DeviceBase::CreateBuffer(const BufferDescriptor* descriptor) {
if (IsValidationEnabled()) {
DAWN_TRY(ValidateBufferDescriptor(this, descriptor));
Ref<BufferBase> buffer;
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(buffer, CreateBufferImpl(descriptor));
if (descriptor->mappedAtCreation) {
return std::move(buffer);
ResultOrError<Ref<ComputePipelineBase>> DeviceBase::CreateComputePipeline(
const ComputePipelineDescriptor* descriptor) {
if (IsValidationEnabled()) {
DAWN_TRY(ValidateComputePipelineDescriptor(this, descriptor));
// Ref will keep the pipeline layout alive until the end of the function where
// the pipeline will take another reference.
Ref<PipelineLayoutBase> layoutRef;
ComputePipelineDescriptor appliedDescriptor;
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(layoutRef, ValidateLayoutAndGetComputePipelineDescriptorWithDefaults(
this, *descriptor, &appliedDescriptor));
Ref<ComputePipelineBase> uninitializedComputePipeline =
Ref<ComputePipelineBase> cachedComputePipeline =
if (cachedComputePipeline.Get() != nullptr) {
return cachedComputePipeline;
return AddOrGetCachedComputePipeline(std::move(uninitializedComputePipeline));
ResultOrError<Ref<CommandEncoder>> DeviceBase::CreateCommandEncoder(
const CommandEncoderDescriptor* descriptor) {
const CommandEncoderDescriptor defaultDescriptor = {};
if (descriptor == nullptr) {
descriptor = &defaultDescriptor;
if (IsValidationEnabled()) {
DAWN_TRY(ValidateCommandEncoderDescriptor(this, descriptor));
return CommandEncoder::Create(this, descriptor);
// Overwritten on the backends to return pipeline caches if supported.
Ref<PipelineCacheBase> DeviceBase::GetOrCreatePipelineCacheImpl(const CacheKey& key) {
MaybeError DeviceBase::CreateComputePipelineAsync(const ComputePipelineDescriptor* descriptor,
WGPUCreateComputePipelineAsyncCallback callback,
void* userdata) {
if (IsValidationEnabled()) {
DAWN_TRY(ValidateComputePipelineDescriptor(this, descriptor));
Ref<PipelineLayoutBase> layoutRef;
ComputePipelineDescriptor appliedDescriptor;
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(layoutRef, ValidateLayoutAndGetComputePipelineDescriptorWithDefaults(
this, *descriptor, &appliedDescriptor));
Ref<ComputePipelineBase> uninitializedComputePipeline =
// Call the callback directly when we can get a cached compute pipeline object.
Ref<ComputePipelineBase> cachedComputePipeline =
if (cachedComputePipeline.Get() != nullptr) {
// TODO(crbug.com/dawn/1122): Call callbacks only on wgpuInstanceProcessEvents
std::bind(callback, WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus_Success,
ToAPI(cachedComputePipeline.Detach()), "", userdata));
} else {
// Otherwise we will create the pipeline object in InitializeComputePipelineAsyncImpl(),
// where the pipeline object may be initialized asynchronously and the result will be
// saved to mCreatePipelineAsyncTracker.
InitializeComputePipelineAsyncImpl(std::move(uninitializedComputePipeline), callback,
return {};
// This function is overwritten with the async version on the backends that supports
// initializing compute pipelines asynchronously.
void DeviceBase::InitializeComputePipelineAsyncImpl(Ref<ComputePipelineBase> computePipeline,
WGPUCreateComputePipelineAsyncCallback callback,
void* userdata) {
MaybeError maybeError = computePipeline->Initialize();
if (maybeError.IsError()) {
std::unique_ptr<ErrorData> error = maybeError.AcquireError();
WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus status =
std::make_unique<CreateComputePipelineAsyncCallbackTask>(status, error->GetMessage(),
callback, userdata));
} else {
AddOrGetCachedComputePipeline(std::move(computePipeline)), callback, userdata));
// This function is overwritten with the async version on the backends
// that supports initializing render pipeline asynchronously
void DeviceBase::InitializeRenderPipelineAsyncImpl(Ref<RenderPipelineBase> renderPipeline,
WGPUCreateRenderPipelineAsyncCallback callback,
void* userdata) {
MaybeError maybeError = renderPipeline->Initialize();
if (maybeError.IsError()) {
std::unique_ptr<ErrorData> error = maybeError.AcquireError();
WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus status =
std::make_unique<CreateRenderPipelineAsyncCallbackTask>(status, error->GetMessage(),
callback, userdata));
} else {
AddOrGetCachedRenderPipeline(std::move(renderPipeline)), callback, userdata));
ResultOrError<Ref<PipelineLayoutBase>> DeviceBase::CreatePipelineLayout(
const PipelineLayoutDescriptor* descriptor) {
if (IsValidationEnabled()) {
DAWN_TRY(ValidatePipelineLayoutDescriptor(this, descriptor));
return GetOrCreatePipelineLayout(descriptor);
ResultOrError<Ref<ExternalTextureBase>> DeviceBase::CreateExternalTextureImpl(
const ExternalTextureDescriptor* descriptor) {
if (IsValidationEnabled()) {
DAWN_TRY_CONTEXT(ValidateExternalTextureDescriptor(this, descriptor), "validating %s",
return ExternalTextureBase::Create(this, descriptor);
ResultOrError<Ref<QuerySetBase>> DeviceBase::CreateQuerySet(const QuerySetDescriptor* descriptor) {
if (IsValidationEnabled()) {
DAWN_TRY_CONTEXT(ValidateQuerySetDescriptor(this, descriptor), "validating %s", descriptor);
return CreateQuerySetImpl(descriptor);
ResultOrError<Ref<RenderBundleEncoder>> DeviceBase::CreateRenderBundleEncoder(
const RenderBundleEncoderDescriptor* descriptor) {
if (IsValidationEnabled()) {
DAWN_TRY_CONTEXT(ValidateRenderBundleEncoderDescriptor(this, descriptor),
"validating render bundle encoder descriptor.");
return RenderBundleEncoder::Create(this, descriptor);
ResultOrError<Ref<RenderPipelineBase>> DeviceBase::CreateRenderPipeline(
const RenderPipelineDescriptor* descriptor) {
if (IsValidationEnabled()) {
DAWN_TRY(ValidateRenderPipelineDescriptor(this, descriptor));
// Ref will keep the pipeline layout alive until the end of the function where
// the pipeline will take another reference.
Ref<PipelineLayoutBase> layoutRef;
RenderPipelineDescriptor appliedDescriptor;
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(layoutRef, ValidateLayoutAndGetRenderPipelineDescriptorWithDefaults(
this, *descriptor, &appliedDescriptor));
Ref<RenderPipelineBase> uninitializedRenderPipeline =
Ref<RenderPipelineBase> cachedRenderPipeline =
if (cachedRenderPipeline != nullptr) {
return cachedRenderPipeline;
return AddOrGetCachedRenderPipeline(std::move(uninitializedRenderPipeline));
MaybeError DeviceBase::CreateRenderPipelineAsync(const RenderPipelineDescriptor* descriptor,
WGPUCreateRenderPipelineAsyncCallback callback,
void* userdata) {
if (IsValidationEnabled()) {
DAWN_TRY(ValidateRenderPipelineDescriptor(this, descriptor));
// Ref will keep the pipeline layout alive until the end of the function where
// the pipeline will take another reference.
Ref<PipelineLayoutBase> layoutRef;
RenderPipelineDescriptor appliedDescriptor;
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(layoutRef, ValidateLayoutAndGetRenderPipelineDescriptorWithDefaults(
this, *descriptor, &appliedDescriptor));
Ref<RenderPipelineBase> uninitializedRenderPipeline =
// Call the callback directly when we can get a cached render pipeline object.
Ref<RenderPipelineBase> cachedRenderPipeline =
if (cachedRenderPipeline != nullptr) {
// TODO(crbug.com/dawn/1122): Call callbacks only on wgpuInstanceProcessEvents
std::bind(callback, WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus_Success,
ToAPI(cachedRenderPipeline.Detach()), "", userdata));
} else {
// Otherwise we will create the pipeline object in InitializeRenderPipelineAsyncImpl(),
// where the pipeline object may be initialized asynchronously and the result will be
// saved to mCreatePipelineAsyncTracker.
InitializeRenderPipelineAsyncImpl(std::move(uninitializedRenderPipeline), callback,
return {};
ResultOrError<Ref<SamplerBase>> DeviceBase::CreateSampler(const SamplerDescriptor* descriptor) {
const SamplerDescriptor defaultDescriptor = {};
descriptor = descriptor != nullptr ? descriptor : &defaultDescriptor;
if (IsValidationEnabled()) {
DAWN_TRY_CONTEXT(ValidateSamplerDescriptor(this, descriptor), "validating %s", descriptor);
return GetOrCreateSampler(descriptor);
ResultOrError<Ref<ShaderModuleBase>> DeviceBase::CreateShaderModule(
const ShaderModuleDescriptor* descriptor,
OwnedCompilationMessages* compilationMessages) {
// CreateShaderModule can be called from inside dawn_native. If that's the case handle the
// error directly in Dawn and no compilationMessages held in the shader module. It is ok as
// long as dawn_native don't use the compilationMessages of these internal shader modules.
ShaderModuleParseResult parseResult;
if (IsValidationEnabled()) {
ValidateAndParseShaderModule(this, descriptor, &parseResult, compilationMessages),
"validating %s", descriptor);
return GetOrCreateShaderModule(descriptor, &parseResult, compilationMessages);
ResultOrError<Ref<SwapChainBase>> DeviceBase::CreateSwapChain(
Surface* surface,
const SwapChainDescriptor* descriptor) {
if (IsValidationEnabled()) {
DAWN_TRY_CONTEXT(ValidateSwapChainDescriptor(this, surface, descriptor), "validating %s",
SwapChainBase* previousSwapChain = surface->GetAttachedSwapChain();
ResultOrError<Ref<SwapChainBase>> maybeNewSwapChain =
CreateSwapChainImpl(surface, previousSwapChain, descriptor);
if (previousSwapChain != nullptr) {
Ref<SwapChainBase> newSwapChain;
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(newSwapChain, std::move(maybeNewSwapChain));
return newSwapChain;
ResultOrError<Ref<TextureBase>> DeviceBase::CreateTexture(const TextureDescriptor* descriptor) {
if (IsValidationEnabled()) {
DAWN_TRY_CONTEXT(ValidateTextureDescriptor(this, descriptor), "validating %s.", descriptor);
return CreateTextureImpl(descriptor);
ResultOrError<Ref<TextureViewBase>> DeviceBase::CreateTextureView(
TextureBase* texture,
const TextureViewDescriptor* descriptor) {
TextureViewDescriptor desc;
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(desc, GetTextureViewDescriptorWithDefaults(texture, descriptor));
if (IsValidationEnabled()) {
DAWN_TRY_CONTEXT(ValidateTextureViewDescriptor(this, texture, &desc),
"validating %s against %s.", &desc, texture);
return CreateTextureViewImpl(texture, &desc);
ResultOrError<wgpu::TextureUsage> DeviceBase::GetSupportedSurfaceUsage(
const Surface* surface) const {
if (IsValidationEnabled()) {
DAWN_INVALID_IF(!HasFeature(Feature::SurfaceCapabilities), "%s is not enabled.",
return GetSupportedSurfaceUsageImpl(surface);
// Other implementation details
DynamicUploader* DeviceBase::GetDynamicUploader() const {
return mDynamicUploader.get();
// The Toggle device facility
std::vector<const char*> DeviceBase::GetTogglesUsed() const {
return mToggles.GetEnabledToggleNames();
bool DeviceBase::IsToggleEnabled(Toggle toggle) const {
return mToggles.IsEnabled(toggle);
void DeviceBase::ForceSetToggleForTesting(Toggle toggle, bool isEnabled) {
mToggles.ForceSet(toggle, isEnabled);
void DeviceBase::FlushCallbackTaskQueue() {
// Callbacks might cause re-entrances. Mutex shouldn't be locked. So we expect there is no
// locked mutex before entering this method.
ASSERT(mMutex == nullptr || !mMutex->IsLockedByCurrentThread());
Ref<CallbackTaskManager> callbackTaskManager;
// This is a data race with the assignment to InstanceBase's callback queue manager in
// WillDropLastExternalRef(). Need to protect with a lock and keep the old
// mCallbackTaskManager alive.
// TODO(crbug.com/dawn/752): In future, all devices should use InstanceBase's callback queue
// manager from the start. So we won't need to care about data race at that point.
auto deviceLock(GetScopedLock());
callbackTaskManager = mCallbackTaskManager;
const CombinedLimits& DeviceBase::GetLimits() const {
return mLimits;
AsyncTaskManager* DeviceBase::GetAsyncTaskManager() const {
return mAsyncTaskManager.get();
CallbackTaskManager* DeviceBase::GetCallbackTaskManager() const {
return mCallbackTaskManager.Get();
dawn::platform::WorkerTaskPool* DeviceBase::GetWorkerTaskPool() const {
return mWorkerTaskPool.get();
void DeviceBase::AddComputePipelineAsyncCallbackTask(
Ref<ComputePipelineBase> pipeline,
WGPUCreateComputePipelineAsyncCallback callback,
void* userdata) {
// CreateComputePipelineAsyncWaitableCallbackTask is declared as an internal class as it
// needs to call the private member function DeviceBase::AddOrGetCachedComputePipeline().
struct CreateComputePipelineAsyncWaitableCallbackTask final
: CreateComputePipelineAsyncCallbackTask {
using CreateComputePipelineAsyncCallbackTask::CreateComputePipelineAsyncCallbackTask;
void FinishImpl() final {
// TODO(dawn:529): call AddOrGetCachedComputePipeline() asynchronously in
// CreateComputePipelineAsyncTaskImpl::Run() when the front-end pipeline cache is
// thread-safe.
ASSERT(mPipeline != nullptr);
// This is called inside a callback, and no lock will be held by default so we have
// to lock now to protect the cache.
// Note: we don't lock inside AddOrGetCachedComputePipeline() to avoid deadlock
// because many places calling that method might already have the lock held. For
// example, APICreateComputePipeline()
auto deviceLock(mPipeline->GetDevice()->GetScopedLock());
mPipeline = mPipeline->GetDevice()->AddOrGetCachedComputePipeline(mPipeline);
callback, userdata));
void DeviceBase::AddRenderPipelineAsyncCallbackTask(Ref<RenderPipelineBase> pipeline,
WGPUCreateRenderPipelineAsyncCallback callback,
void* userdata) {
// CreateRenderPipelineAsyncWaitableCallbackTask is declared as an internal class as it
// needs to call the private member function DeviceBase::AddOrGetCachedRenderPipeline().
struct CreateRenderPipelineAsyncWaitableCallbackTask final
: CreateRenderPipelineAsyncCallbackTask {
using CreateRenderPipelineAsyncCallbackTask::CreateRenderPipelineAsyncCallbackTask;
void FinishImpl() final {
// TODO(dawn:529): call AddOrGetCachedRenderPipeline() asynchronously in
// CreateRenderPipelineAsyncTaskImpl::Run() when the front-end pipeline cache is
// thread-safe.
if (mPipeline.Get() != nullptr) {
// This is called inside a callback, and no lock will be held by default so we have
// to lock now to protect the cache.
// Note: we don't lock inside AddOrGetCachedRenderPipeline() to avoid deadlock
// because many places calling that method might already have the lock held. For
// example, APICreateRenderPipeline()
auto deviceLock(mPipeline->GetDevice()->GetScopedLock());
mPipeline = mPipeline->GetDevice()->AddOrGetCachedRenderPipeline(mPipeline);
callback, userdata));
PipelineCompatibilityToken DeviceBase::GetNextPipelineCompatibilityToken() {
return PipelineCompatibilityToken(mNextPipelineCompatibilityToken++);
const CacheKey& DeviceBase::GetCacheKey() const {
return mDeviceCacheKey;
const std::string& DeviceBase::GetLabel() const {
return mLabel;
void DeviceBase::APISetLabel(const char* label) {
mLabel = label;
void DeviceBase::SetLabelImpl() {}
bool DeviceBase::ShouldDuplicateNumWorkgroupsForDispatchIndirect(
ComputePipelineBase* computePipeline) const {
return false;
2021-11-16 21:00:44 -08:00
bool DeviceBase::MayRequireDuplicationOfIndirectParameters() const {
return false;
bool DeviceBase::ShouldDuplicateParametersForDrawIndirect(
const RenderPipelineBase* renderPipelineBase) const {
return false;
uint64_t DeviceBase::GetBufferCopyOffsetAlignmentForDepthStencil() const {
// For depth-stencil texture, buffer offset must be a multiple of 4, which is required
// by WebGPU and Vulkan SPEC.
return 4u;
bool DeviceBase::HasScheduledCommands() const {
return mLastSubmittedSerial > mCompletedSerial || HasPendingCommands();
void DeviceBase::AssumeCommandsCompleteForTesting() {
// All prevously submitted works at the moment will supposedly complete at this serial.
// Internally the serial is computed according to whether frontend and backend have pending
// commands. There are 4 cases of combination:
// 1) Frontend(No), Backend(No)
// 2) Frontend(No), Backend(Yes)
// 3) Frontend(Yes), Backend(No)
// 4) Frontend(Yes), Backend(Yes)
// For case 1, we don't need the serial to track the task as we can ack it right now.
// For case 2 and 4, there will be at least an eventual submission, so we can use
// 'GetPendingCommandSerial' as the serial.
// For case 3, we can't use 'GetPendingCommandSerial' as it won't be submitted surely. Instead we
// use 'GetLastSubmittedCommandSerial', which must be fired eventually.
ExecutionSerial DeviceBase::GetScheduledWorkDoneSerial() const {
return HasPendingCommands() ? GetPendingCommandSerial() : GetLastSubmittedCommandSerial();
MaybeError DeviceBase::CopyFromStagingToBuffer(BufferBase* source,
uint64_t sourceOffset,
BufferBase* destination,
uint64_t destinationOffset,
uint64_t size) {
CopyFromStagingToBufferImpl(source, sourceOffset, destination, destinationOffset, size));
if (GetDynamicUploader()->ShouldFlush()) {
return {};
MaybeError DeviceBase::CopyFromStagingToTexture(BufferBase* source,
const TextureDataLayout& src,
const TextureCopy& dst,
const Extent3D& copySizePixels) {
if (dst.aspect == Aspect::Depth &&
IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::UseBlitForBufferToDepthTextureCopy)) {
DAWN_TRY_CONTEXT(BlitStagingBufferToDepth(this, source, src, dst, copySizePixels),
"copying from staging buffer to depth aspect of %s using blit workaround.",
} else if (dst.aspect == Aspect::Stencil &&
IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::UseBlitForBufferToStencilTextureCopy)) {
BlitStagingBufferToStencil(this, source, src, dst, copySizePixels),
"copying from staging buffer to stencil aspect of %s using blit workaround.",
} else {
DAWN_TRY(CopyFromStagingToTextureImpl(source, src, dst, copySizePixels));
if (GetDynamicUploader()->ShouldFlush()) {
return {};
Mutex::AutoLockAndHoldRef DeviceBase::GetScopedLockSafeForDelete() {
return Mutex::AutoLockAndHoldRef(mMutex);
Mutex::AutoLock DeviceBase::GetScopedLock() {
return Mutex::AutoLock(mMutex.Get());
bool DeviceBase::IsLockedByCurrentThreadIfNeeded() const {
return mMutex == nullptr || mMutex->IsLockedByCurrentThread();
IgnoreLazyClearCountScope::IgnoreLazyClearCountScope(DeviceBase* device)
: mDevice(device), mLazyClearCountForTesting(device->mLazyClearCountForTesting) {}
IgnoreLazyClearCountScope::~IgnoreLazyClearCountScope() {
mDevice->mLazyClearCountForTesting = mLazyClearCountForTesting;
} // namespace dawn::native